MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                          Friday 6 September 2019

Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr A J Dick – HBRC – Chair

                                    Cr F Wilson – HBRC – Deputy Chair

                                             Cr K Price – NCC

                                             Cr A Redstone – HDC

                                    Mayor C Little – WDC (from 10.26am)

                                    E Speight – NZTA


Alternates:                          Cr D Tennent – CHBDC


In Attendance:          M Broderick – NZ Police

                                    I Emmerson – Road Transport Association

                                    J Lloyd – CHBDC

                                    E Harford-Wright – Napier Port

                                    T Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Planning

                                    A Roets– Governance Administration Assistant


TAG                           A Redgrave – HBRC

                                    M Welsby – HBRC

                                    R Malley – NCC

                                    M Clews – HDC

                                    J Pannu – HDC

                                    O Postings – NZTA


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman, Cr Alan Dick welcomed everyone to the last Regional Transport Committee meeting for this triennium.

Anne Redgrave reminded the members that they will be farewelling Cr Alan Dick following the meeting and members are welcome to stay for lunch.

The Chairman also welcomed Erin Harford-Wright who will be attending the meeting on behalf of Andrew Palairet, Napier Port. 

The Chairman noted that Lisa Malde (HB DHB) and Anthony Mills (KiwiRail) left their respective roles and will be replaced pending  the structure of the committee in the new term.


RTC27/19     That the apologies from Andrew Palairet (Napier Port),  Brian Gregory and Paul Michaelson (AA) be accepted and Mayor Alex Walker for lateness.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no Conflict of Declarations.



Short Term Replacements for the 6 September 2019 Regional Transport Committee Meeting



That __________________________ be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 06 September 2019 as short term replacement(s) on the Committee for _______________________.



4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 7 June 2019



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 7 June 2019, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




Secretarial note:  As there are no provisions under Standing Orders for “Matters arising from the Minutes” these are recorded in the Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings.


Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


In relation to Napier City Council’s 30km/h variable speed limit approval for outside schools – no further updates herein received.

Driver Licensing:  Progress on this issue reported through the Transport Manager’s update report.  The governance group has agreed to continue with funding subject to NZTA approval for the amount needed.  Applied for NZTA approval – no feedback received as yet.

Implications on the transport network of water bottling plants at Awatoto and Tomoana – Erin Harford-Wright reported that container exports have slowly been increasing, currently at about 10 containers per week. No stress on the transport network.

Business case for route between Wairoa District and Bay of Plenty via State Highway 38 – WDC have been consulting with Tuhoe community during the last 18 months. and Minister Shane Jones’ office has been assigned to work, in collaboration with NZTA on this business case.  A local community meeting has been held.  65 voted for and 4 voted against for having the road sealed. 

Napier to Wairoa Rail Log Proposal – Tom Skerman reported that constructive discussions have been held with commercial carriers and log producers.  Consenting process for the log yard in Wairoa is underway.  KiwiRail gave assurance to James Palmer, CE HBRC, that the log yard will be built imminently and will possibly be operating (carrying logs) in October 2019. 

Business case:  Cycle commuter route between Napier and Hastings – This investigation will be progressed through the Hawke’s Bay Transport Study.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings.





Call for Minor Items of Business Not on the Agenda



That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following “Minor Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 13:


Raised by

Rubbish on expressway, NZTA and local roads

Cr Ann Redstone

Update requested from NZTA on the proposed medium barrier onto Tapairu road, south of Waipawa

Cr David Tennent

Proposed cycleway between Waipawa and Waipukurau

Cr David Tennent





Monitoring Report on the Hawke's Bay Transport System


Anne Redgrave gave an update on the monitoring indicators.  Discussions highlighted:

·         This report is usually produced annually to give an overview on how well the transport system is performing and to identify trends.

·         Anne acknowledge Ellen Humphries, Policy Planner who co-authored this paper.

·         Key trends indicated that the region’s population continues to grow and age.

·         Size of vehicle fleet has continue to increase, with vehicle ownership per capita also growing.

Mayor Craig Little arrived at 10.26am.

·         Napier Port freight continues to increase.

·         General crash rates improved in 2017 whilst Hastings and Wairoa  declined.

·         Overall public transport patronage has declined, but number of SuperGold and Total Mobility passengers increased.

·         Relatively high number of single occupancy vehicles on Hawke’s Bay Roads as measured through the NZ Travel Survey.

·         Concerns raised around the empty container traffic through Ahuriri. 

·         The tonnage of freight through Napier Port has continued to grow over the last year and is projected to continue growing due to ongoing growth in the rural sector.  This will result in significant increases in heavy vehicle movements to and from the Port.

·         Erin Harford-Wright (Napier Port) reported that the Port have figures for empty containers movements and will be shared with the committee members.

·         The B-Double truck has arrived and has been commissioned and currently trialling.  Indications are that it is running safely.  This truck carries two 40 foot containers at once and will reduce the number of movements in and out of the Port.

·          Traffic issues will be challenging when new Wharf 6 is in operation. A record of truck movements in  and out of the Port  to be added to the  annual monitoring report. Napier Port has this information available.

·         State Highway traffic to the Port is monitored.

·         Road noise of heavy vehicles and the state of the roads around the Port continues to be problematic.

·          The population projection in the report was queried –  to be reported back to the committee.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Monitoring Report on the Hawke’s Bay Transport System” report.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Relationships Director's Report September 2019


Emma Speight gave an overview on projects within NZTA.  Discussions traversed:

·         The Transport Agency announced changes in their organisational structure – 16 regional teams will be established to do core business.

·         Emma will continue to play  a prominent  role in the region, working with members of the regional team on a day to day basis.

·         The Hawke’s Bay team will be developed shortly and the committee members advised of the key people.

·         Available funding for the remaining two years of the NLTP continues to be limited.

·         Approved Organisations requested to  regularly review funding allocations in Transport Investment Online (TIO)  and identify  opportunities to  release   funding, which can then  be redirected. .

·         Preparation for the 2021-24 National Land Transport Plan  has begun.

·         The InvestmentDecision-Making Framework (IDMF) had regional workshops and a draft will be ready by the end of 2019.

·         The Arataki Plan 2021-30 will focus on the most important investment to improve the performance of the land transport system.

·         Speed Management remains a high priority on the Safe Network Programme. This will investigate  “what needs to change” to   introduce safer speeds.

·         Focussing on the top 10 percent of the network where speed management can have the biggest impact.

·         The latest Drug Driving campaign was launched in July showing New Zealand that drug driving is both harmful and prevalent.

·         A snapshot was given of the Hawke’s Bay local activities specifically around the Provincial Growth Fund programmes with focus on the five year programmes.

·         SH2 Waikare Gorge and passing opportunities between Napier and Gisborne –Engagement with Iwi and key stakeholders has begun.

·         Waikare Gorge – Engaging with adjoining landowners to undertake geological and survey investigation work. Wider economic benefits work is being undertaken.

·         Hawke’s Bay Transportation study is a key strategic initiative for the region and its future transport system investment, led by HBRC.

·         The PBC will feed into the development of long term plans and the Regional Land Transport Plan.

·         An overview of projects on State Highway 2 was given.

·         Land purchase for the cycleway between Waipawa and Waipukurau is underway.

·         The Transport Agency acknowledged the Chairman’s contribution over the years, his leadership and passion for the transport system and wished him well for his retirement.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “NZTA Central Region – Regional Relationships Director’s Report for September 2019”.





September 2019 HBRC Transport Manager's Report


Anne Redgrave gave a brief update on relevant transport matters.  Discussions traversed:

·         Most regional councils are now in preparation for the next Regional Land Transport Plan for June 2021.

·         The HB Transport Study will provide the background to conduct a full review of the strategic direction and future transport programmes for the region.

·         The Ministry of Transport is working with the Government to prepare the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport.  The draft should be available December ’19 –January ‘20.  Minister is keen to present this at the February 2020 RTC meeting.

·         HB Transport Study – a review item has been submitted to NZTA to release the funding which is expected shortly.

·         Road to Zero draft road safety – consultation on the draft road safety strategy has now closed and the Ministry of Transport has received significant response to the draft.

·         Driver Licensing Programmes – proceeding with funding for these programmes and an application has been submitted to extend the Road Safety Budget to cover cost.  Will need to apply to local councils for a modest local share to continue this programme. 

·         Will report back to this committee on any updates on the driver licensing programmes.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “September 2019 HBRC Transport Manager's report”.





RoadSafe Hawke's Bay September 2019 Update


Linda Anderson gave an update on road safety activities undertaken and current and upcoming issues relevant to road safety.  Discussions traversed:

·         Continuing with the joint project between Department of Corrections, Ministry of Justice and the Police.

·         The road safety education days continue to be very successful with positive feedback from attendees.

·         Road Safe HB has re-established a relationship with HB Regional Prison to provide road safety education to inmates in the Youth Unit.

·         Continued work will include developing a take home pack for offenders to discuss what they have learned to how to influence other to change their driving behaviour and attitude.

The inmates will receive a Certificate of Participation and this programme will be offered twice a year.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “RoadSafe Hawke's Bay September 2019 Update” report.





Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives


Erin Harford-Wright (Port of Napier)

·           New  weighbridge up and running in Riddell street which releases congestion from Severn Street.

·           Robotic logs scaling is up and running, reducing log trucks queues in Ahuriri.

·           Further works underway with log export industry to look at opportunities to ease the flow of log trucks into Ahuriri with the forester-Port workshop.

·           Overall log volumes continues to be strong.

·           The apple season has been very successful – truck turn around time was around 12 minutes on average.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives





Discussion of Minor Items Not on the Agenda




Raised by

Significant  increase in rubbish on expressway, NZTA and local roads:

·         Great sympathy for the Higgins Group who is picking up all the rubbish along the expressway.

·         However, since NZTA has changed  its rules to protect contractors, rubbish is accumulating

·         Thanked NZTA for responding to the Mayor’s requests.

·         Where to from here?

·         NZTA provided bins in certain areas. 

·         Some areas requires lane closing for NZTA to pick up rubbish – asking motorists to reduce speed.

·         Report any rubbish dumping to police or report through the application “Snap Send Solve”.

·         CHBDC has tried endlessly to have rubbish being picked up between Waipukurau and Waipawa.

·         Need a traffic management plan in place to resolve the issues.


Cr Ann Redstone

Update requested from NZTA on the proposed medium barrier onto Tapairu road, South of Waipawa:

·         Number of accidents occurred in the past.

·         Proposed that a medium barrier be installed to prevent people coming towards Waipawa to turn right into Tapairu Road.

·         NZTA reported that the project is underway and this issue will be corrected.

Cr David Tennent

Proposed cycleway between Waipawa and Waipukurau:

·         Discussed elsewhere in the  agenda.Land purchase for the cycleway is underway.

Cr David Tennent





Climate Change  Mitigation through Public Transport


Anne Redgrave gave an update on a number of ideas for the mitigation of climate change through public transport.  Discussions traversed:

·         Seek the Transport Committee’s feedback on ideas to put forward to HBRC Council.

·         HBRC recently declared a climate emergency and concrete action against climate change in Hawke’s Bay  is needed.

·         The Transport team held a workshop in June 2019 with HBRC councillors to outline the state of the public transport system and to discuss ideas on the future of the public transport system.

·         Councillors were enthusiastic about the role public transport could play in reducing carbon emissions.

·         The councillors have tasked the Transport team to present some ideas for substantially increasing its uptake.

·         Broad proposals are presented today for feedback by this committee.

·         Ideas to improve bus patronage have been discussed.  Five proposals have been developed .

·         Proposal 1:  Extended hours of operation and frequencies / Weekend service on all routes – will give potential passengers more choice and encourages for growth in patronage.

·         Proposal 2:  Maintain current service levels / introduce some or all electric buses to the fleet – will decrease carbon emission significantly (1,100 tonnes annually) if all buses  were   electric.

·         Proposal 3:  That all 2-zone trips between 6-9am and 3-6pm be free of charge to all passengers with smartcards only – ongoing growth in traffic on the expressway with most vehicles during peak time.  This will improve commuter use of buses between Napier and Hastings and remove peak vehicles from the Expressway.

·         Proposal 4: Cheaper fares for all passengers – All 2-zone trips to cost $2 irrespective of passenger type, smartcards only / All 1-zone trips to cost $1, irrespectively of passenger type, smartcard only.  This proposal would provide a fare reduction for all passengers and should  significantly increase  patronage on all bus routes.

·         Proposal 5:  Remove zonal fares – All fares would be set at a 1-zone rate.  This could encourage greater bus commuting between cities.

·         An assessment of the four proposals tabled below.


Proposal 1

Increase service levels across the board

Proposal 2

Maintain current service levels, introduce some or all electric buses to the fleet

Proposal 3

Free 2-zone peak services

Proposal 4

Cheaper fares for all passengers, all the time

Proposal 5

Remove zonal Fares

Carbon mitigation benefits










Improving access for the community













Reducing peak-time




















·         The Committee supported Proposal 4 in general, and noted:

·         The proposals cannot be considered in isolation. The availability of free/cheap parking in both cities needed to be considered, along with inter-changeability with other transport modes – particularly the advent of e-scooters and increasing popularity of e-bikes.

·         Further work needs to be done into understanding why non-bus users don’t use the bus currently, and what would encourage them to use it more.

·         Pilots and trials are essential for the introduction of a new service.

·         A significant increase in marketing would be essential –perhaps an introductory free period

·         Park and Ride facilities are needed if we are going to get significantly more people commuting between towns by bus.

·         What opportunities are there for bus lanes/bus priority?

·         The price of carbon needs to increase significantly to make any of these suggestions cost-effective for their carbon mitigation value alone.

·         What effect is the introduction of Uber likely to have on the bus service?

·         Other investigations also underway, including an assessment of CHB transport needs. When RTC’s  feedback on the ideas is put forward to HBRC, it was proposed that this item  be attached to the paper for councillors to make an informed decision on the proposals.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Climate Change Mitigation through Public Transport” report.





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.12pm on Friday, 6 September 2019.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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