MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee
Date: Wednesday 15 March 2017
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
P Bailey
R Barker
P Beaven
A J Dick
R Graham
D Hewitt
N Kirton
F Wilson
A Smith
In Attendance: A Newman – Chief Executive
M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management
G Hansen – Group Manager Asset Management
I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management
L Lambert – Group Manager External Relations
L Hooper – Governance Manager
G Clode – Manager Regional Assets
J Powrie - Team Leader Natural Assets
C Leckie - Manager Land Services
K Kozyniak - Principal Scientist Climate & Air
A Redgrave – Transport Manager
R Douglas – Senior Planner
G Woodham – HBRC Interim CE
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, the second of the current Council term.
ESC1/17 That the apology for absence from Brian Gregory, from Councillor Bailey for lateness, and from Councillor Barker for early departure be accepted.
Councillor Bailey arrived at 1.04pm
ESC2/17 That the late item of business, 15. Interim Chief Executive Appointment is accepted for consideration at this meeting immediately following Conflict of Interest Declarations, in accordance with SO 9.12, as this issue cannot be delayed in light of the current Chief Executive’s imminent (31 March) departure.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
15. Interim Chief Executive Appointment
The Chairman introduced the item before Cr Graham outlined the process undertaken by the sub-committee, comprised of Councillors Rex Graham, Rick Barker, Tom Belford, Alan Dick and Neil Kirton and Mr Mike Mohi, including interviewing two candidates. The sub-committee arrived at the unanimous decision to recommend the appointment of Mr Greg Woodham, as he was already working at HBRC, carrying out the efficiency and effectiveness review of Council operations, and based on his extensive corporate knowledge and experience.
ESC3/17 That the Environment and Services Committee accepts the recommendation of the Appointment Sub-committee and appoints Mr Greg Woodham to the role of Interim Chief Executive of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the period 3 April 2017 until a permanent appointment is in place.
ESC4/17 That the Environment and Services Committee decides to exercise its delegated powers to make a decision that will have the same effect as the local authority could itself have exercised or performed, and that the decision deserves urgency and the decision is carried unanimously.
CARRIED unanimously
Mr Greg Woodham was then introduced to the Committee and briefly outlined his experience and background as a Chartered Accountant in various industries including four years working at Hohepa.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Meeting Held on 13 December 2016
Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Tuesday, 13 December 2016, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings |
A point of order from Cr Barker was accepted by the Chairman, querying the process of setting and ownership of meeting Agendas. Standing Order 9.1 states: ”It is the chief executive’s responsibility to prepare an agenda for each meeting listing and attaching information on the items of business to be brought before the meeting so far as is known, including the names of the relevant members. When preparing business items for an agenda the chief executive or Group Manager responsible will consult the relevant Chairperson.” Mr Ayde and Mr Maxwell provided brief updates on the status of their respective follow-up actions relating to future reporting to the Environment and Services Committee on the appropriateness of glyphosate use by HBRC and compliance activities. Mr Maxwell, in response to a query, clarified that E. Coli bacteria is present in the gut of every mammal and not related to feed type. |
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the report Follow-up Items from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings. |
Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda |
That the Environment and Services Committee accepts the following Minor items for discussion only for discussion as Item 14:
Riverbed Gravel Management Review |
Mr Adye introduced the item before introducing Gary Clode, Regional Assets Manager, who provided a presentation on the salient points proposed in relation to the proposed process for the review which began 7 years ago. Staff are seeking Council’s approval of the Proposed Hawke’s Bay Gravel Management Plan (GMS) and Draft Environmental Code of Practice for River Control and Waterway Works (2017 version) (COP) for release as part of a Special Consultative Procedure. Mr Adye clarified that the global consent will be for river gravel management only, as land based extraction is managed by the TLAs. To manage the risk of extractors taking ‘land based’ gravel and leaving gravel in the rivers, it is important for council to work with the extractors. Discussions and queries traversed: · District plans encourage the use of river gravel sources first and foremost · Clarification of the Permitted activity rule · Changing the behaviour of extractors through working together to ensure everyone is treated fairly · Upper Tukituki Scheme does not currently include funding for gravel extraction · Recommendation by the consultant to implement a middle-Tukituki scheme – from Red Bridge to Tumumu – but challenges around prohibitive costs · Code of Practice and ecology management plans cover timing of beach raking to address concerns relating to bird nesting seasons and spawning · Coastal extraction regulated by the Coastal Environment Plan and resource consent conditions · Tangata whenua values – every opportunity has been taken to raise gravel extraction and management with iwi/hapu and consultation initiated first with tangata whenua at a hui to which any iwi/hapu interested in gravel management were invited; and the discussions are ongoing · Outcomes of Ngati Pahauwera treaty settlement process around gravel management |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee: 1.1. receives and notes the “Riverbed Gravel Management Review” staff report. 1.2. considers the Statement of Proposal and communicates any suggested amendments to staff 1.3. considers the contents of the Executive Summary of the Statement of Proposal and confirms it is necessary to enable public understanding of the proposal in accordance with Section 83 1 b), and that it is a fair representation of the major matters in the statement of proposal and meets the other requirements of Section 83AA of the Local Government Act 2002. 2. The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 2.1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2.2. Adopts the Special Consultative Procedure for the Proposed Hawke’s Bay Gravel Management Plan and Draft Environmental Code of Practice for River Control and Waterway Works - 2017 in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002. 2.3. Adopts the Statement of Proposal, including the Executive Summary as a fair representation of the major matters in the Statement of Proposal, as part of the Special Consultative Procedure specified in Sections 83 and 83AA of the Local Government Act 2002. 2.4. Requests that staff carry out the Special Consultative Procedure as outlined in Section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002 and in accordance with the Statement of Proposal. 2.5. Agrees to the appointment of an Independent Panel under the Local Government Act, to hear submissions and make recommendations on the Proposed Hawke’s Bay Gravel Management Plan and Draft Environmental Code of Practice for River Control and Waterway Works - 2017 to the Council’s Regional Planning Committee. 2.6. Delegates the appointment of the Independent Panel to the Chairman of the HBRC Hearings Committee and the Chief Executive or Interim Chief Executive. CARRIED |
Tutira Regional Park – Pine Forest Harvest |
Mr Adye introduced the item, relating to the harvest of Council’s pine forest at Tūtira and Mr James Powrie. Cr Barker left the meeting at 2.16pm Mr Adye outlined the proposed options, including the first stage of road building for access. Mr Powrie advised that the harvest may be subject to new NES for Plantation Forestry requirements for resource consents for some of the activities. Discussions and queries covered: · Cashflows back into operational activities as per Council decision during 2015-25 long term plan process · Significant work to go into controlling / managing slash and sediment from the harvest · Soil erosion control options in future and replanting species for carbon or harvest · Carbon credits due to be surrendered upon harvest · Proceeds for the harvest estimated to be $800k less than long term plan forecast · Tenders process will clearly set out requirements and weighting of attributes such as cost and environmental record |
1. The Environment and Services Committee receives and takes note of the “Tūtira Regional Park – Pine Forest Harvest” staff report. 2. The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 2.1 Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2.2 Authorises the Chief Executive or Interim Chief Executive to enter into an Agreement for access and commitment for a permanent easement with the owner of the land over which the Option 2 route will traverse. 2.3 Authorises the Chief Executive or interim Chief Executive to commit to the construction of Phase 1 of Option 2 harvest access road from SH 2 to approx. 360 m south of Pāpākiri Stream (estimated cost $355,000 with a landowner contribution of $55,000) commencing in the current financial year, including the bridge across Pāpākiri Stream, subject to competitive prices being negotiated for the construction of the road and bridge; noting that this expenditure will be repaid from the first harvest revenue. 2.4 Delegates the decision on the timing of harvest and construction of the associated infrastructure to the Chief Executive or interim Chief Executive, with the expectation that s/he will seek expert advice on forecast prices for harvested timber and the availability of construction resources. 2.5 Agrees that proposals for harvesting of the blocks to be harvested between 2018 and 2020 and construction of Phase 2 of the infrastructure including sediment control and skidsites (estimated cost $660,000) should be sought from forest companies operating in Hawke’s Bay on the basis of a managed graded log sale approach, with specific attention on the methodologies proposed for mitigating the risk of sediment entering Lake Tūtira, noting that this expenditure will be repaid from the first harvest revenue. 2.6 Agrees that Forest Company proposals received together with the associated staff assessment and recommendations will be considered by the HBRC Tenders Committee which will make the final choice on acceptance of the preferred proposal. 2.7 Notes that the expected net return from the harvest is conservatively assessed as being in the order of $2,000,000, which is less than the net return estimate included within the HBRC LTP 2015-25. 2.8 Notes that staff anticipate the Replanting Plan will be brought to either the July or September 2017 meetings of the Environment and Services Committee for approval. CARRIED |
Activities Relating to Ahuriri and Waitangi Estuaries |
The Chairman advised that because councillors required significant additional information, consideration of this item will be deferred to the May committee meeting. |
That the Environment and Services Committee leaves the item to lie on the table pending the provision of further information to the 17 May 2017 meeting. CARRIED |
Re-release of Rabbit Calicivirus (RCD) |
Mr Adye introduced Mr Campbell Leckie, who spoke to the item, including an overview of the item and history of the ‘rabbit’ issue. |
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Re-release of Rabbit Calicivirus (RCD)” report. CARRIED |
2016 National Environmental Standard for Air Quality Monitoring Results |
Mr Maxwell introduced Dr Kathleen Kozyniak, who provided a presentation on the air quality monitoring carried out over the 2016 winter including a reminder about why and what Council monitors air quality, and specifically PM10. Discussions covered: · NES is being reviewed and may include requirements in relation to PM2.5 in line with World Health Organisation guidelines · Air quality Monitoring carried out at Port Ahuriri School using a microvol · Orchard burning and how to regulate the effects on air quality; Fire Permits are issued by TLAs · Whether decreased numbers of exceedences translate to lower health impacts as reported by the DHB · Possible solution for council to connect firewood sellers with orchardists · Localised vehicle emissions an issue in some places, and will be monitored this coming winter |
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and takes note of the “2016 National Environmental Standard for Air Quality Monitoring Results” report. CARRIED |
Councillor Hewitt left the meeting at 3.35pm
March 2017 Public Transport Update |
Mrs Redgrave introduced the item, highlighting the recent initiative providing free travel for patients travelling from Napier to attend medical appointments at the Hastings Hospital. |
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “March 2017 Public Transport Update” report. CARRIED |
Councillor Dick left the meeting at 3.40pm
Clean Water Discussion Document as it Relates to Human Health for Recreation |
Mr Maxwell introduced the item, advising that a thorough policy assessment will be carried out and a further paper including a draft submission provided to the Regional Planning Committee and Council. Councillor Hewitt re-joined the meeting at 3.45pm Mr Maxwell provided a presentation outlining the proposed further changes to the NPS for Freshwater Management, focussed on the introduction of a new attribute on the National Objectives Framework for human health for recreation – changing the target from ‘wadeable’ to ‘swimmable’. Queries and discussions raised: · Targets are to increase the proportion of NZ rivers classified as swimmable to 80% by 2030 and 90% by 2040 · Requirement for regional councils to tell Government, by October 2017, what draft targets they have set for their waterbodies; and to finalise those by March 2018, including how they will be achieved · Significant additional work will be required and costs and timeframes will become clearer as further assessment of the policy is carried out through development of a submission · Tangata whenua conversations around values and also implications for them as landlords · Suggestion to expand the list of attributes to include broader measures of ecology and habitat (MCI monitoring currently being done in HB) and food gathering as values that HB communities value · Stock Exclusion Regulations included in the NES will need to be included in RRMP |
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Clean Water Discussion Document as it Relates to Human Health for Recreation” report. CARRIED |
Item - 12. March 2017 Public Transport Update - was considered immediately following item 10.
Electric Vehicles |
Mr James Palmer introduced Rina Douglas, Senior Planner, who spoke to the item as the HBRC staff member tasked with progressing the energy strategy, highlighting the issue of electric vehicle uptake in the region and nationally, and initiatives to improve that including a “electric vehicle showroom” web portal linked from the HBRC website. Discussions covered: · Council working with central government and interested stakeholders from businesses, NGOs and tangata whenua – issues or challenges identified for the Region identified around access to charging stations, myths · Council enabling and facilitating discussions between those organisations with direct influence and is looking at how it can be a leader by example in the region through replacement of fleet vehicles with hybrid or EV where possible · Tangata whenua are investigating ways to make use of new solar technology, and Tuhoe has been in discussions with Tesla re sustainable transport, electric motorcycles and solar energy for several years now. |
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Electric Vehicles” staff report. CARRIED |
Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda |
Given that this is Mr Mike Adye’s last Environment and Services Committee meeting, he provided closing comments in response to the Chairman’s invitation.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 4.45pm on Wednesday 15 March 2017.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................