MINUTES OF A meeting of the
CDEM Coordinating Executive Group
Date: Friday 10 November 2017
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: W Jack – Chairman – CE Napier City Council
A Hickey - MCDEM
G Varcoe –Fire and Emergency New Zealand
D Clifford – NZ Police (representing Supt T Kura)
K Foote – HB District Health Board
N Jones - HB District Health Board
R Eyre – HB District Health Board
S Mason - HB District Health Board
R McLeod – CE Hastings District Council
J Palmer – CE Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (arrived at 10.12am)
J Freeman – CE Wairoa District Council
M Davidson – CE Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
I Macdonald – HBCDEM Group Manager /Controller
A Prins – HBCDEM Group Welfare Manager
M Adye – Group Recovery Manager
In Attendance: L Pearse – Emergency Management Co-ordinator
J Tetlow – Emergency Management Advisor
T Simcox – Emergency Management Advisor
J Sutherland – Emergency Management Advisor
M Hayes-Jones – Emergency Management Officer, Napier
J Buttery – Governance Administration Assistant
CEG83/17 |
That apologies for absence from Oliver Postings, Ken Cooper, and Tania Kura be accepted with Glen Varcoe standing in for Mr Cooper and Dean Clifford for Ms Kura. McLeod/Freeman CARRIED |
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group meeting held on 7 August 2017
Minutes of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group meeting held on Monday, 7 August 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Action Items from Previous CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Meetings |
The items listed were either on the current agenda or scheduled for the next meeting. |
That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives the “Action Items from Previous CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Meetings” report. CARRIED |
Drs N Jones and R Eyre arrived at 10.10am
Review of Coordinating Executive Group Terms of Reference |
Mr Jack explained the need for the updated Terms of Reference and it was noted that Fire and Emergency New Zealand, NZ should be written out in full. |
That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group: 1. Adopts the amended Terms of Reference (following). 2. Acknowledges and thanks Paul Baker for his work in support of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group as the Hawke’s Bay Area Manager for Rural Fire and as a CEG member. CARRIED
James Palmer arrived at 10.12am
Group Manager's General Update |
Ian Macdonald spoke briefly to his report, highlighting: · It was suggested that the proposed March exercise be delayed for several weeks because of the various Councils’ LTP obligations. Mr Macdonald will offer some alternative dates to suit all Councils. · Alison Prins spoke briefly regarding Welfare and the ongoing problems with changing staff. Rural advisory programme going very well. · Mr Hickey spoke about Emergency Mobile Alerting Implementation explaining how it would be used to alert the public, either on a national or local level. It would only be used for dire emergencies, to prevent over-use. · Mr Palmer explained the nervousness of HBRC councillors regarding the Group Funding proposal, which will require strong messaging from the TLAs, to help with ratepayer understanding. |
That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives and notes the Group Manager’s General Update report. CARRIED |
Hazard Research Update - Liquefaction Risk Review |
Lisa Pearse introduced guests who have contributed to the review. Sally Dellow, author, an Engineering Geologist from GNS Science, Johan Ehlers, Consultant Engineer from Infir and Stephen Swabey, Manager Science at HBRC. Ms Pearse gave her presentation about the study, giving a brief overview of the new Liquefaction susceptibility maps. Mr Macdonald explained the issues around the report and the draft guidelines from MBIE/MfE on planning and engineering guidance for liquefaction-prone land. Discussions over what these maps mean to TLA planning and consenting. It was explained that there were existing liquefaction maps dating back to 1999. The amended maps reduced the categories from six to three and using new modeling techniques developed since the Canterbury Earthquakes and Kaikoura resulted in improved and more specific mapping. The building code requires houses to be built on “good ground” –that definition does not include liquefaction. Views were expressed around the combination of legal and risk issues alongside the engineering issues. The maps and the science were seen as a separate issue from the new national planning and engineering draft guidance for potentially liquefaction- prone land. It was suggested that just the science and the updated maps be released, but the draft guidelines still needed to be worked through because of the implementation issues. The majority view was that the amended maps and study should be released to the public once the Councils and staff had been briefed. The next Joint Committee meeting to be held in the morning with the Councillor briefing in the afternoon after the Joint Committee meeting and the long service awards. |
That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives the “Hazard Research Update – on the release of the revised liquefaction risk review. CARRIED |
Group Welfare Plan Review |
Alison Prins gave a presentation on the draft Group Welfare Plan and how it was to be used explaining that she was looking for feedback and engagement with the process. It was hoped to publish the plan in April, after full consultation. |
That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives the “Group Welfare Plan” report. CARRIED |
Recovery Manager Report |
Mike Adye introduced himself and gave an overview of his start in the position, explaining that the new legislation requires an amount of preplanning in the recovery space. He will be working with TLA senior staff and a range of local groups to stocktake current capability. The last assessment from MCDEM was in 2014 and the intent is an assessment every five years. There have been advancements since 2014 with a Group Recovery strategy, but more work was required to be done. |
That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives the “Recovery Manager” report. CARRIED |
Discussion of Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
Group Office Structure Review: This was to be discussed at a CE workshop at the close of the meeting. |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12noon on 10 November 2017.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................