MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee


Date:                          Tuesday 7 August 2018

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M Mohi - Chairman

M Apatu

Cr Barker

P Eden

Cr R Graham

B Gregory

H Hilton

A Manuel

M McIlroy

M Paku

A Robin

A Te Tomo

Cr F Wilson



In Attendance:          G Clode – Acting Group Manager Regional Assets

          L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation

J-A Raihania – Senior Policy and Strategic Advisor

T Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Planning….. from 11:23am

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and Hori Reti offered a karakia.


MC19/18      That the apology from James Palmer be accepted.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no Conflict of Interest Declarations declared.



Strategy to increase greater Māori-Voter Participation, including feedback from the meeting with the Minister of Local Government - Hon Nanaia Mahuta


The Community Engagement Manager from the Electoral Commission, Peter Potaka introduced himself and his colleagues.

·            Michelle Jaggard and Shona Manihera provided an overview of their roles and responsibilities, explaining that they engage with all eligible Māori voters, their strategy for engaging and how council and their networks can help extend their reach into Māori communities in Hawke’s Bay.

Peter Eden arrived at 10:30am.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the staff report and Electoral Commission presentation.

Mohi/Te Tomo




Short Term Replacements for 7 August 2018 meeting



The Māori Committee agrees that Hori Reti (proxy Te Whanganui A Orotu) be appointed as a member of the Māori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 7 August 2018 as a short term replacements for Bill Blake (Wairoa).




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee held on 12 June 2018


Peter Eden reported that a hui was held in Napier with Minister of Fisheries to discuss a rahui on commercial eel fishing in Hawke’s Bay.



Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 12 June 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.





Follow-ups from previous Māori Committee meetings


Discussions on the follow-ups traversed:

·         Minister Mahuta, Minister of Local Government, was in agreement that there should be a formal consideration and legislation for Māori wards to be established, with an assessment coordinated by Central Government under way, working with Local Government to determine the way forward.

·         LTP was very well attended and had good overall feedback.  Ongoing conversation around the resourcing, in particular the Senior (Pou) Māori position was supported. 

·         HBRC will continue to work closely with Jeremy Tātere MacLeod in relation to using te reo terms for describing the waterways and species (as eels).  HBRC will also commit to using terms that exist in the Mātauranga Māori toolkit.

·         A letter requesting a rahui on commercial eel fishing in HB was drafted by staff and Cr Rex Graham will sign off and send in a couple of weeks.  Cr Graham also had conversations with the Minister of Fisheries who is supportive of this stance.

·         Gary Clode reported that tenders have been received for a flood protection wall to protect the Wairoa community playground, and staff are also working with Wairoa District Council on possible solutions around the Ferry Hotel.

·         Liz Lambert reported that consultation with tangata whenua regarding the upcoming WDC wastewater discharge consent applications are the responsibility of the applicant and understands from discussions with Jamie Cox and other relevant staff at WDC that there is a process in place, however, tangata whenua need to persist with dealing with WDC on the matter. The application will be publically notified, submissions will be called for and a decision will be made at Hearings to be held in Wairoa.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





Call for any extra items not on the Agenda


The Chairman following items were accepted for discussion as Agenda Item 13.




Raised by


Ruataniwha Water storage

Marei Apatu


Bulk Funding

Api Robin


Water supply in Ruapunga

Michelle McIlroy


Wairoa Integrated Catchment Group update

Michelle McIlroy


Northern Catchment – ICM Plan and monitoring framework

Peter Eden


Maori engagement for Mohaka Plan Change

Peter Eden



The meeting adjourned at 11:23am.


Verbal update on current issues by the HBRC Chairman


An update was provided while the Committee was adjourned



That the Maori Committee receives the verbal “Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chairman”.



The meeting reconvened at 11:58am.


Verbal update on Hawea Park


Gary Clode gave a presentation discussing the flooding issues and the challenges, highlighting:

·         Hawea Historical Park is a joint project between the local Hāpu and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (50/50 joint ownership), and came about when surplus land was offered to HBRC, creating the opportunity to help resolve the stalemate over the flood improvement works.

·         By re-aligning the Karamu, the removal of the floodgate’s structure can be bypassed and also will reduce the proposed length of the bridge, and the same contractors will be used for both the re-alignment and the Whakatu Arterial route

·         Waipatu Marae (did other hapu agree also?) agreed that the realignment could proceed at a hui in January 2015.

·         Council will include additional land purchased recently for flood control works and the process will include full engagement with hapu and marae.

·         Naming the park was a very significant issue, with a Whare Korero held in March 2017 finally resolving the name Hawea.

·         A legal entity, Whenua Toopu Trust, will take ownership and discussions with two additional marae not initially consulted are under way, including planning the Park management structure and development of an Operational Plan.

·         Past grievances around the historical nature of the site, particularly with it being near a burial ground belonging to Pakiaka and trustees had similar concerns around burial grounds and erosion.



That the Māori Committee receives the verbalUpdate on Hawea Park”.





Incorporation of Te Ao Maori in the HBRC Long Term Plan 2018-28


A hard copy of the Long Term Plan 2018-28 has been distributed to Committee members, and the item was taken as read.

·         Next steps will include establishing robust processes to enact the meaning of partnership between the Regional Council and Tangata Whenua.

·         Cr Rex Graham acknowledged and thanked Mr Mike Mohi for his contribution and hard work to ensure that this was carried through Council.



That the Māori Committee receives the Incorporation of Te Ao Maori in the HBRC Long Term Plan 2018-28 report.






Verbal feedback from the Taiwhenua


·         Joyce-Anne Raihania noted that some of the feedback from Taiwhenua was already discussed at the pre-hui.

·         Matiti urupa repatriation project:  Michelle spoke about the berm on the opposite side which she estimated was built in the 1970's, this was part of the drainage scheme as the paddocks belonging to the Clark family, are now protected by the berm due to frequent flooding by the river.  She wondered if this could have produced added pressure to the bank.  The awa had also been subject to metal extraction from the 1920 to the approximately the 1980's.  Could the metal extraction have compromised the bank stability also?  Did discuss this with Project leader Turi Paku - but expert advice would be needed - the information was sourced from her whanau through multi-generational mahinga kai practice.  Comment that the issue was very mamae for the Matiti whanaunga and we are all trying to help where possible. .  There are 33 graves may have to be repatriated.  Joyce-Anne is currently working with both the engineers  and the affected whanau pani to coordinate the process including funding opportunities.  It is a very delicate situation and being involved since the Ruataniwha marae meeting in June.  Ongoing work to be done.

·         Liz Lambert advised that the Long Term Plan 2018-28 responses on submissions are being sent out next week.

·         Disappointment was expressed about the lack of tangata whenua representation in Māori Tourism submission at the LTP hearings.

·         Disappointment was expressed about the lack of support from Hawkes Bay Regional Council for Hawkes Bay Maori Tourism in the Long term plan.



That the Māori Committee receives the verbal “Feedback from the Taiwhenua”.



August 2018 Statutory Advocacy update


Liz Lambert provided an update, highlighting:

·         Public notification of a new residential zone on the western fringes of Havelock North – the Iona development area.

·         Lodged a submissions and awaiting a hearing date.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the August 2018 Statutory Advocacy Update staff report.



Discussion of items not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

This document has been prepared to assist Committee members note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in the Agenda.



Raised by


Ruataniwha Water storage

·         Board of Inquiry decision directed the Council to engage with tangata whenua within the Tukutuki catchment Plan Change. Many non-Māori scientists tried to put their view about what mauri was about.  To advance the particular proposition by engaging with marae and hapu along the full extent of the Tukituki awa (mountains to the sea) four wananga were held over the course of the year.  The feedback from the wananga to be collated to form a recommended solution – state of the environment and supporting through Māori wards. Flows on to the TANK process.


Marei Apatu


Bulk funding

·         At a NKII hui, it was suggested that council needs to consider a fee to all four Taiwhenua (e.g total of $100,000 per year)

·         It was reported that Ngahiwi Tomoana was going to have a conversation with the relevant councils about this matter.

·         The recommendation was for Council to pay the four respective Taiwhenua a base fee of $25,000 each.

·         Wairarapa Council pays $25,000 to their Taiwhenua.

·         The meeting was informed last night that the NKII contribution will be raised from $30 000 to $50 000 to each of the Taiwhenua.

·         The meeting fee for Māori Committee members has increased to $400 per meeting plus travel allowance.

·         Michelle reminded those present that her position on the MSC was not via Taiwhenua but the Kahungunu Maori Executive derived under the 1962 Maori Community Development Act.  Mike Mohi advised that she sat there because the committee allowed her to.  Her rebuttal was that the history of Maori Standing committee's was founded under the 1962 Act and still valid today.

·         Marei noted that there is a demand for individuals to sit on the Council’s committees and that they act voluntarily when going back to the hapu.  Wants to be remunerated for the work they put in.

Api Robin


Water supply issue in Ruapunga

·         Theresa Thornton of Raupunga rang Michelle to ask if their water issue could be presented at the next MSC hui regarding the slash and sediment.  Michelle McIlroy asked for an action to be attached for follow up.

·         A gravity-fed water system, formerly belonging to the Railways, had rusted and the local residents worked together to replace it at a cost of $1,000,000.  Liz Lambert there are funding options available with regards to the tanks.

·         An action plan is to be established to follow-up on Nathan Heath’s report to council.

·         Liz Lambert explained that a new sustainable homes programme includes funding for Wairoa.  Community is able to borrow money from the Council to pay back through their rates to install septic tanks and waste water devices. 

·         Raupunga water supply is managed by a water group, but overall managed by Wairoa District Council who is also responsible for the replacement of the filters and quality of water.  WDC are assisting the Ruapunga residents with issues.  Theresa Thornton mentioned that they couldn’t afford to keep replacing the filters as they were too costly.

·         An item on the slash/sediment issue is going to the Environment and Services meeting in September.

·         Staff from HBRC (Land Management) to consult with Wairoa District Council to track the source of the sediment and resolve the problems.


Michelle McIlroy


Wairoa integrated catchment group

·         Nathan Heath (Catchment Manager), moved to Wairoa in July and the aim is to have 9 staff in Wairoa and to have integrated catchment management plans available for each catchment.

·         Michelle asked Rex Graham what had happened with regard the setup of the Catchment Group - as the hui to discuss this with the late Rill Meihana had occurred back in November 2017 at the Wairoa Taiwhenua.  Also reminded all present that the sediment issues are in Wairoa and that her district had been forgotten or put aside in favour of TANK.  That there needed to be discussion about Mana Whakahono arrangement and any engagement with the awa would need to involve all River Marae as Mana whenua.  

Michelle McIlroy


Northern Catchment – ICM Plan and monitoring framework to be added on the Agenda for the next meeting in October.

Peter Eden


Māori engagement for Mohaka Plan Change

Request for a presentation to be made at the next meeting.

Peter Eden





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12:50pm on Tuesday, 7 August 2018.

Adrian Manual closed the meeting with a karakia.

Signed as a true and correct record.




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