MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Wednesday 4 March 2020
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Paku (Co-chair)
M Apatu
Cr R Barker
B Blake
P Eden
Cr R Graham
R Hiha
H Hilton
K Kawana
Cr C Lambert
Dr R Maaka
Cr H Ormsby
M Paku
A Robin
P Sciascia
In Attendance: J Palmer –Chief Executive
P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships
L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation
J Lawrence – Group Manager Office of the CE & Chair
M Taiaroa – Senior Advisor, Māori Partnerships
T Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Planning
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
D Cull – Strategic & Projects Leader
The HBRC Chairman, Rex Graham welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the triennium and Kaumatua Haami Hilton opened with a karakia.
That the apology for absence from Zack Makoare be accepted. CARRIED |
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no Conflict of Interest Declarations.
Appointment of Tangata Whenua Representatives to the Māori Committee |
The item was taken as read. |
1. That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Appointment of Tangata Whenua Representatives to the Māori Committee” staff report. 2. That the Māori Committee agrees to retain membership as detailed in the Terms of Reference adopted 15 August 2017, and accepts the appointment of Tangata Whenua representatives, being: 2.1. Bill Blake and Katarina Kawana representing Wairoa Taiwhenua, and Michelle McIlroy representing Wairoa Kahungunu Executive, with Teresa Smith as the proxy member. 2.2. Peter Eden, Api Robin and Rose Hiha representing Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui-a-Orotū, with the proxy member to be advised. 2.3. Haami Hilton, Marei Apatu and Michael Paku representing Heretaunga Taiwhenua, with the proxy member to be advised. 2.4. Dr Roger Maaka, Zack Makoare and Paora Sciascia representing Tamatea Taiwhenua and Marge Hape as a proxy member. The Māori Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 3. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 4. Confirms the appointments detailed in 2 above, to the Māori Committee. CARRIED |
Election of the Māori Committee Chairperson |
Pieri Munro, Te Pou Whakarae advised that the tangata whenua members have met prior to this meeting and considered nominations for Chairperson. Dr Roger Maaka introduced the item, advising tangata whenua members decided to nominate two Co-Chairs, being Michael Paku (Southern) and Michelle McIlroy (Northern), in order to share responsibility and bring differing points of interest to discussions.
That the Māori Committee: 1. Receives and considers the “Election of the Māori Committee Chairperson” staff report 2. Agrees that the election of the Māori Committee Chairperson will be accepted as proposed. 3. Dr Roger Maaka nominates Michael Paku, seconded by Peter Eden 4. Dr Roger Maaka nominates Michelle McIlroy, seconded by Peter Eden 5. As the result of nomination, elects Michael Paku and Michelle McIlroy to the role of Co-Chairs of the Māori Committee. 6. The Māori Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council confirms the election of Michael Paku and Michelle McIlroy as Māori Committee Co-Chairpersons. CARRIED Unanimously |
Councillor Rex Graham relinquished the Chair to Michelle McIlroy at 10.25am
Nomination of Māori Committee Representatives to Council’s Committees |
Pieri Munro introduced the item, highlighting that this item provides an opportunity for tangata whenua members to participate as members of Council’s standing committees. |
1. That the Māori Committee nominates the following representatives for appointment: 1.1. Dr Roger Maaka as a member of the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee 1.2. Peter Eden as a member of the Corporate and Strategic Committee 1.3. Api Robin as an Advisory Member of the Regional Transport Committee 1.4. Dr Roger Maaka and Katarina Kawana as members of the Hearings Committee. 2. The Māori Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council confirms: 2.1. Māori Committee appointments to the Environment and Integrated Catchments, Corporate and Strategic, Regional Transport and Hearings committees as detailed in 1. above. 2.2. That the Māori Committee Co-Chairs, Michael Paku and/or Michelle McIlroy are appointed to the Regional Council with full speaking rights. CARRIED |
Pieri Munro noted that Minor Items has been excluded from this Agenda, and will be a standing item going forward. Minor items raised for discussion are:
Topic |
Raised by |
1. Ngāmotu, Whakakī and Maungawhio waterways |
Bill Blake |
2. Training/upskilling for new members & relationships with Napier City Council |
Peter Eden |
3. Possible change of the Committee name |
Dr Roger Maaka |
4. Mahaanui Kurataiao (concept & idea of developing an environmental management advisory service for each rohe) |
Marei Apatu |
5. NKII Membership on Committee |
Michael Paku |
6. GoBus Driver concerns |
Api Robin |
7. Wāhi Tapu (Pōrangahau) |
Paora Sciascia |
8. Committee fees |
Michael Paku |
6. |
Māori Committee Terms of Reference |
Michelle McIlroy introduced the item, highlighting the opportunity to review and amend the Terms of Reference. Discussions traversed: · whether the Terms of Reference (ToR) are still fit for purpose · how to effectively bring change and value into the structure of the ToR · view that the current ToR are outdated and request time to reflect on how tangata whenua representatives relate as representatives to Council · Proposed to accept the current ToR as interim while a more thorough review is done by a working party, to consider issues and revisions and present to the next Māori Committee meeting for consideration. · a work programme that adds value over the next three years · ToR/Charter and work programme to be discussed at 6 May and/or 15 July Māori Committee meetings · Proposed that NKII representative added to membership of the Committee as discussed with NKII Chairman, CEO and Environmental Director · Agreed a working party comprised of all taiwhenua members is established to review the Terms of Reference and propose a work plan within 6 months for the Committee’s consideration and adoption. · Proposed that the Co-Chairs will meet and further discussions conducted via email |
Amended by Māori Committee resolution 6 May 2020 |
That the Māori Committee: 1. Receives and considers the “Māori Committee Terms of Reference” staff report. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring with the community. 3. Adopts the Terms of Reference as proposed 4. That a wananga comprised of all taiwhenua members be established to review the Terms of Reference and propose an updated version to the 15 July 2020 meeting for the Committee’s consideration and adoption. 5. Recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council confirms the Terms of Reference for the Māori Committee as resolved today. CARRIED |
Michelle McIlroy left the meeting at 10.53am and Michael Paku assumed the Chair.
Regional Climate Change Response Programme Development Update |
Tom Skerman provided an update and context around the Council’s response actions underway, with discussions highlighting: · An indicative Draft Climate Change Action Plan was presented to the EICC meeting on 5 November 2019 Michelle McIlroy re-joined the meeting at 11.07am · Seeking the nomination of two Māori Committee representatives to participate on a small working party which will assist HBRC staff in the early phases of developing a regionally coordinated programme for climate change response · Currently, the working party includes councillors Rick Barker, Hinewai Ormsby and Martin Williams · It was proposed that Dr Roger Maaka and Michelle McIlroy represent the Committee on the Climate Change working party. |
That the Māori Committee: 1. receives and considers the “Regional Climate Change Response Programme Development Update” staff report 2. nominates Dr Roger Maaka and Michelle McIlroy as the Māori Committee members on the climate change working party. CARRIED |
2017-21 Strategic Plan Refresh |
Tom Skerman introduced the item, providing an overview of the purpose, context, mission of the Strategic Plan Refresh - an essential building block for the development of the next 2021-31 Long Term Plan. · Seeking feedback on a refresh of the 2017-21 Strategic Plan using a “bus stop” exercise with Desiree Cull, similar to the council workshop - to consider the proposed changes and identify and discuss any key priorities not captured or given sufficient emphasis · No significant or material change to 2020-21 Annual Plan, therefore intending to take a “no consultation” approach. · Significant engagement focus on 2021-31 Long Term Plan · Since the 2017 Strategic Plan was adopted, the most significant changes have been to Council’s balance sheet and accelerating community and political expectations around climate change action The meeting adjourned at 12.00 and reconvened at 1.08pm · Feedback recorded from the ‘bus stop’ exercise will be incorporated into the refreshed Strategic Plan and presented to Council. |
That the Māori Committee receives and considers the “2017-21 Strategic Plan Refresh” staff report, and provides feedback as requested. CARRIED |
Taiwhenua Representatives' Verbal Updates |
Pieri Munro noted that the Committee has received written reports from representatives in the past, and will be requesting that written reports are submitted for distribution with the Agenda in future. Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga – Marei Apatu · MMF Tool “NPMH”: Wānanga Hineraumati – collating and managing information and will be looking into submitting to Council’s next Long Term Plan · Te Kauae a Māui, Archaeological Assessment, Science Wānanga 2020, Outstanding Waterbody Plan Change 7 submission · Concerns raised about Whitebait regulations – a regulated approach to introduce measures is not what tangata whenua want to see happen in terms of best practice habitat management. A regional approach is preferred given the significant differences nationwide. Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui-a-Orotū – Peter Eden · Working collaboratively with Napier City Council and across different agencies regarding Policy · New Te Whanganui-a-Orotū Committee has been appointed and looking forward to the new triennium Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea – Dr Roger Maaka · Taiwhenua considers having a full day workshop on (1) wāhi tapu and (2) water consent requirements emerged from the Hastings District Council’s District Plan. · Concerns raised about how taiwhenua are to deal with the different agencies (HDC, HBRC and NZ Heritage) newly introduced sets of water consent requirements which they have to adhere to, the costs of surveys and producing of maps · General dissatisfaction amongst marae around water consenting processes and how to address them · Lake Whatumā: Treaty Settlement on the verge of forming a Management Committee to address potential development and enhancements · Lots of enquiry around the Tukituki implementation Plan and the formation of the Tukituki Leaders Group – seeking direction as taiwhenua have to respond to Plan Change 6 · Great concerns raised on the dry weather and Covid19 virus which could potentially result in job losses in the horticulture/forestry and export sectors · Paora Sciascia advised that the Trustees have put a comprehensive management plan together to enable Ngāti Kere to engage outside the urupā and marae · Wāhi tapu for years – Staff from HBRC visited Pōrangahau and will research and provide options on environmental issues and farm practices to improve the environment. Will be tabled at the next Māori Committee meeting. Kahungunu executive – Michelle McIlroy · Application on behalf of the Environmental Group “Wairoa Awa Restoration Project” and multiple marae in te Wairoa to Te Uru Rākau – Billion Trees was successful in acquiring 5,000 native trees for planting to support the river banks and erosion occurring in Te Wairoa · Promoting the LAWA application through their Facebook page to check rivers and lakes and beaches in the district prior to swimming – already 574 followers · Attended the Wairoa District Council pre-hearing meeting on 28 February 2020 and key issues were river discharge, mortuary waste, increased discharge regime and agreement for seasonal monitoring of the awa |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Taiwhenua Representatives' Verbal Updates”. CARRIED |
Minor Items not on the Agenda
Topic |
Raised by |
6. Raised GoBus Driver concerns on their behalf, including: · currently paid $19.50 per hour and are negotiating a 2% (40c) pay increase / Waipawa drivers reportedly currently paid $17.50 per hour · Government intention is to raise the “living wage” to just over $20/hr in 2020 and the minimum wage to $20/hr in 2021 · query whether the current pay rate and 2% increase offer a fair rate of pay for drivers with the level of responsibility exercised (public health and safety) · all parties to enter into negotiations for a realistic wage (hourly rate) to support GoBay bus drivers in the region · CE, James Palmer advises no HBRC staff member are currently paid below the living wage other than students employed over the summer · This issue has been discussed at some length by the previous Council and GoBus staff are encouraged to work alongside their employer for better wages · HBRC does not set pay rates, but could, through its procurement process stipulate a living wage · Costs of running the GoBus Service has significantly increased, falling patronage has contributed to rising costs · Council will shortly be asked for decisions on fare increases · James Palmer will undertake further conversation with Council about the GoBus contract and the issues being raised today. |
Api Robin |
Verbal Update on Current Issues – HBRC Chair/CE |
James Palmer gave an organisational update, highlighting: · The HB Rural Advisory Group met this morning and staff are preparing a regional snapshot of the current impacts of the dry weather on communities ahead of a Drought Committee meeting on Tuesday, 10 March 2020 for discussion about a regional drought response and potential drought declaration. It’s been extremely dry with the Ruahine ranges recording only 10% of its normal February rainfall, and the Kaweka ranges only 13%; restrictions/bans are in place in almost all central and southern catchments. · Strategic Planning team is currently focussed on the 20-21 Annual Plan, the Strategic Plan refresh, 2021-31 Long Term Plan, TANK Plan Change notification, Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change consultation, development of Council’s Climate Change response work programme, the PGF Water Security project and Central government policy reform · The Regulation Group’s workload includes receiving Tukituki land use consent applications required by the Tukituki Plan, Heretaunga water take consent renewals, the Wairoa District Council Wastewater consent applications, the Te Mata Mushrooms appeals process, Odour issues at Awatoto and various prosecutions (spray drift, dairy effluent, burning) · Council’s Asset Management group is focussed on the Heretaunga Plains Flood Protection Scheme review, development of the Coastal Hazards Strategy (funding for implementation), embedding the Eel protection protocol into practice and the ongoing development of Waitangi and Hāwea Regional parks · Integrated Catchment Management group staff are focussed on rolling out the Erosion Control Scheme, the Right Tree Right Place project, Riparian planting and fencing required in Tukituki, 13 priority biodiversity sites for protection, Whakatipu Mahia predators, groundwater mapping and modelling, and regional LiDAR · The Corporate Services group is focussed on a Financial systems upgrade, the Council staff accommodation expansion project, a Customer experience review, the HBRC Carbon Footprint and Emissions Reduction programme, and managing the challenges of the organisation’s rapid growth. Cr Rex Graham highlighted current issues, including: · Central Hawke’s Bay Drought is worse than expected and small communities and farmers are suffering · A small working group of Rex Graham and Martin Williams are looking at alternative options and solutions for Central Hawke’s Bay water · Heretaunga Plains is also experiencing drought conditions · TANK Plan Change will bring change in water take and restrictions in particular to protect water resources · Wairoa Land Change Project: a group including Wairoa District Council, HBRC and Ngāti Pāhauwera met to discuss land reforestation in Wairoa. · Wairoa Regional Park: opportunity for regional park from the lighthouse to the ocean, with Rangi Manuel keen to include the whole hill in a planting scheme which will become part of the Regional Park.
That the Māori Committee receives the Verbal Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chair and Chief Executive. CARRIED |
Minor items not on the Agenda
Topic |
Raised by |
1. Ngāmotu, Whakakī and Maungawhio waterways: · Concerns around sediment in the Ngāmotu river, and propose digging and dredging to enhance water flows · Whakakī Maungawhio: residue from the hills flowing into Whakaki and propose to have dredging work be done |
Bill Blake |
2. Training/Upskilling for (a) new members (b) Relationships with Napier City Council: · Members should be given an opportunity to upskill and be supported by HBRC · Proposed that members be given the opportunity to attend “Making good decisions” training · Michael Paku to discuss with CE around further steps · Working collaboratively with Napier City Council’s Long Term Plan review (wāhi tapu) and tangata whenua contributing to this · Discussions around cultural significance to be discussed sometime in future – possible impacts |
Peter Eden |
3. Possible discussions around changing of the Committee name · Not addressed |
Roger Maaka |
4. Mahaanui Kurataiao (looking at the concept and idea of developing an environmental management advisory service for each rohe) · To be discussed offline with Michael Paku. |
Marei Apatu |
5. NKII representative on this committee · Considered and resolved as part of the Terms of Reference agenda item |
Michael Paku |
6. GoBus Driver Concerns – address as part of Item 9 above: |
Api Robin |
7. Wāhi Tapu (Pōrangahau): · Used to have floods in Pōrangahau where the river has been re-directed and recently discovered that the land belongs to HBRC · Concerns raised around cattle in that area – query what is council’s policy around this? Significant area for spawning of whitebait. · Pieri Munro advised that this discussion will be taken up with the HBRC Asset Management team · Opportunity may arise for collaboration in an enhancement project. |
Paora Sciascia |
8. Committee Fees: · Query about remuneration paid for attending Council committee meetings · CE will have staff review past payments to ensure consistency and members will be back paid any remuneration outstanding |
Michael Paku |
9. Inter-council collaboration · A small Three Waters Review group has been formed consisting of Pieri Munro, Melanie Taiaroa, Charles Ropitini and Morehu Te Tomo at Napier City Council, James Graham and Rose Smith at Hastings District Council, Duane Culshaw at WDC – working together on iwi engagement, cultural capability, sharing and collaboration · Pieri Munro introduced Melanie Taiaroa to the committee as the newly appointed Senior Advisor to the Māori Partnership team · Received 9 applications to replace Joella Brown - Interviews conducted last Monday and hope to appoint a person soon. |
Pieri Munro |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.55pm on Wednesday 4 March 2020.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................