MINUTES OF A meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Date:                          Tuesday 3 September 2019

Time:                          10.00am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr Peter Beaven – HBRC - Chair

Cr Paul Bailey – HBRC

Cr Tom Belford – HBRC

Cr Neil Kirton – HBRC

Cr Annette Brosnan – NCC

Cr Larry Dallimore – NCC

Tania Hopmans – Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust

Tania Huata – Mana Ahuriri Trust (from 10.09am)

Cr Tania Kerr _HDC – Deputy Co-Chair

Cr Ann Redstone – HDC

Cr Malcolm Dixon – HDC


In Attendance:          S Bendall – Project Manager, Traverse

J Beyá – Design Engineer, HBRC

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management, HBRC

C Goodier – Team Leader Engineering, HBRC

D Moriarity – Team Leader Policy Planning, NCC

M Clews – Principal Advisor District Development, HDC

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman, Cr Peter Beaven welcomed everyone to the last meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Joint Committee for this triennium, and Tania Hopmans offered a karakia.

The Chairman gave a brief outline of the Agenda with the intention to finish at 10.45am, followed by a workshop. The workshop will discuss the feedback received from the three constituent councils and will have an update on the engineering work by José Beyá.


CLI117/19     That the apologies for Cr Tony Jeffery (NCC), Nigel Bickle (HDC) and Sandra Hazlehurst (HDC) and Peter Paku be accepted.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no Conflict of Interest Declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 31 May 2019





Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on Friday, 31 May 2019, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Actions from Previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Item 1:

Contributory Fund:  Workshop by respective councils – feedback will be reported during the workshop today.

Item 2:

Project Manager’s update:  Consultation approach: TAG to produce a revised project Plan – delayed, pending the confirmation of an agreed approach between Partner Councils on the contributory fund concept , which will determine whether consultation on the contributory fund model can commence in mid-2020. 

Item 3:

Current Coastal Projects Update:  Jon Kingsford to update on Whakarire Ave Revetment Works (led by NCC) – Dean Moriarity reported on behalf of NCC.  NCC have been engaging with the residents following some opposition to the proposal. Work in progress. 

Item 4:

Actions from 18 March 2019:  OECD report been purchased and circulated to members.

Item 5:

Project Manager’s update from 18 March 2019:  How to manage risks around LTP alignment – Completed.


Proposed to engage with Dave Cull and Minister James Shaw attending one of the Coastal meetings in future – no progress at this stage. Awaiting to hear back from Minister Shaw.  Intent is to have both Dave Cull and Minister Shaw at the same meeting.

Item 6:

Workshop actions:  Funding model – On hold.  Pending refined costings due in October.

Update of Central Government funding – will be discussed during the Project Manager’s report.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the “Actions from previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Meetings” report.





Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda





That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 9:


Raised by





Assessment Panel Supplementary Recommendations


The report was taken as read with few minor discussions on the supplementary recommendations made by the Northern and Southern panels:

·      The Supplementary Recommendations were made by the Panels in addition to the main recommendations on the 100 year pathways.

·      With the focus of TAG and the Joint Committee on pathway implementation, the Panel’s supplementary recommendations have not yet had a formal response from Council’s.

·      To address this, TAG have proposed a response to each supplementary recommendation, for Joint Committee consideration.

·      This is intended to assist with accountability and transparency in responding to the supplementary recommendations to be actioned appropriately.

·      TAG will advance the matters as outlined over the coming months and will provide progress updates to future Joint Committee meetings.

·      Disucssion:

·      Westshore (Unit D) (A):  comments have been raised from mana whenua reps in the past around possible sedimentation effects on reef systems from renourishment.

·      Whirinaki (Unit B):  Concerns raised on the urupa around the coastal areas – the discussions was that structures are being proposed at the coastline to protect the urupa but that this approach should be discussed further with mana whenua. 

·      Southern Panel, page 17, (D):  Groyne saddle needs to be filled so that the beach can be build back up:  Matter has not been considered by HDC and not being resolved.  Refer to TAG for a follow-up.

·      Item (F), Page 17:  An imminent threat at Cape View Corner – HDC has a limited amount of funds to replace some of the shingle material that is being removed by ongoing storm activities.  HDC and HBRC have agreed to investigate options for short term protection of cape corner and H21.  Will revert back to committee in to what those opportunities are.

·      HDC to confirm resourcing for this particular work to be supported by the modelling team.  TAG to follow up on this matter around timeframes.

·      Bay View (Unit C), Page 13:  Concerns raised on whether the Recommended Council Action ”TAG to maintain watching brief on future consent applications for renourishment activity at Westshore”  being sufficient enough?  Proposed that a letter from Cr Peter Beaven be written to HBRC highlighting this concern and asking that any consents for this activity TAG be informed and the matter specifically considered.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the “Assessment Panel Supplementary Recommendations” report.





Project Manager's Update


Simon Bendall gave a broader update on the progress made in each of the five workstreams of Stage 4.  Discussions highlighted:

·      The five interrelated workstreams to complete the work consists of the following workstreams:  Design, Triggers, Funding, Governance and Regulatory.

·      The Design Workstream is lead by in-house expertise from HBRC and is progressing well.

·      Triggers Workstream

·      Signals and triggers are required in order for the pathways to be adaptive.

·      The Triggers workstream is being led by Napier City Council and will develop signals, triggers and thresholds for each priority unit of the coast.

·      One challenge is that signals and triggers have not been developed for coastal hazards pathways anywhere else in New Zealand.

·      Awaiting a report from Deep South National Science Challenge due in October 2019 which will present learning from a series of workshops held on signal and trigger development. This will provide useul resoruces for TAG in designing a process to develop these locally. 

·      Funding Workstream:  The development of a funding model to support the implementation of the Strategy has taken a considerable amount of time over the last 12 months.

·      Various workshops were held with Council Chief Executives and Partner Councils to explore ideas on the contributory fund concept.

·      The outcome of the workshops and discussions on next steps will be discussed during the workshop component today.

·      Regulatory Workstream:  Councils are all heavily engaged with various plan change and policy projects which has placed a strain on internal resources.

·      TAG are considering options to advance the work with consultant support, which will have budgetary implications that needs to be worked through.

·      Questions arose as to how the scope of the regulatory framework will work.  Looking to focus on 4 key questions listed in par 22 of the paper.

·      Governance Workstream:  Currently on hold while efforts are focused on  Funding Workstream as there are interrelationship and overlaps and borader governance questions are being addressed through discussions on funding. To be revisited once funding matters are more resolved.

·      Progress summary:  Overall the project is tracking in accordance with the overall project plan.

·      Some key challenges of projects are Funding, Regulatory and Triggers.

·      TAG are actively working on solutions to the above challenges.

·      The project has underspent $30,000 against budget in the 2018-19 financial year.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Project Manager’s Update” report.





Current Coastal Projects Update


The Chair noted that an update on Whakarire Ave Revetment works has been delivered by Dean Moriarity at the start of the meeting.

Chris Dolley gave an update on the Port of Napier, highlighting:

·        A Working group, (represented by Napier Port, Westshore Residence Association, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Mana Whenua Steering Committee and the Napier City) have been established to consider / provide overview for maintenance dredging of sand in the Port of Napier, to commence late October 2019.

·        Volumes of sand is around 60,000m3 to be disposed into Westshore.

·        The health of the Rangatira reef has been raised as a concern by Mana Whenua Steering Committee – the sediment caused by renourishment of a great concern.

·        Any application for resource consent for this activity will need to specifically address actual and potential environmental effects and include consultation with Iwi.

·        The working group meets monthly and are progressing well.

·        There will be a joint media statement from all the representatives in the Working Group around the maintenance dredging.

·        It was proposed that Port of Napier give an update in early 2020 on the construction work of Wharf 6 and when it will commence.

Craig Goodier gave an update on the Extended consent area for sand deposition at Westshore, highlighting:

·        HBRC have engaged an ecological consultant to provide advice on the potential effects of the sand deposition in the nearshore area.   The consultant has conducted field tests, and has provided a report on findings.  The findings provide general guidance that the potential ecological effects are likely to be minor and short lived.  They agree with the adaptive management approach, which would enable some material to be placed in the new zone, then monitored to determine if there are any undesirable effects.

·        Next stage is to meet with the planning consultant and work on a program of consultation with affected parties, most importantly the iwi groups which have interest in this area.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Current Coastal Project Update” report.






Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda




Raised by






The Chairman thanked everyone who has been involved over the years with this project and their valuable contributions made and specially thanked members of TAG who have contributed time and effort in developing the Strategy.

Cr Tom Belford thanked the Chairman for his contribution and great leadership throughout this three years.

Cr Tania Kerr acknowledged Cr Peter Beaven’s fine leadership and contribution throughout the years. 


There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.55am on Tuesday, 3 September 2019.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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