Meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Date:                 Wednesday 19 December 2018

Time:                10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Late Items Attachments Excluded From Agenda


item       subject                                                                                                                   page


13.       Kahutia – Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Carbon Credit Proposal

Attachment 3:      HBRC and Kahutia LP Carbon Loan Agreement 18 12 2018          2

Attachment 4:      KAHC Guarantee and Indemnity 9 11 2018                                   25

Attachment 5:      Kahutia - HBRC General Security Deed                                         36

Attachment 6:      Mortgage annexure draft 9 11 2018                                                61

Attachment 7:      18 December 2018 J Salter SLW Carbon Credit Loan Legal Advice 64   

HBRC and Kahutia LP Carbon Loan Agreement 18 12 2018

Attachment 3


KAHC Guarantee and Indemnity 9 11 2018

Attachment 4


Kahutia - HBRC General Security Deed

Attachment 5


Mortgage annexure draft 9 11 2018

Attachment 6


18 December 2018 J Salter SLW Carbon Credit Loan Legal Advice

Attachment 7