MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 5 February 2020

Time:                          9.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     R Barker - Chairman

W Foley

C Foss

R Graham

N Kirton

H Ormsby

J van Beek

M Williams


In Attendance:          J Palmer – Chief Executive

T Skerman –Group Manager Strategic Planning

I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

Dr J Smith – Manager Science

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant

G Ide – Principal Advisor Strategic Planning

C Leckie – Catchment Services Manager & Right Tree Right Place Project Lead



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and Councillor Hinewai Ormsby led the group in offering a karakia.

The absence of Cr Charles Lambert was noted.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee meeting held on 4 December 2019



Minutes of the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 4 December 2019, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.

Ormsby/van Beek



It was noted that Councillors are having difficulty accessing the Agenda documents online. The CE advised that ICT is investigating and resolving issues as advised, and available to sit one-on-one with councillors to work through what might be causing the difficulties to get the technology working.

The Chairman invited Iain Maxwell and Dr Jeff Smith to provide an update and short video presentation on the SkyTem Survey 2020 project and how the survey has progressed to date; ahead of schedule.



Follow-ups from Previous Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee Meetings


·    A request was made for quarterly updates on actions and outcomes of activities in Ahuriri Estuary, and it was advised that an integrated operational plan is being developed

·    It was suggested that an aspirational 30-year vision for the estuary needs to be developed collaboratively with NCC, HDC, HBRC, DOC and Te Komiti o Te Whanga.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the Follow-up Items from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings staff report.





Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda



That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee accepts the following Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 10.


Raised by

Plastic & Drillers

Cr Rick Barker





Regional Climate Change Response Programme Development Update


Tom Skerman introduced the item, and Gavin Ide (Principle Policy Advisor) with discussions highlighting:

·    deliberately invites feedback from Councillors as a forerunner to developing a comprehensive programme of work in response to climate change, including regional leadership for climate change awareness and action to take through into the strategic plan refresh and development of the LTP

·    Council endeavouring to further reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by reducing air travel, vehicle fuel usage, energy usage in Council’s buildings and other initiatives, and a process is under way to procure an external provider to measure Council’s carbon emissions. Grazing of river berms is a significant contributor if Council continues that practice.

·    In 2020-21, considering only what is achievable through reprioritisation within existing budgets and rates forecast in year 3 of the 2018-28 Long Term Plan (2020-21 annual plan)

·    Community expectations and community driven response

·    Option to establish an HBRC-led steering group to develop a Climate Change work programme for 2020 and beyond as feel not enough action in response to emergency declaration

·    Regional level of governance oversight for Climate Change activities exists at HB Leaders Forum, and as one of the strategic priorities in the Triennial Agreement, including reporting requirements back to that group

·    Need to have a plan in order to develop a programme of work and determine what resources are required over the next 10 years

·    Multi-million dollar existing climate work streams underway including 3 biggest priority areas of Flood protection, coastal erosion processes and water security

·    Propose that a Governance working Party as suggested, initially comprising only Crs Williams, Ormsby, and Barker, a representative each from Maori and Regional Planning committees, and HBRC staff only. May be expanded later to include iwi, etc. Group to carry out an assessment of where Council’s response is at, how we can tap into what’s being done nationally, identifying other stakeholders need to engage with, develop a work programme for 2020 and beyond, and determine resource requirements for next 10 years for adaptation and mitigation priorities. Objective for group is to bring rough draft of a strategy to progress the climate change response work programme to the next EICC meeting

·    Suggest a conference be scheduled late 2020. Sub-committee tasked with exploring options for this.

·    Quarterly reporting of Council’s carbon reduction and sustainability achievements.



1.      That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee receives and considers the “Regional Climate Change Response Programme Development Update” staff report, and provides staff with feedback on the matters outlined, including:

1.1.      All agree with the June 2019 Climate Emergency Declaration by the previous Council

1.2.      All agree that approach during 2020 that about ‘getting on with it’ and greater external liaison

1.3.      Establish an interim ‘governance’ working party, initially comprising Councillors Martin Williams, Hinewai Ormsby and Rick Barker, and representatives from the Māori and Regional Planning committees to work with Council staff to:

1.3.1.      carry out an assessment of Council’s current Climate Change response activities and activities nationally that could be initiated locally

1.3.2.      identify the stakeholders Council needs to engage with, as well as the scope and membership of an agile and relatively small-sized HBRC-led steering group to oversee development of a coordinated regional response programme and then move to a form of enduring governance arrangement

1.3.3.      develop a work programme for 2020 and beyond

1.3.4.      determine resource requirements for the next 10 years for Council’s adaptation and mitigation priorities

1.3.5.      report back to the 8 April 2020 Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee meeting on progress with 1.3.1 – 1.3.4 above.

1.3.6.      Explore options for a Climate Change conference late 2020.

1.4.   Councillors recognise that the Climate Change work programme for 2020-21 will be delivered within existing budgets and resources, and that additional resource required will be determined through the 2021-31 Long Term Plan development process.





Summary of Activity and Investment In the Coastal and Marine Area


Iain Maxwell introduced the item, which was taken as read, and Alice McNatty, Acting Team Leader Principal Advisor Biosecurity/ Biodiversity, and Becky Shanahan, Scientist Marine and Coasts. Queries and discussions covered:

·      In relation to the implications of the Motiti decision on managing biodiversity and biosecurity, it was advised that the regional sector is working on what options are available for councils to respond and what resourcing requirements might be.

·      Council is engaging with the fishing sector through the Hawke's Bay Marine and Coastal Group (HBMaC), a multi-stakeholder group with representation from government agencies, tangata whenua, recreational and commercial fishing interests.

·      $300,000 Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge funding granted to HBMaC for ecosystem mapping to feed into evidence based initiatives and potentially regulations to better manage biodiversity in the coastal marine environment

·      State of the Environment report is expected to be released later in February 2020.

·      NCC proposing to introduce bylaws in relation to vessels discharging into the inner harbour



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Summary of Activity and Investment in the Coastal and Marine Area” report.




The meeting adjourned at 11.00am and reconvened at 11.17am



Right Tree Right Place - Principles to Guide the Business Case


Iain Maxwell introduced the item and Campbell Leckie, Project Lead for Right Tree Right Place.  Discussions traversed:

·    Seeking feedback and perspectives on the principles underlying the project, to help shape the work that will feed into decision making and development of the Long Term Plan

·    Afforestation provides opportunities for carbon sequestration, ecosystem services and biodiversity enhancement, and regional carbon neutrality (off-setting regional carbon footprint), as well as improved climate resilience

·    Council’s leadership to exert influence on parties including landowners, central government and investors

·    Principles to drive objectives

·    Key principle to create tools and info to take into farm systems to empower farmers with the knowledge to understand integrated farm management system benefits

·    Last LTP council signalled investing up to $100 M in afforestation, and the RTRP project takes this to next steps leading into the next LTP

·    Not looking to get into areas where success already, but look for opportunities ‘in the gaps in the market’ that exist

·    Council’s most useful role other than direct investment in forestry is as facilitator to broker expertise that enables landowners to ‘get there themselves’

·    Agreed leveraging Council’s investment will be critical to impact and opportunities for leverage should be actively sought where they drive the outcomes Council is seeking

·    Stress test against Council’s balance sheet and exposure to risk

·    Potential to regulate for land use change, e.g. introduce rules to allow only specific land uses on specific types of land through plan changes

·    Principles should be focussed on Council’s core business and purpose

·    Generally accept - Council to provide leadership and influence. To do this, Council needs a clear vision of what outcomes look like. Underlying principles are sequestration of carbon, erosion control, biodiversity and environment.  Council will collaborate, cooperate, partner, etc and is prepared to invest as long as consistent with balance sheet and risk profile, but prefers others do it for themselves.



That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee receives and considers the “Right Tree Right Place - Principles to guide the business case” staff report, and looks forward to a revised report coming to a subsequent meeting.

Ormsby/van Beek




Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review


Chris Dolley introduced the item, which provides an update on progress carrying out the level of service review for the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme (HPFCS) and Martina Groves, Manager Regional Projects.  Discussions traversed:

·      Consultation around this work started in 2012

·      Currently carrying out asset condition assessment work to develop a detailed understanding of the condition of the stopbanks

·      2012 LTP Council decision to increase the HPFCS level of protection to 1 in 500 year level and LoS would be reviewed over time

·      2018-28 LTP included the Flood Protection Scheme as a significant project with $20m budget allocated

·      Climate change having increased impacts with more frequent extreme rainfall events

·      Schemes must provide integrated land uses, enhance ecological and water quality outcomes while meeting iwi and wider community aspirations, and Council needs to be mindful of the other functions of the river, not just flood protection, when assessing the options

·      Outline of engineering options and timeline of milestones for delivery of the project provided

·      Decision gateway in July 2020, once design concepts are known and before entering detailed design phase, to confirm comfort with the priorities and general design concepts

·      Updates to EICC will continue throughout the life of the project

·      Hydraulic modelling due for completion by July 2020



That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee receives the “Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review” staff report.

Graham/van Beek




Discussion of Minor Matters not on the Agenda




Raised by


·     Has been investigating plastic disposal and visited a company, Flite, in Wellington that uses soft plastics to create building materials

·     Suggests that this company delivers a presentation of their recycling processes to Council so we can encourage more involved in the circular economy and the use of recycled plastic products for things like fencing, etc.

Cr Rick Barker


·     Has been approached by Bayley’s drillers, who offered to take councillors on a tour to show what they do, to complement the SkyTEM work

·     Cr Barker will organise and be in touch

Cr Rick Barker






There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.44pm on Wednesday, 5 February 2020.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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