MINUTES OF A meeting of the

Regional Transport Committee



Date:                          Friday 1 September 2017

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street, NAPIER


Present:                     Cr A J Dick – HBRC – Chair

                                    Cr F Wilson – HBRC – Deputy Chair

                                    Mayor A Walker – CHBDC

                                    Mayor C Little – WDC

Cr K Price – NCC

                                    Cr T Kerr – HDC

                                    Ms E Speight – NZTA


In Attendance

Advisory Members: B Gregory – HBRC – Māori Committee

                                    D Murray - AA

                                             S Young – Port of Napier

                                    I Emmerson – Road Transport Association


Technical Advisory

Group Members       A Redgrave – HBRC

                                    R Malley – NCC

                                    J Cox – WDC

                                             J Pannu – HDC

                                    W Oldfield – NZTA


Others:                         C Metz – Community Engagement Manager - Safe Roads Alliance NZTA

                                      K Hira – Project Manager- Safe Roads Alliance NZTA

                                      G Ching – Design Lead- Safe Roads Alliance NZTA

J Buttery– Governance Administration Assistant



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, introducing Ms Emma Speight who is the new Director Regional Relationships for the NZ Transport Agency, replacing Ms Lisa Rossiter. He also welcomed Ms Caitlin Metz, Mr Kiran Hira and Mr Grant Ching of Safe Roads Alliance, who would be presenting later in the meeting.

2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Short Term Replacements for the 1 September 2017 Regional Transport Committee Meeting


There were no short term replacements required.

4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 9 June 2017



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 9 June 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups From Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


Steve Young from the Port of Napier told the committee that local water bottling plants had moved 7 containers from Hastings and 15 containers from Awatoto to the port in the last six weeks with no strain on the network as yet.

Mr Jamie Cox told the committee that they are working through the strategic business case for the route between Wairoa District and Bay of Plenty, (State Highway 38) and developing a consultation plan. It was noted that Whakatane District Council, another partner in the plan have suffered $14m worth of damage to their local roads recently which will affect their priorities.

The Chair spoke of the recent rail familiarisation trip to Wairoa and return, which exposed approximately 16 people to the rail line and its current condition. It was now likely that log cartage would commence in 2018 rather than this year.

Arising from the field trip HBRC Works Group were discussing with KiwiRail a proposal to undertake vegetation clearance work at a significant saving.

Mr Young told the meeting that Port of Napier will have done 1.4m tonnes of logs by mid-September, Wellington port will be back in action by mid-September and Napier will possibly see a reduction in business.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.





Call for Items of Business not on the Agenda


There were no items of business not on the agenda.



Review of Regional Land Transport Plan - Draft Programme of Activities


Anne Redgrave explained the work on evaluation of the programme for funding for the next three financial years, and reminded the committee that, as this is a mid-term review of the plan, the Committee needs to see what has changed, and whether or not there are to be any significant variations to the plan.

Ms Redgrave tabled the final changes made to programmes in Transport Investment Online, where the programmes were submitted. She asked that if anyone noticed any major omissions please let her know.

Mr David Murray  asked for assurance that the targeted consultation process would include the AA and provide the opportunity to highlight any projects that they felt should be included in the RLTP. This was given.

The State Highway Investment Plan will be shared via email on release, summarised in the same manner as the council programmes, inclusion of projects in the RLTP highlighted, and with any new or different proejcts flagged.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.      Receives the ‘Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan - Draft Programme of Activities’ report

3.      Agrees that, subject to receiving the NZTA State Highway Investment Plan, as this is a mid-term review and the draft programme of activities submitted by approved organisations for the 2018-21 period will not vary significantly from the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-18, a formal public consultation process on the draft plan is not required.




Item 9 was taken before Item 8 to allow HBRC Councillors to attend the Manawatu Gorge Issues and Options.



Safe Roads Alliance Update on Hawke's Bay Projects


Caitlin Metz gave a presentation of State Highway 2, safety Improvements Wairoa to Bay View and Pakipaki to Waipukurau. The Safe Roads programme is specifically targeted to bring down the road toll down. Ms Metz explained that this project was not about acquiring land to do large fixes to the highway but for many minor safety improvements. Mayor Walker pointed out that there were two marae along Tapairu Road who should be included in the consultation.

The Alliance will be using local council communication teams to help spread the information regarding the upcoming work.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Safe Roads Alliance Update on Hawke's Bay Projects” report.






Manawatu Gorge Issues and Options


Ms Emma Speight from NZ Transport Agency spoke acknowledging the huge amount of interest in the Manawatu Gorge. She explained the problems being experienced in the gorge with past slips and the movement now happening in the hillside adjacent to the road. The volume of material involved was estimated to be more than double the material involved in the 2011 slip. There is ongoing work on the alternative routes and the Agency needed to update plans for both the Saddle Road and the Pahiatua Track in light of this year’s developments. The Agency would be happy to have a workshop with this group on the proposal. Ms Speight explained that they hoped to work in with local councils to speed up any consenting process. Further plans to establish a permanent, resilient and safe route were evolving, with recommendations going to the Agency Board by the end of 2017, with a large range of consultations to be undertaken.

How safe was the rail line side of the gorge? The rail side was constructed by pick and shovel not blasting, much narrower cut into the hillside, not affected by a vast temperature variation, and consequently the hills on that side of the gorge appeared to be much more stable.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Manawatu Gorge Issues and Options” report.





September 2017 Transport Manager's Report


Ms Anne Redgrave spoke about a recent meeting with the Napier Port about their concerns about growth in the coming years. This meeting was with HBRC and the NZ Transport Agency  but hoped to also include Napier City in a regular meeting.

Regional cycling and the Mad Mile section of the Landscapes Ride. HBRC has set money aside in Annual Plan, finance required from NZ Cycle trails.  This project is confirmed as a priority.

Cr Kerr explained the implications of the VDAM rule requiring HDC to set aside $10m for bridges in their area.

The Whakatu Arterial is progressing well.

In Napier, work will shortly commence on the Kennedy Road /Wycliffe Street/Maadi Road lights.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “June 2017 Transport Manager's report”.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report September 2017


Ms Emma Speight announced that GHD Advisory had just been awarded the contract for the Manawatu Gorge business case.

Ms Speight gave presentation on the process for development of the State Highway Investment Plan.

Her second presentation was on a range of current issues including the National Land Transport Programme development, the announcement that Heavy Electric Vehicles were now exempt from Road User Charges and the National Cycling Education System which has now been launched. The Get Ride-Ready safety campaign for motorcyclists will take place soon.

Mr Wayne Oldfield spoke to the business case development/state highway projects underway the region.

A stock effluent disposal site between Napier and Wairoa is programmed and will be built in the not too distant future.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the NZTA Central Region – Regional Director’s Report for September 2017’.




Councillor Little exited the meeting at 12:13 pm.



September 2017 Public Transport Update


Smart Travel, a national initiative with the old “Let’s Carpool” website initiated by the Greater Wellington Regional Council is now operational in Hawkes Bay Bay. HBRC was able to buy into the Smart Travel Website for a $900 annual cost. Smart Travel is being promoted via Facebook and radio. It fits into HBRC’s role in the promotion of sustainable transport. Ms Speight highlighted that the Choice app is being trialled in Queenstown and provides information on buses, taxis and ride share options. There is  significant interest in the app so far.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “September 2017 Public Transport Update” report.





Roadsafe Hawke's Bay September 2017 Update


Ms Linda Anderson elaborated further on the collaboration that an international research group was having with Roadsafe HB on the local Department of Corrections road safety education programme. The final outcome after two years would be a co-authored paper to be published internationally.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “RoadSafe Hawke's Bay September 2017 Update” staff report and adds the Committee’s congratulations to the Roadsafe team.





Advisory Representatives' Verbal Updates


David Murray – AA Interesting to hear the political promises for four laning of the expressway.

Ian Emmerson – Road Transport Association. Nothing further to report, but very interested in NZ Transport Agency’s approach working with his organisation.

Steve Young- Port of Napier – Cruise season approaching with approximately 50 cruise vessels expected.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Advisory Representative Verbal Updates





Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda


There were no minor items for discussion.






There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.45pm on Friday 1 September 2017.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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