MINUTES OF A meeting of the

Regional Planning Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 4 October 2017

Time:                          10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr R Graham – Chair

T Waaka – Co Chair Ngāti Pāhauwera Development & Tiaki Trust

                                    Cr P Bailey

                                    Cr P Beaven

                                    Cr T Belford

                                    K Brown – Ngāti Hineuru Iwi Inc

                                    Cr A J Dick

                                    M Heperi Northcroft – Ngāti Tūwharetoa Hapū (until 12.15pm)

                                    Cr D Hewitt

                                    N Kirikiri – Te Toi Kura O Waikaremoana

                                    Cr Neil Kirton

L Munroe – He Toa Takitini

                                    J Maihi-Carroll – Mana Ahuriri Trust

                                    M Mohi – HBRC appointee

                                    P Paku – He Toa Takitini

                                    A Tapine – Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust

                                    Cr F Wilson


In Attendance:          E Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

T Skerman – Acting Strategic Development Manager

J Buttery – Governance Administration Assistant



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and Karauna Brown offered a karakia to begin.

Mr Tapine arrived at 10.01am


That an apology for absence be accepted from Mrs Tania Hopmans and it be noted that Cr Paul Bailey needs to leave by 2.00pm, and Mr Matiu Heperi-Northcroft needs to leave by 1.30pm.

Cr Barker was not present.




The Chairman advised that James Palmer, Chief Executive, is not present today due to illness.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.

Cr Barker arrived at 10.03am


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee meeting held on 6 September 2017


An objection to a bullet point in Item 6, Oil & Gas Plan Change Work Programme Update was made, however the Committee agreed that the minutes would not be amended.



Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 6 September 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Regional Planning Committee Meetings


Mrs Lambert spoke to the follow-ups explaining that item 4 TANK Plan Change Iwi/Hapū Engagement Plan is not on this month’s agenda because of staff sickness curtailing preparation and will be presented to the November RPC meeting.

Item 3, the first Hui A Iwi Maori Representation was held, with three more schedule in CHB on 9 October, Wairoa on 13 October and Ahuriri on 25 October.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives the report “Follow-up Items from Previous Meetings”.





Call For Items of Business Not on the Agenda



That the Regional Planning Committee accepts the following “Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 10.



Committee Member


Seismic testing

T Belford


Ahuriri Estuary – Update

N Kirton


Coastal Hazards

P Beaven


Whakiki Lake

R Graham


Lake Poukawa

R Graham


Questions regarding the RPC Terms of Reference and Tangata Whenua Reps

A Tapine


Update on training of Councillors in core competencies

T Waaka


GIS Systems for council

M Mohi


Tutira area

P Bailey



Councillor Barker left the meeting at 10:13 am.


Update on TANK Stakeholder Engagement and Plan Change Timelines


Tom Skerman explained that the team hopes to have the Draft Plan Change signed off by TANK in May 2018, subject to process decisions by the Special Tribunal for the Water Conservation Order (WCO), before providing an update on the progress of the WCO application and hearings process (tabled as following).

WCO Update

1.   At the 1st hearing at the request of HBRC the Tribunal called for submissions on splitting the Hearing so that the Upper Ngaruroro was heard first and the Lower Ngaruroro and Clive were heard once the hydrological modelling that has been developed as a part of the TANK Process.

2.   Following further submissions as well as supporting affidavits by HBRC staff, the Tribunal has Confirmed:

a.     It will split the hearing so that it is heard in two parts.

b.     The point of Split will be the Whanawhana cableway

c.     It has rejected the Applicants request for the split to be made on a values basis, and the split is simply geographical.

d.     The hearing for the Upper will commence on 14 November and will run through to 14 December with approx. 7 working day break from 22/11-4/12.

e.     HBRC will be required to submit its evidence by 27 October 2017 and we are indicatively scheduled to appear on 21 November.

f.      The hearing for the lower will follow the availability of the TANK modelling results which is anticipated to be May 2018.

g.     HBRC is to lodge a Report with the Tribunal by 31/1/18 as to progress with the availability of TANK investigations.

3.   In parallel, the Tribunal has agreed that the Applicant’s notification process risked excluding notice being given to some affected parties – so it is likely the Applicant will have to re notify its application in respect of the Lower/Clive. This won’t affect the timing of the second hearing.

4.   Finally, it should be noted that under some degree of urgency 2 staff provided affidavits to support HBRC’s submission and that the Tribunal relied upon the evidence and statements made by staff in reaching these conclusions. [15], [24], [33].

Discussion ensued, covering:

·       The Special Tribunal has acknowledged that this is one Conservation Order, which will just be heard in two parts.

·       The tribunal is looking for the science from TANK, but has stated that the plan change and the WCO are separate processes.

·       In terms of resourcing it is good for HBRC that the tribunal has made the split.

·       The Plan change will have to take into consideration the WCO.

·       HBRC’s position regarding the upper reaches was expressed in the form of conditional support, with a degree of tactics and caution because it was not known at the time, how it was going to pan out.

·       Now that it is understood what the tribunal’s processes will be, HBRC can move forward and present evidence.

·       Council needs to discuss outstanding status for the upper reaches, as the upper reaches of the Ngaruroro contain lots of Maori land blocks. A meeting with hapu will be required as discussion needs to be held with stakeholders.

It was suggested that the sub-committee, previously appointed, reconvene and make an assessment to inform staff of a view as required before 27 October and also meet with landowners from the area.

HBRC is one of many submitters involved in the process.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the “Update on TANK Stakeholder Engagement and Plan Change Timelines” staff report.





CHB Community Delegation Presentation - PC6


Mr Skerman explained the impact of new minimum flow rules on existing reliability for irrigators.

Alex Walker - Mayor of Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, and Greg Mills, member of the Ruataniwha Water Users Group and Managing Director of Belgroup Farming presented on behalf of the CHB community.

Mayor Walker highlighted a number of points including:

·      she is representing not only the CHB Community but also the Ruataniwha Water Users Group

·      this is a very topical issue for Central Hawke’s Bay but also for the whole region

·      the Tukituki Plan Change is about quality and quantity of water in the catchment

·      the issue of quantity is of great concern to the CHB community

·      the impact of minimum flows will affect the economy across the whole community as agriculture drives what happens in the CHB community and beyond.

Greg Mills explained that the purpose of irrigation is to maintain the soil moisture levels, and that ban days do not happen in isolation, but usually 10 to 12 days on end, elaborating on the case studies listed in the attachment to the item documenting the community wide impacts that a lack of water will have.

Councillor Barker returned to the meeting at 11:09 am.

Mrs Walker explained that CHB District needs time to establish either global consenting arrangements as in Twyford or collaboration arrangements for future water storage options.

Realistically five years would be required to put other solutions in place, noting that there has been a hiatus of five years because of the potential of RWSS, and that many of the solutions will require collaboration between stakeholders and will take time.

Mr Mohi, commented on behalf of Tamatea Taiwhenua in Waipukurau, who supported RWSS because they believed that PC6 would mitigate the effects of the dam, but if PC6 goes ahead the way it is, it will effect jobs in CHB as early as the 2018-19 summer.

A wide range of views were expressed around the table, including that the health of the environment is more important than the wealth of the people.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the “Potential Impacts of Plan Change 6 Tukituki Increased Minimum Flows” staff report and Central Hawke’s Bay Community Delegation.




The meeting adjourned at 12.15pm and reconvened at 12.55pm.

Mr Heperi Northcroft was not in attendance.



October 2017 Statutory Advocacy Update


The item was taken as read.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the October 2017 Statutory Advocacy Update staff report.



Councillor Hewitt exited the meeting at 12.59pm


October 2017 Resource Management Planning Project Update


Mrs Lambert gave an update on the item in relation to:

·  Report to the committee regarding the Outstanding waterbodies plan change programme and timing

·  RRMP effectiveness reporting will be brought through to this committee

·  NES for Plantation Forestry, a lot of work being carried out both nationally and locally, with the intent being for national standards to improve environmental activities.

Councillor Hewitt returned to the meeting at 01:07 pm.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and takes note of the ‘October 2017 Resource Management Planning Projects Update’ staff report.





Items of Business Not on the Agenda




Committee Member


Update on Seismic testing

Notes a scientific study released recently found that seismic testing has quite substantial harmful impacts on zooplankton.

T Belford


Ahuriri Estuary – Update

Substantial crisis of confidence in relation to shellfish in association with Ahuriri Estuary and seeks the dialogue between HBRC staff, the Working Party and HBDHB.

N Kirton


Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee is currently looking at the costs of potential solutions, with workshops being held with TAs. Process to be completed by the end of this year.

P Beaven


Whakiki Lake

Ongoing issues with the level of the lake and the farming practices that happen around it, including orchards and Māori land. A breakthrough recently, with the success of accessing MfE funding and agreement from the trusts.

F Wilson



Council and Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust continue to work well together, and all going according to plan. Air curtain in Lake Waikopiro will hopefully be successful. Unison donated power. The trust has cleared trees along roadside.

P Bailey


Poukawa Lake

Wetlands have gone and now challenged with stand alone lake. Te Hauke marae concerned about management of lake and the area. Brownriggs considered as Tangata Whenua in the area. Met with people concerned to come up with a community solution.

R Graham


Terms of Reference for RPC and Tangata Whenua

TOR is founding document to guide the way that we will work together. Would like to see the TOR maintain a level of priority. When will it be back on the agenda?

Some difficulties around getting agreement but ToR well down the track. Remuneration being reviewed through a third party who will advise on comparable remuneration for tangata whenua members of the RPC.

Scope of the committee can be addressed through the reinstatement of regular (say twice yearly) meetings between HBRC Council Chair and the boards of the PSGEs to discuss matters of concern from the PSGEs. This leaves the RPC to focus on its mandate to prepare plans and plan changes under the RMA.

HBRC Chair and staff have held meetings with Mana Ahuriri, Tātau Tātau and Nga Tuhoe with dates to be confirmed for meetings with Maungaharuru Tangitū and Ngāti Pāhauwera.

A Tapine




L Lambert


Update on core competencies

Seeks an update regarding identification of core Māori Tikanga competencies for Councillors and Staff.

T Waaka


GIS Systems for council

Identify and understand the aspirations of PSGEs within the realm of GIS mapping. Council expert happy to have a korero about GIS Mapping with the committee.

M Mohi               




Mr Karauna Brown closed the meeting with a karakia.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.32pm on 4 October 2017.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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