MINUTES OF A meeting of the MĀori Committee
Date: Tuesday 12 February 2019
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Matahiwi Marae Lawn Road RD2, Hastings |
M Apatu
Cr R Barker
B Blake
P Eden
Cr R Graham
B Gregory
H Hilton
K Kawana
P Munro
M McIlroy
M Paku
A Robin
P Sciascia
A Te Tomo
Cr F Wilson
In Attendance: J Palmer –Chief Executive
C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management
M Miller – Acting Group Manager Regulation
N Apirana – Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
W Ormsby – Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
T Goodlass – CHBDC
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
The Chairman, Mike Mohi welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the year and Haami Hilton offered a karakia.
The Chairman reported that Joyce-Anne Raihania, Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships has resigned and the Māori Partnerships team of HBRC is currently recruiting for two roles, being Māori Engagement Coordinator & EA for Te Pou Whakarae as well as Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships.
The Chair also welcomed Norman Apirana and Wayne Ormsby from the Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua who will be presenting a paper.
There were no apologies received.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no Conflict of Interest Declarations.
Short Term Replacements for 12 February 2019 Meeting |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on 27 November 2018
Api Robin reported that due to the change in date, their members were not able to attend the previous meeting held on 27 November 2018. |
Minutes of the Māori Committee held on Tuesday, 27 November 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings |
An update on CHB wastewater discharge is on today’s Agenda. Mark Heany will make a presentation on Sustainable Homes in Wairoa on Thursday, 14 February 2019. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report. CARRIED |
Call for any Minor Items not on the Agenda |
That the Māori Committee accepts the following “Minor items not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 14:
The Chair gave an opportunity to Matahiwi tangata whenua members to raise any items of interest to the Committee and introduced Tom Mulligan. Discussions traversed:
· Tom Mulligan, Matahiwi kaumatua advised that works will be done at the wharenui under the tutorship of Jacob Scott. The Māori carvings and maihi will be replaced where required and the tukutuku panels will be repaired.
· Concerns were raised around the condition of the Clive and Karamu rivers, especially around the silt and flow of the rivers and referred to the HBRC’s plan in the upgrading of the rivers. Suggested that floodgates be put in to decrease flow.
· Council is eager to get the rivers back into their original state, but need to maintain their drainage tasks.
· Riparian planting programme will assist with shading for ecological purposes.
· The rivers are spring fed and due to heavy irrigation, the groundwater use during summer causes for the springs to often run dry.
· The TANK Plan Change will limit any further water takes. The allocation of water for taking at times of high flow for storage and use for activities, was recommended by TANK as a concept for further consideration and development by the RPC.
· Another challenge experienced is the silt and sediment that builds up in the Clive river – dredging programme planned for 2018 to enhance the flow of the river.
· Looking into options in diverting some portions of the Ngaruroro river back into the Karamu system for flushing. Might be part of a bigger augmentation storage program that uses stormwater.
· Workshops are to be held this year to find a long term solutions.
Verbal Presentation by Department Internal Affairs on a new Funding Programme, Oranga Marae |
The Chair, Mike Mohi introduced Norman Apirana and Wayne Ormsby of the Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua who delivered a presentation an overview of their joint working programme to provide resources to marae across the rohe. Discussions traversed: · Purpose of the program is to support the physical and cultural revitalisation of marae as centres of Māori identity and mātauranga. · In the past the Department Internal Affairs had a program called Marae Heritage and the programme specifically focussed on facility itself. · The fund used to be called the Marae Heritage Fund and in in May 2017 budget, the Government contributed money for the revitalisation of marae. During Aug 2017 Te Puni Kōkiri and Government formed a new fund called the Oranga Marae Fund. · The revitalization was the key difference from the previous Marae Heritage Fund. · Main things to be funded now includes tikanga, cultural items that marae may require. · The eligibility must be for a traditional or urban marae, which has to be on a marae reservation land or General Land and gazetted for the purposes of a marae, and be submitted by a governing body with legal entity status or be a Māori reservation, as well as have active and appropriate governance and management controls and appropriate financial systems and policies in place. · Three stages of Oranga marae which includes 1). Marae plan development, 2). Technical reports and 3). Implementation. · A marae development plan needs to be developed to access any funding. The plan must include things like Vision, Cultural aspirations, Physical aspirations, Assessment of current state and opportunities, Action Plan and must be endorsed by the wider whanau and Trustees. · A technical and feasibility reports may be necessary to support capital works projects like resource/building consents, architectural design plans, feasibility report, geotechnical report and condition report. · Oranga marae funding can assist to implement physical and cultural aspirations as identified in the marae development plan. · No longer require a 1/3 monetary contribution towards the application. · Contact Te Puni Kōkiri or Department of Internal Affairs Staff (or both) to access Oranga Marae Funding: at www.tpk.govt.nz/en/whakamahia/oranga-marae or www.communitymatters.govt.nz/oranga-marae · A one on one presentation to individual marae’s will be given should there be a need for explaining the funding options available. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Verbal Presentation by the Department Internal Affairs on new funding programme - Oranga Marae”. CARRIED |
Verbal Update on Current Issues – HBRC Chair/CE |
Cr Rex Graham gave an update on current matters, including: · Council has voted to float a minority stake (up to 45%) in Napier Port on the NZX in order to fund the Port’s development and maintain majority ownership and control of the Port. Merchant Bankers and advisors have been appointed to carry out due diligence work and prepare Napier Port for listing should Council confirm the decision to publically list the company at the end of April. · Waitangi Day celebrations were very successful, beginning with a hikoi at the Celestial compass which then proceeded to the HB Sports Park. Cr Graham expressed his gratitude towards iwi who embraced everyone for the celebrations which were well organised. · The Council effectively undertook a lease agreement for a portion of the Council’s ‘carbon credit” portfolio to Kahutia Limited in order to accelerate afforestation projects on erosion prone land through the Kahutia Accord. · Cr Graham is looking forward to visiting Michelle McIlroy’s nursery planting programme on Friday, 15 February. · Hawea Park is a wonderful collaboration between HBRC, hapu and the four marae and congratulations go to Marei Apatu for his leadership throughout this programme. Exciting work ahead where the history of these parks should be celebrated. · There are lots of opportunities where Regional Council wants to collaborate with tāngata whenua. James Palmer added: · HBRC catchment staff currently engage with landowners to discuss plans and issues on the property and where to plant. · Currently various planting programmes running including Erosion Control Grants Scheme and Hill Country Erosion Fund. Council has applied for “One billion trees” funding and will leverage its own resources alongside that funding. An update on the tree planting projects and the Erosion Control Scheme will be given at the next Māori Committee meeting. · Pre- notification consultation is underway on the TANK Plan change with designated iwi authorities, local authorities and local Government and it is anticipated full public notification will be made by mid-2019. · Ongoing consultation on the Outstanding water bodies Plan Change continues with iwi authorities and a technical advisory group and RPC set to consider a draft plan change at its May meeting. · Mohaka Plan Change pre-engagement is under way with the railway community groups, Ngati Pahauwera and other interested iwi entities. · Consultation taking place on the possibility of proceeding with a Plan Change to PC6 to defer the application of the 2018 minimum flow regime. · Hearings on the Ngaruroro Water Conservation order will commence by the end of February. · Predator Free Mahia programme has commenced and the new Regional Pest Management Plan has just been released · More Compliance staff were appointed to focus on Heretaunga around risks to the aquifer. · Strong compliance activity around septic tanks and wastewater, with unconsented septic tanks to be investigated by compliance staff to identify any risks to drinking water resources. · Compliance staff are working to ensure forest harvest operations adhere to the NES rules and regulations that came into effect in 2018. · In response to a query about whether businesses will be prosecuted for polluting the Ahuriri estuary, James advised that yes, Council has prosecuted businesses in the past for illegal discharges into the estuary as a result of spills. HBRC is working alongside Napier City Council to lift the level of performance for the industrial sites in terms of treatment and collection of stormwater on site including looking into relocating of some of the high risk activities. · Plans to develop Lagoon farm into a wetlands system for stormwater runoff. Some trials have been done, but it is a very complex system. · Hastings District Council also looking into a wetlands system between Hastings and Napier for stormwater discharges. · Three attempts were made to patch Pan Pac’s Whirinaki pipeline leak from the outside, which failed, so Pan Pac will attempt to repair the leak from the inside. An will be given at the next Māori Committee meeting. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Verbal Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chair” report. CARRIED |
Regional Three Waters Review |
Chris Dolley introduced Toni Goodlass, project leader for the review, and gave an overview, highlighting: · Review is assessing and developing options to improve service delivery of drinking water, stormwater and wastewater in the HB region · review scope does not include the resource management or regulatory framework · The Minister of the Environment is supportive of the Region’s proposal to complete the review. · Working to understand the key values and principles that are used to select potential opportunities going forward – collecting data from around the principles and values that are important to the communities. · Initial discussions were held in CHB with the Taiwhenua chair and senior Māori advisors to contribute to the Key Objectives and Principles of the study. · Regional Planning Committee agenda for 20 February will include this same item for information. · Further engagement with iwi will take place at a 7 March workshop - to identify key objectives, principles and values for the review. Invitations will be sent out to RPC and Māori Committee members · Iwi engagement will be guided and led by Troy Brockbank of WSP Opus. · Different models will be identified through their values and principles, be tested against models are most likely to developed further. · It was suggested that the consultation process should go to Iwi and Taiwhenua first. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Regional Three Waters Review” staff report. CARRIED |
The meeting adjourned at 12.44pm and reconvened at 1.30pm.
9. |
Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates |
Each Taiwhenua reported on current issues in their rohe. Discussions traversed: · Brian Gregory (Tamatea Taiwhenua) covered Te Mata Mushrooms resource consent application, Tukituki Water Taskforce, Waipukurau, Waipawa & Ōtane Wastewater Treatment Plants, Waipukurau Community marae, Ngā Taonga o Tamatea “Te Hokinga Mai” exhibition and general update. · Marei Apatu (Heretaunga Taiwhenua) covered the background and relevance of developing a tikanga Māori-based monitoring framework for the Tukituki Awa. A final report “Ngā Pou Mataara Hou: Development of a tikanga Maori based monitorying framework for the Tukituki Awa” dated Dec 2018 was included in the Agenda. Morry Black gave a short presentation on the project components and planning, aims, methods, wānanga process, Māori workshops and next steps. Cr Rick Barker thanked the authors and Marei Apatu for the incredible work done. Te Pou Whakarae related a discussion with Iain Maxwell, Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management. Iain is keen for Marei and Morry to socialise the framework with his ICM staff, and next steps in development of the monitoring tool could be a part of that discussion. Paora Sciascia left at 2.09pm. · The Chair requested that all Taiwhenua reports be submitted early to enable staff to address issues and arrange for respective Managers/staff be available with related queries. Peter Eden (Ahuriri Taiwhenua) highlighted: · Ahuriri pollution – providing a solution in moving forward. · Māori Tourism – about two hundred members on the Māori Tourism Board. · Resource consents – Taiwhenua members raised concerns about activities and development happening around the Ahuriri area/estuary. Suggested that some RMA processes need to be adopted that recognise tikanga Māori and kaitiakitanga principles. · Pieri Munro reported that he and Joyce-Anne Raihania attended a special interest group meeting in Christchurch hosted by the Environment of Canterbury (ECan). A number of Papatipu (Runanga) from the Canterbury region contributed toward set-up of a consenting body that collectively holds their environmental management plans for consenting purposes. This organisation, Mahaanui Kurataiao, manages all cultural impact assessments working closely with the ECan consenting team. It is a very efficient mechanism with regular reporting to each of the Papatipu. ECan staff are intimately engaged with Mahaanui Kurataiao and speak of it in very glowing terms. Committee members responded positively to the query about whether they would be interested in having a presentation by a Mahaanui Kurataiao representative. Michelle McIlroy (Kahungunu Executive/Wairoa Taiwhenua) covered: · erosion issues involving Waahi Tapu · Kahutia Rongoa Wananga, NZ Maori Council, and Matariki Tū Rakau · Hangaroa River and Wairoa catchment surface water quality & ecology report, request for update on water quality to report back to hapu · Progressing a PGF application for a commercial native plant nursery · Concerns raised around the consent for feedlots and their environmental impacts · high e.coli and green algae river bed readings at both monitoring sites within the community – further action needed to address these issues in the Wairoa river. · Further signage to be placed near to the river bridge to protect the health of the community. · Noted that reports must be sent in early and also to Nathan Heath, HBRC Wairoa Staff to assess. Katarina Kawana (Wairoa Taiwhenua) covered: · River erosion still a concern. · Impact Assessment has begun and contact/engagement prior to engineers’ assessment – mapping in process. · Sustainable Homes public meeting to be held on Thursday, 14 February at Wairoa Yacht club. · Engagement with Taiwhenua on Takitimu urupā, Te Uhi urupā and Kihitū – in progress. · Action required to erect/install safety signage on Wairoa riverbanks. · Install “0800...” Hotline sign posts · Link swimmable lakes webpage to NKII and the respective Taiwhenua. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates”. CARRIED |
Central Hawke's Bay Wastewater Discharge Update |
Malcolm Miller gave an update the Committee on the background and progress made to date. Discussions traversed: · Due to non-compliance of existing discharge permits and enforcement action taken by HBRC, a Reference Group has been established to review the Waipukurau and Waipawa treatment plants with the intention of improving the methods of treatment and discharge. · An enforcement order from the Environment Court has been granted for the Waipawa plant. · It was agreed at a fourth meeting that the representation of the group should be widened to include trade waste/commercial business, Youth Council, Fish and Game, farmers, Ōtane Hapū and a representative of each Mataweka, Tapairu, Te Whatuiāpiti and Waipukurau marae. To date it has been difficult to get marae involvement. A further effort to contact marae and seek their representation on the working group will be made following this meeting. · The Group has been appraised of the current state of the treatment plants and their performance. · Reference Group to look afresh at all options for each community and to provide their view to the CHB C on what they would like to see adopted. · The Environment Court requires a follow up report by June 2019. · The Group meets again on 5 February. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Central Hawke's Bay Wastewater Discharge Update” report. CARRIED |
February 2019 Statutory Advocacy Update |
The item was taken as read. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “February 2019 Statutory Advocacy Update” report. |
Te Pou Whakarae – Māori Partnerships Verbal Update |
Pieri Munro gave an update on current issues highlighting: · An Interview panel interviewed for the new Māori Engagement Coordinator & EA for Te Pou Whakarae on 8 February. · better engagement from the Council in building better capability · Eight applications received for Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships position and three have been short listed. · Reminder of the “Three Waters Workshop” on 7 March from 1-3pm. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Te Pou Whakarae – Māori Partnerships verbal update” report. CARRIED |
Discussion of Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
Pieri Munro thanked the tangata whenua for hosting the meeting and Haami Hilton closed with a karakia.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.15pm on Tuesday, 12 February 2019.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................