MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group JOINT COMMITTEE
Date: Monday 3 December 2018
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
R Graham – Chair, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
S Hazlehurst – Mayor, Hastings District Council
C Little – Mayor, Wairoa
A Walker – Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
In Attendance: J Palmer – Chief Executive
A Hickey – MCDEM
J Horrocks – MCDEM
W Jack – CE, Napier City Council
E Lennan – Emergency Management Advisor
I Macdonald – Group Manager/Group Controller
J Tetlow – Emergency Management Advisor - Readiness and Response
K Wairama – Team Leader Community Engagement
A Roets – Governance Administrative Assistant
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
CDE14/18 That the apologies for Monique Davidson and Neil Taylor be accepted.
Hazlehurst /Walker
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee held on 27 August 2018
Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee held on Monday, 27 August 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Action Items from previous CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Meetings |
Actions listed are progressing. No further report needed on the Action Items. |
That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives the “Action Items from Previous CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Meetings” report. CARRIED |
Call for minor Items not on the Agenda |
That Council accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion only as Item 14:
Group Annual Report 2017-2018 |
Ian Macdonald presented the paper and sought the Committee to adopt the Group Annual Report with further discussions highlighting: · A draft Annual report has been approved by the CEG meeting on 9 Nov and it is intended that it be published on the Group webpage. · The report is grouped by the 4Rs and in this is against a background of change both at a national and Group level. · In developing this report, clearly identifying the link between the Group’s strategic direction (Group Plan) and specific work or actions has challenging. Area for improvement for the next report and the identification of indicators to measure the achievement for CDEM outcomes is one of the projects identified for the next year. · Liquefaction report was a substantial piece of work which was done and gave the right advice to the Councils as under the Building Act and under the RMA. · Natural hazards portal are continued to be maintained and has grown and most councils are using this as their first port of call for their LIMS (land information memorandums) · Progress has been made in community and engagement resilience planning and this is ongoing. · The HB CDEM Group webpage has had a complete review and public can access it on www.hbemergency.govt.nz. · A full training programme during the reporting period has been followed. Trained around 150 staff in the Integrated Training Framework Intermediate Course. · A 111 watches or warnings to partner agencies through the regional warning system has been done. · A number of recovery workshops with individual councils primarily to clarify roles and responsibilities for recovery post a disaster and introduce the Group Recovery Framework. · Recovery is an important part of the Community Resilience Plan process with communities identifying the priorities for recovery for them after an event. · The staffing structures were reviewed and subsequently adopted in early 2018. · There was an underspent of funds of $80,000 in the 2017-18 financial year mainly due to two vacancies being held for part of the year, which impacted on both personnel costs and operational expenditure. · CDEM Head office building: HDC Council has voted and taken decision to remediate the old building for the same cost of building a new building to a level 4 standard. · Aim to complete the new building within 8 months (August 2019). |
That : 1. The Committee agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Committee can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2. The Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee adopts the “Group Annual Report 2017-18”. CARRIED |
MCDEM update including National Resilience Strategy |
Jo Horrocks introduced the item and presented an overview of the new proposed National Resilience Strategy focussing the vision and long-term goals for civil defence emergency management. Strong focus on building community and societal disaster resilience to protect New Zealand’s prosperity and wellbeing. |
That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives the “MCDEM update including National Resilience strategy” report. CARRIED |
7. |
Approval of Group Submission on the National Resilience Strategy |
The paper was taken as read. No further questions was raised on this matter. |
That: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2. That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee approves the Group submission on the National Disaster Resilience Strategy submission. CARRIED |
Amendments to the Group Plan: Controllers |
Ian Macdonald reported that Helen Montgomery has left the employment of WDC and they have proposed that Libby Young be appointed as replacement. · Steven May, Wairoa CE reported that Libby Young, Roading Manager is very capable and experienced and would be an asset to the localised controller. |
That : 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2. Resolves to make a minor amendment to Appendix 5: Key Appointments of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan pursuant to section 57 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and make appointments and changes to the roles of Hawke’s Bay Local Controller as follows: Add the following to the Hawke’s Bay Local Controllers list: 2.1 Raoul Oosterkamp (Hastings District Council) 2.2 Malcolm Smith (Napier City Council) 2.3 Libby Young (Wairoa District Council) Remove the following from the Hawke’s Bay Local Controllers list: 2.4 Mike Maguire (Hastings District Council) 2.5 Jon Kingsford (Napier City Council) 2.6 Helen Montgomery (Wairoa District Council. CARRIED |
9. |
Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Work Programme 2018/19 And 2019/20 |
Ian Macdonald spoke to the report covering: · Report was approved by the CEG meeting on 9 November 2018 and sought the Joint Committee to endorse the Work Programme. · Reminded committee members on the priority projects being Community Resilience Planning, Operational Readiness, Recovery and Governance and Management. · The MCDEM programme of Capability Assessment Reviews has been suspended. However, CDEM want to ensure to progress against the outcomes sought for CDEM. The 2011 and 2015 assessments will provide benchmarks to assess how we have progressed. The report will also be used to inform the Group Plan Review. · Mayor Walker asked whether some scenario based training can be done through this committee. Mr Macdonald advised that there was a planned scenario session on declarations after this meeting. |
1. That the Committee receives the “Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Work Programme 2018/19 and 2019/20” report. 2. That the Committee endorses the“Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Work Programme 2018/19 and 2019/20” report. CARRIED |
11. |
Group Manager’s General update |
Ian Macdonald took the paper as read and reported that the Esk Flooding event 2018 report is a critical examination of what occurred and seeks to identify and implement a number of corrective actions which already have been implemented. Scenario based training and exercise have been done through the committee explaining decisions on activation, declaration and what considerations are taken on consideration in an emergency. |
That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee receives and notes the “Group Manager’s General Update” staff report. CARRIED |
Discussion of minor Items not on the Agenda |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.20pm/2.57pm5 on Monday, 3 December 2018.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................