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MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group JOINT COMMITTEE


Date:                          Monday 14 May 2018

Time:                          1.30pm



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     B Dalton – Chairman

Stuart Black (MCDEM)

R Graham – Chairperson HBRC

S Hazlehurst – Mayor of Hastings District – arrived at 1.37pm

A Hickey

C Little – Mayor of Wairoa District

I Macdonald – HBCDEM Group Manager /Controller

R McLeod – CE Hastings District Council

S May – CE Wairoa District Council

B Muggeridge – Councillor, CHB – for Alex Walker


In Attendance:          J Palmer – Chief Executive

M Adye – Group Recovery Manager

M Davidson – Deputy Chair, CE Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

E Leenan – EMA Training and Planning

                                              J Sutherland  – EMA Community Engagement

                                    A Roets – Governance Administrative Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

Mayor Bill Dalton welcomed everyone to the meeting.

CDE1/18      That the apologies for absence from Superintendent Tania Kura and Alex Walker be accepted with Councillor Brett Muggeridge standing in for Alex Walker.



As Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst was not in attendance for the start of the meeting the quorum was not established and the meeting not constituted.

It was agreed that the information items would be discussed ahead of Mayor Hazlehurst’s arrival and establishment of the quorum, at which time the meeting would officially commence.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.

Mayor Sandra Hazelhurst arrived at 1:37pm, the quorum was established and the meeting commenced.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 27 November 2017.



Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee meeting held on Monday, 27 November 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Call for Items of Business not on the Agenda





Raised by


Risk Reduction: Land use planning changes to the Regional Policy Statement

Ian Macdonald





MCDEM Update


Stuart Black (MCDEM) thanked the Chair for having them at the meeting.  The aim is to visit the Committee at least once a year.  Further discussions traversed:

·         Apologised for the Minister of Civil Defence as he was unwell and could not attend.

·         Ms Stuart Black explained that there have been a number of emergencies during the last year (14 emergencies in total where NZ had 4 ex-tropical cyclones and 3 different storm events) and predicts that 2018 will be a busy year.

·         There has been an accumulative nature in emergencies happening and in the way emergencies are playing out, some communities are facing the same and multiple emergencies each year.  The Minister is aware of what is happening in local communities and he is still reporting on the recovery effort for the Nov 2016 Kaikoura earth quake and the Edgecombe’s floods from last year.

·         New technology and systems have been implemented including the Emergency Mobile Alerting system.  Had a test warning November 2017 and has been used 4 times since the launch in emergencies.  Important to recognise that it is an IT solution that was delivered on time, to the specifications and within budget. It is available for CDEM groups and Ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management, The Ministry of Health as well as Police and Fire Services.

·         Introduced a National Warning system to streamline the way MCDEM communicates with CDEM groups, Government Agencies and the media.

·         Progressing in areas such as communication and public information sharing – the new Public Information course has been rolled out across the country to ensure that PIMS feel supported ahead of any emergency that might happen.

·         Continuing with National Campaigns currently running (“Long or Strong, Get Gone-Campaign” as well as the “Drop, Cover and Hold-campaign”). The focus will be on working with ethnic communities that are either relatively new to NZ or with language or cultural differences to ensure that emergency messages as communicated to them.

·         Will be running another “Shake-Out” in Oct 2018 which will involve schools, Government Agencies and key partners to envisage the message.  Planning to have this as an annual activity rather than once every 3 years as the yearly occurrence is not sustainable.

·         Amongst the work in area of growing capability include reviewing the Coordinating Incident Management System which was due for review (5 year cycle) and the implementation of the TAG report, Port Fire review, Bay of Plenty review have all been undertaken as part of the CIMS review.

·         Looking into the future of Volunteers and what model is needed to ensure that they are valued and appreciate and to ensure to retain volunteers and that they are utilised properly.

·         A new and updated MOU signed with Broadcasters in 2017 to ensure media cover all broadcasting during and after emergencies and to ensure critical public information is able to be communicated directly after any emergencies to all communities.  The previous MOU did not take into account digital media or any other online channels.

·         MCDEM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during May 2018 with Deaf Aotearoa [IM1] about using interpreters to better engage with and inform Deaf communities about what to do in emergencies.  In the trialling phase where MCDEM will be paying for the interpreters for Group-led emergencies, for up to for sessions per emergency.

·         A National MCDEM Conference will be held on 30-31 May 2018 and will have their Annual Awards dinner where 20-30year and 40-50year Certificates of Service will be awarded to staff and volunteers for Long Term Service with MCDEM.

·         The Minister’s Technical Advisory Group Report (TAG) and Ministerial Review reports from last year brought particular consciousness around the Kaikoura response, the Port Hills and a number of smaller emergencies and whether their arrangements are fit for purposes around all natural disasters

·         The Minister Faafoi released a “Ministerial Review on Better Responses to National Disasters and Other Emergencies” report on 18 Jan 2018 and has been meeting with Mayors, Groups and other stake holders to discuss the findings and recommendations of the TAG’s report on the Ministerial Review on Better Responses to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies continue.

·         The Minister is meeting directly with Iwi to involve Iwi in Governance Decision making processes at a practical level. Those views are being taken into account and a small team has been providing the Minister with support and advice and has been doing an analysis on how the recommendations can be implemented, what the cost and timeframe will be.

·         These advisors to release a report to the Minister by the middle of 2018 where after it will be presented to the Cabinet before any decisions will be announced.

·         There is a number of mixed recommendations in the TAG report. Some are the high cost (i.e new National Crisis Management System and creating a National Emergency Management Agency, which will replace the MCDEM under the current structure) and other legislative change recommendations.  It will depend on whether or not the Government would want to put these into place, specifically around Legislative change.

·         The biggest interest to the Committee, will be the Regional arrangements between Councils and what appetite there is for change. The Minister would like to re-engage with Councils here to understand Council’s views.

·         A number of Working Groups have now been set up through LGNZ, which includes Elected officials, CE’s and their senior officials. Their role is to provide input into this small team (led by Clare Ward and DPMC) to work through some of the recommendations of the TAG.



That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee receives the Directors verbal “MCDEM Update” report.





Recovery: Proposed Changes to the Group Plan


Ian Macdonald gave a brief discussion on the report.  Discussions traversed:

·         An amendment was made to the CDEM Act 2016 which required that from 1 June 2018 any proposed plan be sent to the Minister to incorporate strategic planning for recovery.

·         The purpose of this paper is to incorporate the changes within the Group Plan which was finalised in 2014 and coming to an end of its 5 year term.  A full review of the HB CEM Group Plan (including recovery) will be done early 2019 and will then be sent to the Minister for comment.

·         Recommended to proceed and approve the recommendations as minor amendments and changes to the guideline as under section 57 of the CDEM Act 2002.  A number of changes have been identified as part of the Appendix which are highlighted in red. A number of track changes have been used to identify the changes made.

·         Already have progressed with recovery quite significantly under this Group Plan and this is listed under paragraph 5 of the report.  One of the key tasks which were completed in 2015/2016, was the development of a Group Recovery Strategy, but also setting up the structures for recovery in Hawke’s Bay, giving Council’s and the Group the tools to undertake recovering post a disaster. 

·         A Recovery structure has already been developed where Recovery Managers were appointed and now working towards training for Recovery Managers and Local Recovery Managers.

·         Recently appointed a replacement Group Recovery Manager, Mike Adye and established as a contracted position in Hawke’s Bay.

·         The Group Manager and Recovery Manager have consulted with MCDEM as to where the Group Plan is considered lacking and what recommendations they have towards changing the Group Plan to comply with the new legislation and the new Director’s Guideline for Strategic Planning for Recovery for CDEM which were released by the Ministry in Dec 2017.

·         The Committee agreed with the changes recommended and endorsed that the changes fulfilled the requirements to be considered as minor and as such do not trigger the requirement for public consultation.



That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.     Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the Administrating Authority’s (Hawke’s Bay Regional Council) adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.    Amends the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan as proposed.

3.    Agrees that the changes to the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan are considered as minor under section 57 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 in that there is no effect or likely effect on the rights or obligations of any person.





Amendments to Group Plan: Controller Delegations


Ian Macdonald highlighted:

·         Seeking that the recommendations and proposals in paragraph 7 and 8 of the report be endorsed.

·         Currently have 4 group controllers.  As part of the recent restructure a Team Leader Operational Readiness has been appointed and part of this role requires the appointment holder be capable of acting as an Alternative Group Controller. Jim Tetlow had been appointed to this role and it was proposed that he be appointed as an Alternative Group Controller.  Jim has extensive experience in Emergency Management and has held senior appointments and a number of deployments.

·         Ultimately here will be 5 Group Controllers and Two Hawke’s Bay Local Controllers per Council appointed.

·         The expectation is that if a person is being appointed as a Controller, he/she complete the MCDEM Controllers Development Programme.  Only 4 out of a total of 14 Controllers have done the Controllers Development Programme and this course is currently being reviewed. 

·         A new reviewed course will be run later this year which will be a one week course and another 4 days of Distance Learning.  It is a big commitment and expensive course, but is covered by the Group Training budget and not by local Councils.

·         There are 2 Local controllers per TLA who is delegated to be local Controllers across the entire Hawke’s Bay.

·         The CEG Committee endorsed these changes and appointments to Amend the Group Plan (Controller Delegations) at its last meeting on 30 April 2018.



That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.     Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the Administrating Authority’s (Hawke’s Bay Regional Council) adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.    Makes the following appointments and changes to the roles of Group and Local Controller, being:

2.1   Jim Tetlow appointed as Alternative Group Controller.

2.2   The following are recommended to be appointed as Hawke’s Bay Local Controllers:

2.1.1       Kitea Tipuna (Wairoa District Council)

2.1.2       Doug Tait (Central Hawke’s Bay District Council)

2.1.3       Josh Lloyd (Central Hawke’s Bay District Council)

2.1.4       Jon Kingsford (Napier City Council)

2.3   As a consequence the following would be removed from the Hawke’s Bay Local Controllers list in the Group Plan:

2.3.1       Te Arohanui Cook

2.3.2       Steve Thrush

2.3.3       Glenn Lucas

2.3.4       James Baty

3.    Amends the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan as proposed.





Community Resilience Planning:  Update


Ian Macdonald introduced and welcomed Edaan Lennan who has been appointed as the new Emergency Management Advisor (Training and Planning) in Dec 2017.  He will be working across all of the Councils with respect to training and development.

Jae Sutherland gave a presentation update on Community Resilience Planning projects in the 10 communities and the planned community meetings, community engagements and the outcomes they had including challenges, risks and potential solutions highlighting:

·         CRP’s are underway in several areas and Jae reported that they had great success with the Community resilience planning processes and plans and explained that community resilience plans are where communities come together to discuss their hazards and risks, the impacts these may have on their communities and what knowledge, skills and resources they have to respond to an emergency.

·         The CPR process also provides a chance for people in the community to connect built connections and networks within communities and is run like a workshop to contribute knowledge and ideas.  These workshops have been very successful and have had positive feedback from attendees.

·         Community champions have emerged from the planning groups or from projects that have come out of the process.  Communities was regularly updated via social media they had established for their community (i.e Facebook) and liaising with ECC to help identify and organise local resources.

·         CDEM staff are working closely with communities and schools to update, guide and advise on community resilience plans and processes and have regularly meetings.

·         Some communities feel that they need to have a more focussed element to the plan on providing shelter and food for animals and tsunami evacuees and will have another meeting later this year on risk-scape.

·         There is an opportunity for CDEM Community Resilience Plans to integrate into the wider community development planning being undertaken by councils.  I was noted that at time this was not practicable due to different reasons (priorities) between CDEM CRP and community plans.

·         There has been an organisational structural review and under the new structure, there are 3 people who will be working on Community Resilience Planning and an additional staff member be appointed specifically in Public Information and Education.  This will bring together a group of 4 people who can now work across the Group area on community engagement.



That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee receives the “Community Resilience Planning Update” report.





Group Manager’s General Update


Ian Macdonald highlighted:

·         A new centralised online CDEM induction course for all new council staff across the region has been introduced.  It ensures that all staff have a basic understanding of the key processes that take place during a response. All new staff who have joined HBRC since Feb 2017 have completed this training and was well received.  The CDEM Integrated Training Framework (ITF) Foundation Course is the basic introduction to working in a coordination facility and has previously been presented as a face-to-face training.  Working on this short online training being part of all councils’ induction process for new staff.

·         Approximately 90 staff from across the councils have completed the Integrated Training Framework Intermediate course and has been well received and making some good progress in training and development of coordination centre staff across all councils.  Aiming to have another 50-60 staff to be trained to have a total of around 150 whom have done training and whom can then operate in a coordination centre during a response.

·         The Group has not run an exercise since mid-2017 and will not undertake any exercising until late 2018 when the new Hastings facility upgrade has been completed. Will continue to work with individual Councils at a TLA level around exercising.

·         The training management software for managing training paths, staff course nominations has been reviewed and the Group decided to use a web based NZ solution called Integrated Training Management.  This software will track training attendance, contacts, qualifications and development pathways for staff and allow them to view their personal progress and training pathway.

·         The new method of operations structure has continued being implemented however, progress has been slowed due to a key staff member being on parental leave and need to await the commissioning of the renovated Hastings GECC before developing the systems and processes that will support this.

·         45 staff members from each of Hastings DC, Napier CC and HBRC have been identified to be trained and utilised both in a council incident management team and in a Group activation at the GECC.

·         Ian gave an update on the Hastings Emergency Management Facility Alterations which involve the complete retrofit and strengthening of the buildings foundations, structural and internal components.  The physical work is scheduled to begin in June 2018 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of this calendar year.

·         The HB CDEM ECC and Group office will be temporarily relocating to the Heretaunga house across the road from the existing facility in Hastings.  Will be establishing a small coordinating group which will retain the capability of responding to a small-medium size event, but reduced capability overall.

·         A new Group Office structure chart has been supplied to the members and we are now in implementation phase where two new roles have been advertised being the Team Leader Community Resilience and Emergency Advisor (Processes and Technology).

·         As part of the LTP processes, Councils have proposed to effectively bring together CDEM funding from individual councils into one rate targeted to individual properties and administered by the HBRC.

·         HBRC received around 130 submissions on the proposals to centralise the funding for Civil Defence under one targeted regional rate.  Around 70% of submitters were in support of the change.

·         Good progress has been made in the Lifelines networks and developing their projects.

·         One significant Lifeline project is to develop a Regional Vulnerability Study for Hawke’s Bay.  It will assess the potential impacts of natural hazards on infrastructure servicing the region and to seek to reduce the risk through joint planning.

·         The work programme for the Group Recovery Manager, Mike Adye has been agreed and is focussed Goal 4 of the National CDEM strategy.  Initial work has been undertaken and Mike and Ian have been meeting with each of the councils and their Recovery Managers to discuss post disaster recovery roles and responsibilities.  The aim is to be completed over the next 18 months.

·         Welfare planning in HB continues to be a high level of engagement.  A Rural Advisory Group has been established to understand rural needs and use rural sector capability to respond and recover.  Several members interested in training as rural liaison role working in the GECC in an emergency to provide effective links to the rural community.  The Rural Advisory Group function on its own but is managed by the CDEM.

·         An outline of the Group Work programme’s tasks completed and those tasks still under action was provided to the Committee.  This needs to be updated as new staff has been appointed and new resources agreed to as part of the LTP.  This provides an opportunity to review the entire Group Work Programme and in discussions with CEG, it is intended to provide an updated work programme to the next CEG meeting for their approval.  Thereafter it will be provided to the Committee for endorsement.

·         The Committee acknowledged Mr Ross McLeod’s contributions over the last 10 years highlighting the development of the Group Office review and establishment of the new permanent Hastings Emergency Management facility located next to HDC, as well as his leadership through numerous events.  For example the 2011 floods, the water contamination in 2016, followed by the fires in 2017.  The Committee thanked Ross for his contribution to the Group over the years.



That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee receives the “Group Manager’s General Update” report.





Discussion of Items of Business not on the Agenda


Risk Reduction – raised by Ian Macdonald


·      Ian Macdonald had conversations with staff and HBRC CE, James Palmer about the changes in the RMA and the elevation of risk reduction and hazard management as a matter of “national importance”.  Every Council district plan must give effect to the Regional Policy Statement and the Resource Management Act.   The existing RPS is dated 1996 and is no longer fit for purpose around natural hazard management and is outdated.  Ian to work with Councils to start the process and develop a risk-based approach to develop a Plan around Risk reduction and hazard management.  The Bay of Plenty has developed a very good plan change which was nationally recognised around taking a risk-based approach to controlling land use within tsunami areas in particular.

·      HBRC is comfortable to update the current Plan but needs to work collaboratively with all Council’s after which this will flow into their current District Plans. 

·      An endorsement was given by the Committee that HBRC/Group develop a draft proposal for developing an updated Regional Policy Statement and report back to the next meeting.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 14:45pm on Monday, 14 May 2018.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................


 [IM1]Don’t know – ask Andrew Hickey