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MINUTES OF A meeting of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group


Date:                          Monday 6 August 2018

Time:                          10.00am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     W Jack – Chairman

M Adye – Group Recovery Manager

K Cooper – HB Area Manager Fire and Emergency

M Davidson – CE Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (Deputy Chair)

K Foote – Hawke’s Bay District Health Board

A Hickey – MCDEM

B Hutchinson – St Johns Ambulance

N Jones – HB District Health Board

I Macdonald HBCDEM Group Manager/Controller

S May – CE Wairoa District Council

J Palmer – CE, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

O Postings – Chair HB Lifelines Group

A Prins – Group Welfare Manager

Inspector A Sloan, East Coast Area

Commander NZ Police - for Inspector Tania Kura

N Taylor – Acting CE, Hastings District Council


In Attendance:          L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant

Lisa Pearse – (Team Leader Hazard Reduction)

Jim Tetlow – (Team Leader Operational Readiness)

Karl Wairama – (Team Leader Community Resilience)

Marcus Hayes-Jones – EMA (Volunteer Management)

                                    Edaan Lennan – (EMA Training and Planning)


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced a new team member whom has started within the crew, Karl Wairama, Team Leader Community Engagement.

CEG104/18  That apologies for absence from Clair Caddy and Superintendent Tania Kura be accepted with Inspector Andy Sloan attending in Superintendent Tania Kura’s stead and Ken Cooper for lateness.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no Conflict of Interest declarations.

3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group held on 30 April 2018



·      Debrief following Esk Valley that a report be prepared for the next CEG meeting in November 2018.

·      That James Palmer’s name be moved from “in Attendance” to “Present” for all future meetings.



Minutes of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group held on Monday, 30 April 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.





Call for Items of Business not on the Agenda


There were no items of Business for discussion.



Action Items from previous CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Meetings


Engineering lifelines report : Mike working with local authority recovery managers – complete.



That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives the “Action Items from Previous CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Meetings report.




Group Work Programme Outline


Ian Macdonald gave an update on the process and progress in redeveloping the existing Group Work Programme, highlighting:

·      Had a workshop in July where the team identified work streams and projects and as to what the key priorities and focus should be looking at the next 1-2 years.

·      The next step of the process will be developing project scopes and priorities and that some projects could be amalgamated into work streams. 

·      The intent is to develop a coordinated work programme and identify matters such as project overview and purpose, goals, project assumptions and constrains, success factors, risks, strategic alignment, related projects and interdependencies, stakeholders and resourcing.

·      Intended to consult with organisations represented in CEG and with other partner agencies to discuss the projects identified and to have a complete work programme available at the November CEG meeting for approval.

·      That more emphasised be placed on the “Progress and improve Recovery structures and planning” as a core strategic priority.

·      To seek advice on the financial reporting and what the responsibilities and expectations are for CEG in relation to Civil Defence Joint Committee, specifically around the change of model on regional rating.  To ensure that statutory requirements are met.

·      There has been some ad hoc financial reporting in the past and not on a regular basis.  Financial reporting for the Group did occur but through the Regional Council as the administrating authority. 

·      To set up a clear dashboard system with KPI’s with the project priorities.

·      In the past a business plan has been provided towards the end of the year in November which feeds back into the LTP or Annual plan for the next year.  Was not done last year.  It links the Work Programme with the resourcing.

Neil Taylor arrived at 10:13

·      The current matrix is in a very draft state and provides a level of guidance only.  Some projects could be amalgamated into work streams.  Priority based on saving lives.

·      Some communities are unaware of the Tsunami evacuation zones they live in.

·      A budget for “Community survey” can be sourced if deemed necessary.

·      Once indicators have been identified, surveys can be tailored and measured which feeds back into the report end of the year.

·      Some work has been done around some community resilience indicators under the National Science Challenges in Wellington – hoping to have more details available in due course.

·      Sought some feedback on standardising public mass alerting system – Northland has rolled their new alerting system out.  EMA alert system is still developing.  Once this system had a higher “hit” rate then a review of sirens could be done.

·      By 2020 all sirens in NZ are meant to be compliant to the specifications as per the National Guidelines.  The current Napier sirens did not comply as tsunami sirens under the guideline. Decision needs to be made regarding the Napier City siren – where to go with the other mass public alerting systems.

·      Confusing from public in what they are supposed to do.

·      A test on Emergency Mobile Alerting (cell phone alerting) was done in 2017 and due for another test before the end of the year.  Andrew Hickey to report back with an update on the testing and exact date of the testing.

Ken Cooper arrived at 10:21

·         General agreement is that the focus will be on Operational readiness, continuing developing community resilience plans, progress and improve recovery structures and planning and that Community Survey as a strategic priority.  Will lead to understanding in terms of where to focus in the effort on the community.



That :

The report of the Group Manager, Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group titled Group Outline Work Programme be endorsed.





Group Training and Exercising Programme


Edaan Lennan gave a presentation on the paper, highlighting:

·         The methodology around the response capability and what they want to achieve.

·         To enable a response with people who are equipped to do the work and that they feel confident to do so. 

·         Also looking for synergies with the local authorities from where staff are sourced from to provide value for their business continuity planning and crisis management.

·         Training is evidence based and learner centred, building capability and developing pathways.

·         Approach is to be a centre of excellence where exercising is integrated and coordinated across the region.

·         The CDEM career culture and pathways discussed and how to implement the career paths. Each position will be a pathways and will have clear set of courses to do to become qualified in a certain level.  Training will progress from basic to advanced courses.

·         Exercises are based on 4 tiers through the National Framework explaining that Tier 1 is a single organisation exercise, Tier 2 region wide exercise, Tier 3 Inter-region exercise and Tier 4 being a National exercise.

·         Discussing the key priorities in facilitating the plan.  Training exercises relies on buy in and organisational culture and how Civil Defence is viewed in Hawke’s Bay.  Want people to get involved to be trained and participate in exercising programmes.

·         Any training and exercise training programme be communicated early to local authorities.

·         Will be reporting back to CEG on the progress on levels of trained staff by organisation and what courses have been done.  Understanding the capability across the group and encourage people to enrol.

·         Need to identify staff to be enrolled on the group controller pathway for further training and development – to report back to the next CEG meeting around identification around controller roles.

·         HBCDEMG target to aim to lead one region wide emergency response exercise per year.



That :

1.     That the Coordinating Executive Group approve the Training Plan attached to this report.

2.     That the Coordinating Executive Group approve the Exercises Plan attached to this report.





Group Volunteer Strategy


Marcus Hayes-Jones gave a presentation around the background, aim and commitment on Volunteering in the HB CDEM Group.  Discussions traversed:

·         Great variance in how volunteers were engaged trained and resourced.

·         There are many other organisations in the volunteering space like the Red Cross, Salvation Army etc.

·         Health and Safety legislation has been changed.

·         The aim is to have one recruitment and training process for HB CDEM trained volunteers to achieve better efficiency.

·         Effective use if volunteers to support the HB CDEM Group in all areas of the four R’s (enhancing capability, act as a deployable asset during response and other activities, engagement is innovative and flexible to provide for a variety of situations and tasks, volunteer management is well supported and resourced).

·         Aim to have one HB Emergency Response Team within the whole region with different components like Welfare, Civil Defence, Communication, Data (like satellite communication), Rescue etc. – one team for the whole region.

·         Training fortnightly or four weekly and an 80% attendance rate will be expected to remain part of the team.

·         A uniform will be provided to Volunteers and is a national standard for ID to be easy identifiable.

·         It is essential that all volunteers must declare all convictions (HB CDEM and community volunteers) and must undergo a full Police vetting, which includes the requirements around the Vulnerable Children’s Act and not just about the Ministry of Justice Criminal Check.  Currently this is the case.

·         The Volunteer Strategy provides a more pathways and direction and provided more certainty what the roles of the volunteers are going to be and it gives consistency across Hawke’s Bay in how volunteers are managed.



1.      The CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives and notes the “Group Volunteer Strategy Report.”

2.      The CDEM Coordinating Executive Group adopt the strategy and structure of CDEM trained Volunteers as proposed.





Final Group Welfare Plan


Alison Prins spoke to the item and highlighted the key changes in the content of the final Group Welfare Plan:

·         After working through submissions from consultation, the Group Welfare Plan has now been finalised.  Next step is to format and publish the Plan.

·         Key changes were that some additional content and the appendices have been pulled out and will be referenced by hyperlinks – web based document.

·         An additional diagram has been included to better articulate the different phases of welfare.

·         Māori content has been strengthening.

·         Had conversation with Ian to possibly turn the Welfare Cost into a Policy as it have implications in Welfare and will be reporting to CEG at some stage.

·         The Group Controller, Ian Macdonald congratulated Alison on her hard work as she has put a lot of effort in, with a lot of organisations involved in welfare and to develop a welfare structure of a high standard.

·         255 households/whanau on the Social Housing Register in HB are deemed “at risk” or have a “serious housing need” (March 2017 Work & Income). There is a current shortage of housing in Hawke’s Bay and in the event of an emergency, coupled with high occupancy rates for motels, emergency and longer-term accommodation will be a significant challenge. 

·         Have looked at various short term accommodation including accommodating people at various marae in an emergency.  It is referenced in the Group Welfare Plan.



That :

1.      The CDEM Coordinating Executive Group approves the HBCDEM Group Welfare Plan for publishing.

Postings /May




Group Welfare Report


Allison Prins gave feedback on the report, highlighting :

·      Rural Advisory Group’s involvement with CEG – it was suggested that they addend and present to CEG each year with the first meeting starting early 2019 and thereafter on an annual basis.  This presentation will give an update on the RAG’s progress, plans and other matters.

·      Discussed the WCG priorities for the next 12 months including a small event exercise – to understand the challenges and develop solutions to small events where responses tend to be managed within BAU resources.

·      To provide input into the Hikurangi IRP / Rapid Relief Projects as required.

·      A meeting is to be planned with key DHB and CDEM staff in November to strengthen relationships, understand each organisations priorities and agree shared priorities.

·      Received funds for the Rapid Relief Project – likely to need guidance on rapid relief planning in New Zealand.  Detailed project plan is under development.

·      Navigation  Services: a follow-up workshop was held with WCG, facilitated by the DHB to develop a draft guideline on navigation.  This guideline identifies that for small scale events agencies will use their own resources to deliver navigation services.  In a medium plus event, it is likely a specific navigation service would need to be established – this has funding implications which require discussion.  Navigation starts in response and continues on into recovery.



That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Coordinating Executives Group receives and notes the “Group Welfare Report” staff report.





Hikurangi Response Plan Update


Lisa Pearse gave a presentation on the background of the Hikurangi subduction zone and an update on the development of a Hikurangi Response Plan for the East Coast of the North Island.  Discussions traversed:

·         Hikurangi subduction zone is potentially the biggest source of earthquake & tsunami hazard in New Zealand.

·         In an event, the impact on the North Island and the national economy, will be significant – need to provide strategic thinking and a coordinated effort to plan for the next event.

·         Government has approved national funding to coordinate the CDEM planning with the science around the subduction zone, to inform consideration of the impacts and consequences to produce an initial response plan to an event.

·         An initial one year project will be managed under “East Cost LAB” (Life at the Boundary).

·         Five CDEM Groups involved i.e Hawke’s Bay, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Manawatu-Wanganui and Wellington.

·         The Plan will develop a coordinated CDEM response to Hikurangi subduction zone rupture to assist and enhance community resilience across the East Coast of the North Island.

·         Project partners intend to make a further application to the MCDEM Resilience Fund to extend the Project beyond 2019, with a focus on testing/exercising and review/improvement.

·         The project team consists of a Project Leader, led by Natasha Goldring and various representatives.

·         The Project Team will hold its first meeting in September/early October 2018 to adopt a Terms of Reference and to further project planning.

·         Discussed the progress on the projects so far and an initial workshop with science practitioners were held on 11 May 2018.

·         Agreed a credible hazard scenario to inform consideration of the impacts and consequences for plan development.

·         GNS Science are now preparing a science report due late September, which will be supported by appropriate earthquake and tsunami models and images which can be used for education and planning purposes.

·         The Project Team together with Project Leader will determine how and when they are publicly released later in the year, keeping the 5 CEG’s informed.



1.      That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives the “Hikurangi Response Plan Update” report.





Engineering Lifelines Report


Oliver Postings gave a verbal update on the report, highlighting:

·       In process with Vulnerability Study.  Mike Adye is having conversations with various stakeholders/organisations and reported that it is not an easy task to complete.

·       Fuel Plan – most likely not a Lifelines responsibility anymore, but probably falls under the CDEM Group office.  Needs to have discussions in the way forward and to put into operation.

·       Discussion at the last meeting to perhaps a move from the Engineering Lifelines Group into being more “community customer focus”.  Initiated a brainstorm session to re-think communities and customer on how to prioritise the response and recovery. 



1.      That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Coordinating Executive Group Committee receives the verbal “Engineering Lifelines Report” report.



MCDEM Update to Coordinating Executive Group Chairs


Andrew Hickey gave an update on the current work being undertaken at a national level by MCDEM.  Discussions traversed:

·         Minister is to put a paper to Cabinet within the next few weeks following the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) report on a review of Civil Defence Emergency Management in New Zealand.  Currently no information is available on the report.

·         New Zealand ShakeOut national drill and tsunami hĩkoi is happening at 9:30am on 18 October 2018.

·         This year the focus will be on getting early childhood centres, schools and tertiary organisations to sign up, hold a Drop, Cover and hold drill, and plan a tsunami hĩkoi if located in tsunami zone.

·         National Fuel Plan is currently being reviewed and a workshop will be held in November 2018.

·         The Controller- and Recovery courses have been reviewed and went out on tender.  Various interested parties have provided their recommendations.  There will be a new course introduced for both Controller and Recovery Manager’s in the first quarter of 2019.



That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Coordinating Executive Group receives and notes the “MCDEM Update to Coordinating Executives Group Chairs” staff report.





Group Manager’s General update


Ian Macdonald provided an overview on the report highlighting:

·         A new method of operations was adopted that moved a number of emergency management functions to a more centralised model.

·         This method of operations has been tested as a result of a number of small real events that have taken place over the past year.

·         Confusion at council level as how the model is applied to a real event, particularly a small event.  To clarify as to when an incident escalates from a small to larger and how the Group ECC supports a small council lead incident.

·         Ideal opportunity to undertake the review and ensure that there is a clear understanding of how the method of operations is applied in an emergency.

·         Two meetings will be held in August to discuss the model going forward and how it is put into practise.  All local and group controllers have been invited to these meetings.

·         An updated followed on the Community resilience work – significant work done in conjunction with the Ministry of Education focussing on schools located in tsunami zones.

·         50 Ministry of Education staff attended a Group run workshop around understanding risks in tsunami zones.

·         Health Hawke’s Bay has distributed over 800 Te Hĩkoi a Rūaumoko books and household emergency plan templates to schools in Hawke’s Bay.

·         A ShakeOut is being held on 18 October and will become an annual event, coordinated at a national level by MCDEM and the Ministry of Education – Organisations are encourage to sign up for ShakeOut.

·         The Group Office relocated and established a temporary GECC in Heretanga House across the road from the main Hastings District Council building.

·         Implementation of the new Group office structure has been ongoing since the last CEG meeting.

·         The position of Emergency Management Advisor (Public Information and Education) was not able to be filled in the first round of interviews and will be re-advertised shortly.

·         As part of the local authorities LTP processes, the Councils have approved changes to the CDEM funding – one rate targeted to individual properties and will be administered by HBRC.

·         Currently reviewing Group budgets to allocate resources to new projects areas and an update on the Group’s budget and financial performance for the 2017/18 financial year, will be given at the next CEG meeting.

·         Financial reporting and budgets to form part of the annual report.



That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Coordinating Executives Group receives and notes the “Group Manager’s General Update” staff report.





Group Recovery Manager's report


Mike Adye reported on the report and took the paper as read:

·         A Recovery Group has been formed including representatives from each of the local authorities who have been appointed as Local Recovery Managers in their respected areas.

·         First meeting was held on 26 June and the next meeting will be on 30 October 2018.



That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Coordinating Executives Group receives the “Group Recovery Manager’s Report”.





Discussion of minor items not on the Agenda


There were no Items for discussion.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11:52pm on Monday, 6 August 2018.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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