MINUTES OF A meeting of the MĀori Committee
Date: Tuesday 9 April 2019
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Te Taiwhenua O Tamatea Kitchener Street, Waipukurau |
B Blake
P Eden
Cr R Graham (from 10.39am)
B Gregory
M Hape (Proxy - Tamatea)
H Hilton
K Kawana
M McIlroy
M Paku
A Robin
In Attendance: J Palmer –Chief Executive (from 12.28pm)
Cr P Bailey (from 10.39am)
J Brown – Māori Engagement Coordinator
Cr D Hewitt
C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management
L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation
A Madarasz-Smith – Team Leader Principal Scientist Marine & Coasts
I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management
A Minster – Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships
P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships
A Redgrave – Transport Manager
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
1. Welcome/Apologies/Notices
The Chair, Mike Mohi, welcomed everyone to the meeting in particular Cr Debbie Hewitt, Amy Minster, and Joella Brown. Haami Hilton offered a karakia.
The Chair advised that James Palmer, regional council chief executive, will arrive at 12.15pm.
Peter Eden advised the Committee that Ata Te Tomo has advised her resignation, and that taiwhenua will elect and advise a replacement representative.
MC9/19 That the apologies for absence from Cr Fenton Wilson, Cr Rick Barker, Marei Apatu, Paora Sciascia, and Ata Te Tomo be accepted.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
Short Term Replacements for the 9 April 2019 Meeting |
The Māori Committee agrees that Marge Hape be appointed as a member of the Māori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 9 April 2019 as short term replacement for Paora Sciascia. CARRIED |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee meeting held on 12 February 2019
Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 12 February 2019, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings |
Development of a monitoring tool for tikanga Māori-based monitoring framework for the Tukituki Awa is under way, with further wananga including a workshop planned to socialise the work. Cr Rex Graham and Cr Paul Bailey arrived at 10.39am. Representative to present on Mahaanui Kurataiao: In progress/Invitation to gauge LG(consents). Pieri Munro will follow up with Nathan and Michelle McIlroy on Wairoa Catchment surface water quality. Anna Madarasz-Smith provided an update on E.coli and algae in the Wairoa River, advising that this appears to be a seasonal occurrence, especially in the summer months. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report. CARRIED |
Draft Regional Public Transport Plan |
Anne Redgrave, HBRC Transport Manager, introduced the item, highlighting: · The Regional Public Transport Plan has been released for public consultation, seeking feedback on what can be improved, particularly in the outlying areas. Submissions close on 6 May 2019 Currently investigating: · improved secure cycling parking facilities at key bus stops · improved services between Napier and Hastings · direct service from Flaxmere to EIT · options to partner with organisations and businesses in order to promote commuter bus use through concession fare schemes · Introducing a new ticketing system for the goBay service, including online top-ups and ticket holders being able to use buses in eight other regions. Also investigating: · transport needs and possible solutions for Central Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa including services for EIT students travelling from CHB · possible trial of on-demand services to supplement existing goBay services for low density housing areas and destinations not currently serviced, i.e. Hawke’s Bay Airport, extended hours and weekends.
· Anne Redgrave, Transport Manager is available to talk to community or other groups interested in detail with regards to the consultation process or the Plan. · Api Robin declared an interest in this item as an employee of goBay bus services. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Draft Regional Public Transport Plan” report. CARRIED |
7. |
Seagrass in the Pōrangahau Estuary |
Anna Madarasz-Smith presented on the opportunities and issues in the Pōrangahau Estuary with discussions highlighting: · Scientists found patches of Seagrass in the Pōrangahau Estuary, an important habitat for many marine species that supports primary productivity, stabilises the sediment, increases biodiversity and provides food and habitat for many other marine species. · Declines of seagrass are well documented nationally, and recent regrowth of seagrass has been seen in some places. · NIWA reports that due to increasing levels of bacteria associated with faeces, longer-term persistence of seagrass in the Pōrangahau Estuary is likely to be marginal under current water quality conditions, meaning that it is at risk of loss. · Several projects initiated in the Pōrangahau catchment that will in time improve the water quality and have multiple benefits for estuarine health, diversity and recreation. · Opportunities will include mapping and monitoring of seagrass population, stock exclusion, targeted retirement and riparian planning – improvements that can have multiple benefits for estuary health. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Seagrass in the Pōrangahau Estuary” staff report. CARRIED |
April 2019 Hotspots Update |
Iain Maxwell introduced the item, noting that it will be presented at the Environment and Services Committee tomorrow and that YouTube has a few videos on Lake Tūtira. Discussions traversed: · Tūtira Pine Harvest is being funded through Council’s HotSpots funding and through the Freshwater Improvement Fund. · A range of objectives set for Lake Tūtira include establishment of forest access roads, a post-harvest replanting plan to provide for various identified values of the Tūtira Regional Park · Projects in partnership with Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust (MTT) include establishment of an Integrated Catchment Management Plan, working with landowners to create Farm Environmental Plans, development of a cultural monitoring programme to support the water quality education program, reconnection of Papakiri Stream to Lake Tūtira, implementing sediment mitigations, and installation of an aeration curtain in Lake Tūtira. · Construction of second and final stage of forest access road is expected to be completed by the end of April, and two bridge crossings required at Papakiri and Kahakanui streams to access this road. · Four options for the second forest access road have been generated. Decision will be made following discussion with the company awarded the contract to manage harvest of the forest. · The post-harvest replanting plan has been put on hold pending the completion of a Tūtira Regional Park FEMP being carried out under the Te Waiū o Tūtira Project. A recommendation for replanting will then be presented alongside other recommended actions arising from the FEMP. · Goal of all of this work is to restore the mauri of Lakes Tūtira, Waikōpiro and Orakai, making them swimmable by 2020. · The integrated catchment management plan is nearing completion and will be available in draft for the Lake Tūtira Governance Group to review ahead of their May meeting. · 22 landowners targeted for environment plans in Tūtira, discussions held with seven landowners and four FEMPs completed. · Farmers now developing actions from their plans including slope stability planting by using exotic and native plants, riparian planting and wetland development. · MTT will develop and establish a cultural monitoring programme to support the water quality education programme in Tūtira. · Papakiri Stream will be reconnected to Lake Tūtira by 2021 and an outlet created to provide longitudinal flow and fish passage, improving the mauri of the lake. MTT is to discuss the proposal at their next meeting to determine whether they support the re-connection. · An Environmental Effects Assessment (as part of the consenting process) is being done internally and is due to be completed by June 2019 with focus on lake ecosystems, streams and fish populations. · Sediment mitigations to be established within Kahikanui and Te Whatu-Whewhe sub-catchments, reducing sediment entering the lake system. · An aeration curtain is installed to improve the water quality to a swimmable level. · Anna Madarasz-Smith advised that there is ongoing removal of the invasive tubeworm in Ahuiriri estuary. · The Wharerangi Stream stabilisation plan is currently in development to access the lower stem of the stream to provide mitigation/actions to prevent further erosion of the stream banks and reduce sediment loss. · Ahuriri Source model to identify water pathways and contaminant transfer mechanisms to support management of nutrients and bacteria is being reviewed by HBRC. · Potential actions for enhancing Lake Whatuma are currently under investigation in collaboration with tāngata whenua and key stakeholders. Discussions had with lake owners and tāngata whenua to clarify opportunities around lake ownership, including sale price expectations, potential conditions of sale, long term community involvement and desired outcomes for the project. · In the marine space, Anna Mandarasz-Smith reported that contracting is underway for mapping of the Clive Hard area and that mapping is expected to occur before 30 June. · Work is continuing on mapping sediment characteristics in Hawke’s Bay and measuring the levels of silt and clay that enter the Bay during storm events. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “April 2019 Hotspots Update” staff report. CARRIED |
Dartmoor Eels |
Chris Dolley a summary of the situation in response to a recent eel kill incident, including investigations into adapting drain maintenance programmes to protect the eels in the flood and drainage systems, highlighting: · Heretaunga Plains Flood Protection Scheme consists of 155km stopbank, 577km of river, stream and drainage channel, 287km of living edge protection, 196 structures, 5 detention dams, 18 pump stations and 760 hectare land including river berms. · The purpose of the Scheme is to protect life and communities, sustainable land use, protection and enhancement of river sediment and protection and enhancement of social and cultural values. · Consistently reducing the flood risk to the Plains while minimising adverse impacts of flood management methods on the environment. · On 14 February 2019, staff carried out drain maintenance using a dig and cart method which resulted in a large number of eels being killed through the carting to the dump site. It was reported immediately and all dig and cart on wet drains maintenance ceased. Currently under investigation by Minister of Primary Industries and HBRC is cooperating fully. · Investigations into different methods of drain maintenance has been initiated and all wet drain maintenance is on hold until an agreed pathway is developed. A Task Team, led by Ant Rewcastle, has been created to develop a new standard operating procedure. · Moving forward there are planned Environment Training sessions for all Works Group staff during 2019 covering Codes of practice and River Ecology Plans and the Environmental Code of Practice will be amended based on recommendations from the Task Team · Chris Dolley requested that the Māori Committee nominate 1-2 representatives to participate in the Task Team. |
That the Māori Committee receives the verbal “Dartmoor Eels” report. CARRIED |
Update on the Pan Pac Discharge at Whirinaki |
Liz Lambert provided the committee of the current activities undertaken, with discussions traversing: Api Robin left the meeting at 12.57pm. · Pan Pac undertook two attempts to repair the leak, over a period of weeks. Both attempts were unsuccessful and severely hampered by sea and weather conditions that made access and work very difficult. Additional engineering and weather challenges have caused unavoidable delays. · HBRC is comfortable with the reasons for the delays and accepts the importance of the repairs being of a sufficient standard and robustness to prevent further leakages before the pipe line is replaced. · Pan Pac has almost completed a full assessment to replace the old section of the pipe in the very near future. · Several matters were taken into consideration in Council’s decision not to prosecute including that Pan Pac regularly maintained and monitored the leak and that no evidence of negligence was found. · Pan Pac has cooperated fully with the Regional Council and has been in consultation with the community about the matter, and Council is assured that Pan Pac is treating the matter with urgency and keeping HBRC informed of progress. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Update on the Pan Pac discharge at Whirinaki” staff report. CARRIED |
The meeting adjourned at 1.03pm and reconvened at 1.36pm with Katarina Kawana and Bill Blake not in attendance.
The Chair introduced the local taiwhenua member, Hirani Maaka who spoke to her minor item not on the agenda, “Perception of presence of the marae in the local community” advising:
· On Sunday, 28 April 2019, Matariki will be held in Takapau, with a focus on marae coming together to celebrate. Efforts being made to bring communities together and have greater marae presence. Invitation extended to all taiwhenua, regional and district councils to attend and share in the celebrations
· A Sustainability Workshop will be held on Saturday 8 June at Takapau School with fun activities for our tāmariki (children) to about Sustainability.
· James Palmer noted that HBRC staff are available to attend public events to provide information on the Environment Education and Sustainable Homes programmes. Amy Minster and Joella Brown will investigate HBRC’s presence at the matariki events.
Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates |
The four Taiwhenua each provided an update on current issues of interest in their rohe. Discussions traversed: Wairoa Taiwhenua: Michelle McIlroy · Michelle attended a wānanga at Waipārere Farm to investigate the regeneration of native trees through multiple wetlands with fish and bird species · Also attended a Right Tree, Right Place hui with James Powrie at NKII office where the appropriate native trees for the Wairoa rohe and the kaupapa of seed island based on what was witnessed at Waipārere were discussed. · First scheduled repatriation of 21 tūpuna from Mātiti urupā commenced on 2 April with a pōwhiri. This process will continue in November 2019, April 2020 and November 2020. Thoughts and aroha are with our whanaunga on this very pouri kaupapa. · Great concerns raised around the deforestation of marginal land which resulted in a devastating impact on the hapu. Kahungunu Executive Taiwhenua: Michelle McIlroy reported on behalf of Katarina Kawana who departed earlier. · Kanuka trees at Ruataniwha marae are being poisoned and burnt without consent, by Gray Thompson. Katarina has photographic evidence obtained from the Mahia facebook page. Query arose about whether there was an existing consent? James Palmer confirmed that no consent was acquired and will further investigate this matter. There was no tāngata whenua engagement in relation to the destruction of the trees. Tamatea Taiwhenua: Brian Gregory · two Tamatea candidates put forward as nominations for elections to the NKII board, being Johnny Nepe Apatu (for Chairperson) and JB Heperi-Smith · Taiwhenua ō Tamatea elections will be held on Sunday 16 June at the Waipukurau taiwhenua office · It was noted that a well-attended ceremony was held for the victims of the Ōtautahi (Christchurch shooting) with Roger Maaka doing the mihi. Te Whanganui-a-Orotū Taiwhenua: Peter Eden · Taiwhenua currently in process to reviewing sections 5 and 6e of the RMA to protect cultural beliefs and values and will be making recommendations with regards to the development of the review. · Tuna/Eel in Tutaekuri – HBRC is putting adequate solutions in place through the TANK Plan Change to prevent future mistakes · Meeting scheduled for this week on Napier Port development and potential cultural impacts · Looking at the modelling work done for the Tukituki plan change to assess the potential for its application the Mohaka Plan Change · Amy Minster will be reviewing HBRC’s current tāngata whenua engagement practices in consenting to ascertain whether they are fit for purpose and whether there are areas for improvement. Brian Gregory left the meeting at 2.09pm. Heretaunga Taiwhenua: Mike Paku · Taiwhenua members identified resource consent application process issues. With some applications requiring taiwhenua input/early intervention to work through complex issues. Pre-discussions required on key resource consent activities prior to notification to determine whether there will be an impact on tāngata whenua values, and seeking Council’s collaborative approach towards finding the best outcomes for the community and the region. · Gravel extraction resource consent over Ngaruroro, Tukituki and Tutaekuri catchments is an important issue for tāngata whenua, and need to keep marae and hapu informed on these processes. This was a notified consent and Amy Minster to follow up on the notification process. · Proposed that a Kaitiaki group of tāngata whenua be formed to provide cultural input and advice on a regular basis. · Michelle McIlroy thanked Mark Heaney, who has presented the Sustainable Homes programme in Wairoa to around 70 people. Outcome of that meeting is that council will investigate options to offer an interest free loan. |
Regional Council Chair and Chief Executive Verbal Updates on Current Issues |
As amended by resolution 4 June 2019 |
Cr Rex Graham and James Palmer updated the meeting on current activities, highlighting: · Council has not made a final decision on whether to list Napier Port shares on the stock market. Two Joint Lead Managers have been appointed and will be providing advice to Council. Due Diligence Committee, comprised of key Advisors and Port directors and staff, will be undertaking extensive due diligence of the Port from accounting and tax, trade and economic, environmental and legal perspectives. A Local Preference Scheme is being developed to offer a percentage of shares to local Hawke’s Bay residents, including taiwhenua, if Council decides to proceed. Corporate Entities in Hawke’s Bay will include treaty claimant groups and will be offered a separate preferential opportunity to buy shares. Council is considering the appointment of two “majority shareholder appointed” new Port Directors, one of which will likely be a Councillor. · Rex Graham and James Palmer met with Dave Paku on Mātiti marae urupā. HBRC Chairman Rex also met with some team members on environmental issues, changes in the environment and farm practices over the last decades. Great concern raised in the number of suicides in CHB alone due to financial constraints, environment issues and farm practices. HBRC will take a balanced approach, but will also continue to work to improve the environment. · James Palmer is arranging for a local specialist to speak on the economics around forestation and carbon price. There is a lot of pressure from equity companies internationally to plan forestry in NZ. Lots of issues raised in the current market which is purely driven by economic factors outside HBRC’s control. · There are plans to plant more trees and plants in Eskdale Park through a community driven process. They should be consulting with local taiwhenua and Peter Eden will make contact to discuss that engagement. · One of the key messages from the Balance Farm Awards was that last year’s winner can’t farm as they would normally because they can’t meet the Plan Change 6 conditions and Hawke’s Bay’s very best farmers are struggling to meet the new Plan Change requirements. · Councillors and tāngata whenua representatives attended two recent workshops to resolve issues of concern and build better relationships. · The relationship between the RPC and the Māori Committee and what the future might look like after October elections when new Councillors are elected. The next 6 months will be used to determine the relationship model HBRC wants to use. The process has started with good feedback received from PSGEs and the next stage is to seek taiwhenua input. |
11. |
HBRC 2019-20 Annual Plan Approach |
James Palmer introduced the item with discussions highlighting: · the “no consultation” approach the Council is taking due to the 7.9% rates increase as forecast in the Long Term Plan (LTP) Year 2. · Communications programme to inform the public will commence after Easter · Continuation of the step-change in activity the Regional Council communicated to the community through the 2018-28 LTP process, full steam ahead cementing the additional staff, structure and support needed to protect and enhance the environment. Key messages/highlights: · The influence of climate change is increasingly reflected in the Council’s work programmes such as erosion control, water security and coastal hazards · Integrated Catchment Approach – larger teams in place and building capacity to work with land owners · Regulation – more compliance staff on board to ramp up activity · TANK Plan Change – pre-notification and consultation likely in 2019 · Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan – now working through priority actions · Regional Pest Management Plan – operative from February 2019, the plan aims to limit adverse effects of unwanted pests · Predator free Hawke’s Bay – First phase “Whakatipu Mahia” under way · Napier Port Share Offer – a potential minority share offer is anticipated mid-year · Sustainable Homes – scheme is now region wide · Civil Defence – is now operating as a single, shared service team. Next steps · Media release and communications programme to inform community we are not consulting, and that council is focussed on getting things done to improve the environment (implementing its LTP programme) · Draft Annual Plan content presented to Corporate and Strategic Committee meeting on 5 June for recommendation for Adoption at Regional Council meeting 26 June. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “HBRC 2019-20 Annual Plan Approach” staff report. CARRIED |
13. |
April 2019 Statutory Advocacy Update |
The item was taken as read. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “April 2019 Statutory Advocacy Update” report. CARRIED |
Discussion of minor Items Not on the Agenda |
16. |
Te Pou Whakarae – Māori Partnerships Verbal Update |
Pieri Munro, Group Manager: Maori Partnerships / Te Pou Whakarae gave an update on current issues with discussions highlighting: · Pieri are very thankful for the resources given for Māori Partnership projects. · From earlier discussions held, Pieri reiterate that the Māori Committee is here to help and live up to HBRCs expectations. · Cr Debbie Hewitt thanked the Māori Committee who welcomed her to the meeting. · Cr Debbie Hewitt invited all members to attend the Ahuwhenua trophy competition to be held on Thursday, 11 April from 9am. |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.05pm on Tuesday 9 April 2019.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................