MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                          Friday 7 June 2019

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr A J Dick – HBRC – Chair

Cr F Wilson – HBRC – Deputy Chair

Cr K Price – NCC

Cr A Redstone – HDC

E Speight – NZTA


Alternates:                          Cr D Tennent – CHBDC


In Attendance:          M Broderick – NZ Police

                                    I Emmerson – Road Transport Association

                                             P Michaelsen – AA

                                    A Mills – KiwiRail

                                    A Palairet – Port of Napier

                                    T Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Planning

                                    A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant


TAG                           A Redgrave – HBRC

                                    L Anderson – HBRC

                                             J Pannu – HDC

                                    R Malley – NCC

                                    J Lloyd – CHBDC

                                    O Postings – NZTA



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, specifically Andrew Palairet (Business Development Manager), who has replaced Steve Young as the Napier Port representative.

The Chair advised that the deputation from Ken Crispin will be presented at 10.30am.

It was noted that Cr David Tennent is the Alternate for Mayor Alex Walker as CHB DC representative, and Josh Lloyd is the alternate for Shawn McKinley on the Technical Advisory Group.



RTC11/19     That the apologies for absence from Lisa Malde, Mayor Craig Little and Libby Young be accepted.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Short Term Replacements for the 7 June 2019 Regional Transport Committee Meeting



That _______________________.be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 07 June 2019 as short term replacement(s) on the Committee for _______________________.


4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 22 February 2019



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 22 February 2019, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.




Secretarial note: as there are no provisions under Standing Orders for “Matters arising from Minutes” these are recorded in the Follow-ups from Previous RTC meetings”:



Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


1.   Stock effluent disposal facility in Wairoa:  Cr Wilson reported that he has a meeting with Affco Meat Processors within the next week to discuss the matter.  Will update the committee again with further details.

2.   Implications on the transport network of water bottling plants at Awatoto and Tomoana -  Andrew Palairet responded that they had some slight volume uplifts.  No transport related implications to be reported on.

3.   Napier to Wairoa Rail Log Proposal:  The re-opening of the line will be held on Friday, 14 June.  Anthony Mills reported that extensive media campaign has been run on rail safety and reminded communities about the railway crossings on this route. 

·      Acknowledged government’s significant investment in rail to support economic growth, job securities and making roads safer. 

·      Once service is fully up and running, it is estimated that at capacity, the service will remove approximately  5,700 trucks off the road per annum.

·      Around 1,300 less tons of greenhouse emissions.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.





Call for Minor Items of Business not on the Agenda



That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following “Minor Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 16.



Raised by

Driver licensing

Cr David Tennent

Speed restrictions at the various roadworks especially South of Napier

Cr David Tennent





Deputation by Mr Ken Crispin, CEAC - Rail and Environmental Impacts


Ken Crisping gave a background on their Environmental monitoring company highlighting problems and concerns and spoke on the following matters relating to noise control levels:

1.     CEAC Rail consultant’s report

2.     CER Ltd Community Environmental Impact reporting

3.     Residents response to NZTA’s statutory operating principles as set under RMA and (LTMA) for NZTA ‘Social Environmental’ responsibility.

·         Mr Crispin reported that he has been monitoring noise and air control for the last 17 years.  Low frequency noise needs to be monitored.

·         2500 members of public have signed a petition to remove trucks from cities, favouring rail services.

·         Trying to engage with Napier Port to find possible solutions on reducing noise levels caused by heavy vehicles (trucks) in the Ahuriri/Napier areas.  Have not been successful in setting up a meeting with Napier Port.

·         Port of Gisborne has just signed on to the well-being initiative which was set by government to protect the rights of people and industry with a reasonable level of noise control, and allow the public to work together with control noise.

·         Requesting NZTA to reduce speed limits in Napier vicinity down to 70km/h.

·         Wants consultation to become engagement – to work noise control issues through together



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and considers the “Deputation by Mr Ken Crispin, Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre – Rail, Environmental Impact” deputation.





Hawke's Bay Regional Transport Study


Anne Redgrave updated the committee on progress with implementing its 18 December 2018 decision to undertake a regional transport study to replace and expand the Heretaunga Plains Transport study.

·        Terms of Reference has been completed, setting out the proposed study, timetables and funding arrangements

·        An initial funding application has been submitted to NZTA and now awaiting a decision

·        Proposing that the Committee’s voting members fulfill the governance role for the study, with TAG as the technical steering group

·        A detailed scope is being developed and will be circulated once completed.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.     Receives and notes the ‘Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Study’ staff report.

2.     Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community.

3.     Appoints the Council and NZ Transport Agency members of the Regional Transport Committee to the governance group for the study; [AR1] 

4.     Appoints the Hawke’s Bay Transport Advisory Group (TAG) members to the technical steering group for the study[AR2] 





Speed Limit Reviews


Anne Redgrave introduced the item, written by Hastings District Council arising from HDC’s speed limit consultation meetings.  Discussions traversed:

·        HDC has a small number of speed limit reviews underway in growth areas

·        The complete review has been postponed until or after the October elections

·        The proposal is for regional collaboration on the implementation of the Speed Limit Guide to assist the Transport Agency and Road Controlling Authorities to determine objective road risk, and to work with communities in developing speed management approaches to reduce risk.

·        The Speed Guide was developed to provide a nationally consistent approach to speed management.

·        It was proposed that noise control be recognised when considering the Speed Review Guide.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.     Receives and considers the “Speed Limit Reviews” staff report

2.     Endorses, supports, coordinates and contributes to a region-wide speed limit review and strategy to assist in reducing the number of serious injuries and fatalities in the Hawke’s Bay.

3.     Delegates the organisation and delivery of the implementation of the Speed Management Guide for the Hawke’s Bay to the Technical Advisory Group.





Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan


Anne Redgrave introduced the item, which  asks the Committee to consider a request from NZTA to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan to include the activity “HB State Highway Speed Management Guide Implementation” in the activity list.  The proposed variation is not significant and will contribute to the objective of a reduction in the risk of death or serious injuries on Hawke’s Bay’s roads.



1.     That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan” staff report.

2.     The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

2.1.   Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community.

2.2.   Approves a variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan, introducing the “Hawkes Bay State Highway Speed Management Guide Implementation” to the list of activities. 





Review of Safer Journeys Strategy


Anne Redgrave introduced the review of the Safer Journeys strategy, with discussions highlighting:

·         The Government has commenced a review with the current strategy due for renewal by 2020.

·         A draft submission will be prepared by TAG and circulated for the committee’s consideration.

·         New concepts and ideas will be in the strategy and the government is working with several reference groups to prepare the draft strategy and action plan.

·         Government is also keen to explore the adoption of a “vision zero” approach which aims to ensure that there are no fatalities or serious injuries on New Zealand roads.

·         Intent to release draft strategy for consultation in June-July 2019 and finalise between July-September 2019

·        First action plan would then be published in Sept-Oct 2019.



That the Regional Transport Committee

1.     Receives and notes the “Review of Safer Journeys Strategy” staff report

2.     Notes that a draft submission on the revised strategy will be prepared by the TAG and circulated for the Committee’s consideration.





June 2019 HBRC Transport Manager's Report


A snapshot of relevant transport matters was given by Anne Redgrave.  Discussions highlighted:

·        An announcement on Provincial Growth Fund applications will be made on Monday, 10 June.

·        Hastings and Napier cities have been approached by e-scooter companies to establish a service in these cities.

·        There is merit in establishing regional guidelines and rules around the use of e-scooters, helmets, speed limits and the use of footpaths and roadways.

·        Private ownership of e-scooters will increase and rules needs to apply across the region.

·        HBRC will have a workshop on Wednesday, 12 June to discuss the future direction of public transport in the region.  Agenda to be circulated to members for information purposes.  

·        Napier City Council (Robin Malley) to report to next meeting on 30km/h variable speed limit approval for outside schools – still awaiting response from the Minister of Transport.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the June 2019 HBRC Transport Manager's report”.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Relationships Director's Report June 2019


Emma Speight gave an update and presentation on the regional transport network with discussions highlighting:

·         Working through prioritisation funding for the programmes and projects that best align to GPS priorities

·         Overall more investment from government for NLTP period – higher pressure on funding allocations

·         Will be meeting with local government partners through May and June to discuss NLTP funding for their region

·         Each council will receive an email before the events detailing which projects have approved funding,  also how to best work together to deliver outcomes

·         Review of investment decision making framework is underway  Making improvements to the Business Case Approach to streamline decisions.

·         Through Safe Network programmes, NZTA are investing $1.4billion in projects to improve safety during this National Land Transport Plan.

·         Improved safety on ten of NZ’s rural highways

·         Construction is underway on a further improvement project.

·         A collaborative approach is needed by TAs to achieve best results for the communities.

·         NZTA have a dedicated team of urban specialists who assist with developing/improving walkways, cycling networks, public transport – aim is to reduce vehicle use in towns/cities and create more space for people.

·         Various projects are underway such as innovating streets for people, updating best practice guidance for cycling, pedestrians and public transport design, sector capability building programme and national-regional mode shift action plans.

·         NZTA want to have a better approach to work collaboratively with partners to achieve best results for the community.

·         Engaged  Colmar Brunton to complete a survey on NZTA’s behalf and welcomes any feedback.

·         Tairawhiti package for PGF:  Structure assessments are now completed with internal peer review process underway.

·         Target is to enable HPMV between Napier and Gisborne by end of the calendar year.

·         SH2 Waikare Gorge and SH2 passing opportunities:  Napier to Gisborne detailed business case – funding now approved.

·         SH2 Waikare Gorge: Discussions with landowners have been initiated to determine the extend of cultural impacts. 

·         More detailed look into wider economic benefits the programme is intended to deliver and linkages to PGF criteria.

·         Various works on SH2 – most projects are 60% completed

·         Cycleway extension work in CHB is on track for commencing in late 2019.

·         HB Expressway:  Construction well underway.  All work should be completed by end 2019, start of 2020.

·         SH2/50 Prebensen Hyderabad:  Procurement process on hold until re-evaluation will be completed the project scope and benefits.

·         SH Renumbering:  Timeframes likely to be July 2019.  Working through an engagement plan and media communication.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the NZTA Central Region – Regional Relationships Director’s Report for June 2019”.





Roadsafe Hawke's Bay June 2019 Update


Anne Redgrave introduced Linda Anderson who reported on the HB Youth Alcohol Expo which was held from 6-10 May 2019.  Discussions traversed:

·        Aim of the expo is to provide students with knowledge around road safety and the responsibilities they will have as up and coming drivers. The expo supports a wide range of  road safety education opportunities.

·        High risk road safety issues for Hawke’s Bay are speed, impaired drivers (alcohol and drugs), distracted drivers, unrestrained vehicle occupants, dangerous and inexperienced drivers..

·        Higgins are strong supporters of the expo and were presenting on road safety.

·        The Brain Injury Association HB works to support people with brain injuries and their whanau.  Many of the Association’s clients are a result of road related incidents.

·        The Expo is  a great opportunity to create awareness in the community.

·        99% of schools throughout Hawke’s Bay  attended and the expo was very successful.

·        Linda acknowledged and thanked Inspector Broderick, NZ Police for the support of the police throughout these few days.

·        Having a debrief with NZ Police on successes and failures and what to focus on future expos.

·        Attempted to have a fatigue stop over the Queen’s Birthday weekend at Mohaka Bridge stop on SH5 for south bound traffic.  Unfortunately due to weather conditions, they were unable to proceed. These stops prove to be very popular with drivers.

·        The regional Road Safety Action Plan is a work in progress, but hope to have re-established this year.Schools very supportive of the expo and were notified on the 2020 dates.  Ten schools have  already indicated  their intention to attend.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “RoadSafe Hawke's Bay June 2019 Update” staff report.





June 2019 Public Transport Update


Anne Redgrave gave her regular update on the public transport  activities undertaken and on current issues.  Discussions highlighted:

·         The draft Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) has been released for public consultation and closed on 6 May.

·         Thirty-six submissions were received, with nine submitters wishing to be heard.

·         Regional Public Transport Plan Submissions Hearings will be held on Wednesday, 12 June after which final RPTP will be adopted by Council on 26 June.

·         The final RPTP will be distributed to all stakeholders. HBRC will report back to this committee and Council on a regular basis as planned activities are implemented.

·         Still experiencing  lower patronage on some of the suburban routes, particularly Hastings-Flaxmere and Maraenui-Onekawa routes.

·         Express service very popular and growing   demand.

·         Total Mobility continues to grow.

·         Submissions received were quite supportive of the bus services and received positive comments.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “June 2019 Public Transport Update” report.





Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives


Paul Michaelson (AA)

·            Noted the lack of capacity in Police and asking support for our colleagues as they cannot patrol everywhere, especially on intersections when drivers are jumping red lights.

·            Considerable increase in mobile use.

·             many drivers with bad habits (passing on blind heights and corners, speeding, jumping red lights)

·            AA will investigate possible solutions and cost to install cameras at traffic lights and intersections

Matt Broderick ( NZ Police)

·            The most cost effective way to control this issue , is to install cameras at traffic light systems. 

·            Monitoring and administration of these camera systems could be very high.

·            NZ Police do not have the capacity on national level to manage and administer these systems and  they would have to be locally owned and managed.

·            Cell phone use is a more serious issue in Hawke’s Bay than red ight running .

Brian Gregory

·        Looking forward to the completion of the cycle way extension.

·        Proposed that streetlamps at weigh station be moved down to the right hand turn into Tapairu Road, further south. 

Andrew Palairet (Port of Napier)

·           Nothing to report on coastal shipping,  remains non-viable but  will continue to look for opportunities.

·           Napier Port appreciates their involvement in this committee.

·           Forestry volumes continues to increase – approximately 20% increase in log export volumes this year.

·           Working collaboratively with Dean Prebble, Economic Development Manager from Napier City Council looking at Matariki objectives in the supply chain from forest to port.  A small workshop with a number of stakeholders has been held to discuss the various congestion points and volumes of log trucks particularly around Severn street.

·           Container volumes also increased slightly. 

·           The B-Double project (The project to reduce the number of trucks that have to travel to the empty container depot by enabling a longer truck carrying two 30ft containers) – continues to have delays with trailer manufacturing and design, and aiming to have second trailer ready for testing in July 2019.

·           Wairoa rail line re-opening:  Proceeding and look forward to the re-opening of the line on Friday 14 June.

·           Continue to work with KiwiRail on logistics and operational aspects to potentially start carrying logs from August/September 2019

Antony Mills (KiwiRail)

·           Thanked and acknowledged Ken Crispin for his presentation and hopefully carry forward recommendations being made.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives





Discussion of Minor Items not on the Agenda




Raised by

Meeting with AFFCO next Wednesday or Thursday re Stock Effluent facility in Wairoa

Cr Fenton Wilson

Driver licensing:

Raised at the last meeting and requested an update.  Anne Redgrave reported that the Driver Licensing Group has met to discuss funding for next year.  No funding available at present through NZTA programme or the local share.  Would need to go back to councils to apply for funding to continue work.  Decision from the group  was to ask each provider to assess the ongoing demand and what a cessation for the HBRC funding would mean for its clients, before meeting again to make a final decision.    Anne Redgrave to report back to the committee on the outcome of this.

Matt Broderick responded that he obtained data from NZTA in relation to pass rates and whether the money invested has had any impact on drivers with restricted licences.  It appears that Hawke’s Bay had performed well  on this recently.  

Cr David Tennent

Speed restrictions at the various roadworks especially south of Napier:

Questions arose as to whether there is any responsibility on contractors to adjust speed limit when no work is done.

Emma Speight replied that NZTA is experiencing many challenges during road works. Getting the right speed matters.  NZTA is educating drivers to pay attention to road works and to reduce speed.  Working with contractors to adjust speed indications while working or not. Remains challenging.

Cr David Tennent





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.23pm on Friday 7 June 2019.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................


 [AR1]Do we need to specify who  these are ?

 [AR2] [AR2]Do we need to specify who  these are ?