MINUTES OF A meeting of the Māori Committee
Date: Tuesday 11 April 2017
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Apatu
Cr Barker
B Blake
C Butler
D Culshaw
P Eden
Cr R Graham
B Gregory
H Hilton
A Manuel
M Paku
P Sciascia
Cr F Wilson
In Attendance: G Woodham – Interim Chief Executive
L Lambert – Group Manager External Relations
J Raihania – Senior Policy & Strategic Advisor
C Leckie – Manager Land Services
M Mitchell – Principal Biosecurity Advisor
J Buttery – Governance Administration Assistant
Karakia Mr Haami Hilton
Mr Hilton took the opportunity to thank Regional Council for their contribution to Te Matatini Festival 2017 which proved to be an immense success.
The Chairman Mr Mike Mohi welcomed everyone to the meeting.
It was noted that Mr Rangi Puna was absent.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
Mr Duane Culshaw spoke of potential conflicts of interest with his new position of Māori Relationships Manager at Wairoa District Council, which he will declare as the need arises.
There were no further conflict of interest declarations.
Short Term Replacements for 11 April 2017 Meeting |
There were no short term replacements for the meeting Tuesday 11 April 2017. |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Māori Committee Meeting held on 14 February 2017
Minutes of the Māori Committee held on Tuesday, 14 February 2017, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Call for Any Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings |
1. Meeting Venues: Regarding the next meeting to be held in Mahia on Tuesday 20 June, it was suggested that the meeting start a little later to take into consideration the travelling time, the powhiri and protocols to take place before the meeting. All members and councillors will be notified well before the meeting. It was requested that tangata whenua be informed of the meeting, not just those from the actual host marae where the meeting is to be held, to allow for the wider locals to voice their concerns. 2. Iwi/Hapū Management Plans: Mrs Raihania spoke of the Māori Committee’s submission to the proposed LTP 2018-28 regarding planning processes. Mr Eden questioned the value that Council put on the Iwi/Hapū Management Plans, it seems there are some anomalies between the plan being put into action and being formally recognised. Cr Graham spoke of the value of the plans and discussion ensued about the how Council perceived the plans and the desire that Council help to make the plans work. Mr Eden was also concerned about the TANK process and the partnerships being created. Mr Apatu spoke of the need for science and matauranga Māori to work together. 3. Long Term Plan processes: After a question it was stated that it is appropriate for the Māori Committee to make a submission to the LTP. Mr Apatu spoke of an outstanding piece of work from Plan Change 6 with regards to the Tukituki cultural implementation tool which is a programme of action that has been developed, which should go through the Annual Plan process. This has been in abeyance for the last five years because of cost. This could be of benefit in the TANK process. This is an important piece of work. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report. CARRIED |
Adoption of the Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference |
Mr Mohi explained that a workshop was held to discuss the Charter and the draft was circulated for discussion. The Committee feels that the draft still does not represent the spirit in which this committee would like to be recorded. A meeting has been scheduled for 9 May 2017 to meet and complete the process. It is hoped that the Māori Committee members will circulate the draft Charter further afield for more comment including NKII. |
That the Māori Committee receives and considers the “Adoption of the Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference” report, and requests feedback from agreed parties, including Māori Committee members and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, ahead of a workshop to be held on the Tuesday 9 May to finalise a draft of the Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference to come back to the 20 June 2017 Māori Committee meeting for adoption. CARRIED |
Verbal Update on the Regional Pest Management Plan Review Process |
Mr Campbell Leckie, Manager Land Services gave a brief presentation and verbal update on the Regional Pest Management Plan review, including a run down on the Biosecurity Act 1993 (BSA 1993) from which the HBRC Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) comes. Council is required to review the current Regional Pest Management Plan by 2018. The BSA 1993 was amended in 2012 and Council can now bind the crown to participate in regional pest plan. The biosecurity scene is changing from control of agricultural pests of possum, rabbits and rooks, and is now more focussed on marine biosecurity, threats to the region’s GDP around pipfruit and crops etc. The Māori Committee will be updated again prior to the release of RPMP Proposal. |
That the Māori Committee receives and notes the verbal “Regional Pest Management Plan Review Process” report. CARRIED |
Verbal Update on Current Issues by HBRC Chairman & Interim CE |
Cr Rex Graham distributed a copy of the Chairman’s report tabled at the Regional Council Meeting. He spoke of the Taniwha Dragon Economic Summit, Te Matatini Festival, and the opening of the Celestial compass as the high points He also mentioned the accident and consequent sad passing of Michael Taylor, a respected HBRC staff member. He spoke of the proposed Water Symposium, which will give the public a chance to hear about the TANK process and air their views regarding water in the area. TANK is going particularly well, with thanks to Mr Palmer of HBRC and Mr Apatu of Heretaunga. In the current Annual Plan review HBRC is raising rates, which does not amount to a huge amount of money for most people, but will allow HBRC to create and environmental fund to look at some of the regional hotspots, Lake Tūtira, Ahuriri Estuary, Whakaki and the Wairoa River, Tukituki and Lake Whatuma. The Chair is interested in developing a Councillor ambassador for each project, which will give a governance person responsible for each project. Mr Culshaw spoke of his pleasure that the HBRC Chair has been visiting the districts, but there is a desire of the Māori Committee members to be informed of these visits so that support can be arranged. The Chair introduced interim Chief Executive Mr Woodham. Mr Woodham spoke of his five days plus in the job and how it had been a learning curve so far. |
That the Māori Committee receives the verbal update on current issues by the HBRC Chairman and Chief Executive. CARRIED |
Mr Manuel left the meeting at 12.15pm.
Verbal Report Back from Te Taiwhenua Representatives |
Mr Gregory spoke of a Te Maruata hui held in Auckland that he and Mr Sciascia attended, consisting of Māori, elected or appointed in the government local body space. The purpose of the hui was to elect a national committee, to work to increase the number of Māori in senior local body management positions, to encourage councils to run a more Māori focused elected member induction process and try to establish better relationships with Iwi. Mr Culshaw from Wairoa, spoke of Wairoa Māori Committee members going to the hui also, that they came back with similar views. Wairoa Māori Committee have been asked to recommend tangata whenua to look at the sewage discharge consent process and a meeting has been held. Wairoa District Council has just completed a draft Te Reo Māori policy. Mr Apatu spoke of Heretaunga Taiwhenua’s first newsletter, and the associated website, to endeavour to provide access for marae/hapū to information and actions that affect marae/hapū whanau and the environment, plus a lot of other information regarding what is happening to whanau throughout the country. Mr Paku spoke of his Taiwhenua having a heavy focus on Rangatahi development and succession planning, to engage with youth and the future leaders coming through. Regarding the hui in Mahia, Mr Culshaw suggested that an agenda item be included in the meeting to allow for a public forum, so that locals can contribute. |
That the Māori Committee receives the Te Taiwhenua representatives reports. CARRIED |
Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
Mr Hilton closed the meeting with a karakia.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.55pm on Tuesday 11 April 2017.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................