MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Council
Date: Tuesday 22 May 2018
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
P Bailey
R Barker
P Beaven
T Belford
A J Dick
D Hewitt
N Kirton
F Wilson
In Attendance: M Mohi – Chairman – Maori Committee
J Palmer – Chief Executive
E Lambert – Group Manager External Relations
J Ellerm – Group Manager Corporate Services
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
Submitters – noted in order of appearance
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and Mr Mohi offered a Karakia.
Cr Dick advised that he has to leave at 4pm.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
Cr Debbie Hewitt declared a conflict of interest as a Trustee of the Cranford Foundation and so will not take part in deliberations and decision making in relation to submitter 623 - Cranford Hospice (John Buck).
There were no further conflict of interest declarations.
3. |
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The procedural item was taken as read. |
That Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made on issues submitted on “Facing Our Future 2018-28” are made after the provisions included in sections 83 and 85 of the Local Government Act 2002 have been followed. 2. Receives and considers the verbal and written submissions. CARRIED |
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The Council commenced hearing the verbal submissions. 9.10am – Submitter 305, Fred Robinson 9.15am – Submitter 620, Peter Hubscher 9.20am – Submitter 307, Art Hooper 9.35am – Submitter 692, Federated Farmers Hawke’s Bay Branch (Jim Galloway and Will Foley) 9.55am – Submitter 617, Bruce & Gillian Wilton (Seascape Environment Society Incorporated) 10.05am – Submitter 631, Tutira B7 and B19 Ahuwhenua Trust (Henare Ratima) 10.18am – Submitter 586, Rex McIntyre 10.29am – Submitter 605, Ahuriri Estuary Protection Society Inc - Sue MacDonald |
The meeting adjourned at 10:35am and reconvened at 10:50am.
3. |
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions. 10:50am – Submitter 718 – Peter Lester 11:00am – Submitter 607 – Chris Bain 11:05am – Submitter 138 – Tim Gilbertson 11:11am – Submitter 708 – Garth Eyles 11:20am – Submitter 669 – Chris Ryan 11:25am – Submitter 589 – Guthrie-Smith Trust (David Allen) 11.30am – Submitter 681 – Gren Christie 11.36am – Submitter 682 – Sharleen Baird 11.42am – Submitter 367 – NZ Forest & Bird (Tom Kay) 11.53am – Submitter 320, Hawke’s Bay Maori Tourism Charitable Trust (Toro Waaka and Peter Eden) 12.05pm – Submitter 569 – Ngāti Pārau Hapū Trust (Te Kaha Hawaikirangi) 12.13pm – Submitter 485 – Waiohiki Marae Board of Trustees (Hinewai Hawaikirangi) at |
The meeting adjourned at 12.21pm and reconvened at 12.54pm.
3. |
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions. 12.55pm – Submitter 577 – Bruno Chambers 1.01pm – Submitter 521, Meg Rose 1.07pm – Submitter 699 – Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga (Marei Apatu) 1.20pm – Submitter 567 – Robyn Gwynn 1.25pm – Submitter 470 – Michael Halliday 1.31pm – Submitter 64 – Fred Dryburgh 1.35pm – Submitter 365 – Jeremy Dunningham 1.40pm – Submitter 211 – Ngati Pahauwera Development Trust (Robin Hape) Mike Mohi left the meeting at 1.50pm 1.53pm – Submitter 623 – Cranford Hospice (John Buck) 2.04pm – Submitter 688 – Sustaining Hawke’s Bay Trust (Tony Smith) Mike Mohi returned to the meeting at 2.06pm 2.14pm – Submitter 698 – Te Taiao Hawke’s Bay Environment Forum (Terry Kelly) 2.24pm – Submitter 672 – Donna Huata 2.30pm – Submitter 535 – Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (Nick Jones) |
The meeting adjourned at 2.40pm and reconvened at 3pm.
3. |
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions. 2.58pm – Submitter 381 – Coastguard Eastern Region (Sunny Peters) 3.04pm – Submitter 344 – Perry Spiller 3.08pm – Submitter 498 – Denis Bell 3.15pm – Submitter 570 – James Hunter 3.21pm – Submitter 579 – Murray Cammock 3.29pm – Submitter 690, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (Mayor Alex Walker) 3.40pm – Submitter 333 – Richard Karn |
The meeting adjourned at 3.47pm.
The meeting reconvened at 9.00am on Wednesday 23 May 2018
Present: R Graham - Chairman
P Bailey
R Barker
P Beaven
T Belford
A J Dick
D Hewitt
N Kirton – from 9:27am
F Wilson
In Attendance: A Tapine – Napier City Council
J Palmer – Chief Executive
E Lambert – Group Manager External Relations
J Ellerm – Group Manager Corporate Services
A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant
Submitters – noted in order of appearance
1. Welcome/Prayer/Apologies/Notices
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and Apiata Tapine offered a Karakia.
It was noted that Cr Neil Kirton was not in attendance.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no Conflict of Interest declarations.
3. |
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions. 9.10am – Submitter 709, Te Reinga Marae Trust (Apiata Tapine) 9.25am – Submitter 715, Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust (Shayne Walker) Cr Neil Kirton arrived at 9:27am. 9.37am – Submitter 684, HB Winegrowers Association (Liz Read) |
The meeting adjourned at 9.51am and reconvened at 10.20am
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions. 10.20am – Submitter 121, Ian Cairns 10.32am – Submitter 679, HB Tourism (George Hickton, Kim Thorp, Megan Harris, Hinewai Hiwaikirangi, Hamish Prins) 11.27am the Chair invited speakers from the floor to address the Council. Those who spoke included:
The meeting adjourned at 12.28pm and reconvened at 12:59pm
2018-28 Long Term Plan Submissions Hearing Process |
The Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions. 12.59pm – Submitter 548, Phillip Schofield 1.06pm – Submitter 555, Wairoa District Council (Steve May, CE) 1.20pm – Submitter 572, Business Hawke’s Bay (Carolyn Neville) 1.32pm – Submitter 575, Gisborne Rail Action Group (Gillian Ward) 1.46pm – Submitter 706, Wairoa Taiwhenua (Ngati Kahungunu) (Katarina Kawana & Bill Blake) 1.59pm – Submitter 144, Iain McGibbon 2.12pm – Submitter 713, Hastings District Council (John O’Shaughnessy) 2.23pm – Submitter 539, Sarah Taylor 2.33pm – Submitter 544, Ann Maloney |
The meeting adjourned at 2.48 pm.
The meeting reconvened at 9.05am on Thursday 24 May 2018
Present: R Graham - Chairman
P Bailey
R Barker
P Beaven
T Belford
A J Dick (9.15am - 2.30pm))
D Hewitt
N Kirton
F Wilson
In Attendance: J Palmer – Chief Executive
T Skerman – Interim Group Manager Strategic Planning
E Lambert – Group Manager External Relations
J Ellerm – Group Manager Corporate Services
I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management
L Hooper – Principal Governance Advisor
A Tapine – NCC Councillor (until 11am)
1. Welcome/Prayer/Apologies/Notices
The Chairman welcomed everyone back to the meeting and Apiata Tapine offered a karakia.
The Chairman thanked Apiata Tapine, who he had invited to attend in Mike Mohi’s (the Māori Committee Chairman) stead, in order to offer a tangata whenua perspective for council’s consideration where appropriate.
The Chairman expressed his thanks to the councillors, members of the community and staff for their input to the consultation and submission processes. Councillors reiterated their thanks to everyone involved.
Apologies for lateness were extended by Cr Dick, and for absence from Mike Mohi.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
Cr Debbie Hewitt declared a conflict of interest as a Trustee of the Cranford Foundation and so will not take part in decision making in relation to submitter 623 - Cranford Hospice (John Buck). Apiata Tapine declared his interest in Te Reinga Marae (submitter 709).
There were no further conflict of interest declarations.
Financial Overview |
The item was taken as read, having been prepared to provide councillors with a baseline overview of the financials, and introduced by James Palmer who highlighted: Cr Dick arrived at 9.15am · Huge team effort across the organisation, significant increase in efforts to ensure engagement with the community and provide adequate information to give Council a strong foundation to base decisions on · Council proposing to increase rates to fund doing substantially more, new and different activities, in addition to current levels of activity, to protect and enhance the environment – with funding from borrowing, a more aggressive investment strategy and emphasis on user pays to limit the ratepayer burden · Jessica Ellerm explained that the item provides the level of support and field staff resourcing included in the budgets forecast as well as an overview of the operational investigations and reviews carried out · It was suggested that payment plan options be proactively communicated to the ratepayers (359 to be provided specific response) · Additional resources and decentralising field staff including accommodation options at Guppy Road, Central Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa · Each $200,000 increase to General Rates funded budgets represents 1% increase |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Financial Overview” staff report. 2. Requests that the Corporate and Strategic Committee undertakes a review of the process of the development, communication, public consultation and deliberation of the 2018-28 long term plan and reports to Council on the findings for further consideration and possible action. CARRIED |
Regulation Group of Activities |
Mrs Liz Lambert introduced the item, acknowledging the submission points raised in relation to Regulation and highlighting the additional resource required to address increased community expectations and government regulatory requirements with discussions traversing: · New legislation effective 1 May via the NES for Plantation Forestry one example of increasing regulatory responsibilities for the Council · Recovery of monitoring costs from consent holders, including TLAs, with details of changes to charges and cost recoveries to be approved by Council as part of the LTP adoption process at the end of June |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. In communicating Council’s decisions on the submissions and 2018-28 Long Term Plan, thanks all submitters for taking the time to lodge submissions and participate in the consultation process, the “Regulation Group of Activities” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to “Regulation” and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to a 2.9% increase in rates for 2018-19 to cover increased costs in Regulation (planning, consents, compliance and science) as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28 CARRIED |
Land Water and Biodiversity - Incentives to Change |
Mr Iain Maxwell introduced the item, which outlines the key themes from the submissions made on the proposals consulted on with discussions covering: · Social and cultural impact assessments being carried out on consequences of changing economy coming out of changing landscapes and land uses, particularly reforestation · there will be rules and criteria for landowners to meet when applying for grants or subsidies, with other options for assistance being provided by way of technical advice · Financials for the proposals include the additional staff resource costs · Efforts being made to achieve having landowners, the community and councils taking collective responsibility for addressing environmental issues |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Land Water and Biodiversity - Incentives to Change” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “incentives to change’ proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to include borrowing of $35M over 10 years in the 2018-28 Long Term Plan, to provide incentives to change in the form of interest free loans for Farm Plans and subsidies for riparian and reforestation as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28 4. In making this decision Council takes all steps to ensure that productive farm land remains in production, maintaining the local economy, and that planting programmes are targeted to those lands which pose the greater risk of erosion; and that social and economic interests of the areas concerned are well measured and considered before final decisions are made on HBRC planting programmes. CARRIED |
Land Water and Biodiversity - Partnerships for Change |
Mr Iain Maxwell introduced the item, outlining the key themes from the submissions and highlighting the adaptive flexibility of the proposals over time with discussions including: · Future farming trust (FTT) to be a Community initiative led by the farmers and growers themselves, with expectation that FTT will be self-sufficient in future, with the initial council involvement to get the initiative up and running (Trust set up costs and working capital for establishing initiatives) · Leverage of funding from others including Predator Free 2050 · financial allocation of $200k for Biodiversity endowment fund, $200k for HBRC operational spend and balance is biosecurity related expenditure · concerns from submissions around the future farming proposal, relating to duplication of effort with sector programmes already in place and the perception that the trust would be “telling farmers what to do” and suggestion that the HBRC FFT initiative has a catchment or sub-catchment focus on land use change rather than a technical/technology farming practice focus, ensure against duplication in the design of FFT · trust deed can be written such that the Council retains a position on the Board indefinitely so has visibility of the Trust’s accounts and activities, similar to the Biodiversity Trust Deed |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Land Water and Biodiversity - Partnerships for Change” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Partnerships for Change’ proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to fund the biodiversity and biosecurity initiatives as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28. Belford/Kirton CARRIED
4. Agrees to fund the ‘Future Farming’ initiative as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28 For: Barker, Bailey, Beaven, Belford, Kirton, Graham Against: Dick, Hewitt, Wilson CARRIED |
The meeting adjourned at 11.00am and reconvened at 11.21am, with Apiata Tapine having left the meeting
Civil Defence |
Mr Ian Macdonald introduced the item, which was taken as read, with discussion including: · Efficiencies achieved by single rate collection model have been applied to a capacity gap within the group to provide better service to the community · Each TLA responsible for response as a lifelines (essential services, e.g. drinking water) provider in terms of internal capability and individual councils will continue to rate to fund its internal capacity in this area · NCC will still rate to fund maintenance of its network of sirens · TLAs have reduced the amount rated for CD and have reallocated the balance still being collected to other emergency management activities |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Civil Defence” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Civil Defence” proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to take full responsibility for collecting a single regional rate for Civil Defence as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28. For: Dick, Barker, Bailey, Graham Against: Hewitt, Beaven, Wilson, Belford, Kirton LOST Councillor Barker moved a procedural motion, seconded by Councillor Bailey; being: That the debate on item 10 is adjourned until after Council considers item 19. Barker/Bailey CARRIED |
Working with Tāngata Whenua |
Mrs Liz Lambert briefly summarised the item, highlighting the purpose for the additional expenditure proposed being for council to build internal capacity and capability for tangata whenua engagement, with discussions traversing: · Iwi /hapu management plans and the processes for how those are considered and/or catered for within the RRMP · Increased remuneration for RPC tangata whenua is provided within existing budgets in the draft LTP · Issue of advisory to tangata whenua to RPC being internal within HBRC is to be considered through the RPC performance review and ongoing discussions, so is budgeted as status quo for 2018-19 · Iwi/hapu management plans are very location specific, and taken into account when looking at plan changes as an identification of the cultural values associated with that area · View that with statutory requirements upon HBRC the resourcing proposed is the bare minimum required to begin building capacity and falls well short of what is needed in the longer term |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Working with Tāngata Whenua” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Working with Tāngata Whenua” proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to spend an additional $384,000 in year 1 of the LTP to grow capacity and partnerships for co-governance and co-management with Tāngata Whenua to better meet Council’s obligations (Option 2 as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28). CARRIED |
Sustainable Homes |
The item was taken as read, with queries and discussions traversing: · Residential water storage tanks and whether these may be used for drinking water, either in emergency situations or with adequate treatment · Costs of administering the programme are to be recovered by an administrative charge to those who take up the subsidy or grant · Building code implications for requiring new residential builds to include anything beyond what the Building Act requires and that may be possible through HBRC rules and consent conditions setting additional requirements. |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Sustainable Homes” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Sustainable Homes’ proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to include borrowing of up to $13 million over 10 years in the 2018-28 Long Term Plan, to provide 1300 financial assistance packages as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28 4. Requests that HBRC staff work with the TLAs in the region to coordinate the respective efforts with the objective of achieving the best outcomes to improve the quality of homes through a joint effort by the respective councils. CARRIED |
Regional Assets Group of Activities |
Mr James Palmer explained that the rationale for this council’s contribution to fish passage work with Waikato Regional Council is in relation to pumping stations, not physical structures as past council work, and is the most prudent option to benefit from a collective national body of work. The rationale for the staff recommendation in relation to the renourishment of Westshore is in line with the recommendations coming out of the coastal hazards work. |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Regional Assets” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Regional Assets Group of Activities” and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees that $25,000 funding (General Rate) is included in the 2018-19 and 2019-20 budgets (Total $50,000), (Project 322 Coastal Processes) to obtain a coastal permit to discharge sand at Westshore Beach for the purpose of re-nourishment. 4. Agrees that $30,000 funding (Targetted Rate) is included in the 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 budgets (Total $90,000), (Project 288 HP Scheme), to support Waikato Regional Council to carry out the fish passage initiative. CARRIED |
The meeting adjourned at 12.32pm and reconvened at 1.00pm
Hawke's Bay Tourism |
Discussions traversed: · LTP proposed reducing funding by $300,000 each year for the first 3 years of the LTP · HB Tourism proposed that the first reduction is made but then funding is retained at that level for the next two years while the Tourism sector investigates other sources of funding · Yrs 4-10 funding levels would remain same as per figures in consultation document |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Hawke’s Bay Tourism” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Hawke’s Bay Tourism” proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Confirms its proposal, as consulted on in the Facing our Future 2018-28 Long Term Plan consultation document, to support HB Tourism at a rate of $1.52m for the 2018-19 year 4. Confirms that the rate of $1.52m will be retained for the first three years of the LTP, with subsequent funding levels to be reviewed through the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan process. 5. Agrees to adjust the rating split to become more weighted to the commercial sector, as consulted on in the Facing our Future 2018-28 Long Term Plan consultation document. 6. Requests that HB Tourism examine levels of accommodation in private homes achieved through hosting websites to recommend to HBRC possible differentiated rating levels for accommodation providers based on occupancy rates. 7. Requests that HBRC staff work with HB Tourism to investigate the possibility of introducing a bed tax via enabling legislation to support the activities of HB Tourism. 8. Invites HB Tourism to better support Māori tourism in Hawke’s Bay. 9. Encourages HB Tourism to actively promote the Living Wage initiative amongst its members. CARRIED |
Item - 13. Sustainable Homes - was considered immediately following item 11.
Local Government Funding Agency - LGFA |
James Palmer and Jessica Ellerm explained the details of the options for joining the LGFA, terms of the agreements, associated risks and liabilities and potential interest savings as well as opportunity costs. |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Local Government Funding Agency” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Local Government Funding Agency” proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to join the LGFA as an un-rated guarantor as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28. CARRIED |
Item - 15. Regional Assets Group of Activities - was considered immediately following item 13.
Integrated Catchment Management Group of Activities |
The item was taken as read, with discussions about the regional parks and open spaces full work programme, with submitter proposal for a regional park at Tutira having merit for consideration in future. |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Integrated Catchment Management” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Integrated Catchment Management” group of activities and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Makes no change to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan. CARRIED |
Strategic Planning Group of Activities |
The item was taken as read, with discussions and queries covering: · Business Hawke’s Bay funded $100,000 per annum included in LTP forecast budgets to continue until new model agreed between parties · Climate change a strategic issue for Council, addressed through activities right across council’s activities and so not specifically budgeted into a separate line item |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Strategic Planning” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the Strategic Planning group of activities and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Makes no change to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan. CARRIED |
Corporate Services Group of Activities - including Rates Affordability |
The item, a summary of submission points received, was taken as read with discussions including: · To assist those on fixed incomes, staff will proactively communicate payment plan options and contacting submitters directly if they submitted on the topic of rates affordability · Process of communicating council’s decisions to submitters and the general public through direct contact, rates newsletter, and media |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Corporate Services Group of Activities” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to “Corporate Services Group of Activities” and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Makes no change to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan. CARRIED |
Civil Defence |
Ian Macdonald introduced amended recommendations which attempt to address concerns previously expressed when the item was debated earlier in the day, for councillors’ consideration. |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Civil Defence” staff report. 2. Considers the submission points made relating to the “Civil Defence” proposal and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Agrees to take full responsibility for collecting a single regional rate for Civil Defence as consulted on through Facing Our Future 2018-28 subject to: 3.1 the HBRC 2018-19 rates invoice clearly stating that there is a saving on TLA rates to off-set this increased regional Civil Defence Emergency Management rate, and 3.2 requesting that each TLA advises their ratepayers that, as a consequence of the HBRC rates decision on Civil Defence, their TLA rates have been reduced and how that has been accounted for. Kirton/Barker Against: Hewitt, Wilson CARRIED |
Submissions Requesting Financial Assistance / Grants |
Discussions and queries covered: · Suggestion that requests for worthy initiatives, however not core HBRC business and not provided for in budgets consulted on through LTP Alan Dick was excused at 2.25pm · Business HB and Toimata (Enviroschools) funding included in budgets as consulted on · Coastguard partnership potential with synergies with Port, Harbourmaster and science activities and whether consideration be given for agreement at $10k per year. Staff interest primarily in marine pollution response and harbourmaster functions, however vessel not particularly suitable for science activities; and in relation to Harbourmaster functions as opposed to Port related, although marine pollution incidents tend to mainly occur within the areas of the Port and inner harbour. · Council to continue to make environmental, landscape in-kind contributions to marae and other developments that align with its core functions rather than contribute financially to building projects. Suggested there could be potential for these types of developments (e.g. marae) to apply for sustainable homes subsidies or grants. |
RC66/18 |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Submissions Requesting Financial Assistance / Grants” staff report. 2. Considers the submissions requesting financial assistance and/or grants and any comments made by Council officers. 3. Grants the request made by Coastguard Eastern Region (381) and contributes $10,000 per year for three years, to be funded from Community Partnerships budgets and amends the 2018-28 Long Term Plan accordingly. Belford/Kirton CARRIED 4. Receives the request made by Waiohiki Marae Board of Trustees (485) and makes no change to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan. 5. Receives the request made by Cranford Hospice (623) and makes no change to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan. 6. Confirms the funding budgeted for Business Hawke’s Bay (572) and makes no change to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan. 7. Confirms the funding budgeted for Toimata Foundation (702) and makes no change to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan. Belford/Kirton CARRIED |
Staff Internal Submission to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan |
Queries and discussions covered: · In relation to the funding provision for an oil and gas plan change, a decision is pending on the way forward given Central Government’s recent policy announcements advising no new exploration permits will be granted – and is retained in the LTP budgets in order to not pre-empt decisions still to be made · In relation to groundwater research, signalled potential deep bore investigations on the Heretaunga Plains four years ago have been superseded by the SkyTEM capital set aside to undertake investigations · Biodiversity capital figures initially provided to Council contained an error which was subsequently picked up by staff relates to the split of capital and operational expenditure extending through the full 10 years of the long term plan – to be funded through cost savings, not from the general rate |
That Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made on the issues submitted to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan are made after the provisions included in section 82(a)(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 have been followed. 2. Receives and considers the “Staff Internal Submission to the 2018-28 Long Term Plan” report. 3. Approves: 3.1 the carry forward in project 192 of $89,000 from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover costs associated with preparation of the oil and gas regulation plan change should this continue. 3.2. the carry forward in project 350 of $135,000 of expenditure from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover costs associated with the Lake Tutira hot spot work 3.3 the carry forward of $210,000 from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover the costs associated with the bus service ticketing system. Noting that this is to be funded through internal loan funding 3.4 the carry forward of $380,000 from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover costs associated with drilling of groundwater monitoring bores along with a contribution to the SkyTEM aquifer survey. Noting that this is to be funded through internal loan funding. 3.5 the carry forward of $90,000 from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover costs associated with the Papakiri Flow and Water Quality Site. Noting that this is to be funded through internal loan funding 3.6 the carry forward of building capital expenditure of $90,000 from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover building costs going forward 3.7 the carry forward of $500,000 in project 913 from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover costs associated with the IRIS project. Noting that external loan funding to fund this capital has been drawn down in the 2017-18 year 3.8 the carry forward of $50,000 in computer hardware from 2017-18 to 2018-19 to cover costs associated with data storage. Noting that this is funded through the depreciation reserve 3.9 the additional cost of $100,000 in project 196 in the 2018-19 year of the LTP to cover costs for submission to the tribunal funded from reducing expenditure in other areas of the business or rate increase 3.10 the amendment to the draft LTP to include $100,000 of extra biodiversity capital expenditure each year from years 2 to 10. CARRIED |
A late item was tabled, in relation to a submission (606 Fenton Wilson) lodged, which requested support for the construction of a stock effluent disposal facility in Wairoa.
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:
RC68/18 1. Receives and considers the submission points raised and the comments made by Submitter 606 Fenton Wilson, and Council officers.
2. Refers the submission to the Regional Transport Committee for consideration and development through the Regional Transport Plan processes.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.52pm on Tuesday, 30 June 2009.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................