MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Wednesday 6 May 2020
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Online by Zoom invitation |
M Paku – Co-Chair
M Apatu
Cr R Barker
B Blake
P Eden
Cr R Graham
K Kawana
Cr C Lambert
Dr R Maaka
Z Makoare
Cr H Ormsby
A Robin
P Sciascia
In Attendance: J Palmer –Chief Executive
L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation
J Lawrence – Group Manager Office of the CE & Chair
I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management
T Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Planning
C Leckie – Right Tree Right Place Afforestation Lead
M Groves – Acting Regional Asset Manager
K Kozyniak – Principal Scientist Air
M Mitchell – Acting Manager, Catchment Services
T-W Munro – Māori Engagement Coordinator
M Taiaroa – Senior Advisor, Māori Partnerships
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
1. Welcome/Apologies/Notices
The Co-Chair, Michelle McIlroy welcomed everyone to the meeting and Bill Blake opened with a karakia.
Te Pou Whakarae, Pieri Munro welcomed Zack Makoare as newly appointed Māori Committee member and Te Wairama Munro as the new Māori Engagement Coordinator.
MC11/20 That the apologies for absence from Haami Hilton and Rose Hiha, and for lateness from Dr Roger Maaka be accepted.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements for 6 May 2020 Meeting |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee Held on 4 March 2020
Page 4, Item 6: Māori Committee Terms of Reference, Resolution 3: “… with the inclusion of the agreed amendment that a Ngāti Kahungunu representative is added to the Committee’s membership” was part of a discussion and not part of the resolution. Page 6, Item 10, Taiwhenua verbal Updates: Tying error, “whether” should be “weather”. |
Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Wednesday, 4 March 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record as amended. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings |
There was a query in relation to training and resourcing for committee members, including every member being set up and trained on the Stellar and Zoom apps and a request for HBRC to support members to undertake the “RMA Making Good Decisions” course. Pieri Munro will follow up on these matters. |
Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
That the Māori Committee accepts the following Minor Item for discussion as Item 15
Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates |
Heretaunga: · Marei Apatu and Mike Paku provided an organisational update, highlighting the wide range of activities undertaken by Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga in response to Covid-19 and the pandemic’s impacts on communities · Water issues are still a concern, including TANK and Outstanding Water Bodies plan changes, the Water Conservation Order, 3 Waters, expired consents, Clive River Dredging, and water storage and augmentation · Consider that TANK submissions period may provide insufficient time to respond. Wairoa: · Katarina Kawana highlighted matters such as Silver Poplar, Poplar and Willow along waterways and roadways, Goat problems, Covid-19 response, monitoring of discharges in waterways, Wairoa Wastewater Discharge conditions and the Wairoa awa cultural impact follow-up · Lack of warnings and safety signage in public areas such as Spooner’s Point and Wairoa Bridge underpass Kahungunu Executive: · Concerns raised about the speed of the river at Pakowhai and queried whether the planting programme is on hold, to which Chris Dolley will provide an update · Liz Lambert advised the next steps on the 1 May 2020 deadline for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and will confirm dates to the committee · Regulatory monitoring of waterways and activities around waterways are classified as an essential service, as is the HBRC 24/7 Hotline, and as such continued through Level 4 · Water Quality Monitoring not related to human health and not deemed an essential services so has resumed with Level 3 Tamatea: · Dr Roger Maaka highlighted the taiwhenua’s activities in response to Covid-19 and the Nga Ara Tipuna project. · Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea is closed for Taiwhenua business and has been operating as the “Tihei Tamatea Covid-19 Response Hub”. · In response to a request for an update on the PGF applications, particularly Māori input and who HBRC is engaging with, James Palmer advised that no applications have been made as Government only asked for “shovel ready” projects, noting that HBRC was involved in 3 processes, none of which involved any applications or bids to Government for funding. · Government will announce what money will be allocated to projects and what formal processes will be followed to access that funding on 14 May · James Palmer will circulate a list of “shovel ready” projects where money may be allocated as well as information on Regional Parks projects. Te Whanganui ā Orotu: · Api Robin noted that Te Whanganui a Orotu was pleased with how they dealt with agencies, Hauora members, taiwhenua and volunteers during Covid-19, in supporting their communities, and will initiate its own Recovery Plan to support the most vulnerable communities. |
That the Maori Committee receives and notes the “Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates” report. CARRIED |
Biosecurity - Regional Pest Management Plan and Pest Control Activities |
Iain Maxwell introduced himself and noted that the two items 7 and 8 are related to each other. Mark Mitchell gave some background context in terms of biosecurity programmes and their responsibilities., and further discussions traversed: · Council’s biosecurity functions are currently under review by an experienced external consultant in line with the requirements of section 17a of the Local Government Act · Staff manage biosecurity programmes in both rural and urban areas, targeting specific specifies for control or eradication · Monitoring programmes are the primary tool for assessing risk and triggering action or response. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Biosecurity - Regional Pest Management Plan and Pest Control Activities” staff report. Eden abstained CARRIED |
Review of HBRC Activities in Relation to the Mohaka Valley TB Outbreak |
Mark Mitchell gave an overview of the Possum Controlled Area (PCA) programme. Discussions traversed: · The PCA programme was initiated to deliver multiple benefits – lowering the risk of TB, reducing the economic and amenity damage caused by possums and improving biodiversity · HBRC used to carry out possum control (PCA) for Ospri, whose function is to eradicate bovine tuberculosis · When Ospri declares an area TB free, they transfer the land into the HBRC PCA programme · HBRC is committed to maintaining low possum numbers within the PCA programme to help minimise the risk of TB spreading in Hawke’s Bay |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Review of HBRC Activities in relation to the Mohaka Valley TB Outbreak” report. Eden abstained CARRIED |
Verbal Current Issues Updates by the HBRC Chair and Chief Executive |
Cr Rex Graham updated the Committee on current issues, highlighting: · Significant impact of Covid-19 on communities and the Hawke’s Bay economy, particularly Tourism · Hawke’s Bay had the highest GDP in NZ beginning of this year, but faces many challenges including Covid-19, Drought and tuberculosis impacts on the economy · Great concerns for farmers experiencing drought and tuberculosis outbreak on top of Covid-19 · Ongoing discussions with Central Government around the Three Waters (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater) Review and its commitment to partnering with local government to transition councils to new service delivery arrangements, including potential governance models. Members requested the meeting notes of the 8 April hui, which Pieri Munro will distribute. · Raised concern about orchardists burning of green wood and will discuss a potential Plan Change with RPC, to prohibit this activity James Palmer provided an overview of the organisation’s focus over recent weeks, highlighting: · Civil Defence started preparing for a pandemic in early January, along with the Drought Declaration · HBRC was fully prepared for the lockdown and had contingency plans in place · Thanked the IT team for their support to ensure staff were and are able to work from home · Under Level 4 lockdown, Council maintained essential services such as pollution response, urgent compliance matters and flood protection monitoring · Under Level 3 lockdown, Council was able to deploy all field based staff and Works Group to continue their normal duties · Planning for Level 2 is well underway and arrangements have been made for opening offices to the public once able to do so · Significant number of staff were deployed to Civil Defence response teams and had an impact on the amount of Council work able to be carried out · Council currently preparing its Annual Plan and an invite will be sent out to all committee members to a workshop on 14 May, focussed on Council’s current financial challenges and economic recovery from Covid-19 · Councillors have indicated a 0 rate increase for 2020-21, which will have a significant impact on Council’s income, to deliver the current work program with less resources. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Current Issues Update by the HBRC Chair and Chief Executive” report. CARRIED |
Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review |
Martina Groves presented an update on progress carrying out the level of service review for the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme (HPFCS), with discussions covering: · Consultation on this work started in 2012, and currently carrying out asset condition assessment work to develop a detailed understanding of the condition of the stopbanks · 2012 LTP Council decision to increase the HPFCS level of protection to 1 in 500 year level and review Level of Service (LoS) over time · 2018-28 LTP included HPFCS as a significant project with $20m budget · Schemes must provide integrated land uses, enhance ecological and water quality outcomes while meeting iwi and wider community aspirations, and Council needs to be mindful of the other functions of the river, not just flood protection, when assessing the options · Outline of engineering options and timeline of milestones for delivery of the project · Decision gateway in July 2020, once design concepts are known and before entering detailed design phase, to confirm priorities and general design concepts · Updates to Māori Committee will continue throughout the life of the project · Hydraulic modelling due for completion by July 2020. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review” staff report. CARRIED |
Hawke's Bay Summer 2019-20 |
Dr Kathleen Kozyniak introduced the item, which was taken as read. · information was presented to Council in March, but the latest data and figures have been updated with more relevant and latest information. · Drought conditions still of concern, with recent rain having lifted flows to above the minimum cut-off level for the Ngaruroro and Tukituki rivers for only a short time · Forecasts for the May through July period are for a pattern of lower than normal pressure over southern New Zealand with a predominantly westerly flow over Hawke’s Bay. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Hawke’s Bay Summer 2019-20” report. CARRIED |
Climate Change Working Group Update |
This item was deferred to a Workshop discussion following the meeting. |
Water Security Update |
This item was deferred to a Workshop discussion following the meeting. |
HBRC 28 April 2020 Organisational Activities Update |
The item was taken as read. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “HBRC 28 April 2020 Organisational Activities Update” staff report. CARRIED |
Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda |
Pieri Munro offered a karakia to close the meeting.
Signed as a true and correct record.
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