MINUTES OF A meeting of the
Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 1 December 2017
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr F Wilson – HBRC – Chair
Cr P Bailey - HBRC
Cr D Tennent – CHBDC
Mayor C Little – WDC
Cr K Price – NCC
Cr T Kerr – HDC
Ms E Speight – NZTA
In Attendance: B Gregory – HBRC – Māori Committee
D Murray – AA
S Young – Port of Napier
I Emmerson – Road Transport Association
K Santer – KiwiRail
TAG A Redgrave – HBRC
R Malley – NCC
S McKinley – CHBDC
J Cox – WDC
M Clews – HDC
J Pannu – HDC
S Barnett – NZTA
Others: L Lambert – HBRC - Group Manager External Relations
J Buttery– Governance Administration Assistant
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and Mr Brian Gregory offered a karakia to start the meeting.
RTC30/17 |
Resolution That apologies for absence from Mayor A Walker and Councillor A J Dick be accepted. Kerr/Price CARRIED |
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements for the 1 December 2017 Regional Transport Committee Meeting |
That Councillor P Bailey be appointed as member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 01 December 2017 as short term replacement on the Committee for Cr A J Dick. CARRIED |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Meeting held on 1 September 2017
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 1 September 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
Various members spoke to the regular items on the follow-ups · Water Bottling, very little of note happening with the bottling plants at the present time. · SH38 Business Case. Mayor Little spoke of SH38 frustrations with Hon Shane Jones during a recent visit and feels there is hope for the sealing of SH38 in the future. · Matariki objectives: Opotiki to Napier, draft terms of reference underway. Jamie Cox, SH38, Wairoa to Murapara, a strategic business case being developed, but WDC shouldering a lot of criticism from ratepayers about lack of progress. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”. CARRIED |
Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda |
There were no items not on the agenda to be discussed. |
Review of Regional Land Transport Plan |
Anne Redgrave spoke of the mid-term review of the above plan and a consultation process that will definitely take place, however as a result of the change of government and some proposed changes to the Government Policy Statement, the timeline has been extended to 30 June 2018. There is no need to sign off the plan now and go out for consultation just yet, as changes may be required. Mrs Redgrave asked for any feedback about the content of the plan. · Concern was expressed as to the lack of reference to the reduction of carbon emissions in the plan, more and bigger roads are not necessarily the answer. · Updated statistics in reference to population in the area should be included. · Quite a bit of unknown in the new government thinking at the moment. · More comment and elaboration on possible next steps for pinchpoints on the HB Expressway should be added. Comment was made about the lack of future projects after the “in progress” projects were completed. Suggestion that one of the next steps could be to solve the expressway pinch points, with 4 lanes and seal many of the unsealed rural roads. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2. Receives the ‘Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan’ staff report. 3. Notes the recent government announcement that consultation on a revised Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) will commence in early 2018. 4. Notes that the timeframe for RLTP preparation has been extended to 30 June 2018. 5. Agrees to delay confirmation of the draft RLTP until March 2018 to allow for further review in light of the revised GPS. CARRIED |
2017 New Government Transport Policies |
Mrs Redgrave spoke to the item, making the following points. · Emphasis on regional development · Work with Councils to co-fund projects that would otherwise be delayed. · Mode neutrality, implication being whatever mode is best suited to solve that problem. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “2017 New Government Transport Policies” report. CARRIED |
November 2017 Transport Manager's Report |
Ms Redgrave spoke to the item and discussion covered the following points: · Hoping for news about the Manawatu Gorge - before Christmas. · A lot of office space being developed in Ahuriri, the area problems are going to have to be addressed regarding parking and pedestrians. · Changes in truck movements explained with much more traffic expected to be going down Georges Drive in the future. · Port have attempted to relieve congestion by acquiring more land, stacking logs higher, and using Thames Street storage. · Heartland ride between Havelock North and Central Hawke’s Bay not progressed. · HDC concerned about safety on the route with $800,000 to fix for the use of cyclists. So currently at an impasse. · Whakatu Arterial route going very well. on budget with no community issues. · Changes in VDAM rule, means $12m expenditure for HDC over next 5 to 7 years. · HDC has assessed bridges and found there are approximately 30 that will not meet new standard. · Priority bridges to be fixed, others will have speed or load restrictions. · WDC, a significant issue for Wairoa, bridge structures one of their priority challenges. · CHBDC, 265 bridges in question awaiting an NZTA analysis. Options could be to speed restrict instead of load restrict. Looking for an electronic system to monitor. This could become a major issue. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “November 2017 Transport Manager's report”. CARRIED |
December 2017 Public Transport Update |
Mrs Redgrave spoke to the item explaining that the new bus ticketing system will be a lot of work getting in place but will have major advantages. Also noting that as the population ages, Total Mobility expenditure rises. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “December 2017 Public Transport Update” report. CARRIED |
Roadsafe Hawke's Bay December 2017 Update |
Linda Anderson was not available to present her report, so Mrs Redgrave spoke to the report explaining that in line with most other regions there has been a disappointing increase in deaths and serious injuries. Comment was made that the dropping the alcohol limited has not made the impact expected on road deaths. Concern was expressed on the large number of vehicles commuting daily between Napier and CHB, and the committee wondered if there have been any studies on the number of movements on that road and the impact on crash statistics? Ms Speight spoke of the safety projects underway to make improvements to the road. Questions were asked about whether we are missing the boat with road safety and we concentrating on the wrong things . Could we be getting better bang for buck to help influence statistics. Ms Redgrave told the committee that these were national questions. The government is very concerned with the increase in road deaths and we expect that the Government Policy Statement will address these questions. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “RoadSafe Hawke's Bay December 2017 Update” staff report. CARRIED |
NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report December 2017 |
Emma Speight spoke to her presentation, giving an update on NZTA’s long term strategic view, and progress reports on the National Land Transport Programme, draft Highway Investment proposal, setting of speed limits etc etc. Simon Barnett spoke on specific local projects. Robin Malley told the committee of NZTA’s repaving of the expressway from Kennedy Road, in response to Mr and Mrs Crispin’s presentation to this committee several meetings ago. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the ‘NZTA Central Region – Regional Director’s Report for December 2017’. CARRIED |
Advisory Representatives' Verbal Updates |
David Murray: AA now rescues Ebike riders. A lot more people using cycleways commuting between Napier and Hastings. Port of Napier: This month’s 300,000 tonnes of logs was the best ever. Kiwi Rail. Opening main north line South Island. Centre Port freight volumes to Napier starting to drop. Ian Emmerson: Great to see initiative to make southern route accessible for HPMV. The members have noticed an incredible amount of gorse on state highway roadsides. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Advisory Representative Verbal Updates” CARRIED |
Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda |
There were no items not on the agenda to be discussed. |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11.49am on 1 December 2017.
Signed as a true and correct record.
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