


MINUTES OF A meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Date:                          Friday 28 September 2018

Time:                          10.00am


Council Chamber

Hastings District Council

207 Lyndon Road East



Present:                     Cr Peter Beaven – HBRC - Chair

Cr Paul Bailey – HBRC

Cr Tom Belford – HBRC

Cr Annette Brosnan – NCC

Cr Larry Dallimore – NCC

Cr Malcolm Dixon – HDC

Cr Rod Heaps – HDC

Cr Tania Kerr – HDC – Deputy Co-Chair

          Cr Neil Kirton – HBRC

          Tania Hopmans – Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust

                                    Tania Huata – Mana Ahuriri Trust

                                    Mayor Bill Dalton - NCC

                                              Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst – from 12:10pm


Alternates:                Cr A Redstone – HDC


In Attendance:          Simon Bendall – Mitchell Daysh

                                    Brent Chamberlain – HDC

                                    Mark Clews – HDC

                                    Chris Dolley – HBRC

                                    Craig Goodier – HBRC

                                    Dean Moriarity – NCC

                                    Caroline Thomson – NCC

                                    A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Tania Huata offered a karakia.  The Chair also welcomed the proposed three new members of the Committee, Cr Annette Brosnan (NCC), Cr Malcolm Dixon (HDC) and Cr Neil Kirton (HBRC) and acknowledged that they would have full voting rights for the purpose of this meeting.  A special welcome was also extended to Chris Dolley, Group Manager Asset Management at HBRC who has replaced Graeme Hansen.



CLI88/18    That the apologies for absence from Cr Tony Jeffery and Mr Peter Paku be accepted.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no Conflict of Interest Declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 20 February 2018



Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on Tuesday, 20 February 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.





Actions from previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Simon Bendall spoke to the actions and explained that most of the actions have been addressed and completed with highlighting on the following Items.

Item 1:  NKII/Taiwhenua/Marae – further consultation with tāngata whenua about the outcomes of Stage 3.  TAG sent out a letter in December 2017 with a further follow up letter sent in August 2018. A meeting was subsequently held with Ngāti Kahungunu and it was agreed to meet again with a further update on progress  within 6 months. A phone conversation was also held with Te Whanganui-a-Orotū and Kohupatiki Marae in response to the August letter and they were both invited to attend the hui with Ngāti Kahungunu.

Item 4: Opportunities to work with the Living at the Edge team on communications, noting a workshop is scheduled for 24 October 2018.



Call for Items of Business not on The Agenda


There were no minor items raised.



Joint Committee Membership and Delegations


The Chair invited Simon Bendall to speak to the item, with discussions traversing:

·      TAG regularly reviews the Joint Committee’s Terms of Reference (ToR) to ensure that the ToR continues to remain relevant as the work of the Strategy progresses and evolves. In a recent review, TAG identified two recommended changes to the ToR for the Committee’s consideration being:

  •    To increase in the number of Partner Council appointees to the Joint Committee from two per Council to three
  •    To add a new section 7.5, to provide an explicit role for the Joint Committee to engage in various public processes that may have implications for Strategy implementation.

·      It was recommended that the new 7.5 include “Central Government Policy and legislation and funding”.

·      10.4 – it was agreed that the quorum required for a meeting will be updated to reflect that councils are being asked to make key decisions in this stage, with at least one representative from each Partner Council required to establish quorum.

·      Add a new 13.2 requiring that a one page TAG summary report be circulated to all Joint Committee members and incorporated into each Council pack for the following meeting, and that a TAG member be available to speak to the summary at the meeting.

·      TAG to amend the ToR and circulate the final version to the Joint Committee for any further feedback before seeking endorsement for the changes through each Partner Council.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee:

1.      Receives the report Joint Committee Membership and Delegations

2.      Approves the updated Terms of Reference for the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee dated 28 September 2018; and

3.      Recommends the updated Terms of Reference be circulated to the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee for final approval prior to being submitted to Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for adoption.





Proposed Scope and Project Plan for Stage 4


Simon Bendall introduced the item and discussed the proposed scope of works and the project plan for Stage 4 of the Strategy, highlighting:

·      A preliminary version of Stage 4 scope was developed and provided to the Committee earlier this year. 

·      Some minor changes have been made since the last version.

·      Stage 4 is proposed to be developed in three phases being 1). Pathway concept development, testing and planning, 2). Community Consultation and approvals and 3). Pathway implementation projects.

·      There is a consultative step in between confirming the final detail of these pathways and the implementation phase. It will likely be through special consultation under the LGA or combined with LTP consultation process.

·      The scope of works and associated timeframes for delivery has been discussed and will be workshopped with Joint Committee members with a view to developing a final scope of works and project plan for approval at the December Joint Committee Meeting.

·      Craig Goodier gave an update on the Design workstream (Phase 1) highlighting that HBRC were currently developing modelling information.

·      Dean Moriarity gave an update on the Triggers Workstream which provides early warning signals and triggers will be developed in a collaborative way with community members.

·      Brent Chamberlain reported that a presentation will be given on the Funding Workstream.

·      Mark Clews gave an update on the Regulatory Workstream on the consenting process and key matters to consider in terms of the existing Resource Management Planning and regulatory framework.  Further, the consentability of the pathways needs to be considered.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Proposed Scope and Project Plan for Stage 4” report.





Funding update


The Chairman invited Brent Chamberlain to deliver his presentation.

Discussions traversed:

·      The Funding workstream continues the work of the TAG funding subgroup.

·      Key tasks include developing funding policies and structures to support any new rates collection for strategy implementation.

·      The Funding Workstream has further developed their thinking and is seeking feedback from the Joint Committee in order to further develop the approach

·      Public vs Private benefit was discussed around each asset.

·      The challenges with the LG Rating Act were noted in terms of establishing a Contributory Fund

·      Proposal that the sum total public good contribution for all works be consolidated and spread evenly over every property in the Napier and Hastings districts, over the life of the assets, and collected as part of general rates.

·      Possible contributions from other interested parties with assets in at risk areas, such as NZTA, Unison, Airport, PanPac, need to be considered.

·      Collection of rates could be by TA, Regional, or hybrid (e.g. TA collects private good and Regional collect public good).

·      Conversations with Central Government over funding have started.

·      A range of views were expressed around preferred options for collection and management of the funds and when collection should commence.

·      It was requested that the presentation be distributed to all Committee members.

Cr Neil Kirton left the meeting at 12:00pm

·      TAG should report back to the Joint Committee with a recommendation for further discussion.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Funding Update” report.





Partner Council Stage 3 decisions:  Debrief


Simon Bendall introduced the item and gave a brief summary on how each partner Council consider their recommendations around Stage 3, noting:

·      Each Council has passed the resolution to move to stage 4, but had taken a slightly different approach to that consideration.

·      The item was taken as read.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Partner Council Stage 3 Decisions: Debrief” report.





Communications Plan for Stage 4


With an apology from Drew Broadley, Simon Bendall responded and gave an update on the communication actions for Stage 4 of the Strategy, highlighting:

·      An updated Communications Plan was sent out highlighting the purpose, strategy, budgets and communications activities through the early stages of Stage 4 work



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Communications Plan for Stage 4” report.





Project Manager's Update


Simon Bendall reported that most of the update has been covered under Item 7 Proposed Scope and Projects Plan for Stage 4. Discussions traversed:

·      Simon has been working with Ministry for the Environment to write up a case study on this for the OECD. When completed the Joint Committee will receive a copy of the report which will be distributed to all members of the committee.

Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst arrived at 12:10pm.

·      Chris Dolley suggested that it would be useful to see progress against the milestones on the work areas and tracking of budgets in future Project Managers reports.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Project Manager’s Update” report.





Current Coastal Projects Update


·      Caroline Thomson gave an update on the funding for Whakarire Ave revetment works: $1.7m budgeted in year 2 of NCC LTP 2019-20 for the Whakarire revetment. A paper will be presented at the NCC Finance Committee on 16 October around how this project will be funded.

·      Mark Clews gave an update on the revetment works at Clifton and Haumoana:  HDC has engaged a new Project Manager.  All approvals have been obtained, contracts let and work has started with moving of the existing “temporary” rock structure.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Current Coastal Project Update” report.





Discussion of Items not on the Agenda


There were no minor items raised.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.20pm on Friday 28 September 2018.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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