MINUTES OF A meeting of the Māori Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 12 June 2018


Time:                          10.15am



Ruataniwha Marae, Wairoa,


Present:                       M Mohi - Chairman

M Apatu

B Blake

Cr R Graham

H Hilton

A Manuel

M McIlroy

M Paku

A Robin

P Sciascia

K Kawana (Proxy - Wairoa)

J Brown (Proxy - Heretaunga)


In Attendance:          Cr Rex Graham – Chairman HBRC

J Palmer –Chief Executive

J-A Raihania – Senior Policy and Strategic Advisor

L Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant

1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

Tangata whenua Kaumatua gave a mihi to the visitors.  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and specially welcomed tangata whenua. The meeting was opened with a karakia.




That apologies for absence from Councillors Rick Barker and Fenton Wilson, and Mssrs Brian Gregory, Peter Eden and Toro Waaka be accepted.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements for 12 June 2018 Meeting



The Māori Committee agrees that Joella Brown (proxy, Heretaunga Taiwhenua) and Katarina Kawana (proxy, Wairoa Taiwhenua) be appointed as member/s of the Māori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 12 June 2018 as short term replacements(s) for Brian Gregory and Cr Fenton Wilson.




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on 10 April 2018



Minutes of the Māori Committee held on Tuesday, 10 April 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Call for any Minor Items not on the Agenda


Tangata whenua items included:

1.       Matiti urupa

2.       Ruataniwha marae trees

3.       Wairoa catchment (agenda item 7)



Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings


The follow-ups discussions traversed:

·         There were earlier discussions about the desire to look at Māori constituencies in the future.  The Committee was proactive and a letter was sent to the Honourable Nanaia Mahuta (Minister for Local Government) expressing an interest in meeting with her.  Minister Mahuta is very keen to meet with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Māori Committee to further explore the Local Electoral Amendment Bill introduced in Parliament by Ms Marama Davidson in May 2017. (Equitable Process for Establishing Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) 

·         LTP submissions:  Various Taiwhenua were thanked for their submissions made as collective and by individuals.

·         Verbal feedback from the four Taiwhenua will be deferred to the August Māori Committee meeting.

·         An eel restoration presentation will be delivered at the meeting by Katarina Kawana.

·         AFFCO resource consent compliance report was sent out to Māori Committee members with the expectation they would report back to their taiwhenua.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





Eels from a Regional Council's Perspective


1.     Katarina Kawana (Fresh Water Land Solutions) gave a presentation on the current state of the Wairoa River, the sewage outlet and the Waihi Dam’s effect on eel populations and the importance in why the rivers needs to be monitored and where they monitor.  She briefly discussed the public health risks involved and the tools and equipment they are using to monitor water. Further discussions traversed:

·         Eel populations, the eel life cycle and the different species of eels were discussed and how the health of the species can be traced back to water quality in rivers and lakes.

·         How the Māori Compass Tool is used as a quality management control to determine the biodiversity of the water and land.

·         40 tauira from the Wairoa rohe graduated from Level 3 and 4 with a Fresh Water Management Qualification.

·         Concerned about the spawning areas in the Pacific. If rivers are cleaned up, the eels will be back to cleaner water to breed and grow again.

·         Marei Apatu acknowledged and thanked Katarina for her presentation and enormous work done and her contributions in the region.

·         The Chairman emphasized that the only way forward is with reforestation including native and riparian plant species to re-cloaking of the land.

2.   Theresa Thornton gave a presentation on their current works around riparian fencing, community efforts, tree planting programs and nurseries.  She also gave an update on the state on rivers and lakes in the Mohaka/Pahauwera lakes and rivers.  Discussions traversed:

·      Working collaboratively with Mr Walker, a local farmer where he has been working on cleaning up lakes and pest management.

·      Organising trips for community and members to emphasise the work done in the region.

3.  Iain Maxwell presented a paper on eels on behalf of Dr Andy Hicks who was unable to attend.  Discussions traversed:

·     Presenting on the  Western science on the lifecycle of tuna and what Regional Council is doing particularly in relation to the habitat, threats, water quality and the different species in and around New Zealand.

·     The Council is currently running a monitoring program – where protocols are being applied on 6 sites per year.  Using a fishing machine to catch eels and releasing the them unharmed back into the water.

·     Sites are being monitored throughout the region and looking to boost the number of sites being monitored.  Council interest in partnering with tangata whenua and Department of Conservation.

·     Physical restorations works and riparian fencing are currently being carried out, helping people to ensure that habitats are continued to be protected. 

·     Have rules and regulations in place to prevent further loss of habitat.

·     There was a suggestion that Māori names be used next to the scientific names of eels.

·     To introduce the word rahui for all commercial fishing in an effort to close down the industry pending investigations.

·     Requests that staff draft a letter for the signature of the Chairman, to the Ministry for Fisheries, advocating for a rahui on commercial fishing of tuna (eels) in Hawke’s Bay



1.       That the Māori Committee receives and notes the Eels from a Regional Council’s perspective staff report and presentation.

2.       The Māori Committee recommends that Council:

2.1     Requests that the Māori names are used next to Scientific names in any papers presented in future.

2.2     Supports and advocates for a rahui to be introduced on commercial fishing of eels in Hawke’s Bay in an effort to place a moratorium on the industry pending investigations.





Verbal Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chief Executive and the Regional Council’s Chairman


James Palmer gave an update on the current issues.  Discussions traversed:

·         Acknowledged all the presentations today and the good work of the people within the local communities.  Much more update work is needed in the region to make a fundamental change to the outcomes we aim to achieve as a region.

·         All the effort that has been done in the region, is not enough to stop the ecological decline.  There are still significant erosion problems in the region especially as well as many degraded water ways and biodiversity is in decline.

·         Council’s activities and resources have been reviewed over the last year and a plan has been put forward to the Council which was approved by Council a couple of weeks ago. From 1 July, the Long Term Plan will be implemented.

·         Two more staff will be permanently based in Wairoa to have a greater presence to work alongside with the communities.

·         Farming and forestry are now being more regulated.

·         Council has approved $30 million of funding for riparian fencing, riparian planting, recreating wetlands, sediment traps and erosion control planting over 10 years.  Wanted to use the funds as flexible as possible to align with community resources.

·         Had meetings with Minister Shane Jones last week and had discussions to how the Crown can match the Council’s $30m funding to total to $60m over 10 years.  Long Term Plan for the whole region, but the expectation is that one third of the resources be used in Wairoa rohe to meet the challenges on the natural resource management in the region. 

·         Partnership with Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated.  Non-commercial funding wetlands and land which can’t be productive and needs to go back to permanent native forests.  Options to explore how financial resources of Council can be utilised to invest in manuka, eucalypts, redwoods and a range of other species to be used for timber production. 

·         Extensive funding has been approved for tangata whenua in part to appoint a Tumuaki, a Senior Manager Māori responsible for guiding the organisation in terms of its partnership with tangata whenua around their cultural responsiveness and competence. 

·         Working with other Councils, Treaty Entity Settlements in the region as well as with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc around Matariki - Regional Economic Development strategy.  Key priorities are reinstating the rail between Napier and Wairoa.  Funding has been approved for this project.  This will create opportunities in terms of horticulture and wood processing in Wairoa in particular.

·         Another key priority is the ongoing upgrade on SH2 road and SH38 roads.

·         The Region needs a resilient and diverse primary sector that can response to the changing climate, consider improving fresh water and provide employment opportunities in the long term for the community.  Council is working to resolve the issues.



That the Māori Committee receives the verbal “Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chief Executive and Chairman”.



Wairoa River Integrated Catchment Management


Liz Lambert introduced the item and gave a brief update around the Council’s key priorities and the projects involved with as well as the resource consents and compliance monitoring.  Liz highlighted that:

·         Two major consented point source discharges into the Wairoa River being discharge of wastewater effluent by Wairoa District Council and the discharge by AFFCO.

·         The WDC consent is due 11months from now (May 2019) and WDC have been working with the community, iwi and stakeholders to determine the new options.

·         Long-term goal of the Council is the removal of wastewater discharge from the Wairoa River.

·         AFFCO’s consent to discharge treated meat works and fellmongery wastewater into the Wairoa River expires in 2025 – HBRC expects to have undertaken a review of its plan, policies, rules and standards for the Wairoa River in line with the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.  It is anticipated that this will require as a minimum higher standards of treatment prior to discharge, or may contemplate land-based discharge options only.

·         In both cases, the Regional Council has regulatory compliance monitoring of their discharges and responds to complaints around illegal discharges and odour from AFFO.

Gary Clode gave an update on the recent and current works in the Wairoa catchment.  Updates specifically on Matiti urupa, Ruataniwha marae, Wairoa River Playgound, Whaakirangi marae, Te Uhi Road urupa and Nuhaka River Road realignment.

Iain Maxwell gave an update on delivering of the ideas of what CEO James Palmer set out in his verbal report, highlighting:

·         Different partnerships with iwi to deliver a different way of working in these catchments.

·         Mr Nathan Heath will be moving to Wairoa in July working alongside with Peter Manson.

·         Strategic Plan has been developed and a copy can be requested from HBRC if needed.

·         Outcome based reporting to be followed.

·         Diversity hotspots explained.

·         Catchment prioritization tool used to determine prioritization in the catchment area.

·         Partnering with Governance with additional investment funds.

·         Assisting farmers with Farm Plans.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the Wairoa River Integrated Catchment Management staff report.



Strategy to Increase Greater Māori-Voter Participation


Deferred to the 7 August Māori Committee meeting.



TANK Plan Change Pathways


Deferred to the 7 August Māori Committee meeting.



Verbal Update on Hawea Park


Deferred to the 7 August Māori Committee meeting.



June 2018 Statutory Advocacy Update


Deferred to the 7 August Māori Committee meeting.



Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda


There was no further discussion.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.31pm on Tuesday, 12 June 2018.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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