MINUTES OF A Regional Planning Committee WORKSHOP
Date: Wednesday 19 September 2018
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
T Waaka – Co Chair Ngāti Pāhauwera Development & Tiaki Trust
Cr P Bailey
Cr R Barker – Deputy Co Chair
Cr P Beaven
Cr T Belford
Cr A J Dick
T Hopmans – Deputy Co Chair -Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust – via Skype
N Kirikiri – Te Toi Kura O Waikaremoana
Cr N Kirton – from 1.20pm
J Nelson-Smith – Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust
P Paku – He Toa Takitini
A Tapine – Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust
Cr F Wilson – from 1.20pm
In Attendance: J Palmer – Chief Executive
M Barker – Senior Planner
Rina Douglas – Senior Planner
C Edwards – Senior Planner
R Ellison – Independent Advisor
G Ide – Manager - Policy and Planning
J Lawrence – Group Manager, Office of the Chief Executive
T Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Planning
Dr J Smith – Principal Scientist
Dr T Wilding – Senior Scientist
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the workshop and Toro Waaka offered a karakia.
Cr Debbie Hewitt, Karauna Brown, Matiu Heperi-Northcroft and Joinella Maihi-Carroll absent.
Apiata Tapine formally acknowledged Hawke’s Bay Regional Council whom have made busses available to attend the funeral of Ruruarau Heitia Hiha.
Toro Waaka advised that he needs to leave at 2.00pm.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no Conflict of Interest Declarations.
TANK Plan Change further information |
Tom Skerman opened the workshop with a confirmation following the last RPC meeting. There was a desire particular from tangata whenua reps to better understand issues around flow enhancements. This workshop will focus on these areas. Discussions traversed: · Concerns raised around augmentation impact on springs · To clearly understand the Fresh Water Management Units for the TANK catchments · Mary-Anne Baker gave a TANK overview and look at the context of the decision making to ensure what the Committee’s decisions are/going to be. · Had a whiteboard discussions on where RPC members needs further discussions on issues and clarification on matters to feed back into reports. · Request for information about existing consents. Questions about how many consents will be rolled over. Concerns about ‘grandfathering’ and whether the provisions result in sustainable management · Whether other policies (besides high flow allocation) have the effect of rolling over current provisions. · The content of the implementation plan and how the policies and the implementation plan are giving confidence that MW values will be met. Cr Neil Kirton and Cr Fenton Wilson arrived at 1.20pm. · Spring depletion as a result of any augmentation impacts on the springs. · Whether existing consents are operating under the current RMA plan and will be rolled over on their current terms. · Seeks further clarification on impacts of current provision on i.e investment sustainability. · Policy 37: What is the impact on current stakeholders and new investors/settlement investors – how are new applicants for water considered. How would treaty settlements be affected? · No new allocations for water can be made under the draft Policy. – Other allocation options were considered by TANK – separate paper from TANK is available on this.. · Provide more information about how the provisions for the 20% of the high flow allocation for tangata whenua can be developed and implemented · Information about the profile of consents expiring in the next 10 years. · Prevent further degradation/ Improve state where necessary · Water quality limits - priority approach to water quality · Recognise where information gaps exist Jeff Smith gave a summary of current allocations and effects on lowland streams, the GW-SW interactions, Stream depletion modelling, the model simulations of stream flow enhancement and the implementation of flow enhancement. Discussions traversed: · Information requested to show water use by sector– this information can be extracted from the economic modelling . · Investigation into level of water use efficiency was carried out by HBRC last season and reported to Environment & Services Meeting. Toro Waaka left at 2.00pm Cr Neil Kirton left at 2.05pm · Peter Paku considered that Raupare flows were affected more by the Ngaruroro R flow than by groundwater abstraction. · Field trip to Raupare Spring source flows was suggested. · Stream flowss may be affected by augmentation. The proposed enhancement scheme would ensure overall benefit to flows Cr Neil Kirton returned to the meeting at 2.29pm · Climate change accounted for – but data uses current and historic information as there is no future data that is more accurate than this. · The Policy requires further further investigation around design and impacts in relation to each stream flow enhancement proposal. · Hypothetical bore locations were used for assessing feasibility. · Actual bore locations would be identified via consultation e.g. Enhancing upstream reaches will offer greater ecological benefit. Cr Alan Dick left at 3.19pm. The meeting adjourned at 3.20 and reconvened at 3.37pm Cr Fenton Wilson left at 4.10pm · Policy in place in terms of mitigation the adverse stream depletion effects and are committing in reviewing the success thereof. The plan will change the provision for the consent holders if necessary. Nicky Kirikiri left at 4.15pm · Ngararuro river flow is also affected by cumulative effects of pumping. · Increased utilisation will have negative consequences for flows in the Ngaruroro River and lowland streams. – Ngaruroro River is already over allocated. Cr Tom Belford left at 4.24pm · To have a meeting with tangata whenua advisors to discuss matters which should be included in the implementation plan. |
1. Provide information about the profile of resource consents that will be affected by the Plan Change including expiry dates 2. Consider options for a field trip that includes visiting the source of the Raupare Stream 3. Provide information about the amount of water use by sector across the TANK area 4. Arrange meeting with TW advisors 5. Circulate water allocation and priority end uses discussion paper. 6. Provide more information about how the 20% high flow allocation for MW can be developed and implemented. |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 4.30pm on Wednesday, 19 September 2018.
Apiata Tapine closed the meeting with a karakia.
Signed as a true and correct record.
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