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MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group JOINT COMMITTEE


Date:                          Monday 27 August 2018

Time:                          1.30pm



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     S Hazlehurst – Chair, Mayor of Hastings District Council

                                    M Davidson – Deputy Chair, CE, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

                                    R Graham – HBRC Chair and Councillor

A Walker – Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay

A Hickey

W Jack – Chief Executive, Napier City Council

I Macdonald – HBCDEM Group Manager/Controller

S May – Chief Executive, Wairoa District Council

J Palmer – Chief Executive, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

M Johansen – Councillor Wairoa District Council (on behalf of Mayor Little)

N Taylor – Acting Chief Executive, Hastings District Council



In Attendance:          A Roets –Governance Administrative Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

CDE8/18      That the apologies from Mayors Bill Dalton and Craig Little be accepted with Cr Graham Taylor as delegated replacement for Mayor Little.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of declarations declared.

3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee held on 14 May 2018



Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on Monday, 14 May 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




Cr Neil Taylor arrived at 1.35pm.



Follow-ups from Previous HBCEM Joint Committee Meeting


·       Community Resilience Planning – organisational structure tabled at the meeting, completed

·       Training and Exercises – covered as an item on the Agenda, completed.

·       Lifelines project: Regional Vulnerability study for Hawke’s Bay – progress has been made by the Lifelines Group and have engaged a contractor to complete.  Reported to the last CEG meeting in August 2018.

·       Group Work Program – covered as an item on the Agenda on the Work Group. 

·       Risk Reduction – Had brief discussion at last Joint Committee meeting around updating the Policy Statement and the Natural hazards



That the HBCDEM Joint Committee receives and notes the report Follow-up Items from Previous HBCDEM Joint Committee Meeting.



Call for items of Business not on the Agenda


That HBCDEM Joint Committee accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 9.



Raised by


Financial Reporting & Reporting of Performance Management through this Committee

Mayor Alex Walker


Assets in natural disaster

Cr Rex Graham





Group Training and Exercising Programme


Edaan Lennan gave a presentation on the paper, highlighting:

·         The aim of the training programme and to provide a professional personnel capability development service to the members off the HBCDEMG via the Group Office

·         Priority will be to train the staff that will contribute to the Group Emergency Coordination Centre and Wairoa/CHBDC incident management teams

·         What training and exercising looks like and the methodology around the response capability and what they want to achieve

·         To enable a response with people who are equipped to do the work and that they feel confident to do so

·         Also looking for synergies with the local authorities from where staff are sourced from to provide value for their council business continuity planning and crisis management

·         Approach is for the Group Office to be a centre of excellence where exercising is integrated and coordinated across the region – establishment of a Coordination Centre

·         Training is evidence based and learner centred, building capability and developing pathways

·         The CDEM career culture and pathways discussed and how to implement the career paths. Each position will be a pathways and will have clear set of courses to do to become qualified in a certain level.  Training will progress from basic to advanced courses

·         Exercises follows a collaborate approach and are based on 4 tiers through the National Framework explaining that Tier 1 is a single organisation exercise, Tier 2 region wide exercise, Tier 3 Inter-region exercise and Tier 4 being a National exercise

·         Discussing the key priorities in facilitating the plan.  Training exercises relies on buy in and organisational culture and how Civil Defence is viewed in Hawke’s Bay.  Want people to get involved to be trained and participate in exercising programmes

·         Any training and exercise training programme be communicated early to local authorities

·         HBCDEMG target to aim to lead two region wide emergency response exercise per year

·         CEs to commit to ensure that staff are committed and attend training

·         High turnover of staff does present an issue in terms of Councils maintaining the capability in the extra investment required in on-going training and development

·         Core focus and emphasis on priorities on induction – every staff member are going through an induction process when appointed to any Council in Hawke’s Bay

·         Mayors and Chairs are important in making decisions about declaring and this is not mentioned in the plan – Declaration guideline provides framework and minimum standard

·         Training can be provided at next meeting to revise guidelines on declarations and to run through scenario – next CDEM meeting on 3 December 2018.



That :

1.    That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee endorses the decision to approve the Training Plan attached to this report.

2.    That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee endorses the decision to approve the Exercises Plan attached to this report.





Group Work Programme Outline


Ian Macdonald gave an update on the process and progress in redeveloping the existing Group Work Programme, highlighting:

·         Agreed in May 2018 to endorse the decision of the CEG to redevelop the existing Group Work Programme.

·         Had a workshop in July where the team identified work streams and projects and as to what the key priorities and focus should be looking at the next 1-2 years.

·         High level guidance was as a result of a discussion between the CEG Chair, Wayne Jack and the Group Manager, Ian Macdonald

·         The next step of the process will be developing project scopes and priorities and that some projects could be amalgamated into work streams. 

·         The intent is to develop a coordinated work programme and identify matters such as project overview and purpose, goals, project assumptions and constrains, success factors, risks, strategic alignment, related projects and interdependencies, stakeholders and resourcing.

·         Intended to consult with organisations represented in CEG and with other partner agencies to discuss the projects identified and to have a complete work programme available at the November CEG meeting for approval and will be reporting back to this committee on 3 December 2018.

·         The current matrix is in a very draft state and provides a level of guidance only.  Some projects will be amalgamated into work streams.

·         Once indicators have been identified, surveys can be tailored and measured which feeds back into the report at the end of the financial year.

·         Attention to earth quake prone buildings, asset management and business continuance planning and how individual Council deals with those

·         Report on “learnings” and how to manage future natural disasters better for the next CEG meeting and will be reported back to this Committee straight after

·         Report event done by the Regional Council in terms of the Hazard and response from a Regional Council’s perspective – will bring together combined post event report for next meeting

·         More detailed analysis to be provided on extreme natural disasters (i.e 5 meter tsunami, 7.0 on Richter scale earth quake etc)  and how it impacted the environment and communities and the risks involved

·         SUGG analysis (impact analysis) has been done at the workshops for development of Group Plan – these were held over a number of days and involved representatives from Group members and partner agencies(looked at the each hazard and each impact it has on the built -; social – and economical environment). 

·         Hikurangi Response Plan and Rapid Relief Project are funded by the Resilience Fund which is managed by MCDEM

·         Earth quake prone buildings – very much at risk in Hastings, Napier and other areas.  Each Council to report individually on these matters and report back to this meeting.

·         Māori engagement methodology discussed and noted further work required against the context of the Government looking at making changes in this area.

·         Communications toolbox / Communications plan review to be acknowledged in the matrix as high impact/high effort



That :

1.      The report of the Group Manager, Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee titled “Group Outline Work Programme” be received.

2.      That the outline Group Work Programme is endorsed.





Group Manager’s General Update


Ian Macdonald provided an overview on the report highlighting:

·         A new method of operations was adopted and tested to move to a more centralised model.

·         Confusion at council level as how the model is applied to a real event, particularly a small event.  To clarify as to when an incident escalates from a small to larger and how the Group ECC supports a small council lead incident.

·         To undertake the review and ensure in how the method of operations is applied in an emergency.

·         Two meetings will be held in August to discuss the model going forward.

Group Welfare:

·         The Group Welfare Plan has now been completed and currently being formatted and finalised and will be published online and a link will be provided when done.

Group Volunteer Strategy

·         The Group Volunteer Strategy was approved by the CEG at its last meeting and three focus areas have been identified in moving forward, being Rapid response, welfare response and communication specialists. 

·         A capability based around the effective utilisation of all three of the above volunteer groups across all four Rs, will be developed.

·         An implement a transition plan, involving all of the existing CDEM volunteers across Hawke’s Bay.

Community Resilience Planning and Education

·         Well-attended workshop held in July with key stakeholders around understanding our risks, with a specific focus on tsunami.

·         CDEM working collaboratively with Ministry of Education to clarify the number of schools located in tsunami zones and plan ahead in an evacuation situation. 

·         Red Cross has now delivered the “Let’s Get Ready” programme to over 1000 children in Hastings and Napier schools.

·         Health Hawke’s Bay has done very good work on B4 School Check where four year olds where given the Te Hĩkoi a Rūaumoko books and household emergency plans templates explaining how the earth moves etc.

Hastings Emergency Management Facility

·         The Group Office relocated and established a temporary GECC in Heretanga House across the road from the main Hastings District Council building and currently operating at a reduced capacity in terms of size.

·         The tenders should be closing shortly and the intention is to start working in September.

Group office restructure and implementation

·         Implementation of the new Group office structure has been ongoing.

·         The position of Emergency Management Advisor (Public Information and Education) was not able to be filled in the first round of interviews and will be re-advertised shortly.

Group Funding Review

·         As part of the local authorities LTP processes, the Councils have approved changes to the CDEM funding – one rate targeted to individual properties and will be administered by HBRC.

·         Currently reviewing Group budgets to allocate resources to new projects areas and an update on the Group’s budget and financial performance for the 2017/18 financial year, will be given at the next CEG meeting.

·         Esk floodings – importance of information sharing on all levels – report to the December meeting.



That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee receives and notes the “Group Manager’s General Update” staff report.





Discussion of items of Business not on the Agenda





Raised by


Financial Reporting & Reporting of Performance Management through this Committee

·   Been partly picked up in the independence reports, but seeks clarity if financial reporting will be tabled at each meeting or quarterly.

·   Collective responsibility of this Group to have feedback as well as to have transparency on the books.

·   It was reported to CEG that they are in process of developing a report which includes the work program, KPIs and financial reporting on various activities.

Mayor Alex Walker


Assets in natural disaster

·   Clarity sought whether adequate asset management plans are in place and assets are maintained in an emergency.

·   Questions raised whether houses are still being built in flood zones, houses being built in liquefaction and stopbanks performing as they should/flood protection.

·   Ian Macdonald reported that:

o   Yes we are still restricted by historic decisions on land use planning in hazard areas.  New information and modelling techniques will change the underlying assumptions used to make past decisions.

o   Difficult to make decisions on risks that have high consequences but low probability - need to take an intergenerational approach.

o   Need to look at all and coordinate the “tools” available to local government across our roles and responsibilities (eg asset management, LGA, CDEM Act, RMA, Building Act).

·   Emergency teams are trained in any emergency event and capable of handling all sorts of emergency.

·   Observations on Hawke’s Bay stopbanks were they are well built and maintained and are adequate. Noting issues raised in Edgecombe Independent Review on that particular stopbank.

·   Comfortable with Council’s assets in general.

·   Have to have conversations in Land use planning – will have a meeting with Tom Skerman around making some changes to the Regional Policy Statement to strengthen provisions around natural hazards. 

·   Group office worked with HDC while reviewing their District Plan.  Tsunami invasion areas were identified.  Vulnerable users like medical facilities, schools, rest homes, etc require a controlled or restricted discretionary consent and has to be assessed on mitigating the risk – i.e. evacuation.

·   Further clarity sought on areas where we are exposed to possible flooding or tsunami zones.

·   Liquefaction report reviewed on a continued basis.

·   Project Plan around Risk will be tabled in due course.


Cr Rex Graham








There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.54pm on Monday, 27 August 2018.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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