MINUTES OF A meeting of the MᾹori Committee
Date: Tuesday 6 December 2016
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Apatu
R Barker
R Graham
B Gregory
H Hilton
A Manuel
M Paku
B Blake
R Maaka
R Spooner
D Culshaw
P Bailey (Proxy for F Wilson)
In Attendance: A Newman – Chief Executive
J Raihania – Senior Planner
E Powell - Planner
S Gilmer – Resource Technician – Water Quality & Ecology
A Madarasz-Smith – Senior Scientist – Coastal Quality
N van Pelt – Minutes Secretary
V Moule – HR Manager
1. Welcome/Apologies/Notices
Acting Chairman Rex Graham welcomed everyone to the meeting
KARAKIA – Haami Hilton
MC19/16 That the apologies from Cr Fenton Wilson, Mr Piri Prentice and Ms Joinella Mahi-Carroll (who had a meeting with the Minister of Treaty Settlements, in Wellington) be accepted.
Absent with no apology: Beverley Kemp-Harmer
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations
Call for Any Minor Items not on the Agenda |
That the Maori Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda for discussion as Item 12. 1. Update on relationship between HBRC & HDC 2. Te Tira Whakaemi O Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement 3. Māori Compass Management Tool |
Election of the Maori Committee Chairperson |
Mr Michael Paku nominated Mr Mike Mohi for the role of Chairperson, seconded by Mr Haami Hilton. There being no further nominations, Mr Mike Mohi accepted the nomination. |
1. That the Maori Committee elects Mike Mohi to the role of Chairperson of the Maori Committee. 2. The Maori Committee recommends that Council confirms the election of Mike Mohi to Maori Committee Chairperson. CARRIED |
Appointment of Tangata Whenua Representatives to the Maori Committee |
The Māori Committee appointed the Tangata Whenua Representatives to the Māori Committee. |
NOTE: Only the Councillor representatives on the Māori Committee can vote on this recommendation. 1. That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Appointment of Tangata Whenua Representatives to the Māori Committee” report. 2. That the Māori Committee accepts the appointment of Tangata Whenua representatives, being: 2.1. Mr Adrian Manuel, Mr Bill Blake and Mr Duane Culshaw representing Wairoa Taiwhenua and Kahungunu Executive, and Ms Katarina Kawana as a proxy member 2.2. Mr Piri Prentice, Ms Joinella Mahi-Carroll and Mr Rangi Spooner representing Mana Ahuriri and Barry Wilson as a proxy member, these appointments being subject to endorsement from Te Taiwhenua O Te Whanganui-A- Orotu. 2.3. Mr Mike Paku, Mr Haami Hilton & Mr Marei Apatu representing Heretaunga Taiwhenua and Ms Joella Brown as a proxy member 2.4. Dr Roger Maaka, Mr Brian Gregory & Mr Mike Mohi representing Tamatea Taiwhenua and Ms Marge Hape as a proxy member The Māori Committee recommends that Council: 3. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 4. Confirms the appointments detailed in 2. above, to the Māori Committee. CARRIED |
Nomination of Maori Committee Representatives to Council’s Committees |
The Maori Committee nominated Maori Committee Representatives to Council’s Committees. Mrs Joyce-Anne Raihania will provide the names of those members who would like to sit on the Hearings committee and also those eligible to be on the Hearings Panel as Commissioners. |
1. That the Māori Committee nominates the following representatives: 1.1. Mr Gregory as a member of the Environment and Services Committee 1.2. Mr Paku as a member of the Corporate and Strategic Committee 1.3. Mr Gregory as a member of the Regional Transport Committee 2. The Māori Committee recommends that Council confirms representation on the Environment and Services, Corporate and Strategic and Regional Transport committees. Hearings Committee representation is to be confirmed. CARRIED |
Verbal Update on Current Issues by the Regional Council Chairman and Chief Executive |
HBRC Chairman Rex Graham mentioned the new council formation and diverse skill base. The Chairman said he was looking forward to building better relationships and partnerships with Tangata Whenua. HBRC Chief Executive Mr Andrew Newman updated the committee on the Waihi Dam, which is still in a regulatory process. Mr Newman explained the obligations of being a regulator. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Verbal Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Chairman and Chief Executive”. CARRIED |
Review of the Māori Committee Charter (2011) |
Mrs Raihania updated the Committee on this item. Ms Joella Brown and Mrs Raihania were tasked with reviewing the current Māori Committee Charter and identifying key areas that needed clarifying/amending. Key aspects included: · Committee membership particularly in context to representation by Mana Ahuriri personnel. A discussion was held regarding the presence of Treaty Entities now participating on this Committee. It was affirmed that through the Chair a request will be submitted to Te Taiwhenua Whanganui-A-Orotu, to confirm their appointments. · Field activities or a structured work programme for the Committee were an opportunity to show effectiveness to the greater Tangata Whenua of the region. It was agreed that the Committee needed to be more visual and actively within the Council’s processes including the Long Term Plan and the Annual Plan. It was imperative that the Committee members considered how they would assist in coordinating hui within their respective rohe, to seek feedback. Delegated powers and the relationship mechanism for engaging with the Regional Planning Committee, Tangata Whenua members was also highlighted by Mrs Raihania. |
That the Maori Committee receives the ‘Verbal Update on the Review of the Māori Committee Charter’. CARRIED |
Estuaries of the TANK Catchments: Ahuriri and Waitangi Estuaries' Values, State and Trends |
Ms Anna Madarasz-Smith presented the findings of the and explained the rationale behind the inclusion of the estuaries as the downstream receiving environments into the plan change process under the NPS-FM and the values that had been taken from the TANK interim agreements report for the estuaries. Ten years of SOE sampling in the Ahuriri Estuary had shown moderate sediment stress in the lower estuary and high sediment stress in the Upper Estuary. Contact recreation in the Ahuriri Estuary at Pandora Pond was defined as Good with 97% compliance with national guidelines. Shellfish gathering is not recommended in the Ahuriri Estuary. Two years of SOE sampling in the Waitangi Estuary had shown high sediment stress in the estuary, with an absence of sediment sensitive species, and contact recreation varied between Good at Tutaekuri to Poor at Clive Bridge. Investigations had shown high levels of nutrients entering the Upper Ahuriri Estuary, and a gross eutrophic state. Issues for the estuaries were described as; sediment load, nutrient load, expansion of the invasive marine tube-worm Ficopomatus enigmaticus and stormwater discharges. These issues meant that some of the values of the estuaries were being compromised. Possible actions to consider include reductions in sediment and nutrient loads, active management of Ficopomatus enigmaticus, and further nutrient management through the TANK plan change process. Planting was also recognized. |
That the Māori Committee 1. Receives “Estuaries of the TANK catchments: Ahuriri and Waitangi Estuaries' Values, State and Trends” report. 2. Supports the decision of the Regional Planning Committee to request a paper outlining potential options for active management of estuarine issues, and take note of the “options for consideration” that were presented in the report. CARRIED |
Recreational Water Quality 2015-16 Final Report |
Mr Gilmer presented the findings of the report ‘Recreational Water Quality of Hawke’s Bay: A review of the 2015-2016 season’. He described the programme and its relevance for monitoring river and marine water quality for recreational purposes in line with national microbiological water quality guidelines for recreation. The programme is a joint programme with the Public Health Unit of the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and the Territorial Local Authorities. The programme has also been extended to look at potentially toxic cyanobacteria where appropriate. Mr Gilmer explained that when sites exhibit problems, faecal source (notably sheep/cattle/ geese) tracking is undertaken to help guide management of faecal sources. During the 2015-2016 season faecal course tracking was undertaken at Te Mahia which showed mixed avian, ruminant and plant sources, Maungawhio Lagoon which showed ruminant sources, Waipuka Stream which showed avian sources and Kairakau Lagoon which showed ruminant sources. Mr Gilmer went on to explain that results from this project had helped guide management actions including geese culls and planting at Waipuka Stream. |
That the Māori Committee receives “Recreational Water Quality 2015-16 Final” report. CARRIED |
Statutory Advocacy Update |
Mrs Esther-Amy Powell presented the Statutory Advocacy Update. The Chairman complimented Esther on her work during the years and wished her well for the future. Mr Ide from the Strategic Development Group will provide a report early next year outlining what the Statutory Advocacy Project covers. |
That the Māori Committee receives the “Statutory Advocacy Update” report. CARRIED |
Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
KARAKIA – Mr Haami Hilton
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.45pm on Tuesday 6 December 2016.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................