Civil Defence Email 2






MINUTES OF A meeting of the

HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group



Date:                          Monday 21 August 2017


Time:                          1.30pm



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     B Dalton – Mayor, Napier City Council -Chairman

R Graham Chairman, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

C Little - Mayor, Wairoa District Council

A Walker - Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

S Hazlehurst - Mayor, Hastings District Council (in place of L Yule)



In Attendance:            A Hickey - Regional Emergency Management Advisor, MCDEM

W Jack - Chief Executive, Napier City Council

J Freeman -  Acting Chief Executive, Wairoa District Council

R McLeod - Chief Executive, Hastings District Council

J Palmer - Chief Executive, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

I Macdonald - Group Controller, HB CDEM and Group Manager

L Pearse - Emergency Management Coordinator

J Buttery – Governance Administration Assistant

1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

          The Chair welcomed everyone, and due to the lateness of several of the members went straight to Item 6 the Hazard Research presentation.



Hazard Research and Risk Reduction Update


Lisa Pearse gave a presentation, firstly showing a short video explaining the tectonic plates and the faults, why there were so many earthquakes in New Zealand. Ms Pearce explained that national earthquake scientists monitoring in NZ were very concerned at the increased risk. In summary there is a six times greater risk of a significant earthquake impacting on Hawke’s Bay as a result of the Kaikoura earthquake. This carried with it the increased risk of a local source tsunami.

There was a lot of research being conducted to try to estimate the tsunami risk to New Zealand. New Zealand and indeed Hawke’s Bay communities were not familiar with the risk of tsunamis and the need to self-evacuate, (long or strong – get gone) more education was required.

Fault-lines in Hawke’s Bay have now all been mapped, and a new liquefaction susceptibility mapping underway.

The Hazard portal has been really successful, with more information being added.

Ms Pearce explained that East Coast LAB (Life at the Boundary) was aimed to improve the resilience of the East Cost to natural hazards associated with the plate boundary and living on the coast. There were many project partners involved in the scientific research being conducted in the area and education was being undertaken around natural hazards and tsunamis.

The CDEM Group recently ran a Hazards 101 workshop for Hastings District, and offered the same for the other Councils, who were keen to take up the suggestion.



That the HBCDEM Joint Committee receives the Hazard Risk Reduction Risk Reduction Update report.




Mayor Little and Chairman Graham arrived at 1.04pm.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There no conflicts of interest declared.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 19 May 2017



Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on Friday, 19 May 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.





Call for General Business


The issue of making a Declaration to be raised by Andrew Hickey.



Review of Hawke's Bay CDEM Funding Model


Ian Macdonald spoke to his report giving further explanations to the report.

The key points were:

·            In 2011 the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group monitoring and evaluation report identified a number of issues.

·            Projects and work to address these issues were identified and a work programme developed and approved by the Coordinating Executives Group and Joint Committee.

·            As part of implementing the Group work programme, resource/capability gaps were identified and addressed.

·            Emergency management staff employed by local councils were subsequently aligned under the Group office and are now employed by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

·            Most CDEM expenditure across Hawke’s Bay is now managed by the Group office and aligned under the work programme.

·            The current mixed funding model is no longer fit for purpose in a shared service environment as now exists.

Mr Macdonald outlined the current CDEM expenditure overall then broke this down for a ratepayer in each TLAs. A proposed new budget based on all expenditure under the CDEM Group had been developed. Some savings had been identified. Mr Macdonald recommended that some of these savings be reinvested in developing a capability in the area of public information management during an event and public education.

Mr Macdonald recommended that the Group move a single targeted UAC encompassing all expenditure, while the TLAs stop rating for the majority of CDEM in their general rate. He acknowledged that this would result in a significant increase to the bottom line of HBRC rates. Initial discussions with officers of the TLAs indicated that there needed to be a common approach to communicating this change and the fact that TLA expenditure would reduce at the same time and the UAC increased. Any change would need to be transparent across the councils.

Some discussion took place regarding how Civil Defence was to be rated across the HBRC area. Discussion ensued about the communication of the change and how all Councils needed to be on the same page.

In principle the Committee members agreed that this funding change made sense considering the shared service approach to CDEM now being taken by the councils.



1.    The Joint Committee agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.    That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee receives the “Review of Hawke’s Bay CDEM Funding Model” report.

3.    As outlined in this report, the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee endorses the inclusion of a Single Regional Target Rate Model and proposed budget for CDEM funding in the draft 2018 LTPs of Group members.






Submission to Ministerial Review: Better Responses to Natural Disasters and other Emergencies in New Zealand


There were no questions asked about this submission.



That the HBCDEM Joint Committee receives the “Submission to Ministerial Review: Better Responses to Natural Disasters and other Emergencies in New Zealand” report.





Group Manager's Update


There are some timing issues with the work programme with the number of activations and deployments of staff to major NZ events in the last 12 months.

Discussions ensued regarding upcoming training for Council staff.

It was proposed to use one of these meetings to do a workshop to take mayors through declarations. Each council needs to have at least one person who know the process. The controller development programme, is managed by MCDEM is a one week course which all controllers are being rolled through.



That the HBCDEM Joint Committee receives and notes the Group Manager’s General Update report.





General Business


Declarations – Andrew Hickey told the committee of the standard operating procedure for declaring a state of emergency. A number of declarations of emergency in the recent past have been incorrectly completed and would not stand up in a court of law.

Discussion ensued about declaring and the completing the form itself. Ministry provides advice but it is the call of the local people to make the decision, councils need to make sure that Ian Macdonald as Primary Group Controller was consulted. He could give advice. Form to be sent to Ministry as soon as it is completed for checking.




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.35pm on 21 August 2017.



Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................