MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Council



Date:                          Wednesday 29 November 2017

Time:                          1.00pm


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     P Bailey

R Barker (Chairman)

P Beaven

T Belford

AJ Dick

D Hewitt

N Kirton

F Wilson


In Attendance:          M Mohi – Chairman – Maori Committee

J Palmer – Chief Executive

T Skerman –Group Manager Strategic Development

E Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

J Ellerm – Group Manager Corporate Services

L Hooper – Governance Manager


1.       Welcome/Prayer/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and asked Mr Mohi to offer a karakia. Mr Mohi noted the passing of Mr Rangi Rupiha, a former member of the HBRC Maori Committee.



That the apologies for absence from Councillor Graham be accepted.




Councillor Alan Dick advised he will be on medical leave of absence effective tomorrow, 30 November 2017, and that in his absence Councillor Paul Bailey will attend the Regional Transport Committee meeting on 1 December as the second HBRC voting member of the committee.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting Held on 15 November 2017



Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 15 November 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Regional Council Meetings


The item was taken as read, with the exception of a query in relation to the Remuneration Authority Review and further details requested relating to several LGOIMA requests.



That the Council receives the report “Follow-up Items from Previous Meetings”.





Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda



That Council accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as item 13.




Raised by


Tallow discharge

Cr Bailey


Pollution Hotline

Cr Bailey


Marty Sharpe article on outfall

Cr Belford





Hawke's Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee Terms of Reference


Mr James Palmer introduced the item, which seeks Council’s adoption of the finalised Terms of Reference for the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee. Mr Palmer also sought suggestions from councillors for potential candidates for the role of Independent Chairperson, to be forward to the sub-committee delegated by the Joint Committee to seek, select and recommend a candidate to fulfil the role. There was discussion traversing:

·      Related costs associated with this Council’s role as administering authority for the joint committee as well as ‘share’ of remuneration costs of Independent Chair to be determined

·      Maori representation on the joint committee, as stated in the terms of reference, is left open for uptake in future should Maori decide they do wish to be included in the membership



That Council:

1.      Receives and notes the “Hawke's Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee Terms of Reference” staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Adopts the Hawke's Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee Terms of Reference as amended and agreed by the Joint Committee at its inaugural meeting held 24 October 2017.

4.      Amends the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council governance structure and all related documentation to include the Hawke's Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee as a Committee of Council.





Affixing of Common Seal





Seal No.



Leasehold Land Sales

1.1.1     Lot 11

          DP 14228

          CT  G1/43

-       Transfer


1.1.2     Lot 58

          DP 14447

          CT  G2/665

-       Agreement for Sale and Purchase


1.1.3     Lot 2

          DP 6391

          CT  D4/1413

-       Agreement for Sale and Purchase




















2 November 2017





13 November 2017





14 November 2017


1.2.1    A. Gibson

             M. Marcus Hyde-Hills

          K. Jefferd

          C. Edmonds

(Delegations under Resource Management Act 1991; Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (s.174)


1.2.2   A. Burton

             J. Hales

          M. Hall

          N. McHaffie

          A. Mackay

          A. Borrell

          D. Parsons

          J. Wu

          (Delegations under Resource Management Act 1991; Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941; Land Drainage Act 1908 and Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (s.174)


1.2.3   R. Christison

          Kerry Parker

          (Delegations under Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941; Land Drainage Act 1908; Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (s.174))





























20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017







20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017

20 November 2017









20 November 2017

20 November 2017


Hawke’s Bay Regional Investment Company Limited Proxy


25 October 2017





That Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.      Confirms the action to affix the Common Seal.





Report from the 1 November 2017 Regional Planning Committee Meeting


Mrs Lambert introduced the item, with ensuing discussions about the consequences of the RPC making no recommendation to the Council or a recommendation that Council disagrees with, or where Council might consider that no recommendation from the RPC constitutes a decision in itself. Any changes to the Regional Policy Statement or Regional Resource Management Plan must be agreed with the RPC. Council cannot legally change any of the provisions in a proposed Plan or Plan Change without RPC agreement; where there is disagreement by Council the change must be referred back to the RPC for resolution and agreement leading to a “new” recommendation to Council for adoption.



1.     That Council notes the following reports were provided to the Regional Planning Committee.

1.1.   Policy Options for Addressing Urgent Tukituki (Plan Change 6) Implementation Matters (as a result of FAILED resolutions, there is no recommendation to Council from this Decision item)

1.2.   TANK Iwi Engagement Plan (quorum lost, no resolution)

1.3.   Update on Regional Planning Committee Terms of Reference Review Process, including Remuneration (quorum lost, no resolution).

2.     Council requests that the Regional Planning Committee reconsider the “Policy Options for Addressing Urgent Tukituki (Plan Change 6) Implementation Matters” staff report presented to the 1 November 2017 meeting.





Report from the 15 November 2017 Environment and Services Committee Meeting


Councillor Belford, as Chair of the Committee, introduced the item and outlined topics and items discussed at the meeting.



1.     That Council notes the following reports were provided to the Environment and Services Committee.

1.1.   Regional Pest Management Plan Proposal (resolved recommendation to 31 January 2018 Regional Council meeting for adoption for Public Consultation including amendments agreed by Committee)

1.2.   National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (resolved: Notes that additional resources for National Environment Standards for Plantation Forestry implementation will be incorporated as part of the development of the 2018-28 Long-Term Plan.)

1.3.   Review of HBRC Role in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (resolved: receives and notes the “Review of HBRC Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” report and provides staff with direction on areas for further exploration through development of the Long Term Plan)

1.4.   Hotspot/Freshwater Improvement Projects Update

1.5.   Resource Use 2016-17 Annual Report

1.6.   November 2017 Operational Activities Update.





2016-17 Biosecurity Annual Report - Pest Animals and Plants


Mr Campbell Leckie introduced the item, highlighting aspects of the year’s achievements including the eradication of 90ha of Pinus contorta. Discussions and queries covered:

·      Urban animal pest control success measured by significant increases of native birdlife in urban areas

·      pesticide use, monitoring pesticide residue in soil and water, and responsibilities of various agencies for the monitoring of environmental, health & safety, and human health impacts of pesticide use

·      QEII covenants and subsidies available for pest control on those properties

·      the Whangawehi Catchment biodiversity project.



That Council receives and notes the 2016-17 Biosecurity Annual Report - Pest Animals and Plants.






HBRC Staff Projects and Activities Through December 2017 and January 2018


The item was taken as read, with the addition of a brief update from Tom Skerman advising that Council’s case on the WCO was heard last week and the hearing closes next week, and that an update will be provided to next week’s RPC meeting. Further discussions covered applications for Tranche 2 (as developed by the Board of Inquiry) water in CHB lodged for 17 million m3 (15 m3 available) being processed after the HBRIC application having been withdrawn; as well as options for how that water might be shared and updating the Ruataniwha science knowledge with the learnings since the Board of Inquiry process.



That Council receives the HBRC Staff Projects and Activities through December 2017 – January 2018 report.





Chairman's November 2017 Monthly Report


The Chairman tabled his report (following).

1.     The month of November has been particularly busy, with regular meetings between myself and the CE to keep abreast of current issues and a number of meetings with the Chairman. The meetings of particular note have been:

1.1.    I travelled with the CE & team to Lake Waikaremoana to meet with Tuhoe representatives, and took part in a very good, productive meeting.  Key points out of our discussions was their preference is for a strong, direct relationship with the Council was that they are not intending to take up the seat at the Regional Planning Committee any time soon and are concerned about making decisions in other iwi rohe. The relationship between Tuhoe and the Council has moved forward with progress on agreements for cooperation and scientific data gathering and research.

1.2.    I met with representatives of Mana Ahuriri at their offices to discuss a number of matters, in particular their representation on the RPC and their relationship with Council. Mana Ahuriri made clear to me, they seek to strengthen their relationship with the Council directly. We also discussed the Co-governance arrangement for the estuary, and getting this started sooner.

1.3.    I attended the Regional Sector meeting in Wellington on behalf of Council, and the River Awards. It was gratifying to see Te Kaha Hawaikirangi’s work get recognised. The Regional Sector meeting heard directly from the Hon Shane Jones, whose message of support for jobs and regional initiatives was much welcomed.

1.4.    The Honourable Shane Jones visit to the Region consumed approximately one week of my time. We were advised he intended to come to Wairoa and his office wished for him to meet with regional people there.  This was managed for him to come via Napier where he heard directly from regional leaders on regional aspirations. He is committed to implementing his Government’s reforestation programme.  In a flying visit on the way to Wairoa we were able to show him the extent of slumping and soil loss in the region, as well as our initiatives for tree planting and the variety of trees we are trialling. I understand he was very impressed by the work we are doing and that he looks forward to working with the Regional Council and local iwi to strengthen these initiatives. The issues of KiwiRail and Water Storage were also discussed during the visit.



The Chair spoke to his report, highlighting discussions with Tuhoe and Mana Ahuriri in relation to relationships with HBRC and participation on the RPC, and a visit by Minister Shane Jones including discussions about options for community led water storage.



That Council:

1.      Receives and notes the “Chairman’s November 2017 Monthly Report” as tabled

2.      Authorises the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive to explore options for advancing the tree planting programme with Ngati Kahungunu and relevant government agencies.





Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda





Raised by


Tallow discharge

Humber Street discharge dealt with by staff very quickly, and advised councillors of actions taken and the situation, in particular Mike Alebardi.

Cr Bailey


Pollution Hotline

Response from the Hotline was very good, and quick including response to a query on the weekend relating to the answerphone message.

Cr Bailey


Marty Sharpe article on outfall

Reviewed the information provided in response to LGOIMA request to assist writing the article, and queries when relative consent and its conditions are due for review. Staff will endeavour to provide an update of relevant information to a future meeting.

Cr Belford



Has been advised that the Marae Trustees were unaware of the Water Conservation Order application, supported by only 2 members of the Marae.

Mr Mohi


CHB update

Half day well spent in CHB with CE to view coastal properties

Attending regular CHB water users meetings including a recent meeting Irrigation NZ attended to discuss different options for properties affected by the increased minimum flows through sharing (global consents) water allocations, on-farm water storage, etc

Cr Hewitt






There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.55pm on Wednesday 29 November 2017.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................