MINUTES OF A meeting of the MĀori Committee


Date:                          Tuesday 27 November 2018

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M Mohi - Chairman

M Apatu

Cr R Graham

B Gregory

H Hilton

A Manuel

M McIlroy

M Paku

P Sciascia

Cr F Wilson

Cr P Bailey

K Kawana (Proxy - Wairoa)

J Browne (Proxy - Heretaunga)


In Attendance:          J Palmer –Chief Executive

                                    P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae – Group Manager - Māori

J-A Raihania – Senior Advisor Māori Partnerships

L Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, acknowledging Pieri Munro’s presence, after which Haami Hilton offered a karakia to open the meeting.


MC39/18         That apologies for absence from Cr Rick Barker, Bill Blake, Peter Eden, Api Robin and Ata Te Tomo be accepted.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

Michelle McIlroy declared an interest as a Kahutiaki Wairoa delegate for the Kahutia Accord (NKII).

There were no further declarations of interest.



Short Term Replacements for 27 November 2018 Meeting



The Māori Committee agrees that Cr Paul Bailey, Katarina Kawana and Joella Brown be appointed as member/s of the Māori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 27 November 2018 as short term replacements(s) for Cr Rick Barker, Bill Blake and Peter Eden respectively.




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee meeting held on 16 October 2018


·      Page 3, Item 7:  Engagement with tangata whenua within the Tukituki catchment Plan Change:  Marei Apatu reported that they have undertaken four wanaga “to assist defining what the concept of mauri means”.  First stages were completed and a final report will be provided to Iain Maxwell in due course.

·      Page 6: James Palmer advised that the previous minutes are to be corrected to reflect “Up to $100k was considered by Council for commercial planting in partnership with Ngati Kahungunu”.

·      An update on the CHB sewage ponds was requested.



Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 16 October 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record as amended.





Follow-ups from previous Māori Committee meetings


·      Item 1 & 2:  Sustainable Homes:  Completed.  Mark Heaney requested a suitable date from Michelle for a workshop for the Wairoa Community.  Referred to Nathan Heath. Requested that when a flyer or promotional material becomes available, it be distributed to Michelle for distribution within the Wairoa Community also.

·      Item 3:  Matiti urupa:  Michelle McIlroy reported that Tatau Tatau o Te Wairoa treaty settlement group gave their blessing that erosion issues and waahi tapu be investigated and requested that each whanau, hapu or marae involved, a kaumatua participates for cultural safety.

·      Point 4:  Matiti urupa repatriation:  work ongoing.

·      Point 5:  New Iona residential zone in Havelock North:  Liz Lambert reported that the Minister of the Environment accepted the recommendation for rezoning from the Independent Commissioner and effective as of 19 Sept 2018.

·      Point 6: Water supply in Rauponga: Still in progress.

7 August meeting follow-ups

·      Item 1.  Eels from Regional Council – Pieri to report as part of this korero.

·      Item 2.  Feedback from tangata whenua – Cr Rex Graham will report on this matter through his verbal update on current issues.

·      Item 3.  Flood protection for the Wairoa playground – building work has started and in process.

·      Item 4.  Source discharging to Wairoa River:  Michelle McIlroy tabled her report at the meeting.  Liz Lambert reported that HBRC is expecting the Resource consent application to be lodged by end November and explained the consent application processes to committee members.

·      Item 6.  Māori Community Development Act.  Completed

Liz Lambert gave an update on the CHB wastewater discharge:  A working party has been established by the CHBDC to investigate the most cost effective, but still having long term concerns about the discharge into the river.  A further update will be provided at the next meeting.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





Call for any Minor Items not on the Agenda


There were no items raised.



Verbal update on current issues – HBRC Chair/CEO


Cr Rex Graham, as Council Chairman, reported on current issues highlighting:

·      Napier Port consultation:  the Port Consultation and public meetings have been very successful with over 3500 submissions received. Cr Rex Graham and James Palmer also met with all Port staff during the consultation process .

·      Te Mata Track:  After consultation and various meetings, HDC and Craggy Range are working to remove the track. Cr Rex Graham met with various stakeholders (tangata whenua, Waimarama hapu, etc) on this controversial matter.

·      A group of investors indicated interest in buying the piece of land adjacent to Te Mata Peak track and donating it to the Regional Council to use as a Regional Park, which also includes the land the Te Mata Track is currently on. Council has responded that it would be grateful for the land for a Park, but do not want the liability of the Track.

·      The Hutchens family agreed for a bicycle track to be built on the lower hills of Te Mata Peak.

·      Tangata whenua still of the opinion that the original track must be removed before any other arrangements can be considered.

·      The water situation in Central Hawke’s Bay is very complex and water allocation in the past (first in, first serve), has carried forward many challenges. Six dairy farmers in CHB currently amongst the biggest water users on the Ruataniwha Plains.

·      Disappointed with the response received from Napier MP Stewart Nash to the letter from HBRC calling for a moratorium on commercial eel fishing in the Region.

James Palmer reported on current issues and activities from the CEO perspective, highlighting:

·      increased activities across Council over the last few months, including new IT team, new staff and accommodation of all staff in appropriate spaces.

·      The Planning Team is progressing the TANK Plan Change and TANK remains a vast body of work, and currently working through issues with the Regional Planning Committee.

·      Tukituki Taskforce activities in CHB and staff engagement with landowners to explain the minimum flows which are now in place.

·      Regional Council CEs from across NZ meet collectively once every two months, with the next meeting scheduled on 30 November in Taranaki with Minister Andrew Little and Minister Mahuta in attendance.

·      James has been asked to lead the conversation with the Ministers around Treaty settlements and costs of implementing the Treaty Settlements on Local Government as well as the capacity and capability challenges for Post Settlement Governance Entities. Central Government is to resource Post Settlement Governance entities to enable them to work effectively on complex RMA issues.

·      As noted in the last meeting, Council has set aside $30m over 10 years for grant funding, particularly around erosion control and riparian planting, in its LTP. An application has been submitted to the Government to leverage that funding.

·      Non-commercial environmental restoration and enhancement to be scaled up, with teams engaging with landowners who have indicated an interest. The first erosion control plans have started to flow through.

·      Study underway called “right tree, right place”, where a consortium of experts is investigating where commercial opportunities exist for different types of forestry including native, manuka, etc, across the whole region, and to help us understand whether the Council’s commercial balance sheet could be directed towards commercial and native forestry.

·      Expressions of Interest in the Kahutia Accord have been received from landowners totalling around 16,000 hectares – getting nursery stock purchased and land prepared. Proposed that Council loan up to 100,000 of the Council’s carbon credits, (estimated value of around $2.5m) to Kahutia Ltd, which they can sell to raise capital to get planting underway and repay the Council as those trees accrue carbon.  Council will be considering a proposed contract and arrangement at its 28 November meeting.

·      Michelle McIlroy expressed her concern around which parts of the region the million trees will be planted and water issues raised to feed the trees.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Verbal Update on current issues by the HBRC Chair/CEO” report.





TANK Plan Change Overview and next steps


Mary-Anne Baker, Senior Planner, gave an overview of the TANK Plan Change project and the Water Management challenges with discussions highlighting:

·      Explained what the TANK Stakeholder Group was and who the representatives are and that the Group recommended plan change provisions to the Regional Planning Committee for the management of freshwater quality and quantity for the Regional Resource Management Plan (RRMP)

·      Catchments are defined by surface water boundaries.

·      Regional Plan contains the policies and rules to manage the sustainable use and development of natural resources for the Region.

·      The TANK collaborative process provided a shared understanding about the important freshwater values and how to provide for them.

·      Main issues discussed included nutrients, sediments and stormwater.

·      Riparian land needs to be better managed to improve water quality and aquatic ecosystems.

·      New provisions in place for minimum flows for surface water abstraction.

·      Efficient use of available water will be a key policy direction.

·      Urban growth will be constrained by limits including those within water permits.

·      Stream depletion management options discussed i.e. stream flow enhancement and ecosystem/habitat improvements.

·      Storage and release options for Ngaruroro River are considered feasible.

·      Clear limits established for ground and surface water abstraction – new opportunities for storage and augmentation will be sought.

·      Investment and development guided by new high flow limits and damming restrictions.

·      Allocation of high flow water for Māori development.

·      The next Regional Planning Committee meeting is 12 December where the Committee will finalise decisions for amendments to Version 8 of the Plan Change.

·       The Chair, Mike Mohi, acknowledged and thanked Mary-Anne Baker for her hard work and input with the TANK Plan Change, and also Marei Apatu’s great leadership on behalf of the various Māori groups through his role on the TANK stakeholder group.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the verbal “TANK Plan Change overview and next steps” staff report.





Feedback from the Taiwhenua Representatives


Michelle McIlroy tabled her report for the Wairoa Taiwhenua, highlighting:

·       Erosion issues involving waahi Tapu: Quite significant land drop on the Pakowhai urupa side. Pa Rob McGowan suggested that tutu and ti kouka be planted in the vicinity. Tareti-Mei Tohiariki (Pakhowhai contact) is happy to engage with HBRC on this issue and would welcome their support.

·       Whakapau:  recent discussions with Hinemihi marae on the proximity of the urupa and the graves to the awa.  The Eastland funded trees via the marae will be planted next to the Matariki to assist stopping further erosion.  Suggested that whanau members engage with HBRC in preventative measures.

·       Matariki Tu Rakau:  An application via Matariki Tu Rakau has gained 10,000 native trees for Matariki 2019 which has been designated to Takitimu marae, Ruataniwha marae and Ramatoto marae and Pakowhai marae. Trees will be ready for planting in June/July 2019.

·       Attended a recent fundraiser for Hurumua marae to support their repatriation of graves.

·       Kahutia Rongoa Wananga:  On 19 November a wananga was held at Morere Reserve with 82 people in attendance.  Will be running a three tree identification and seed sourcing wananga starting in January 2019.

·       Michelle McIlroy attended the NZ Maori Council hui on 10-11 November on behalf of Kahungunu Executive.

·       Wairoa District Council:  Requested further information on the progress of the wastewater consent application, and that the application be brought to this committee prior to its approval in particular in relation to the two areas queried.

·       Requested further information on PAPP (Para-Aminopropiophenone) use in Te Rohe o Te Waiora.

Brian Gregory (Tamatea) gave an update on their activities and reported on the Tukituki Taskforce Group with discussions highlighting:

·       The Group has met twice, chaired by Cr Debbie Hewitt.

·       The first two meetings established relationships and the operating environment, agreed the Terms of Reference and started to build an understanding of the issues experienced and potential solutions for discussions.

·       On 20 November, the Tukituki Taskforce Group unanimously resolved “to request that the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Regional Planning Committee re-consider the 2018 operative dates for increasing minimum flows within the Tukituki plan to provide to two summers 2018-19 and 2019-20 to allow the Taskforce Group time to work with the Community to create a transitional plan, with discussions on Tranche 2 consents being publically notified. 

·       The Taskforce Group requested a meeting with the RPC.

·       There will be a public meeting held tonight from 5-7pm at the Town Hall for local tangata whenua (Tamatea) to discuss these issues and other water related matters.



That the Māori Committee receives the verbal “Feedback from Te Taiwhenua Representatives”.





Natural Hazards 101 Workshop


Ian Macdonald, Group Manager HB CDEM Group, introduced the item and outlined the context of the mini workshop. This included the Hikurangi subduction zone and Kermadecs, the Hikurangi Response Plan Project for the East Coast and Hawke’s Bay risk awareness, Social impacts of hazard events & Community Resilience Planning and CDEM Response Structures.  Discussions traversed:

·      Ian introduced Jim Tetlow (Team Leader, Operational Readiness), Karl Wairama (Team Leader, Community Engagement), Edaan Lennan (Team Leader, Training and Education) and Natasha Goldring (Project Leader Hikurangi Response Plan).

·      The CDEM operates across all Councils in Hawke’s Bay.

·      Overview of risks hazards in Hawke’s bay.  5 major risks being identified being earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic ash fall, human pandemic and flood and storm events.

·      Increasing resilience in communities, research and understanding better to plan better, education and engagement so that people know more about the hazards, risk reduction aware and be better prepared, especially following an earthquake.

·      More info on www.eastcoastlab.co.nz.

·      Hikurangi subduction zone holds a significant risk for tsunami for the East Coast.

·      Project objectives for the Hikurangi Response Plan is to facilitate effective response and what the impacts would look like in such event.

·      Currently developing the Response Plan, which is a 2year exercise with the response plan and community engagement. Examine what the wider NZ context of a eruption and impacts would mean.

·      Community Engagement:  Building on community resilience and the response in a disaster event.

·      Recently had a Nationwide shake-out.  Practice personal safety, one being drop cover and hold.

·      Decisions on Council response are made depending on the impact of the event.

·      To consider what maraes can do in state of emergency.



That the Māori Committee receives the Natural Hazards 101 workshop.






November 2018 Statutory Advocacy update


The item was deferred to the March 2019 meeting



Verbal update by Te Pou Whakarae – Māori Partnerships


Pieri Munro, Te Pou Whakarae gave a verbal update on activities and highlighted:

·      A strategy around Māori responsiveness needs to be developed within the HBRC.

·      Had initial discussions with all Group Managers and will follow on with discussions with Councillors, Māori who hold seats at the RPC and Māori Committee meetings.

·      Proposed that the Māori Committee meetings be more efficient and focussed and suggested reports be prepared, highlighting key points, to replace verbal updates for all future meetings.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Verbal update by Te Pou Whakarae – Māori Partnerships”.

McIIroy/ Mohi




Discussion of Items not on the Agenda


There were no items for discussion




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.10pm on Tuesday 27 November 2018, thanking staff for their wonderful work during the year, especially Joyce-Anne Raihania and Annelie Roets, and wished committee members a safe and happy Christmas.

Pieri Munro closed the meeting with a karakia.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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