MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee


Date:                          Tuesday 10 April 2018

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M Mohi – Chairman (until 11.15am)

M Apatu

Cr P Bailey

Cr R Barker

B Blake

P Eden

Cr R Graham

H Hilton

A Manuel

M McIlroy

M Paku

A Robin

A Te Tomo

K Kawana (Proxy - Wairoa)

J Brown (Proxy - Heretaunga)


In Attendance:          J-A Raihania – Senior Policy and Strategic Advisor

L Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The meeting opened with a karakia from Haami Hilton, before the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the absence of James Palmer.

The Chairman advised that he needs to leave the meeting at 11.15am and that the meeting following his departure will be chaired by Deputy Chair, Mike Paku.


MC8/18    That the apology for absence from Cr Fenton Wilson be received.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Short Term Replacements for 10 April 2018 Meeting



The Māori Committee agrees that Katarina Kawana, Joella Brown and Cr Paul Bailey be appointed as member/s of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 10 April 2018 as short term replacements(s) for Paora Sciascia, Brian Gregory and Cr Fenton Wilson respectively.




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee Meeting Held on 13 February 2018



Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 13 February 2018, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings


Liz Lambert provided an update on the LTP Process including consultation on the council’s proposal to increase funding for Tāngata Whenua engagement. To date there have been three public meetings held and around 140 submissions received.  The new Tumuaki role is provided for in Council’s reorganised structure, and HBRC CE has had discussions with some Māori Committee members about the process for making this appointment. A job description for the role will be available soon.

In relation to Māori representation on HBRC through Māori constituencies, an invitation will be extended to the Minister for Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta, to attend the 12 June Māori Committee meeting to be held in Wairoa/Mahia. Wairoa Executive will confirm the venue for that meeting.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.






Call for Any Minor Items Not on the Agenda


The Maori committee accepts the following items not on the agenda for discussion as Agenda Item 13.



Raised by



Rex Graham


Pest Control Management submissions

Peter Eden


Waio River & AFFCO consents

Michelle McIlroy


Water conservation update

Api Robin





Verbal Update on Māori Committee Tāngata Whenua Remuneration Review


Liz Lambert provided a brief update on the review of Tāngata Whenua remuneration, covering:

·      Feedback has been received from Committee members about the increase in meeting fees, and seeking confirmation from members for the proposed $400 per meeting payment. Once the new fee has been accepted by the Committee, Council will be presented with a report to approve $400 per meeting and the date from which that is effective.

·      Future Committee meetings may be extended to a 3pm finish, and the expectation is that members will report back to their respective Taiwhenua on issues discussed at these meetings as well as to seek input and bring marae matters to upcoming meetings, preferably through the Agenda (with Joyce-Anne).



That the Māori Committee receives the verbal Māori Committee Tangata Whenua remuneration review update report.





Verbal Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chairman


Cr Rex Graham updated the Committee on current issues, with discussions traversing:

·      Community engagement for the LTP process, the consultation document and the busy time bringing everything together

·      Overall acceptance of the plan with some resistance from the public around the rate increase and all presentations well received so far as public appears to agree that the Council should focus on its environmental priorities

·      The 19% proposed overall rate increase is made up of 13% for environmental priorities and 5.5% to bring Civil Defence in-house with a regional rate, managed centrally by HBRC and subsequently saving $100k in mostly admin costs for Civil Defence


·      Proposal to reduce Tourism Funding by $1.8m over the next 3 years to enable Council to focus on its environmental priorities has been met with strong opposition from the tourism industry and local businesses, but Council’s preferred option to reduce funding is based on the argument that after a dramatic funding boost in 2015, 2016 and 2017 it’s time for the sector to stand on its own

·      Māori Tourism not specifically funded by HBRC

·      Suggestion that Māori Tourism providers approach TLAs directly to seek funding through their Community funding avenues

·      Capital Structure Review Report has been released, outlining options on how best to secure the region’s economic and environmental future, including funding the development of Napier Port and intergenerational environmental projects, while reducing investment risk to ratepayers (recent earthquakes reinforced the risks of having all investment eggs in one basket). Port needs to invest approximately $275 million in development and currently makes up 74% of Council’s income generating investments.

·      Coastal Hazards Joint Committee, Chaired by Cr Peter Beaven, recently presented the Stage 3 report (preferred pathways for addressing erosion and inundation risks along the coast from Clifton to Tangoio over the 0-20, 20-50 and 50-100 year periods) to Council for adoption for progressing to the next stage of the process. Stage 4 (action time) will assess the recommended pathways in depth, in order to develop detailed designs and costings for priority areas, and develop affordable ‘fit for purpose’ adaptive solutions.

·      Water Conservation Order Tribunal instructed (via Court order) all parties to work together to find a suitable solution ahead of scheduled reconvening of the Hearing in July. Disappointing that the Chair and CEO of Fish & Game and Forest & Bird refused invitations issued by HBRC Chair to meet with relevant groups.

·      $30m set aside in the LTP for reforestation including riparian plantings and joint ventures with Tāngata Whenua groups and Iwi to participate in commercial forestry initiatives, with consultation with CEOs and Chairs of all 9 treaty groups having started.



That the Maori Committee receives the “Verbal Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chairman”.


Mike Mohi vacated the Chair and left the meeting at 11.00am, and Mike Paku assumed the Chair.



Long-Term Plan 2018-2028 Submission


Joyce-Anne Raihania provided a brief update, mentioning previous discussions on HBRC’s 2018-28 LTP. Submissions period closes at 4pm on 23 April 2018.

Proposed that the paper be amended so to that each of the Taiwhenua members, including the Wairoa Executive, provide their feedback and submission on a template to be provided by Joyce-Anne Raihania, completing the form with responses to each of the LTP proposals.  The responses will then be collated to form a single submission document that can also be used as preparation for presenting to the Hearing.



That the Maori Committee:

1.     Notes the consultation process that the Regional Council is employing for its 10 Year Long Term Plan 2018-2028.

2.     Notes that a workshop will be scheduled to enable Māori Committee members to offer their Taiwhenua views on the LTP in line with their Taiwhenua aspirations and expectations, as submissions are due 4pm Monday 23 April 2018





Verbal Feedback from the four Taiwhenua


Verbal feedback was sought from each of the four Taiwhenua, and will be a standing item on future Agendas.  Discussions traversed:

·      Michell McIlroy provided an update on behalf of Te Taiwhenua o Wairoa including their main concerns remain about the Wairoa River, what’s happening with other sacred rivers and how they can work collaboratively with communities to make a difference through planting trees. Advised their Facebook page has around 240 members, with those members growing trees in their back yards to be planted to help the environment and rivers.

·      Marei Apatu updated the Committee on behalf of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga where there is increased pressure placed on the TANK process with the expectation that a draft plan will be presented to the RPC in the next couple of months.  With the third reading in Parliament in May, it is expected that the PSGE Tatau Tatau o Wairoa is not too far away as well – resulting in the full composition of Treaty partner PSGE mandated people around the RPC table with their respective Acts in parliament. Following on from the interactive “Smart Preservation” exercise carried out at the Māori Committee meeting in February, a workshop was held to consider Council’s mission statement and how that relates to the members’ accountability to this Committee as well as to their constituents and taiwhenua.  A full report will be available soon and will be presented at the next Committee meeting.

·      Api Robin, on behalf of Te Taiwhenua o Whanganui A Orotu, was in agreement with what Heretaunga has said and will be consulting with Marei Apatu in looking at their proposals to suit Whanganui A Orotu.

·      Peter Eden, on behalf of Whanganui-A-Orotu, stated he shares Cr Graham’s views on better water management plans and will be putting in submissions to Council. Concerns were raised about the Agricultural assessment in terms of what will happen with the Ahuriri Estuary. Some building renovation projects are coming up around the marae and iwi will be working collaboratively with the Civil Defence Group to have an emergency infrastructure plan. Concerns were raised about the weed control in rivers.



That the Māori Committee receives the verbal “Feedback from the Four Taiwhenua” report.





Verbal feedback from Māori Committee members on the Council Standing Committees


Mike Paku spoke of the purpose of the standing committees including the obligations of the Māori Committee members nominated to sit on each. The purpose of the particular Committee (Corporate & Strategic) Mike sits on is to review reports relating to the LTP and its outcomes, HBRIC, Tourism, etc. The Committee meeting allows Councillors the opportunity to tease out their ideas and formulate recommendations for the full Council to consider and base their final decision on at the Council meeting.



That the Māori Committee receives the verbal “Feedback from the MC Members on the Council Standing Committees” report.





April 2018 Statutory Advocacy Update


The item was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the April 2017 Statutory Advocacy Update staff report.





Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda





Raised by



·     Requests a report explaining the fish species and the habitats and threats around Eels and possibly introduction of a Policy to protect Eels in the environment

·     Katarina Kawana spoke about working collaboratively with various parties (Taiwhenua and commercial fisheries) to try and protect the fish, suggesting a workshop around the topic for scientists and experts to share their knowledge

·     Joinella Brown’s work alongside Taiwhenua and the TANK Group was acknowledged

·     Concerns raised about large quantities of eel meat ending up in pet food and commercial fishing of these species

·     Suggest a workshop be organised, focussing on collective advocacy by the Council and Maori Committee to Government recommending changes to fisheries provisions, etc. to be implemented through the Fisheries Act

Rex Graham


Regional Pest Management Plan review

·       Submission now lodged and thanks extended to Liz Lambert for her support and assistance with the submission.

Peter Eden


Waiau River & AFFCO consents

·     A photo was sent to Cr Graham and the CE, Mr Palmer, noting that erosion that occur slips and concerns were raised that with the next rain the slips will end up in the Waiau River.  Has lodged a complaint about the issue and advised that Mayor Craig Little has also lodged a complaint.

·     HBRC is monitoring the above activity and a staff member has been assigned. HBRC staff met with the landowner and a contractor who will now deal with the debris/slash.


·     Attended the AFFCO consent hui where a report was given relating to the current issues. As requested by HBRC, Eel monitoring has been added, however when she queried MCI, Michelle was advised it is of no importance and is not monitored.

·     Disappointed to find E-Coli levels have risen

·     Would like to see the AFFCO report submitted to Council on current issues with regards to non-compliance

·     There was an overall feeling that the process was rushed and no opportunity given to Taiwhenua members to participate in the monitoring and also they didn’t have sufficient time to respond

Michelle McIlroy


Water Conservation Order

·     Also discussed in item 8 by HBRC Chairman

·     Stage 1 WCO heard and on hold to allow the TANK Plan Change to get to public notification stage, after which Stage 2 of the Order will be heard. No date has been set yet, and no interim findings or decisions from Stage 1 released.

·     In response to a query about erosion on private property, staff advised that property owners should seek technical advice from an engineer.

Api Robin






There being no further business the Deputy Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12:22pm on Tuesday, 10 April 2018.

Signed as a true and correct record.




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