MINUTES OF A meeting of the Māori Committee
Date: Tuesday 12 December 2017
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Apatu
Cr Barker
Cr Bailey
B Blake
D Culshaw
B Gregory
H Hilton
A Manuel
M Paku
A Robin
P Sciascia
A Te Tomo
Carl Cherrington (for Peter Eden)
Cr F Wilson
In Attendance: J Palmer – Chief Executive
T Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Development
J-A Raihania – Senior Policy and Strategic Advisor
S Cave – Team Leader Open Spaces
J Buttery – Governance Administration Assistant
The meeting opened with a Karakia from Haami Hilton and he wished James Palmer, Councillors and Council staff, Merry Christmas from the Māori Committee.
That the apologies for Councillor Graham and Peter Eden be accepted for absence and from Councillor Wilson for lateness. CARRIED |
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflicts of interests declared.
Short Term Replacements for 12 December 2017 Meeting |
The Maori Committee agrees that Mr Carl Cherrington and Councillor Paul Bailey be appointed as members of the Māori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 12 December 2017 as short term replacements for Peter Eden and Councillor Graham. CARRIED |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Māori Committee Meeting held on 17 October 2017
Minutes of the Māori Committee held on Tuesday, 17 October 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings |
Duane Culshaw explained that after making contact with the Department of Conservation and the Ruawharo marae regarding the pines behind the marae, the marae has now requested that nothing be done and asked that the matter now be considered closed. Duane Culshaw expressed the gratitude of Ruataniwha Marae to HBRC for their work relating to flooding issues. Steve Cave, Team Leader Open Spaces, will provide an update later in the meeting. The remaining items were taken as read. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report. CARRIED |
Call for Any Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
Verbal Update on the HBRC 2018-28 Long Term Plan Process & Verbal Update on Current Issues by CE |
James Palmer spoke of his personal disappointment at the Council decision on Māori representation, but staff respect that it was a decision for Councillors to make before making a presentation about the LTP process and incorporating an update of current events including: · Council is in a period of change, and in the future will have a bigger level of impact on the big issues · Key to this is the partnerships that Council has with many organisations across the community. · Pre-engagement with community told Council where money should be spent. · Council has a heavy reliance on investment income. · General rates revenue is very low. · Council have made a commitment made to save $500,000 · Port of Napier needs a new wharf and how it is to be funded. · Consultation topics are still under consideration. · Showing the options indicative rates increases. Councillor Barker advised this is not a status quo budget, and is Council wanting to make changes for the betterment of the environment. Mr Mohi reminded Mr Palmer of a promise made four years ago to employ a Māori staff member at the executive level, which Mr Palmer acknowledged, advising that the proposed appointment of a Tumuaki is presently still under discussion in line with proposed staff structure changes. Marei Apatu spoke of strategic relationships that the Māori committee have with Council and Councillors, and the vision for the future, while querying what council’s expectation of the Māori Committee is. Māori Committee members concerned about only rubber stamping of Council decisions, and could be more value for the Council if they offered support to Council. A lot resource sitting around the Māori Committee table that could be of use to Council. Mr Palmer told the committee that as Council moves into more of an implementation phase they will endeavor to bring issues back to the Māori Committee for comment. Mr Mohi spoke of the Māori Committee’s desire to work more hand in hand with the Regional Planning Committee. |
That the Maori Committee receives: 1. The “Verbal Update on the HBRC 2018-28 Long Term Plan Process”. 2. The verbal “Update on Current Issues by Chief Executive”. CARRIED |
7. |
Māori Representation on HBRC - Next Steps |
Mr Mohi acknowledged the work of Mike Paku in the discussions about Māori representation and the presentation of the hui a iwi feedback and Māori Committee recommendation to the 15 November Council meeting and spoke of the robust debate that happened around the Council table. Mr Paku acknowledged the work of Council staff, expressing his gratitude to Council for allowing the door to remain open to discuss this matter further in future. Wairoa’s disappointment at Council’s final decision not to establish Māori constituencies was also noted. |
That the Maori Committee send a letter of introduction to the Minister, to keep her informed of what is happening in the HBRC area. Culshaw/Robin CARRIED That the Māori Committee: 1. Receives and notes the “Māori Representation on HBRC – Next Steps” staff report. 2. Agrees to the development of a 2018-2019 Work Programme for the Māori Committee to pursue options for the future establishment of Māori Constituencies for HBRC. CARRIED |
Councillor Wilson arrived at 11.37am.
Verbal Update on Current by HBRC Chairman and CE |
This item was combined with Item 8 |
From Item 2 of Follow-ups - An update from Hawke’s Bay Regional Council staff member |
Steve Cave explained that he was asked to help with the erosion problem on the Wairoa River near the Ruataniwha Marae, and put together a programme of work to help to fix the problem. The implementation has commenced, but will take 2 years to complete. Ruataniwha Marae is extremely happy and grateful for the work done so far to reclaim the bank and stop the erosion. Mr Cave advised the committee that erosion near the Urupa site further up the river is not able to be fixed because of the nature of the flow of the river, and the Carroll whanau and the rest of the Urupa will need to be moved to another site. It is unknown if HBRC is able to help with the repatriation of those whanau. |
10 |
Update - Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change |
Mr Tom Skerman provided an overview of both items. Marei Apatu spoke of the meaning of taonga and how this is a bit of political football at this time, with the expectation that greater consideration will be given in future. Mr Skerman advised the committee that he is happy to circulate the report. It was pointed out that Tangata Whenua representation does not only sit with the Regional Planning Committee, and that the Māori committee needs to receive these reports so that they can make comment. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Update on Identification of Outstanding Freshwater Bodies Work Programme” staff report CARRIED |
11. |
Presentation by Richard Brooking - Whakaki |
This item was not presented. |
Update on Oil & Gas Plan Change Work Programme |
Mr Skerman provided a brief update, explaining the steps in the plan change process. Comment was made that there are limits to consultation with PSGEs alone, and it is a conversation that needs to happen unilaterally. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Update on Oil & Gas Plan Change Work Programme” staff report. CARRIED |
13. |
December 2017 Statutory Advocacy Update |
Mrs Raihania spoke to the item. Comment was made about the resource consent for Ministry of Education wastewater management, and queried whether this could be a community benefit, to future proof the quality of their water. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the December 2017 Statutory Advocacy Update staff report. CARRIED |
Mr Mohi asked Mr Hilton to close the meeting with a karakia.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.30pm on 12 December 2017.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................