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MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee


Date:                          Monday 11 November 2019

Time:                          12.00pm


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     R Graham – Chairman

                                            S Hazlehurst – Mayor, Hastings District Council

                                            C Little – Mayor, Wairoa District Council

                                             A Walker – Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

                                   K Wise – Mayor, Napier City Council



In Attendance:          N Bickle – CE, Hastings District Council

              W Jack – Temporary Chairman

M Davidson – CE, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

A Hickey – MCDEM

I Macdonald – Group Manager/Group Controller

         S May – CE, Wairoa District Council

J Palmer – CE, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation

R Ngaia – Emergency Management Advisor - Community Engagement

L Pearse – Team Leader Hazard Reduction HBCDEM

         R Schiker - Group Public Information Manager

J Tetlow – Emergency Management Advisor - Readiness & Response

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant

1.      Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman, Wayne Jack welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that he will be chairing the meeting until such time as a Chairman is elected.

There were no apologies.


2.      Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Action Items from Previous HB CDEM Group Joint Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read.



Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda



That HB CDEM Group Joint Committee accepts the following “Minor Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 11.


Raised by

Update from Ministry of Civil Defence on transition to new agency

Andrew Hickey, MCDEM





Election of Chair


The item was taken as read.


Mayor Craig Little nominated Cr Rex Graham, seconded by Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst.

There being no further nominations, Cr Rex Graham was elected Chair.



The HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.      receives and notes the Election of Chair staff report.

2.      agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

3.      agrees to use voting System A as provided in Schedule 7, Part 1, Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2002.

4.      elects Cr Rex Graham Chairman of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee.



Wayne Jack vacated the Chair at 1.39pm and Chairman Rex Graham assumed the Chair.


Committee Terms of Reference Review and Confirmation


The item was taken as read, with discussion covering:

·     only minor amendments to the Terms of Reference

·     query whether the Terms of Reference will be signed with the Common seal.

·     Agreed the proposal for an alternate for the Mayor/Deputy, given the authority to act for the Mayor/Deputy.  This must be clearly communicated with the Chair and Committee before the meeting commences. Amend paragraph 6.1 to reflect that change.

·      Need to have a clear and transparent process for elected members to understand their full functions, powers and duties under the Act within approved budgets.



The HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.      Receives and notes the Committee Terms of Reference Review and Confirmation” staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Adopts the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee as amended to reflect changes agreed today.





Group Plan Review – Outline Process and Key Dates


Ian Macdonald advised that the Group Plan review has commenced.  Discussions traversed:

·        Still awaiting implementation of the Emergency Management Reforms.  A draft bill was originally due in August 2019, but will now due end of 2020.

·        The National Plan is also due for review, but due to Emergency Management Reforms not yet completed, and has been put on hold.

·        Both the Emergency Management Reform and the National Plan may have an impact on structure, roles and responsibilities for CDEM.

·        Lisa Pearse gave an overview of the Risk Review and recommends that the Group undertakes risk profiling to determine which risks should be managed.

·        The Ministry is currently reviewing the “Director’s Risk Assessment Guidance” and has completed a draft document and would like Hawke’s Bay to trial it.

·        The CDEM Group has achieved most of the objectives set 5 years ago and needs to set new objectives for the future.



The HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

2.      Agrees to the process for the Hawke’s Bay Risk review as outlined following.

2.1          November- December 2019 Step 1: Set Context/Identify Risks

Hawke’s Bay has a very good understanding of its hazards and risks and continues to develop this under its 10-year Hazard Research Plan.  Nevertheless we propose to establish a risk register as an authoritive source for the plan, incorporating any learnings in the past five years, and linking to the Hawke’s Bay Hazard Portal. 

2.2          December – February 2020 Step 2: Analyse Risks

Commencing with existing risk assessments, considering recent research and events over the life of the current Group plan, we plan to refine and analyse risk management measures by detailing three scenarios. An extreme event (Hikurangi earthquake/tsunami), a maximum credible event (volcanic ash), and a mid-range event (flood).

2.3          February – April 2020 Step 3: Evaluate and Treat Risk

This is where we want to focus efforts for our risk review with stakeholder engagement/workshops. Do they accept or tolerate the risks as they are, or should additional measures be adopted to manage it? If so what should they be? Identify how could risks increase or change over time, and consider the current CDEM risk management measures priorities and activities. Then identify gaps in the current management of risks. We want to seek stakeholder feedback on CDEM Group Plan priorities for action and identify realistic timeframes for implementation.

2.4          May 2020

As there have been several large pieces of Hawke’s Bay CDEM work requiring the participation of our stakeholders this year, we are propose to combine workshops in Step 3 with the “Pathway to Resilience Indicators” program. We will also run other appropriate stakeholder engagement/workshops including with the CEG & CDEM Group, to complete the work on the risk review.

3.      Agrees in principle to the outline Group Plan review process following, subject to changes possible under the Government’s Emergency Management Reforms.



Potential Timing

Strategic Direction Workshop (Joint Committee)

Review existing plan structure, direction and priorities.  Focus on high level goals 4Rs.

Mar 2020

Develop Strategic Content

Develop strategic content to inform activities (enablers).

Mar - May 20

Develop Activity Objectives and Content

Work with stakeholders to develop more detailed objectives within specific activity areas.

May - Aug 20

Consultation Draft Released

Governance and stakeholder’s final input into draft.

Aug –Sep 20

Final Draft Publically Notified

Special Consultative process under LGA commences.

Sep 20






Exercise Ruaumoko Exercise Report


Jim Tetlow gave an overview of exercise Ruaumoko, held 17-21 October 2019. Discussions traversed:

·      The exercise included establishing operations at the new GECC premises and involved local authority incident management teams, volunteer activities and post event recovery discussions.

·      All exercises ran well and enhanced the existing understanding of capability across responding agencies within the region.

·      A full evaluation of the exercise is currently being conducted and a post-exercise report will be produced at the next Coordinating Executives Group.



That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives the “Exercise Ruaumoko Exercise Report”.





Earthquake-Prone Buildings Policy Implementation Update


Ian Macdonald gave an overview of the item, relating to the implementation of provisions under the Building Act 2004 for earthquake-prone buildings.  Discussions traversed:

·     This committee (under the CDEM Act) is partially responsible for matters around life, safety risks and emergency response.

·     Central Government introduced new provisions post Kaikoura earthquake in relation to managing earthquake-prone buildings.

·     Once an earthquake –prone building has been identified, the owner must carry out an engineering assessment within 12 months

·      The TAs are all working to identify earthquake-prone buildings as they consider those buildings pose a higher risk to life and critical to response and recovery in an emergency.



That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives the “Earthquake-prone buildings Policy implementation update” report.





Discussion of Minor Items Not on the Agenda




Raised by

Update from Ministry of Civil Defence

·    A meeting will be held on Thursday, 14 Nov between CDEM, Earthquake Managers and Group Chairs to give an update on the new National Emergency Management Agency (Ministry being replaced by this Agency).

·    Phase 1 will be appointing a new Chief Executive

·    Phase 2 will be consultation on how the structure might look

·    Testing of the mobile alerting system on 24 November at 7pm.

Andrew Hickey, MCDEM





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.15pm on Monday, 11 November 2019.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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