MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 1 June 2018
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr A J Dick – HBRC – Chair
Mayor A Walker – CHBDC
Mayor C Little – WDC until 11:52
Cr A Redstone – HDC
Cr T Kerr – HDC
E Speight – NZTA
In Attendance: P Michaelsen – AA
L Lambert – HBRC Group Manager External Relations
M Broderick – NZ Police
S Young – Port of Napier
K Santer – KiwiRail
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
L Anderson – RoadSafe HB
TAG A Redgrave – HBRC Transport Manager
L Young – WDC
J Pannu – HDC
O Postings – NZTA
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
That the apologies for absence from Councillor Fenton Wilson, Councillor Keith Price, Ian Emmerson and Mayor Bill Dalton be accepted. CARRIED |
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 2 March 2018
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 2 March 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
· Anne Redgrave reported that the speed limit change submission was submitted. A number of speed limit changes have been recommended, including Farndon Road. These are subject to approval and sign-off at the next Hastings District Council meeting. · Steve Young reported there is no further update on the implications of water bottling plants at Awatoto and Tomoana on the transport network, and will follow up with an email next week. · Mayor Craig Little and Emma Speight reported on the business case for Wairoa to Bay of Plenty via State Highway 38 as well as the Matariki Objectives – Opotiki to Napier business case and mentioned that work to be completed by 30 June. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”. CARRIED |
11. |
Advisory Representatives' Verbal Updates |
· Paul Michaelsen reported that the recent RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay Youth Expo on Road Safety went very well and had very positive feedback from the AA councillors who has attended. Concerns raised around impatient drivers and red light runners which cause fatalities and crashes at traffic lights. Suggested system changes to traffic lights be made to avoid drivers taking chances and running red lights, including checking the intervals of flashing “turning” lane indicators. · Liz Lambert advised Tom Skerman, Group Manager Strategic Planning, will be responsible for the Regional Transport Committee and attending all future meetings. · Kim Santer reported on the Napier-Wairoa rail line, as work commenced weeks ago on reinstating the lines and crews are working very hard to complete the work ahead of the first train running from Napier to Bay View on Wednesday 6 June. Subsequently, work further north will be done to complete the reinstatement in time to start transporting logs from Wairoa to the Port. · Steve Young reported on Napier Port: there has been a longer fruit season; log loading will be up 600 tons from previous year; close to getting approval for a truck which can load two 40ft containers at once, as a trial unit to operate from the Port to the Depot within the next 3-4 months. |
RTC91/18 |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Advisory Representative Verbal Updates” Little/Walker CARRIED |
8. |
June 2018 Transport Manager's Report |
Anne Redgrave updated the committee on current issues, including: · Hoped to have an initial draft of the revised Regional Public Transport Plan available, but had a lot of feedback from the community and councils, and currently meeting with other councils to discuss suggestions in more detail. As no firm timeline for when the review needs to be completed, Anne will keep the committee up to date with progress. · iWay construction is progressing well in both cities. · Work ongoing on the proposed Mad Mile cycle trail but has been slowed with controversy around the Craggy Range track. A lot of consultation has been done with affected parties but still some issues to work through. · Speed limit changes recommended for approval in a number of areas through Hastings, and HDC will report more on these matters. · Whakatu Arterial Link (WAL) continues to meet programmed expectations for completion in December 2018. · Concerns raised around cyclists on the expressway and whether there are any plans to complete the links from Napier to Hastings, whether there are any alternative options other than the expressway, and also whether this was sufficiently covered in the RLTP. TAG will investigate a business case for a Napier Hastings commuter route to cover all the options available. · Oliver Postings (NZTA) will have discussions with cyclist groups on a safe route for commuters and provide feedback to TAG.. · Ann Redstone (HDC) reported that the speed limit changes have been recommended and HDC will formally confirm changes on Arataki Road, Kirkwood Road, Percival Road (reduced to 50km/h) and St George’s Road (reduced from 100 to 80km/h) |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “June 2018 Transport Manager's report”. CARRIED |
Regional Land Transport Plan: 2018 Review |
Anne Redgrave introduced the item on the RLTP 2018 review with discussions traversing: · workshop on 30 April 2018 considered the Government Policy Statement changes. Our key priorities supported the GPS and the Committee expressed a lot of interest in innovative opportunities to work towards those objectives. · Additional text added to the RLTP in response to the GPS · NZ Transport Agency revised its Transport Agency Investment Proposal (TAIP), with a list of additional projects added to the plan The meeting commenced hearing submissions at 11:08am · Charlotte Drury spoke on behalf of Horticulture New Zealand, Submitter 2. TAG responses addressed issues raised in the submission. · Anne Redgrave provided an overview of all the other submissions received, including from GoBus Ltd, Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers Association and Hawke’s Bay Regional Leaders. TAG responses addressed key points raised. · Paul Michaelsen provided an overview of the AA submission. · Suggestion to discuss the LTP submissions in a brainstorming session, and Anne Redgrave will liaise with submitters to set an appropriate time and date. · Suggested that priority order for all significant activities is included in the RLTP to enable NZTA to have a clearer indication of what the Region wants. NZTA has added the safety improvements into the plan. · The committee and Chair acknowledged and thanked Anne Redgrave and the TAG team for their excellent work done on the RLTP. |
That the Regional Transport Committee 1. Receives the report on the “Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25:2018 Review”. 2. Receives, and acknowledges with thanks, the verbal and written feedback forwarded in response to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25: 2018 Review. 3. After hearing verbal submissions, considers and adopts the recommendations contained within the attached ‘Summary of Submissions and Recommendations’ report, subject to amendments agreed by the Committee. 4. Determines the priority order of significant projects. 5. Agrees to consequential amendments to the Regional Land Transport Plan. 6. Delegates responsibility to Anne Redgrave and Cr Alan Dick (Chairman) to make any final minor amendments prior to the report being submitted to Council for approval. Walker/Redstone CARRIED 7. Refers the Regional Land Transport Plan, as amended, to the Regional Council for adoption. The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council : 8. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 9. Adopts the amended Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25: 2018 Review. 10. Forwards the Plan to the New Zealand Transport Agency no later than 30 June 2018, as required under the Land Transport Management Act 2003. CARRIED |
Mayor Craig Little left the meeting at 11:53am.
Short Term Replacements for the 1 June 2018 Regional Transport Committee Meeting |
That Libby Young (Wairoa District Council) be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the remainder of the meeting on Friday, 01 June 2018 as short term replacement for Mayor Craig Little. CARRIED |
Regional Land Transport Plan: 2018 Review |
The Committee recommenced discussions about the priorities in the RLTP, including: · Suggested and agreed that prioritisation of the Bridge Strengthening Program be elevated to priority 2, in the form of an additional motion, and that SH2 Takapau to Hastings project be elevated to priority 3 and State Highway 5 Napier to Taupo programme elevated to priority 4. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee determines the priority order of significant projects, including the elevation of: 1.1 Hastings District Council – Bridge Strengthening Programme to cater for heavy vehicles = priority 2 1.2 NZ Transport Agency – SH2 Takapau to Hastings Safer Corridor = priority 3 1.3 NZ Transport Agency – State Highway 5 Napier to Taupo Business case = priority 4 CARRIED |
NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report June 2018 |
Emma Speight provided an update, with discussions traversing: · Feedback on GPS on Land Transport and draft Investment Assessment Framework has closed and a final GPS will be adopted by Government before 30 June 2018. · The IAF will be adapted where required to give effect to the final GPS and released as early as possible in July. · Expecting more changes through LTP Policies. · Current 2015-18 NLTP has been extended to 31 August and activities can continue to be approved. Will keep committee up to date with specific instructions. · NZTA has partnered with local government to deliver the 2018-21 NLTP with two joint groups setup to help identify and address possible barriers for councils to realise the opportunities in the draft GPS. · Council leaders have been sent a link to a private webpage with details of key contacts relevant to their local area. Members were asked to contact Emma Speight if you want the links sent out again. · In-depth overview of the works projects relating to SH2 and other projects around the region. · Manawatu Gorge site works have commenced. Currently drilling to identify ground conditions, and a long way to go as it is a challenging site and ground conditions. Will update at the next meeting |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “NZTA Central Region – Regional Director’s Report for June 2018”. CARRIED |
10. |
June 2018 Public Transport Update |
Anne Redgrave updated the Committee on Council’s current public transport operations. · Currently reviewing the Regional Public Transport Plan and working through a range of suggestions received. · Generally the bus service is suffering from problems with congestion on Route 12, a long term issue that needs to be resolved, especially during peak times. · Eagerly waiting to introduce the new bus ticket system, due 19 November 2018. · Some routes suffering lower patronage, down 3% on trips for the year to date. · General growth trend in Total Mobility. · Hoping that numbers will rise once road works are completed and with rising fuel prices. · Expectation from RTC that the TAG representatives work together on providing communication and information at a regional level and it was suggested that a mid-week front page cover in the local newspaper to be considered. NZTA to take responsibility for all updates on current works around the Region. · Councils to provide updates via email to Anne Redgrave, who will then collate the information to be forwarded to the TAG members. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “June 2018 Public Transport Update” report. CARRIED |
Roadsafe Hawke's Bay June 2018 Update |
Linda Anderson (RoadSafe HB Manager) gave an overview of the achievements covering: Linda Anderson (RoadSafe) · Road Safety Expo was held in May 2018 · The recommendations as set out in the Best Practice Guideline developed by NZTA has been embedded in the school curriculum. · Education package for schools based on the assessment standards already taught in the schools e.g. Science, Maths, English and drama, with the aim to also include more of the Health papers. The programme was trialled by 6 schools and has now gone out to all HB schools. More refinement and moderation is needed through NZQA to develop standards and learning development. · Website appears to be accessible for all schools and will continue with evaluation over the next 12 months and if accepted, it will be shared with all partners around the country. · Every year different components are added to the expo to be attractive to young drivers and to have a learning component – with this year’s being around safer journeys · Participating in an international research project with our partners, police and Department of Corrections. Using actual participants who attended the expo for the main data collection group, age 16-25. Research project to be used in India. · DVD on stopping distances and driver distraction completed– comprehensive piece of work available in HB but on offer to other partners · Also developed a new responsive website for RoadSafe HB aimed at shifting the community culture around safety on the roads. · Department of Corrections: Reducing re-offending rates. Participants required to attend the programme by Ministry of Justice when prosecuted here in HB. Analysis indicates 85% non-reoffending rate for 2016. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “RoadSafe Hawke's Bay December 2017 Update” staff report. CARRIED |
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Discussion of Items not on the Agenda |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12:43pm on Friday , 1 June 2018.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................