MINUTES OF A meeting of the MĀori Committee




Date:                          Tuesday 14 February 2017

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M Mohi - Chairman

M Apatu

B Blake

C Butler

                                    D Culshaw

P Eden

Cr P Bailey (for Cr Graham)

B Gregory

H Hilton

A Manuel

M Paku

R Puna

P Sciascia

Cr F Wilson



In Attendance:          A Newman – Chief Executive

L Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

J Raihania – Senior Planner

M Millar – Manager Consents

E Petuha – Consents Planner

A Hicks – Environmental Services

C Leckie – Manager Land Services

M Mitchell – Principal Biosecurity Advisor

J Buttery – Governance Administration Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

Chairman Mike Mohi welcomed everyone to the meeting.


          KARAKIA - Haami Hilton



That apologies from Cr Rex Graham be accepted.

Absent with no apology – Cr Rick Barker.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There are no conflict of interest declarations.



Short Term Replacements for 14 February 2017 Meeting



The Māori Committee agrees that Cr Paul Bailey appointed as member of the Māori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting on Tuesday 14 February 2017 as short term replacement for Cr Rex Graham who was unable to attend.




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on 6 December 2016



Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 6 December 2016, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed were taken as a true and correct record of the meeting.





Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings


Item 1: There is a report on the current agenda for the Māori Charter and Terms of Reference.

Item 2: - No report available.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





Call for Any Minor Items not on the Agenda



That the Māori Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda for discussion as Item 15.

1. Management Plans – and how they relate to consents (P Eden)

2. Discussion around attendance at other local body councils (D Culshaw)

3. Water Supply in Porongahau (P Sciascia)

4. Annual Plan in regards to the proposal around PC6 and the Tukituki catchment (M Apatu)



Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference


Mrs Raihania spoke to the item taking the Committee through the charter section by section making comment where applicable.  In discussions, concern about the effectiveness of the committee and good communication with local marae and hapū.  It was noted that the Regional Planning Committee is not a substitute for this type of consultation, and the Māori Committee is the council network for Marae/hapū type of consultation.  The Māori Committee is a standing committee of Council, capable of making decisions and recommendations to Council.  The Chairman explained that some consultation happens in between meetings, and that he has the ability (Charter Ref 21) to call a Special meeting if required.

Questions whether Standing Orders should apply on the marae, or is it more appropriate for Tikanga Māori in this context.  Committee members need to clearly understand the parameters.  An explanation of standing orders was given and the need to follow protocols on the marae.  The charter needs to ensure robust communication to make sure that values of local marae/hapū are upheld.  The Chair suggested that the charter be worked on by a subcommittee before the next meeting.

Terms of Reference shows the membership for the current three year term.  The make-up of this committee changes from term to term, allowing for changes in representation from various hapū /rohe.



1.      That the Māori Committee:

1.1.         receives and notes the “Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference” staff report

1.2.         provides agreed amendments for inclusion in the final 2017 Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference.

1.2.          agrees to the submission of the Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference”  to the next Māori Committee meeting for final sign-off.

2.      The Māori Committee recommends that Council:

2.1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.2.      Agrees Māori Committee Charter and Terms of Reference” to the next Māori Committee meeting for final sign-off.




Andrew Newman Chief Executive of HBRC arrived at 10.52am.



Verbal Update on Current Issues by HBRC Chairman & CE


Andrew Newman gave the Committee an update on the Waihi Dam Settlement.  The Regional Council laid charges against Eastland Group, the company who owns the dam, for storm damaged sluice gates discharging silt from the dam into the Waiau River in September 2015  Settlement has been reached with the company paying both the HBRC and the WDC.  The settlement covers external costs for HBRC and financial compensation for the Wairoa community over a longer period. 

A update on the railway was given, stating that a tentative agreement is in place between Kiwirail and Napier Port, to carry logs between Napier and Wairoa from October 2017.  On the Corporate & Strategic Committee Agenda scheduled for 15 February, the Gisborne Rail Co-operative will be making a presentation to Council regarding the Wairoa to Gisborne section of the railway.



That the Māori Committee receives the Verbal Update on Current Issues by HBRC Chairman and Chief Executive.





Meeting Venues


The item was taken as read, with meeting venues to be discussed and coordinated by Mrs Raihania.



That the Māori Committee:

1.      Receives and notes the “Meeting Venues” staff report.

2.      Requests that staff facilitate meetings in the locations and on the dates specified, being:

2.1.      Tuesday, 11 April, start time 10.15am

2.2.      Tuesday 20 June, start time 10.15am

2.3.      Tuesday 15 August, start time 10.15am

2.4.      Tuesday, 17 October, start time 10.15am

2.5.      Tuesday, 12 December, start time 10.15am





Confirmation of Māori Committee Representation


Mrs Raihania explained the item. It was pointed out that when sitting around the table the committee is representing Māori across the rohe and not just in their takiwā.  Kaupapa Māori issues are for all to consider equally.  This is an opportunity for Māori to actively participate in the business of the Council pertaining to Māori across the region.



1.      That the Māori Committee receives and notes the Confirmation of Māori Committee Representation report.

2.      The Māori Committee recommends that Council confirms the appointments of:

2.1.      Mr Peter Eden as the Māori Committee representative for Te Taiwhenua O Te Whanganui-a- Orotū

2.2.      Mr Rangi Puna as the Māori Committee representative for Mana Ahuriri Trust

2.3.      Ms Charmaine Butler as an interim representative for Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust pending a permanent appointment

2.4.      Mr Paora Sciascia as the Māori Committee representative for Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea.

and amends the Māori Committee Terms of Reference accordingly.



Abstained: Apatu, Eden


Item - 10. Verbal Update on Current Issues by HBRC Chairman & CE - was provided immediately following item 7.



Identification of Tangata Whenua in Resource Consent Application and Notification Decision Processes


Mr Malcolm Miller and Ms Erin Petuha presented the item, explaining matters relating to the notification process and how this gives people an opportunity to submit either for or against a resource consent application.  Mr Millar explained the 20 working days of a resource consent and the significant role of the Iwi/ hapū Management Plans. The Māori Committee is now informed (via email) each Monday concerning any consents being processed. Resource consents that have expired are treated as a new applications and will be reported as new consents/information. 



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Identification of Tangata Whenua in Resource Consent Application and Notification Decision Processes” staff report.





Lake Tūtira Ecological Modelling Report


Dr Andy Hicks spoke to his item and handed out some photos to show the committee what is involved in the pilot modelling.  Partial reconnection of Papakiri stream allowing low flows only may be a partial solution, as could lake aeration.  There are no recommendations in this report.  The object was to demonstrate to the Committee the modelling that is being done by HBRC scientists.  The Committee recognises that the problem is not something that will easily be solved and that the HBRC is looking to a number of matters to assist to rectify the problem.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Lake Tūtira Ecological Modelling report.

Puna (Spooner)/Sciascia




Re-release of Rabbit Calicivirus (RCD)


Mr Campbell Leckie gave a background to rabbit control in New Zealand and what is proposed to control a major pest.  The virus would be released in around 30 to 40 sites in the Hawke’s Bay area.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Re-release of Rabbit Calicivirus (RCD)” report.





Statutory Advocacy Project Overview and Update


Ms Lambert explained the project and what the updates will mean to the Māori Committee as regular papers on the Māori Committee agenda.  Copies of formal submissions by HBRC are posted on the council webpage for transparency.



That the Māori Committee receives and takes note of the Statutory Advocacy Project Overview and Update report.

Puna (Spooner)/Gregory




Minor Items Not on the Agenda





Councillor/Committee member / Staff


Mr Eden queried whether Hapu Management Plans really are of value to Council.

Mr Mike Mohi will be taking this question to Council in his next Māori Committee Report to Council.

A working party has been coordinated which will address these issues and concerns by Māori regarding these plans.  Mrs Raihania to coordinate meeting dates.

Peter Eden


Request for guidance and direction regarding random invitations he receives to attend hui in his area.  He needs to know the process, and what is considered official business  and what is not.

Mrs Raihania is managing this remuneration process and this will include dialogue with Wairoa District Council staff.

Duane Culshaw


Query about remedying the water problem in Porongahau.  Is there a process to follow? Who should he speak with and whose responsibility is it?

Staff advise that he can contact staff directly on this matter, and also the HBRC Website provides such reports on the state and trends of water quality and ecology.


Paora Sciascia


Query in relation to making a submission to the Draft Annual Plan process regarding the Tukituki and PC6.

Query also regarding the two Pa sites on the Pekapeka wetlands and waahi tapu generally.

Mrs Lambert will follow up and answer these questions on the Pekapeka Wetlands.

Marei Apatu


Queried why the Māori Committee is never asked to make a decision regarding the information only reports.  He wants to know what the Māori Committee can do to help and is concerned that many reports never ask for a decision of the Māori Committee.

Mr Mike Mohi working with HBRC staff to identify process and procedures of this matter.

Duane Culshaw




Haami Hilton invited everyone to the Powhiri for Te Matatini to be held Wednesday 22 February at McLean Park.


Mr Hilton offered the final karakia.




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.10pm on 14 February 2017.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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