Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                 Friday 9 December 2016

Time:                10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item       Subject                                                                                                                  Page


1.         Welcome/Notices/Apologies 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations  

3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 18 November 2016

4.         Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 18 November 2016

5.         Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings                           3

Decision Items

6.         Appointments and Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee          7

Information or Performance Monitoring

7.         Role and Responsibilities of a Regional Transport Committee                                  19

8.         Pakipaki to Waipukurau Safety Alliance Proposals                                                    21

9.         Port of Napier-KiwiRail Wairoa Log Transport Proposal                                            23

10.       NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report for December 2016                   25

11.       Regional Land Transport Plan Update                                                                       31

12.       December 2016 Transport Manager's Report                                                            43

13.       Advisory Representative Verbal Reports  




Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

SUBJECT: Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings         



1.      Attachment 1 is a list of items raised at previous Regional Transport Committee meetings that require action or follow-up. All follow-up items indicate who is responsible for each item, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.

Decision Making Process

2.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that as this report is for information only and no decision is required in terms of the Local Government Act’s provisions, the decision making procedures set out in the Act do not apply.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.


Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations





Follow Ups from previous meetings




Follow Ups from previous meetings

Attachment 1




Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

Subject: Appointments and Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee        


Reason for Report

1.     This report

1.1.      Seeks the Committee’s view on the 2016-19 triennium Terms of Reference for recommendation to the Regional Council.

1.2.      Receives appointments to the Committee for confirmation by the Regional Council

Terms of Reference

2.    Terms of reference (ToR) for the committees of the Regional Council are reviewed by the Council at the commencement of each three-year term.

3.    The most recent ToR for the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) are attached (Attachment 1) and were submitted to the council for review and adoption in November.

4.    The Council queried the advisory membership of the RTC; in particular, that a nominee of the Automobile Association (AA) appropriately represents access and mobility for all users of the transport system, including private motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users.

5.    The Council adopted the current ToR but referred them back to this committee for review of the advisory portfolios and a number of wording changes, and for the RTC’s recommendations to be reflected in ToR to be re-submitted to the Council.

6.    Advisors are not required under the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (the LTMA) which specifies the membership of an RTC as:

6.1.      regional council (two representatives)

6.2.      district and city councils of the region (one representative) 

6.3.      the NZ Transport Agency (one representative) 


7.    Some possible options are:

7.1.      Option 1. Remove advisory membership altogether, noting that representatives of specific interest groups may always be called upon to provide their view or advice in relation to a specific issue. Continue to distribute agenda to key interest groups and invite their attendance when issues of relevance arise, with speaking rights granted by the Chair when required.

7.2.      Option 2. Status quo, as set out in the current ToR. In regard to the specific issue raised by the Council, the AA nominee reports the following:

7.2.1.   The AA represents 1.5 million members nationwide and over 60,000 in Hawkes Bay/Gisborne.

7.2.2    Membership is growing at the unprecedented rate of nearly 8,000 new members nationally per month, demonstrating relevancy in a very competitive market with members opting to avail themselves of a wide range of benefits.

7.2.3    The AA realised a number of years ago that to remain relevant, a change of focus from motoring to “mobility” was necessary as the membership base broadened and there was a need to incorporate all modes of transportation including cycling, walking, public transport, mobility scooters (as well motor vehicles) in stakeholder representation/advocacy.

7.2.4.   This change in focus has resulted in the national body being invited to attend a number of select committee hearings at Government level, and attending working groups within the NZTA and MOT on a regular basis. The AA also has the ability to very quickly conduct and produce an independent survey of the membership base that is generally reflective of public opinion on any given topic when the need arises.   

7.2.5.   At a local level the Hawkes Bay/Gisborne District AA Council has also made a number of changes to ensure it is in a better position to make meaningful comment when called to do so, and our numbers now include representatives with backgrounds and expertise in road safety, road engineering, cycling, police, legal, rural and Safer Communities. 

7.3.      Option 3. Revise the ToR to address the council’s specific concerns, by retaining a nominee of the Automobile Association to represent the interests of private motorists and seeking a further nomination for a representative of other transport modes (walking and cycling, public transport). Nominations would have to be sought from a range of organisations, as there is no one obvious representative group.


8.    Some regional transport committees retain some form of advisory membership, which originates from the period when the LTMA required membership of the committee which reflected the objectives the New Zealand Transport Strategy (a strategy of the last Labour Government, but not a national transport strategy). 

9.    Others make reference in their ToR to advisors who may be called upon to assist with the exercise of the committee’s specific responsibilities, but do not specifically identify these in the ToR or membership of the committee.

10.   The following table sets out a sample of regional transport committees and their approach to advisory membership.


Advisory membership



Bay of Plenty



Horizons (Manawatu-Wanganui)

Road Users

NZ Police

Road Transport Association

Active and Public Transport


Greater Wellington




Northland Regional Council



Environmental Sustainability

Safety and Personal Security 

Public Health

Access and Mobility

Cultural Interests

Economic Development


11.   There is no one common method for addressing this issue, and it seems clear that each RTC has adopted a method best suited to their needs.  

12.   The Committee needs to decide whether advisory membership is the best way to regularly seek the views of transport stakeholders and if so, which groups should be represented on the committee.

13.   Committees which do not have advisors with speaking rights at meetings, nevertheless maintain stakeholder lists and consult with interest groups when needed.

14.   A draft ToR incorporating other requested wording changes is attached for the committee’s consideration (Attachment 2). When the Committee has determined how it would like to address the issue of advisors, the ToR will update.

Appointments to the Regional Transport Committee

15.   Appointments to the Committee for the 2016-19 triennium have been received from all councils and the NZ Transport Agency.

16.   These are:

Napier City Council

Cr Keith Price, alternate Mayor Bill Dalton

Hastings District Council

Cr Tania Kerr, alternate Cr Rod Heaps

Wairoa District Council

Mayor Craig Little

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

Mayor Alex Walker

NZ Transport Agency

Ms Raewyn Bleakley, alternate Ms Julie Alexander

Retiring Members or Advisors of the Regional Transport Committee

17.   A number of previous members have retired from the Committee. These are

17.1.    Councillor Terry Kingston, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

17.2.    Councillor Terry Story, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (alternate)

17.3.    Councillor Mark Herbert, Napier City Council

17.4.    Councillor Rick Barker, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

17.5.    Councillor John Roil, Hastings District Council (alternate)

17.6.    Mr John Emmerson (advisor from the Road Transport Association)

         Members of the RTC and staff convey their thanks to retiring members for their contribution to the work of the Committee.

Financial and Resource Implications

18.   There are no significant financial implications for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, only those relating to Committee administration and catering costs.

Decision Making Process

19.   Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:

19.1.   The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.

19.2.   The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.

19.3.   The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.

19.4.   The persons affected by this decision are transport stakeholder groups in the region.

19.5.   Options that have been considered include having no advisors to the RTC or other advisory representation.

19.6.   The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

19.7.    Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Receives and notes the “Appointments and Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee” report.

2.      Determines its preferred advisory membership structure for inclusion in the Terms of Reference.

3.      Approves suggested wording amendments to the Terms of Reference.

4.      Receives the Elected Representative appointments by the region’s Territorial Local Authorities and appointments by the NZ Transport Agency, being:

4.1.      Councillor Keith Price – Napier City Council, and Mayor Bill Dalton as alternate

4.2.      Councillor Tania Kerr – Hastings District Council, and Councillor Rod Heaps as alternate

4.3.      Mayor Craig Little – Wairoa District Council

4.4.      Mayor Alex Walker – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

4.5.      Ms Raewyn Bleakley – NZ Transport Agency and Ms Julie Alexander as alternate

5.      Thanks retiring members of the Committee for their contribution and wishes them well for future endeavours

The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council:

6.       Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in   Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise         its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

7.       Confirms the Elected Representative appointments by the region’s Territorial Local        Authorities to the Regional Transport Committee, being:

7.1       Councillor Keith Price – Napier City Council, and Mayor Bill Dalton as alternate

7.2       Councillor Tania Kerr – Hastings District Council, and Councillor Rod Heaps as alternate

7.3       Mayor Craig Little – Wairoa District Council

7.4       Mayor Alex Walker – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

7.5       Ms Raewyn Bleakley – NZ Transport Agency and Ms Julie Alexander as alternate

8.       Approves the 2016-19 triennium Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport   Committee, including amendments agreed at the 9 December 2016 Regional         Transport Committee meeting.



Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations





Adopted RTC Terms of Reference




Proposed RTC Terms of Reference




Adopted RTC Terms of Reference

Attachment 1


Proposed RTC Terms of Reference

Attachment 2




Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

Subject: Role and Responsibilities of a Regional Transport Committee          


Reason for Report

1.      This report introduces the role of the Regional Transport Committee for new members.


2.      The Regional Transport Committee has been reconstituted after the triennial local body elections. A number of local body elected representatives and their alternate members are new to the work of the committee.

3.      A presentation on the role and responsibilities of a Regional Transport Committee will cover:

3.1.      the statutory context for the committee

3.2.      membership

3.3.      regional land transport plans (RLTPs)

3.4.      the Hawke’ s Bay region’s current RLTP

3.5.      work for the committee over the next three years

4.      All members will receive an orientation pack of key documents, including a summary of the presentation and a list of transport terms and acronyms.

Decision Making Process

5.      Council is required to make every decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Role and Responsibilities of a Regional Transport Committee” report.


Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations




There are no attachments for this report.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

Subject: Pakipaki to Waipukurau Safety Alliance Proposals        


Reason for Report

1.      To receive a presentation on the work of the Safe Roads Alliance on the section of State Highway 2 between PakiPaki and Waipukurau.


2.      The Safe Roads Alliance has been established to deliver a programme of road and roadside safety improvements to the State Highway Network over six years. The Safe Roads and Roadsides programme is one of four components of the Safe System approach which was introduced to New Zealand through Safer Journeys, the government’s strategy to guide improvements in road safety over a 10-year period.

3.      The Safe Roads Alliance is made up of the NZ Transport Agency and infrastructure consultancies Beca, Bloxam, Burnett & Oliver (BBO) and Northern Civil Consulting (NCC).

4.      The Safe Roads and Roadsides programme will see safety improvements made to over 90 high-risk rural state highways across the country over six years. The improvements will make roads more forgiving of human error, helping to reduce the occurrence of crashes in the first place and limiting their severity when they do happen.

5.      The programme aims to reduce deaths and serious injuries on New Zealand’s roads by 900 over 10 years by making over 400 kilometres of rural roads safer.

6.      Two sites are under investigation in Hawke’s Bay. These are SH2 Pakipaki to Waipukurau and SH2 Wairoa to Bay View.

7.      Members of the team working on the SH2 Pakipaki to Waipukurau will give a presentation on progress with this.

Decision Making Process

8.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives “Pakipaki to Waipukurau Safety Alliance Proposals” report.


Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations




There are no attachments for this report.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

Subject: Port of Napier-KiwiRail Wairoa Log Transport Proposal         


Reason for Report

1.      To update the Committee on the agreement reached between KiwiRail and Napier Port in regard to the transport of logs by rail from Wairoa to the Port.

2.      Mr Nick Cornwall, of Starboard Group, will give a brief presentation on the details of this agreement.


3.       A commercial agreement has been reached between Napier Port and KiwiRail for the transport of logs from Wairoa by rail.

4.      KiwiRail currently operates a dedicated log service to Whanganui every weekday (5 trains/week). This train finishes in Napier on Friday night.

5.      From 2017-18, this rolling stock will be utilized to provide a weekend log service between Wairoa and the Port. Four services will be provided each weekend and the train will then depart back to Whanganui by Sunday night. Napier Port will contract and sell space on the Wairoa train service to forest owners. KiwiRail and Napier Port will match train capacity with demand and will retain flexibility on the number and size of the services.

6.      Napier Port will contract KiwiRail to maintain the Wairoa line within an annual budget.

7.      KiwiRail does not need to purchase any more assets. The locomotives and wagons will run 7 days per week and this is the key to making the services economical. (Cost of new equipment would be approximately $9m and this has been avoided through efficient utilisation).

8.      The contract can be terminated with three months’ notice or immediately if excessive/unexpected track maintenance or reinstatement costs make continuing uneconomic.

9.      It is believed the break-even volume on the Wairoa line will be 185,000 tonnes per annum and that this will be achieved in 2020.

Decision Making Process

10.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Port of Napier-KiwiRail Wairoa Log Transport Proposal” report.


Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations




There are no attachments for this report.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

SUBJECT: NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report for December 2016        


Reason for Report

1.      This item introduces the NZTA Central Region Regional Director’s report as provided in Attachment 1.

Decision Making Process

2.      Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the NZTA Central Region – Regional Director’s Report for December 2016’.


Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations





NZ Transport Agency Regional Director's Report




NZ Transport Agency Regional Director's Report

Attachment 1



Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

Subject: Regional Land Transport Plan Update         


Reason for Report

1.      To inform the Committee about various Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) processes.


2.      The Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 became operative on 1 July 2015.  The Plan sets out the region’s strategic transport priorities over ten years, and contains a programme of works or projects for six years   for which the region sought funding   from the NZ Transport Agency.

3.      Under the Land Transport Management Act 2003, the Plan may be varied if good reason exists for making the variation. Usually variations involve the addition of projects or activities by either NZ Transport Agency or one of the councils, and the Regional Transport Committee must decide whether to include these in the Plan. The NZ Transport Agency cannot fund any activity which has not been included in an RLTP.

4.      If variations are significant in terms of the Plan’s significance policy, they must undergo a public consultation process. 

5.      A number of variations have been considered and approved by the Committee during the first year of the Plan’s implementation.

6.      Annual implementation reports on the Plan track progress with the list of activities in the Plan. A number of transport indicators which measure the performance of our transport system are also reported on.

7.      RLTPs must be reviewed every three years, and the next review must be complete by May 2018. 

Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan

8.      In September 2016, the Regional Council delegated authority to a subcommittee of the Regional Transport Committee to hear public submissions   on a significant variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan for $12 million of safety and efficiency improvements on the HB Expressway. Full authority was also granted for the subcommittee to decide whether the variation should be included in the Plan.

9.      This delegation was made because of the timing of local body elections and the need to progress preparation for the works as quickly as possible, assuming the variation was approved.

10.    Ten submissions were received on the proposed variation. After consideration of written and verbal submissions a meeting on 18 November 2016, the Committee approved the variation and made several recommendations to the NZ Transport Agency. These are outlined in the minutes of that meeting, as previously distributed.

11.    The NZ Transport Agency has been formally advised of the approval.

Annual Report on Implementation of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25

12.    The first year of implementation of the Regional Land Transport Plan was 2015-16 and it is timely that the committee reviews the progress of major activities included in the Plan.

13.    The attached report (Attachment 1) provides a brief overview of progress with the major prioritised projects that the Regional Transport Committee included in the RLTP and submitted to the NZ Transport Agency for funding assistance.

14.    A number of activities have been added to the plan by way of variation since the adoption of the RLTP. These are included in the report also (priority projects only).

15.    A second report to be presented at the March 2017 meeting will review a range of transport monitoring indicators which provide the committee with a snapshot of how well the transport system is performing over time.

Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan

16.    Preparation, monitoring of implementation and review of the Regional Land Transport Plan is a regional transport committee’s main task, as set out in the Land Transport Management Act 2003. The Plan must be prepared every six years and reviewed every three, with this review due for completion by May 2018.  A timeline for the review was approved by the RTC earlier in the year (Attachment 2).

17.    The Plan consists of two main parts:

17.1.    The strategic front-end, which sets out issues and priorities for the region

17.2.    A programme of activities aimed at addressing these key priorities.

18.    As this is a mid-cycle review of the plan, it is not likely that the region’s strategic direction will change significantly. However, the Committee will need to consider emerging demographic, economic and social trends which may affect this, and modify or adjust accordingly. 

19.    The Committee will also need to consider the next Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport, a draft of which is expected soon and which will be finalised around March-April 2017. The RLTP must be consistent with the GPS.

20.    The NZ Transport Agency is preparing a long-term strategic view of transport in New Zealand, which will help with the strategic context for the plan.

21.    Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) Action Plans have been produced in some regions, including Hawke’s Bay. There may be some changes needed to the strategic context and priorities in our RLTP to reflect this, although initial examination suggests there is fairly close alignment in respect of the transport activities.  We may also need to   update some aspects of the programme section of the Plan to include activities in the REDS Action Plan.

22.    The NZ Transport Agency’s advice in respect of this is to keep in mind that regional economic development is not just about building infrastructure – it’s also about being innovative and partnering effectively with others. The Agency cites, as an example of innovation, using funding through the Road Safety Activity Class to support driver-licensing programmes, based on the link between increased driver licensing and improved employment opportunities. This initiative is well underway in Hawke’s Bay and progress is described elsewhere in the agenda. 

23.    The Transport Advisory Group (TAG) has commenced a review of background demographic, social, economic and environmental   information and this will be used to reconfirm the strategic issues and priorities for the region through workshops in February-March.  Dates of these will be advised to members shortly

Decision Making Process

24.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.



1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Regional Land Transport Plan Update” report.


Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations





Implementation of the RTLP 2015-16




RLTP Review Timeline




Implementation of the RTLP 2015-16

Attachment 1


RLTP Review Timeline

Attachment 2



Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 09 December 2016

Subject: December 2016 Transport Manager's Report         


Reason for Report

1.         This regular report provides the Committee with a snapshot of relevant transport matters, provides updates from the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) on issues raised at their regular meetings and outlines what is coming up within the transport sector.


2.         The Transport Advisory Group (TAG) is made up of road asset managers, planners and staff from Approved Organisations (AOs) - NZTA, Wairoa District Council, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, Napier City Council, Hastings District Council and co-ordinated by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Transport Manager. TAG meets at least quarterly and its main purpose is to support the operation of the RTC and provide co-ordinated and timely advice backed up by technical knowledge.

Transport Advisory Group meetings

3.         Since the Committee’s last meeting, one TAG meeting has been held to consider:

3.1.      Progress reports on major capital projects – refer to the Report on the implementation of the Regional Land Transport Plan.

3.2.      A presentation on and discussion of the process for the development of the State Highway Implementation Plan for the 2015-18 period. This plan is outlined further in the NZ Transport Agency Regional Director’s report and will be developed in consultation with councils in the region, but it is not likely that the region will see a significantly different list of projects to those already proposed.

3.3.      Discussion of the RLTP review process, outlined elsewhere in the agenda.

Regional Transport Committee Meeting dates for 2017

4.      Meeting dates for 2017 have been set by the Regional Council. These are:

4.1.   Friday 10 March 10.15am

4.2.   Friday 9 June 10.15am

4.3.   Friday 1 September 10.15am

4.4.   Friday 1 December 10.15am

Driver Licensing Issues and Proposal – update on allocations.

5.         Further progress has been made on the proposal to use an NZ Transport Agency road safety education allocation for funding driver licensing programmes in the region, with local share raised through member organisations of the Intersectoral Group. 

6.         Three groups which applied for the funding have now signed contracts with HB Regional Council and their programmes are underway.  A fourth is still considering the terms of the contract but is expected to sign soon. The groups which have been funded are:

6.1.      Wairoa College – providing tuition and support for all three stages of driver licensing for their senior students.

6.2.      Dove Hawke’s Bay/Kainga Pasifika – providing tuition and support for members of the Pasifika community in Hawke’s Bay – all licence stages

6.3.      Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust –all licence stages, for hapu affiliated to Tangoio Marae

Regional Cycling Governance Group

7.         Minutes of the Regional Cycling Governance Group’s November 2016 meeting are attached (Attachment 2). Membership of the Group after the local body elections is:

7.1.      Cr Ian Sharp, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (Chairperson)

7.2.      Mayor Craig Little, Wairoa District Council

7.3.      Cr Sandra Hazlehurst, Hastings District Council

7.4.      Cr Graeme Taylor, Napier City Council

7.5.      Cr Paul Bailey, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

7.6.      Dr Caroline McElnay, HB District Health Board

7.7.      Ms Annie Dundas, HB Tourism

7.8.      Mr Paul McArdle, Bikes in Schools

8.         The role of Regional Cycling Coordinator has been filled by Vicki Butterworth, who has extensive experience in cycling in Hawke’s Bay and a wide range of contacts already established with stakeholders. She has also worked for Cycling New Zealand for a number of years.  Vicki is a keen road cyclist and mountain biker, holds adult cycle training qualifications and has set up a number of recreational cycling groups.

9.         The role is jointly funded by all councils in Hawke’s Bay, and one of Vicki’s first tasks has been to prepare a concept plan for the future development of trails in Hawke’s Bay, building on the priorities set in the Regional Cycle Plan. This forms the first stage of a funding application to New Zealand Cycle Trails (NZCT) for a bridge across the Tukituki River to connect Te Mata Road (Havelock North) with the Landscapes Great Ride and therefore eliminate an existing safety concern colloquially known as “The Mad Mile” on Waimarama Road.

10.       The Group hopes to be successful in obtaining a significant portion of the cost from NZCT’s “Maintaining the Quality of Great Rides” fund, but about $350,000 will need to be found locally through contributions from councils, trusts, sponsorships etc.  

Approved Organisations – Significant issues

Highway Network and Operations

11.       Updates on the region’s state highway activities and major projects are to be found in the NZTA Regional Director’s report elsewhere in this agenda.

Hastings District Council

12.       Construction of the Whakatu Arterial Link has now formally commenced with a sod-turning ceremony in Late November. 

Napier City Council

13.       The council is working with NZTA on Watchman Road – funding now formally confirmed by Council.

Wairoa District Council

14.       Business case for SH38 route is progressing in partnership with Tuhoe, neighbouring councils and NZTA. Second investment logic mapping workshop has been held.

Central Hawke’s Bay

15.       180,000 tons of logs to be transported through CHB district this year and this is expected to increase to 220,000 in a year’s time.  Working with NZTA to determine how resulting road maintenance and dust issues might be dealt with.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

16.       A number of bus service improvements came into operation in late September, including a revised express service between Napier, Taradale and Hastings, a BayView services, Sunday services to Flaxmere and Havelock North. Two zone adult cash fares were also lowered to encourage commuting. Use of some of the new services is encouraging, others less so. Advertising of the improvements is continuing.

17.       HBRC is working closely with the District Health Board on the implementation of their travel plan, which aims to relieve parking congestion at the hospital. It is hoped to increase bus use by both staff and patients. 

Decision Making Process

18.       Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “December 2016 Transport Manager's report”.


Authored by:

Anne  Redgrave

Transport Manager


Approved by:

Liz Lambert

Group Manager External Relations





Minutes Regional Cycling Governance Group




Minutes Regional Cycling Governance Group

Attachment 1