MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                          Friday 9 December 2016

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     A J Dick - Chairman

J Alexander

C Daly

I Emmerson

B Gregory

R Heaps

T Kerr

C Little

D Murray

K Price

K Santer

A Walker

F Wilson (Deputy Chairman)

S Young


In Attendance:          A Redgrave – HBRC Transport Manager

L Lambert – HBRC Group Manager External Relations

M Clews – Hastings District Council

W Oldfield – NZ Transport Agency

S McKinley – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

J Cox – Wairoa District Council

J Pannu – Hastings District Council



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chair welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the committee in the new triennium. All members and staff introduced themselves.


RTC1/16    That the apologies from Ms Raewyn Bleakley, Mayor Bill Dalton and Cr David Tennent for absence be accepted.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 18 November 2016



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 18 November 2016, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 18 November 2016

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


The Elwood Road water bottling plant is not producing at present but is likely to recommence in February. One Pure plant at Awatoto is scheduled to commence in March 2017.

The second Investment Logic Mapping workshop as now been held for the business case on the route between Wairoa and the Bay of Plenty. A  non-petroleum based alternative to bitumen is to be trialled on a section of the road.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.





Appointments and Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee


Ms Redgrave spoke to the report, outlining options and reiterating that there are a variety of ways in which regional transport committees address the issue of advisors.

Support for retention of advisory members was expressed, in view of the value added to the committee, along with an outline of the wider brief that the AA is now taking in addressing the concerns of all transport system users, not only private motorists. Membership of the Committee had been widened and now included the cycling coordinator from HBRC, road safety advisors and others.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Receives and notes the “Appointments and Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee” report.

2.      Determines its preferred advisory membership structure for inclusion in the Terms of Reference.

3.      Approves suggested wording amendments to the Terms of Reference, being:

4. Oversee the implementation of designated transport responsibilities under Matariki: Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Strategy, being:

4.1     Improve access to the Port of Napier to increase regional economic performance

4.2     Support the timely implementation of the key strategic initiatives in the Regional Land Transport Plan

4.3     Support the combined approach with Tairawhiti to achieve significant upgrades to SH 2 between Napier and Opotiki

9. Provide a reporting structure for the Regional Cycling Governance Group

4.      Receives the Elected Representative appointments by the region’s Territorial Local Authorities and appointments by the NZ Transport Agency, being:

4.1.      Councillor Keith Price – Napier City Council, and Mayor Bill Dalton as alternate

4.2.      Councillor Tania Kerr – Hastings District Council, and Councillor Rod Heaps as alternate

4.3.      Mayor Craig Little – Wairoa District Council

4.4.      Mayor Alex Walker – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

4.5.      Ms Raewyn Bleakley – NZ Transport Agency and Ms Julie Alexander as alternate

5.      Thanks retiring members of the Committee for their contribution and wishes them well for future endeavours

The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council:

6.     Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

7.     Confirms the Elected Representative appointments by the region’s Territorial Local Authorities to the Regional Transport Committee, being:

7.1       Councillor Keith Price – Napier City Council, and Mayor Bill Dalton as alternate

7.2       Councillor Tania Kerr – Hastings District Council, and Councillor Rod Heaps as alternate

7.3       Mayor Craig Little – Wairoa District Council

7.4       Mayor Alex Walker – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

7.5       Ms Raewyn Bleakley – NZ Transport Agency and Ms Julie Alexander as alternate

8.     Approves the 2016-19 triennium Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee, including amendments agreed at the 9 December 2016 Regional Transport Committee meeting, being:

Regional Transport Committee

Terms of Reference

(to be adopted by resolution of Council 14 December 2016)

1.     Prepare the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) for approval by the Regional Council, in accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

2.     Prepare the Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) for approval by the Regional Council, in accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

3.     Monitor the implementation of the Regional Land Transport Plan and the Regional Public Transport Plan.

4.     Oversee the implementation of designated transport responsibilities under Matariki: Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Strategy, being:

4.1.   improve access to the Port of Napier to increase regional economic performance

4.2.   support the timely implementation of the key strategic initiatives in the Regional Land Transport Plan

4.3.   support the combined approach with Tairawhiti to achieve significant upgrades to SH 2 between Napier and Opotiki

5.     Advocate to Government on transport issues of concern to the region.

6.     Undertake governance of RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay.

7.     Monitor passenger transport objectives and make recommendations to the Regional Council on public transport policies.

8.     Provide the Regional Council with any advice and assistance it may request in relation to its transport responsibilities.

9.     Provide a reporting structure for the Regional Cycling Governance Group



a. Voting Members

Two elected members of the Regional Council, being Crs Alan Dick and Fenton Wilson

One representative, as appointed by Council, from each of the following organisations (which are able to propose short term replacements to the Committee if they are unable to attend any meeting).

­   Wairoa District Council, being Mayor Craig Little

­   Hastings District Council, being Cr Tania Kerr and Cr Rod Heaps as alternate

­   Napier City Council, being Cr Keith Price and Mayor Bill Dalton as alternate

­   Central Hawke's Bay District Council, being Mayor Alex Walker

­   New Zealand Transport Agency, being Ms Raewyn Bleakley and Ms Julie Alexander as alternate


b. Advisory Nominees (non- voting)

­   New Zealand Police – representing road safety

­   Automobile Association (AA) – representing access and mobility, including private motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users

­   Port of Napier – representing the Port and coastal shipping

­   KiwiRail – representing rail issues

­   Road Transport Association NZ – representing the road transport industry

­   Cultural interests representative, also representing environmental issues


One Regional Council elected member, being:  Councillor Alan Dick

Deputy Chairman

One Regional Council elected member, being:  Councillor Fenton Wilson


A quorum of the Regional Transport Committee shall be four voting members


In accordance with section 105(7) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003, at any meeting of the RTC, the Chairman, or any other legislated person presiding at the meeting:

(a)    has a deliberative vote; and

(b)   in the case of an equality of votes, does not have a casting vote (and therefore the act or question is defeated and the status quo is preserved).

Regional Council, Territorial Authority and NZ Transport Agency representative members have full speaking  and voting rights on all matters

Advisory Members

Advisory members are non-voting nominees.

The role of advisory members is to:

­   Provide advice to the Regional Transport Committee on matters pertaining to their advisory portfolios, when requested by the Committee Chairman

­   Report on relevant activities or events pertaining to their advisory portfolios.

Meeting Frequency

Three monthly, or as required

Staff Executive

Transport Manager

Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

The Transport Committee considers advice relating to strategic transport issues from a Technical Advisory Group (TAG), generally comprising roading and infrastructural planning officers from NZTA and the Territorial Authorities, and Chaired by the HBRC Transport Manager. TAG members attend but do not vote at the Regional Transport Committee meetings. TAG members may provide advice at meetings when invited to do so by the Committee Chairman



Alexander Abstained




Role and Responsibilities of a Regional Transport Committee 


Ms Anne Redgrave outlined the contents of an orientation pack provided to all committee members, highlighting key aspects of the legislation  governing the role of the committee, the Regional Land Transport Plan and its strategic objectives, the Regional Public Transport Plan, the One Network Road Classification and transport terminology. While the Regional Land Transport Plan document does not contain all the variations approved by the committee since its adoption, these are listed in a report on the implantation of the Plan elsewhere in this agenda. A list of variations will be sent out to all members.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Role and Responsibilities of a Regional Transport Committee” report.





Pakipaki To Waipukurau Safety Alliance Proposals


Mr Ryan Perica and Mr Wayne Holcroft of the Safe Roads Alliance, gave a presentation on the Pakipaki to Waipukurau and Bay View to Wairoa safety investigations. They highlighted the high crash rates on these routes and the aim to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries over the next ten years through targeted safety interventions such as side barriers, shoulder widening, wide centrelines, rumble strips ( Bay View to Wairoa) and side barriers, moderate shoulder widening, median barriers, realignment (Pakipaki to Waipukurau).



That the Regional Transport Committee receives “Pakipaki to Waipukurau Safety Alliance Proposals” report.





Port of Napier-Kiwirail Wairoa Log Transport Proposal


Mr Nick Cornwall presented the proposal to transport logs from Wairoa to Napier by rail on weekends, utilising existing rolling stock.  Key points noted were:

·      The rail service will remove approximately 50 truck movements from the road per day

·      The predicted  growth in forest harvests means that truck movements on State Highway 2 will still increase and there is not likely to be a decrease in maintenance costs

·      The cost of reinstating the rail line will be confirmed by April 2017

·      The Port of Napier confirms that  it can handle both the predicted log and pipfruit increases

·      Most forest owners plan to replant after harvesting and it is expected that demand for the rail service will continue

The Chairman drew attention to the recent request for expressions of interest from  parties interested in operating a tourism attraction on the section of rail line from Wairoa to Gisborne, and expressed concern that this should not preclude future use of the rail line as far as Kopuawhara for log transport. Mr Cornwall noted that there are significant forests on the Mahia Peninsula and after discussion, the Committee noted that this was really an issue for the Regional Council’s consideration.

Mr Shawn McKinley raised an issue of concern to Central Hawke’s Bay District Council around significant forests in the Tararua district now being harvested, and logging trucks traversing CHB District roads to connect with State Highway 2 and travel to the Port of Napier. In effect, CHB is functioning as a land bridge for this traffic, and increased maintenance costs will result.  Mayor Walker noted that CHB cannot collect any rates revenue from the landowners to contribute to these costs as they are outside the district and emphasised the importance of resolving this issue.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Receives the “Port of Napier-KiwiRail Wairoa Log Transport Proposal” report.



2.      Notes that KiwiRail’s request for expressions of interest  for tourism proposals on the rail line between Wairoa and Gisborne has been discussed and will be addressed by the Regional Council.

3.      Requests that the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) considers the implications of the use of Central Hawke’s Bay district as a land bridge for the transport of logs to Napier Port and determines a possible mechanism for funding support to address the effects on CHB roads.



4.      Agrees to hold the Friday 10 March 2017 Regional Transport Committee meeting in Wairoa and to invite the Gisborne Regional Transport Committee.

5.      Agrees to arrange an inspection visit on the rail line with KiwiRail as soon as possible.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report for December 2016


Ms Alexander gave a presentation on the State Highway Implementation Proposal and the development of the next National Land Transport Programme.

In response to a question, Ms Alexander said that  accident evaluation maps for each district are available, as referred to in the Speed Management Guide.  She undertook to distribute details to the TAG group.

She then highlighted aspects of the Regional Director’s report, noting that the effect of the recent Kaikoura earthquakes on available funding for the next National Land Transport Programme is unknown as yet.

Mr Ian Emmerson queried progress with making State Highway 2 to Manawatu capable of carrying High Productivity Motor Vehicles, noting that the Waipukurau bridge remains the main obstacle. Mr Wayne Oldfield noted that bridge assessments are  underway on SH2 both north and south of Napier Port.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the NZTA Central Region – Regional Director’s Report for December 2016’.





Regional Land Transport Plan Update


Ms Redgrave highlighted aspects of her report, emphasising that the upcoming review of the Regional Land Transport Plan is a mid-cycle review and workshops in early 2017 will reconfirm key issues and objectives and determine what adjustments need to be made.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Regional Land Transport Plan Update” report.





December 2016 Transport Manager's Report


Ms Redgrave noted that public transport improvements in September 2016  have increased patronage on most affected routes, and promotion is continuing.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “December 2016 Transport Manager's report”.





Advisory Representative Verbal Reports


Mr Craig Daly noted that AA is appreciative of its involvement as an advisor to the Committee and looks forward to continuing in this role.

Mr Kim Santer reported that KiwiRail has seen an increase in rail freight in the region due to the effects of the Kaikoura earthquakes.

Mr Steve Young noted that  damage to CentrePort in Wellington has created a spike in log and container volumes through the Port of Napier.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Advisory Representative Verbal Reports”.






There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.48pm on Friday 9 December 2016.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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