MINUTES OF A meeting of the

Environment and Services Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 15 November 2017

Time:                          11.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     T Belford - Chairman

P Bailey

R Barker (late arrival)

P Beaven

A J Dick

D Hewitt

N Kirton (late arrival)

F Wilson

B Gregory

P Paku


In Attendance:          J Palmer – Chief Executive

                                    Dr S Weaver – Executive Director EKOS

I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management

J Powrie – Team Leader Natural Assets

E Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

J Buttery – Governance Administration Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman invited Mr Brian Gregory to open the meeting with a Karakia.




That the apologies for absence from Councillor Rex Graham be accepted.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Meeting Held on 13 September 2017



Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 13 September 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.




Councillor Kirton arrived at 11:18 am



Follow-ups from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings


The follow-ups were taken as read.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the report Follow-up Items from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings.





Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda


That the Environment and Services Committee accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 12:



Raised by


Cape to City Conference

F Wilson


Tuhoe Visit

F Wilson


Update on Zone 3 LGNZ Meeting

P Bailey


Councillor Barker arrived at 11:21am.



National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry


Iain Maxwell explained the rationale for this item and introduced James Powrie who outlined the environmental gains expected with the new standards.

Mr Palmer explained the extent of the change as being from a previously relatively unregulated industry to one now to be heavily regulated, requiring a major capability build within HBRC.

Concern was expressed about the skill set of the required workforce, and suggested that a greater association with training entities, through scholarships etc, would support students through land management training.



That the Environment and Services Committee

1.      Receives and notes the “National Environment Standards for Plantation Forestry” staff report and attachments.

2.      Notes that for the balance of the 2017-18 year resourcing for National Environment Standards for Plantation Forestry implementation will be managed within current budgets.

3.      Notes that additional resources for National Environment Standards for Plantation Forestry implementation will be incorporated as part of the development of the 2018-28 Long-Term Plan.





Review of HBRC Role in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation


Mr Palmer introduced Dr Weaver, author of the now finalised report bringing together various ways of financing climate resilience. It was noted that hard copies of the report are available on request.

Mr Palmer told explained that it is anticipated the LTP consultation document will have a climate change/resilience section, and indications are that the community is deeply concerned about water quality and wants Council to do something about it. Discussions covered:

·      It is the responsibility of every citizen, not solely Central Government

·      View expressed that a more regulatory approach is required

·      significant opportunities to do things differently and better highlighted in the report

·      Demonstrates the value of seeking intellectual input into solutions to the issue

·      Confirmation of need to feed into the LTP process

·      suggestion that Carbon neutral is within reach, as a goal that adds aspirational benefit.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Review of HBRC Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” report and provides staff with direction on areas for further exploration through development of the Long Term Plan.




The meeting adjourned for at 1.03pm and reconvened at 1.35pm.



Regional Pest Management Plan Proposal


Campbell Leckie introduced the item, explaining this is an opportunity for committee members to raise questions on either the agenda item or the draft proposal. Discussions and questions included:

·      Pests can be included in the regional plan when staff or members of the community identify an issue, while DoC and/or MPI identify national issues.

·      Concern expressed that plan does not show the extent of the problem, e.g. how much of each pest exists and milestones to get rid of it, however it was explained that an operational plan sits alongside the RPMP - setting out what, how and when things are going to be done.

·      Possum control to be ramped up in next 12-24 months to adress the upward trend in numbers of the pest

·      Large scale predator control positive environmental outcomes include increased birdlife, increased invertebrates and outcomes in addition to environmental.

·      Marine Biosecurity includes examining hulls of boats to see if they carry unwanted pests, as part of the bigger national system MPI carries out



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee

1.1.      receives and notes the “Regional Pest Management Plan Proposal” staff report

1.2.      approves the proposal to revoke and replace the Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Strategy 2013

1.3.      agrees that the amendments made to finalise the Regional Pest Management Plan prior to Council’s adoption will include:

1.3.1.   completion of the cost benefit analysis and cost allocation process to comply with s 100D(5) and s 70 of the Biosecurity Act 1993

1.3.2.   completion of the cost benefit analysis and cost allocation process to satisfy that the proposed Regional Pest Management Plan meets the requirements of s 71 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.

2.      The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council, at its meeting on 31 January 2018:

2.1.      Adopts the proposed Regional Pest Management Plan, inclusive of amendments agreed at the 15 November 2017 Environment and Services Committee meeting, for public consultation.





Hotspot/Freshwater Improvement Projects Update


Jolene Townshend outlined progress with the six environmental hotspot projects, with highlights including:

·  Anna Madarasz-Smith explained the progress with Ficopomatus removal from Ahuriri Estuary, with 45.4 tonnes removed in two days with a very manual process, also informing the committee that there is tubeworm in Waitangi and in the County waterway near Senator boats.

·  Marine Hotspot investigation is aimed at increasing scientific understandings of the marine environment.

·  Proposed programme for Tūtira outlined, and the success of the air curtain in Lake Waikopiro highlighted.

·  Dr Andy Hicks outlined Whakiki project planning being carried out while awaiting the signing of the Deed, and explained the project deliverables for the next five years.

·  Tukituki catchment project is investigating two wetland projects, one just outside of Takapau, the another yet to be chosen.

·  Great progress has been made on Te Karamu, which includes five hotspot areas, and a planting profile will be provided with the next update.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Hotspot/Freshwater Improvement Funding Projects Update” staff report.



Councillor Hewitt exited the meeting at 02.38 pm.

Councillor Dick exited the meeting at 02:54 pm.


Resource Use 2016-17 Annual Report


Wayne Wright explained this report is an effort to be more transparent about what compliance is within the organisation. Discussions and questions covered:

·      Rain events are taken into consideration, though no in-ground monitoring of farms

·      Electronic monitoring is not yet possible in the backblocks of HB and would be at considerable cost

·      Can the public be assured that complaints are acted upon?

·      Suggestion that the report include traditional hazardous sites

·      Suggest report expands on the dairy data and Council discharges

·      Suggested the report be provided  quarterly, specifically in relation to issues of non-compliance

·      CHBDC presenting to 13 December Council meeting regarding their wastewater treatment plant

Mr Palmer advised that a review of the compliance functions is currently underway, with the findings to be reported to the Corporate and Strategic Committee meeting in December.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Resource Use 2016-17 Annual Report”.





November 2017 Operational Activities Update


The item was taken as read.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Operational Activities Update” staff report.





Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda





Raised by


Cape to City Conference

Interested in getting some of the material from the conference.

F Wilson


Tuhoe meeting yesterday went very well - a positive day. Topics of discussion included water science and pest control (plague of possums around the lake)..

F Wilson


Update on Zone 3 Committee Meeting

Two topics of interest were remuneration of councillors, mayors and chairs, and Mr Maxwell’s presentation about outcomes from HN. A number of attendees commented about how well it was presented.

P Bailey






There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.37pm on Wednesday 15 November 2017.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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