MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                          Friday 2 March 2018

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr A J Dick – HBRC – Chair

                                    Cr F Wilson – HBRC – Deputy Chair

                                    D Tennent – CHBDC

                                    Mayor C Little – WDC

Cr K Price – NCC

                                             E Speight – NZTA

                                              Mayor B Dalton – NCC (Alternate)

                                    Cr D Tennent – CHBDC (Alternate)

                                    A Redstone – HDC (Alternate)


In Attendance:          B Gregory – HBRC – Māori Committee

                                    Paul Michaelsen – Chair of Hawke’s Bay AA

                                    M Broderick – NZ Police

                                    S Young – Port of Napier

                                    I Emmerson – Road Transport Association

                                    A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant


TAG                           A Redgrave – HBRC

                                    M Welsby – HBRC

                                    J Loyd – CHBDC

                                    M Clews – HDC

                                    J Pannu – HDC

                                             S Barnett – NZTA


Apologies:                 Cr T Kerr – HDC

                                    K Santer – KiwiRail

R Malley – NCC

          J Cox – WDC


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone and members of the Public.

The Chairman regret to advise that John Emmerson has passed away and condolences to Ian Emmerson.


RTC1/18    Resolution

That the apologies for absence from Councillor Tania Kerr and Mr Kim Santer, be accepted.

It was noted that Councillor Ann Redstone has been formally appointed as Councillor Rod Heap’s replacement and will fill in for Councillor Tania Kerr at the meeting.

David Tennent replacing Alex Walker.

Shawn McKinley (CHBDC) was unable to attend but CHB’s new Group Manager Community Infrastructure and Development, Josh Lloyd, was in attendance

The Automobile Association has notified that Paul Michaelsen, the new Chair of Hawke’s Bay AA, has replaced David Murray as AA representative.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Short Term Replacements For The 1 December 2017 Regional Transport Committee Meeting



No Short Term Replacements to be recorded.


4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Meeting held on 1 December 2017


Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 1 December 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups From Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


Item 1: Napier-Wairoa Log Proposal: 

·         The Chairman welcomed the contribution of Government which has contributed $5m to reinstate the Napier-Wairoa line.

·         Regional Council, Napier Port and KiwiRail reached an agreement last year – still working through aspects of the reinstatement of the line.

·         Kim Santer advised that maintenance trains will be operating in June 2018.

·         Two heritage rail operators are now actively looking at operating on the line.

·         Expected that the trains will be running by the end of 2018.



Item 2: Water bottling plants in Awatoto and Tomoana

·         Steve Young - little to report since the last quarter. A total of 14 containers of water  were shipped in February so there was little impact on the transport network.

·         Item to remain for regular follow up

Item 3: Business case for route between Wairoa District and Bay of Plenty via SH38

 NZTA is proceeding with business case on this route. Mayor Little reported that the group is working on some ideas.

Item 4: Matariki Objectives – Opotiki to Napier Business case:

·         Emma Speight reported that work has started and has contacted  all councils involved from HB to be part of the process.

·         Completion – June 2019




That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.





Call For Items of Business Not on the Agenda



That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda”: for discussion



Raised by


HDC – consideration of the Napier-Taihape Road becoming a State Highway

·         Implications for the RLTP? – no projects or programmes in place to work on this

·         If Committee agrees, discussion can be added to the Plan

·         NZTA: Significant cost involved  and something that needs to be considered as part of the planning process

·         NZTA: Best way to approach this is to support in the RLTP, followed by joint letter from councils to NZ Transport Agency.

·         It was agreed that discussion and support for this issue should be added to the draft RLTP.

Ann Redstone


Slow moving agricultural vehicles on state highways, causing traffic build-up and safety issues

·          Could RTC members liaise with operators to encourage their drivers to pull over – potentially dangerous situation as people get impatient behind these slow moving vehicles.

·         The Road Transport Association and NZ Police will do whatever they can to bring the matter to the attention of parties who are likely to have some influence on the system.

David Tennent





Review of Regional Land Transport Plan


Anne Redgrave introduced her report on the draft  Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP).

·         Reminder that this is the mid-term review of the RLTP and referred to the letter received from the Minister on page 17 of agenda, highlighting that investment priorities will change.

·         Waiting for a revised Government Policy Statement (GPS 1) and draft is expected in March 2018.  Will have opportunity to comment on the draft.

·         More detailed GPS 2 will be issued in 2019.

·         As a requirement of the legislation, the RLTP must  identify any significant transport funding coming from sources other than the National Land Transport Fund – thus the $5m allocation for the rail improvements needs to be noted. Will be added to the draft before it goes out to consultation.

·         Port of Tauranga establishing an inland hub at Kawerau, which is of equal distance to Napier for some forestry and could affect volumes through Napier. Steve Young to investigate and report for the next meeting.

·         Priorities are similar to the 2015 document but  have added a statement to support increased use of rail for freight in the region where viable.

·         Prioritised activities for 2018-21 – requirement to only prioritise significant activities (page 13 of the Agenda).  Hawke’s Bay has a short list, as most major works are already underway.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.     Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.     Receives the ‘Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan’ report.

3.     Approves the proposed prioritisation of significant activities in the draft Regional Land Transport Plan and discussion of significant inter-regional activities.

4.     Approves the draft Regional Land Transport Plan for targeted consultation, with any minor changes required by the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2018 or changes to transport programmes by councils and the NZ Transport Agency.

Bailey / Price




Variation to Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25



1.     That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the ‘Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25’ report

The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council

2.     Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

3.     Approves the variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25, revising the cost and timing of a Weigh Right Facility for Napier to:

3.1     updated costs = $8.5m

3.2     date for completion = 2020-21




March 2018 Transport Manager's Report


·         Anne Redgrave spoke to the report. It was agreed that a submission would be prepared in support of the proposed speed limit reduction in Farndon Road.

·         Ann Redstone declared a conflicted to the adoption of the Transport Manager’s Report with regard to the Farndon Road speed reduction.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the March 2018 Transport Manager's report”.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report March 2018


Ms Emma Speight  presented her report:

·         Revising the Investment Assessment Framework. Expect to be released after the Draft GPS has been released.

·         Booklet and an online link has been distributed to all Councils providing more information about the Agency’s new structure and key contacts.

·         Speed campaign launch – to focus on particularly on males 35-60 years.

·         New cycling education system – NZTA has partnered with Accident Compensation Corporation and Local Government to develop a consistent national cycling education system to support improved cycle safety health education and sport.

·         Road safety - Work has started this month on the Government’s new $22.5m programme of low cost safety improvements to make sections of 30 Regional State Highways safer.

·       The reasons behind road toll trends are complex and subject to ongoing research.  There is no one clear reason why the road toll has begun to increase and sustained effort is required on many fronts to reverse this..

·       Regional activities are progressing well, as outlined in the report.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the NZTA Central Region – Regional Relationships Director’s Report for March 2018.






March 2018 Public Transport Update


·         Anne Redgrave briefly discussed the public transport report, highlighting the possible link between a significant increase in vehicle kilometres travelled in Hawke’s Bay, increased vehicle ownership and fewer bus passengers.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “March 2018 Public Transport Update” report.






Advisory Representatives' Verbal Updates


Paul Michaelsen (Automobile Association):

·      A meeting has been scheduled with Oliver Postings, NZTA, regarding the issues with the Pakowhai –Links Road intersection upgrade and use of Brookfields Road as an alternative route.  The suggestion has been made to put some lights up for easy and clearer visibility.

·      Cycle Safety:  There is a lot more commuting activity between Napier and Hastings via Brookfields Road.  HDC has done some road widening but  this has not  occurred  on the Napier side.

Steve Young ( Napier Port )

·      Apple season picking has started -  pack houses are concerned about delays at Pakowhai intersection roadworks. Access to express lane for entry into Port will give better turnaround times. Will  be monitored throughout the season.

·      Additional log train from Whanganui on Saturdays has been introduced for the next 3-4 weeks.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Advisory Representative Verbal Updates



Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda


Addressed as Item 6.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12:14pm on Friday 2 March 2018.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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