MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 21 February 2018

Time:                          9.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     T Belford - Chairman

P Bailey

R Barker

P Beaven

A J Dick

R Graham

B Gregory

D Hewitt

N Kirton

P Paku

F Wilson


In Attendance:          J Palmer – Chief Executive

G Hansen – Group Manager Asset Management

I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management

E Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant

W Wright –  Manager Resource Use

K Hashiba – Terrestrial Ecologist

S Swabey – Manager Science

J Townshend – Project Manager Resource Management

A Madarasz-Smith – Senior Scientist - Coastal Quality

P Manson – Senior Land Management Advisor

A Burton – Land Management Advisor

O Wade – Scientist

A Redgrave – Transport Manager

T-K Hawaikirangi – Project Manager - Environmental Hot Spots

N McHaffie – Senior Land Management Advisor

A Rewcastle – Senior Open Spaces Development Officer



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone and invited Mr Brian Gregory to open the meeting with a Karakia.

The Chairman noted there are no apologies, and advised that Item 12 on the Agenda will be rescheduled for a future Committee meeting due to flights being cancelled, that items 10 and 14 will be presented together as one item, and that item 13 will be presented at 11:30.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Meeting held on 15 November 2017



Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 15 November 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings


The item was introduced by Mr Iain Maxwell who noted the fires at Tutira (5) were used to dispose of dry vegetation and staff are aware of the sensitivities around the use of fire for such work. Further discussions and queries covered:

·         Concerns raised in relation to monitoring of bore heads and blow back valves where effluent is dispersed via irrigation from effluent ponds.

·         Costs of soil moisture monitoring and whether telemetry would make monitoring of dairy farm effluent dispersal more effective

·         Request that telemetered returns for TLA discharges be investigated



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the report Follow-up Items from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings.





Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda



That the Environment and Services Committee accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as item 15:



Raised by


Lake Puketapu

Cr Bailey


Te Mata Mushrooms

Cr Beaven


The Chairman congratulated Graeme Hansen on his 40 year service at the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.



Enforcement Policy Review


Mrs Liz Lambert introduced the item, advising that a full proofread of the document will be carried out prior to the Policy going to Council. Queries and discussions covered:

·      Enforcement action taken against liable parties using tools available under the RMA, including prosecution, can be highly contentious and the subject of much public and judicial scrutiny the function, and must be carried out correctly.

·      Legal precedence setting and testing

·      The HBRC policy is to provide clear guidance to staff about how our RMA Enforcement obligations are carried out.

·      Noted that there is no “Statement of Intent” or overarching statement in the Policy, which is process driven. A broader strategy expressing Council’s intention to modify behaviour will be developed, and subject to a separate debate.

·      It was suggested that a simple set of statements, e.g. a Policy Summary be developed and supplied with every resource consent issued so that Resource Consent holders have a transparent and clear understanding of what to expect if they are non-compliant.

·      Ensuring the learnings from the enforcement and investigations into the Havelock North contamination and Waihi Dam events are incorporated into compliance practices and processes in future

·      Document designed to set out the legal processes that will be followed by Compliance staff – independent of political influence as required by RMA and LGA – into determining enforcement actions to be taken when responding to non-compliance with consent conditions and/or pollution incidents as one-off events.

·      Suggestions that the Policy should bring together the Policies and Processes for Enforcement and the Strategy or Intent in one document that shows linkages between the Policy and what it is enforcing. Helpful to include brief statements of intent to add context, e.g. intention to change behaviour first, however if that fails HBRC will do “this”



The Environment and Services Committee:

1.      Receives and considers the “Enforcement Policy Review” staff report and HBRC Enforcement Policy.

2.      Requests that staff amend the Policy to incorporate feedback agreed at today’s meeting and then brings the revised Policy to the 11 April 2018 Environment and Services Committee meeting for consideration and recommendation to Council for adoption.





Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Strategy Implementation – Ecosystem Prioritisation


Mr Iain Maxwell introduced the item before Keiko Hashiba provided a presentation of the ecosystem prioritisation work, one of the six priority actions identified in the Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Action Plan. Information and discussions covered:

·      Ecosystem prioritisation focuses on habitat and ecosystems as a means of conserving species, diversity and processes within them; recognising that by focusing on ecosystems we should maintain viable populations of indigenous species across their natural range.

·      ecosystem prioritisation consists of 4 different stages with HBRC currently carrying out the “Interpretation and refinement” stage.

·      the relevant technical report and vegetation classification maps to be made available

·      ecosystem prioritisation framework will become an integral part of integrated catchment management to assist with prioritisation within each catchment and informed decisions on where funding should be focussed

·      request for an overall, integrated view of all the different projects (e.g. predator control, engineering, Biodiversity, Hotspots, Cape to City and various other projects) including a flow chart to measure progress against the various performance measures being used.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Strategy Implementation – Ecosystem Prioritisation” staff report.





Science Monitoring Network Review


Iain Maxwell introduced Dr Stephen Swabey who provided an overview of the Science Monitoring Network Review, highlighting:

·      review carried out to determine whether the six domains – groundwater, surface water, coastal, ecology (including land, freshwater, and coastal), land and air/climate – networks are ‘fit for purpose’

·      The report looked into the way the HBRC science group is organised, using a system of analysis to identify areas being done well and areas where improvements can be made

·      Conclusions the review arrived at including Mātauranga Māori and citizen science, continuous monitoring of groundwater quality is now feasible, plus monitoring networks established to provide baseline data

·      Willow aphid monitoring, particularly its effect on Council’s flood protection networks

·      Necessity to use helicopters to collect sample data only when it’s the most efficient and/or the safest method

·      Monitoring of Fernhill Dump and other sites on the HAIL register. Fernhill monitoring reviewed by Paddle Delamore Partners recently and found the site is being appropriately monitored.

·      HBRC takeover of some NIWA monitoring sites if considered to add value to Council’s monitoring network

·      Mothballing of Lysimeters and replacement with flux meters

·      Continuous monitoring of nitrate nitrogen

·      Cadmium monitoring results due as part of the next State of the Environment report



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Science Monitoring Network Review” staff report.




Item - 9. Hawke's Bay Marine and Coastal Group Update - has been moved to another part of the document.



Verbal Presentation of the Te Mata Park Trust Vision


Representatives Mike Devonshire (Chairman), Michael Bate (Trustee) and Emma Buttle (Communications Manager) of the Te Mata Park Trust presented the Trust’s vision for the Park covering:

·      2018 priorities include the enhancement and extension of the park for public benefit

·         The Craggy Range track, controversy surrounding the creation and possible removal of it, and whether there’s an alternative access option from that side of the Peak

·         Trust #1 priorities are buying adjacent land, safe access to the summit and improving connectivity/access to tracks

·         Trust’s #2 priorities are establishing a capital fund and getting on with the forestry plan

·         No current Tangata Whenua representation on the Trust and the Trust has agreed to establish a Mana Whenua Committee. That Committee will have its first meeting in a few weeks time to determine the Terms of Reference and appoint a representative to the Trust.

·         Proposal that the Trust and HB councils jointly purchase the piece of land the Trust wants to purchase.

·         Te Mata Park Trust seeking funding for a full time Caretaker and $30k per annum for track maintenance from Councils as well as funding for capital purchases like the additional land to expand the park

·         HBRC’s ongoing funding commitment to the Park is $65k per year


The meeting adjourned at 12:40 and reconvened at 1:15pm



Six Monthly Public Transport Update


Anne Redgrave, Transport Manager, introduced the report, highlighting:

·         over the Art Deco weekend extra bus services provided carried a record 1000 extra passengers on Napier services

·         Transport System annual monitoring report reflects increased public transport patronage

Further discussions covered:

·         Increases in DHB patient travel scheme

·         Peak time traffic increases and roadworks are contributing to difficulties for buses to run on time as scheduled



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the ‘Six Monthly Public Transport Update’ staff report.





February 2018 Hot Spot/Freshwater Improvement Projects Update


Item 10. was taken as read, with presentations and discussions traversing:

·         Stage 2 applications for Freshwater Improvement funding from Central Government included 2 new deliverables for Whakaki and staff expect to hear back from the Ministry of Environment next week.

·         Peter Manson provided an update on the FIF project at Lake Whakaki, specifically the proposed Weir, designed to manage water levels at critical times of the year,  the Waikatuku Stream realignment and manuka plantings.

·         Anna Mandaraz-Smith, Senior Scientist gave an update on progress with the Marine Hotspots work to better understand land based activities’ effects on the marine environment using hydrodynamic modelling as well as a multi-beam sonar survey of the Wairoa Hard

Councillor Wilson left the meeting at 2pm

·         Ahuriri Estuary projects progressing including the removal of 216 tonnes of tube worm mechanically removed in November and investigations into how much freshwater the estuary needs to function properly

·         Andrew Burton, Senior Land Management Advisor provided an update on Ahuriri and Tutira catchments, noting the use of SetNet and data sets to analyse sediment flows into the catchments, identification of high erosion risk land and work being done with farmers to educate them about erosion control measures, establishing wetland and riparian filters and livestock exclusion from waterways.

·         Request made that future updates include outcomes expected to be achieved and measured

·         Te Kaha Hawaikirangi, Project Manager Environmental Hotspots explained the 2018 – 2021 deliverables for the Te Waiū oTūtira, The Milk of Tūtira project being undertaken in partnership between HBRC and Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust, which include an Integrated Catchment Management Plan, a farmer incentive/subsidy scheme, reconnection of Papakiri Stream, a cultural monitoring programme and riparian enhancements.

·         Nicola McHaffie, Senior Management Advisor provided a progress report for the Tukituki noting the Makirikiri restoration, the Hunt wetland restoration and Flood fencing demonstrations

Councillor Wilson re-joined the meeting at 2.40pm

·         There was a query in relation to Lake Whatuma, and Mr Maxwell explained a recent willow control project being undertaken, which all the landowners have agreed to participate in. Difficulties in achieving outcomes when aspirations and views amongst landowners are disparate. One of the biggest and most significant wetlands in the region.

·         Antony Rewcastle, Senior Open Space Development Officer gave an update on projects in the Karamu, including Opaka, Brookvale Wetland, Pakipaki and Bridge Pa pest control, stock exclusion fencing and planting as part of the Karamu Enhancement Plan.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “February 2018 Hotspot/Freshwater Improvement Funding Projects Update” staff report.




Item - 11. Six Monthly Public Transport Update - was considered immediately following the Committee’s adjournment for lunch.



Verbal Presentation - Chillean Needle Grass Incursion and Control


Item withdrawn


Item - 13. Verbal Presentation of the Te Mata Park Trust Vision - was considered immediately following item 8



February 2018 Operational Activities Update


The Item was taken as read, with queries and discussions traversing:

·      Concerns expressed at the number of consent applications for water takes across Heretaunga Plans, however staff explained that all applications met the criteria of already being in process prior to the moratorium being declared or being for changes to existing consents

·      Detailed update on FEMP uptake work is contained in the Operational update

·      Compliance officers continue responding to odour complaints and visiting the site at Te Mata Mushrooms to verify the non-compliance with consent conditions. Some media coverage of Te Mata Mushrooms pursuing an option to develop a composting operation in CHB as an alternative to their current site. Ongoing discussions with the consent holder and the process of resolution will not be quick as several consents for Water and for the composting operation need to be obtained from other Councils.

·     James Palmer spoke to the CE of CHB District Council on wastewater work program which they are proposing to expedite under the Court order. Work is now a priority by CHB District Council itself and currently working on the detail for an alternative, permanent solution which will require a consent variation.

·         In response to a request for an update on the Bayly Trust resource consent application Mrs Lambert advised that the related information will be provided to committee members



That the Environment & Services Committee receives the “Operational Activities Update” staff report.





Hawke's Bay Marine and Coastal Group Update


Oliver Wade spoke to the report, highlighting:

·         Roadmap has been developed to ensure the restoration and ongoing health of the HB Marine environment including an abundant fishery

·         The finalised strategy will be presented to the April Environment & Services Committee meeting.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Marine Science Update” staff report.





Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda




Raised by


Lake Pukitapu – discussed in Hotspots update

Cr Bailey


Te Mata Mushrooms – Covered under Item 14 of the Agenda

Cr Beaven



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.35pm on Wednesday 21 February 2018.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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