Meeting of the
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Date: Monday 5 December 2016
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome / Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Joint Committee Members 3
4. Election of Chair and Deputy Chair 11
5. Joint Committee Terms of Reference 13
6. Living at the Edge 25
7. Stage 2: Decision Making Framework - progress update 37
8. Stage 2: Funding Model - progress update 39
9. Stage 3 Briefing 41
10. Communications and Stakeholder Update 55
11. Project Manager Update 59
12. Current Coastal Projects Update 61
13. Other Matters for discussion
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Confirmation of Joint Committee Members
Reason for Report
1. By resolution of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council and Napier City Council at their respective first meetings following the 2016 Local Elections, the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee (“Joint Committee”) was re-established with appointed Councillors and a Terms of Reference.
2. The confirmed Council Members of the Joint Committee are:
2.1. Napier City Council: Councillor Tony Jeffery and Councillor Larry Dallimore
2.2. Hastings District Council: Councillor Tania Kerr and Councillor Rodney Heaps, with Councillor Ann Redstone as Alternate
2.3. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: Councillor Peter Beaven and Councillor Paul Bailey
3. Correspondence confirming these appointments is attached to this report.
4. Tangata Whenua Members of the Joint Committee have not been affected by the 2016 Local Elections. Subject to being advised of any changes by the Tangata Whenua Appointers (i.e. Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust, Mana Ahuriri Inc and He Toa Takitini) the Tangata Whenua Members are:
4.1. Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust: Mrs Tania Hopmans
4.2. Mana Ahuriri Inc: Mr Piri Prentice
4.3. He Toa Takitini: Mr Peter Paku
5. The Technical Advisory Group welcomes new and returning members of the Joint Committee and looks forward to continuing our work together.
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Confirmation of Joint Committee Members report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Hawke's Bay Regional Council representative confirmation |
Hastings District Council representative confirmation |
Napier City Council representative confirmation |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Election of Chair and Deputy Chair
Reason for Report
1. By resolution of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council and Napier City Council at their respective first meetings following the 2016 Local Elections, the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee (“Joint Committee”) was re-established with appointed Councillors and a Terms of Reference.
2. As a newly re-established committee, the roles of Joint Committee Chairperson and Deputy Chairpersons are currently vacant.
3. Section 12 of the Joint Committee Terms of Reference provides for the election of a Chairperson and up to two Deputy Chairpersons by members of the Joint Committee.
4. The Chairperson is to be selected from the Council members on the Joint Committee. The Deputy Chairpersons may be any member of the Joint Committee.
5. Prior to the 2016 Local Elections, Cr Peter Beaven (Hawke’s Bay Regional Council) fulfilled the role of Chairperson, and Cr Faye White (Napier City Council) and Cr George Lyons (Hastings District Council) were the Deputy Chairpersons.
6. This paper seeks a resolution to elect a Chairperson and up to two Deputy Chairpersons.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee: 1. Elects Councillor _______________________ as the Chairperson of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee; and 2. Elects _______________________ and _______________________ as the Deputy Chairpersons of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Joint Committee Terms of Reference
Reason for Report
1. By resolution of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council and Napier City Council at their respective first meetings following the 2016 Local Elections, the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee (“Joint Committee”) was re-established with appointed Councillors and a Terms of Reference.
2. The Technical Advisory Group (“TAG”) consider this new term of the Joint Committee an opportune time to review the existing Terms of Reference. Some changes are recommended, to more accurately reflect how the Strategy has developed and evolved since the Terms of Reference were first confirmed in late 2014.
3. Attached to this report is a tracked changes version of the current Terms of Reference, showing updates recommended by TAG.
4. If these changes are agreed by the Joint Committee, the updated Terms of Reference will need to be recommended back to each partner Council for adoption, in order for the changes to take effect.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee: 1. Receives and notes the Joint Committee Terms of Reference report. 2. Recommends the attached updated Terms of Reference to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council and Napier City Council for adoption. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Joint Committee Terms of Reference |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Living at the Edge
Reason for Report
1. This report provides an update to the Joint Committee on the Technical Advisory Group’s (“TAG”) work with the Living at the Edge project team.
2. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (“MBIE”) are funding 11 National Science Challenges that are cross-disciplinary programmes designed to tackle New Zealand’s biggest science-based challenges.
3. Living at the Edge (“Edge”) is a project within one of these 11 challenges, Resilience to Nature’s Challenges, which is seeking to enhance New Zealand’s ability to anticipate, adapt and thrive in the face of ever-changing natural hazards.
4. Edge are made up of academics and professionals from Auckland University, Massey University, Victoria University, Lincoln University, NIWA and GNS Science. Attached to this report is a brief summary of the Edge and their work.
5. Edge have selected the Hawke’s Bay to focus their research efforts on, and earlier in the year, approached TAG to discuss ways in which the two project teams could integrate work streams for mutual benefit.
6. A series of meetings have now been held between TAG and Edge, with a focus on planning work streams in the following areas:
6.1. Overall project coordination and principles for working together;
6.2. Social science projects;
6.3. Physical science projects;
6.4. Planning and decision making processes; and
6.5. Communications and community participation.
7. Edge will ultimately produce best practice national guidance for coastal hazards planning, based on the work we are doing here in Hawke’s Bay.
8. TAG and Edge have developed an integrated work plan to guide our respective activities, and this is attached to this report.
9. TAG and Edge are also in the process of developing a Memorandum of Understanding to better define and guide our working relationship.
10. Representatives from Edge will be present at today’s meeting to expand on the background to their work, its aims, and answer any questions the Joint Committee may have.
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Living at the Edge report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Living at the Edge Overview |
Integrated Work Plan – TAG and Living at the Edge teams |
Living at the Edge Overview |
Attachment 1 |
The New Zealand government (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) has funded 11 National Science Challenges; science investments that focus on defined issues of national importance, including the ten-year challenge “Resilience to Nature’s Challenges” (https://resiliencechallenge.nz/). One component of the Resilience Challenge is the three-year ‘Living at the Edge’ programme (the Edge), which focuses on communities living in localities exposed to natural coastal hazards (coastal inundation/flooding, coastal erosion and tsunami), exacerbated by socio-economic, demographic and environmental change (future sea-level rise and associate rising groundwater). The aim of the Edge is to build shared understanding about coastal hazards and risk and to develop practical ‘resilient’ solutions that can be institutionalised in the region for the benefit of current and future generations. The programme will be developed between June 2016-June 2019 and implemented in partnership with key stakeholders, including communities. The initial case study community will be located in the Hawke’s Bay.
Research partners and participants
The Edge programme has been aligned with the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120. The Edge will provide independent and robust advice, support and information to assist in development of the Strategy. Additional key regional level stakeholders (people or group who can affect or be affected by the research) that the Edge will engage with include:
· Government agencies
· Tangata whenua
· Community-based organisations
· Business, industry and infrastructure providers
· Research agencies e.g. universities, Crown Research Institutes, independent consultants and specialists
· Other projects (East Coast LAB, Natural Hazards Portal, Deep South National Science Challenge, among others)
· Media
In collaboration with key stakeholders at the regional level, the Edge will engage with stakeholders at a local level. Through engagement and collaboration, the team will be able to contribute to building a ‘safe environment’ for public deliberation, social learning and the practical implementation of resilience efforts.
Edge research team – see back of page for research team profile
We are an independent, multi-disciplinary team of internationally and nationally recognised coastal hazard and risk specialists willing to work collaboratively with the people of Hawke’s Bay. Together we have an array of disciplinary backgrounds that span social sciences, governance, emergency management, climate change and natural hazards resilience, coastal engineering, planning and coastal hazard management, including applied research and practice in the Hawke’s Bay. Moreover, we can draw on experience and expertise of the wider Resilience Challenge team, involving nine other programmes of work that sit alongside and interconnect with the Edge.
research team profile
The University of Auckland (UoA):
· Prof. Paul Kench, the Edge project leader, is Head of the School of Environment at the UoA. Paul is a coastal geomorphologist with 20 years experience in coastal processes and coastal management in New Zealand and globally.
· Dr. Emma Ryan is the Edge project co-ordinator and the first point of contact for stakeholder engagement. With a background in coastal geomorphology, Emma is an emerging researcher in coastal hazards and citizen science.
· Dr. Susan Owen has experience in coastal planning and research interests in institutional influence and participatory processes.
· Dr. Mark Dickson has a strong track record in coastal processes research in New Zealand. Mark’s research has a focus on eroding coastlines and future erosion patterns in response to sea-level rise.
· Dr. Rob Bell (Edge deputy project leader) has a proven track record in applied coastal, hazard-risk and sea-level research and advisory/planning services. Rob, along with Paula and Judy, is involved in developing the MfE climate change guidelines to be released in 2016.
· Dr. Paula Blackett, a social scientist, has an extensive record of researching processes and techniques for coastal community engagement, along with planning experience.
· Dr. Michael Allis, a trained engineer has a track record in physical coastal science. Mike’s work is increasingly delving into the community engagement aspect of coastal science.
Massey University:
· Prof. Bruce Glavovic is a leading expert with >20 years experience in resilience planning and adaptation. Bruce is also involved in the Governance Group of the Resilience Challenge and several international research initiatives dealing with coastal governance and adaptation.
· Dr. Paul Schneider is an emerging researcher with interests in resilience, governance and stakeholder engagement. Paul has significant experience working with multi-level stakeholders around climate change adaptation issues. Paul is also involved in the Governance Group of the Resilience Challenge.
Victoria University of Wellington:
· Dr. Judy Lawrence has a strong central and local government policy/management background and a research record in decision making under uncertainty and change. She has developed with international partners, NZ relevant adaptation pathways methodologies in response to climate change. Judy is also involved in the Resilience Challenge – Governance Toolbox project.
GNS Science:
· Dr. Julia Becker is a leading social scientist with interests in hazard preparedness, emergency management, community engagement and resilience. Julia has 16 years of experience working on resilience issues in the Hawke’s Bay region. Julia also leads the Cultural toolbox of the Resilience Challenge.
Lincoln University:
· Assoc. Prof. Hamish Rennie has >25 years experience in planning/policy and his research has influenced legislation and coastal policy and plans. He is Director of Post-Graduate Studies in Disaster Risk and Resilience at Lincoln University and is involved in the Rural laboratory of the Resilience Challenge.
research group from left to right: Hamish Rennie, Julia Becker, Emma Ryan,
Paula Blackett, Sue Owen, Paul Kench, Paul Schneider, Judy Lawrence, Bruce
Glavovic, Mike Allis (missing: Rob Bell and Mark Dickson).
Attachment 2 |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120
Integrated Work Plan – TAG and Living at the Edge teams
Agreed principles for working together
1. Simon Bendall (TAG) and Emma Ryan (Edge) to act as the key points of contact between both teams.
2. Ensure a no surprises approach.
3. All external engagement to be carefully coordinated through TAG.
4. Work in a collaborative, constructive and mutually beneficial way.
Abbreviations Uses
Edge – Living at the Edge
TAG – Technical Advisory Group for the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120
ACEP – Assessment Cell Evaluation Panel
SROI – Social Return on Investment / social impact assessment
3b – Cross reference to Edge Work Plan
· Assessment Cell Evaluation Panel As are indicative and will be confirmed by February 2017
· This project plan will be regularly updated in a coordinated way by TAG and Edge
TAG Activity |
Edge Activity[1] |
Oct |
Meetings (Internal): · Oct 6: TAG Meeting · Oct 7: Project Planning Workshop · Oct 31: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Newsletter / media release Tasks: · Planning for Stage 3 · Engage Stage 3 contributors · Commence pre-work for ACEPs · Develop integrated work plan with Edge · Establish Funding Model Working Group
Meetings (Internal): · Oct 7: Project Planning Workshop · Oct 22: Edge online meeting · Oct 31: Project planning meeting Tasks: · Workplan development · Conduct key stakeholder interviews1c · Develop planning context diagram1g · Demographics/preliminary economic analysis1d · Write a review article about coastal hazard management frameworks1a |
Nov |
Meetings (Internal): · Nov 1: Comms meeting · Nov 4: Survey planning meeting · Nov 7: Physical scientists planning session · Nov 21: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Newsletter / media release · ACEP formation: o Mail out to landowners o Public meetings o Contact business etc o Tangata Whenua reps Tasks: · Commence Assessment Panel (ACEP) appointment process · Funding model development
Meetings (Internal): · Nov 1: Comms meeting · Nov 4: Survey planning meeting · Nov 7: Physical scientists planning session · Nov 24: Edge online meeting
Tasks: · Write a review article about managed retreat1h · Plan and carry out values survey1b · Continue developing planning context diagram1g · Develop additional climate change scenarios1e · Plan physical science projects1f · Continue writing review article about coastal hazard management frameworks1a · Submit ethics application
Dec |
Meetings (Internal): · Dec 12: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Dec: SROI surveys (southern cell) · Dec 5: Joint Committee meeting · Dec 7: ACEP 1st Workshop (joint) · Newsletter / media release
· Launch ACEPs · Stage 1 & 2 endorsed by Councils · Funding Model refinement
Meetings (Internal): · Dec 15: Edge online meeting External Engagement: · Dec 5: Joint Committee meeting · Dec 7: ACEP 1st Workshop (joint) · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c Tasks: · Complete writing review article about managed retreat1h · Complete values survey1b · Continue developing additional climate change scenarios1e · Complete planning context diagram1g · Complete draft results from key stakeholder interviews1c · Conduct physical science projects1f · Complete writing review article about coastal hazard management frameworks1a · Evaluate Edge processes1i
TAG Activity |
Edge Activity [2] |
Jan |
Meetings (Internal): · Jan 27: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · SROI – community consultation Tasks: · Preparation for ACEP process
Meetings (Internal): · Jan 26: Edge online meeting Tasks: · Continue developing additional climate change scenarios1e · Development of managed retreat model2a · Contribute to optioneering2b · Continue conducting physical science projects1f · |
Feb |
Meetings (Internal): · Feb 16: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Feb 2: ACEP Workshop 2 (South) · Feb 22: ACEP Workshop 2 (North) · Feb 23: ACEP Workshop 3 (South) · Newsletter / media release · Feb 28: Joint Committee meeting Tasks: · ACEP workshop support · Complete SROI (southern cell) · Complete Optioneering (prelim) · Complete funding model · Feb 28 Joint Committee agenda · Joint Committee recommends funding model back to Councils
Meetings (Internal): · Feb 23: Edge online meeting External Engagement: · Feb 2: ACEP Workshop 2 (South) · Feb 22: ACEP Workshop 2 (North) · Feb 23: ACEP Workshop 3 (South) · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c Tasks: · Continue developing additional climate change scenarios1e · Continue development of managed retreat model2a · Continue conducting physical science projects1f · Contribute to optioneering2b
Mar |
Meetings (Internal): · Mar 16: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Mar 15: ACEP Workshop 3 (North) · Mar 16: ACEP Workshop 4 (South) · Public meetings to report back on ACEP work Tasks: · ACEP workshop support ·
Meetings (Internal): · Mar date TBC: Joint Edge-TAG meeting · Mar 30: Edge online meeting External Engagement: · Mar 15: ACEP Workshop 3 (North) · Mar 16: ACEP Workshop 4 (South) · Public meetings to report back on ACEP work · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c Tasks: · Complete additional climate change scenarios1e · Complete managed retreat model draft2a · Continue conducting physical science projects1f · Contribute to optioneering2b · Evaluate Edge processes1i
Apr |
Meetings (Internal): · Apr 6: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Apr 12: ACEP Workshop 4 (North) · Apr 13: ACEP Workshop 5 (South) · Newsletter / media release Tasks: · ACEP workshop support · Funding model implementation
Meetings (Internal): · Apr 27: Edge online meeting External Engagement: · Apr 12: ACEP Workshop 4 (North) · Apr 13: ACEP Workshop 5 (South) · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c Tasks: · Refinement of managed retreat model2a · Continue conducting physical science projects1f
May |
Meetings (Internal): · May 18: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · May 17: ACEP Workshop 5 (North) · May 18: ACEP Workshop 6 (South) Tasks: · ACEP workshop support · Jun 6 Joint Committee agenda
Meetings (Internal): · May 25: Edge online meeting External Engagement: · May 17: ACEP Workshop 5 (North) · May 18: ACEP Workshop 6 (South) · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c
Tasks: · Continue conducting physical science projects1f · Complete refinement of managed retreat model2a
Meetings (Internal): · Jun 22: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · June 6: Joint Committee Meeting · Jun 14 ACEP Workshop 6 (North) · · Newsletter / media release · Public meetings to report back on ACEP work Tasks: · ACEP workshop support
Meetings (Internal): · June 29: Edge online meeting External Engagement: · June 6: Joint Committee Meeting · Jun 14 ACEP Workshop 6 (North) · Jun 15: ACEP Workshop 7 (South) · Public meetings to report back on ACEP work · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c
Tasks: · Continue conducting physical science projects1f
Jul |
Meetings (Internal): · Jul 12: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Jul 12 ACEP Workshop 7 (North) · Jul 13: ACEP Workshop 8 (South) Tasks: · ACEP workshop support
Meetings (Internal): · Jul 27: Edge online meeting External Engagement: · Jul 12 ACEP Workshop 7 (North) · Jul 13: ACEP Workshop 8 (South) · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c
Tasks: · Continue conducting physical science projects1f · Evaluate Edge processes1i
Aug |
Meetings (Internal): · Aug 16: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Aug 16: ACEP Workshop 8 (North) · Aug 17: ACEP Workshop 9 (South) (Backup) · Newsletter / media release Tasks: · ACEP workshop support · ACEP report preparation
Meetings (Internal): · 11 Aug: Governance Group meeting in Wellington · Edge online meeting TBC External Engagement: · Aug 16: ACEP Workshop 8 (North) · Aug 17: ACEP Workshop 9 (South) (Backup) · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c
Tasks: · Complete physical science projects1f |
Sept |
Meetings (Internal): · Sep 21: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Sep 13: ACEP Workshop 9 (North) (Backup) · Sep 14: ACEP Workshop 10 (South)
· Sep 19: ACEP Workshop 10 (North) (Backup) · Public meetings to report back on ACEP work
· ACEP workshop support · Complete ACEP reports · Oct 3 Joint Committee agenda
Meetings (Internal): · Edge online meeting TBC External Engagement: · Sep 13: ACEP Workshop 9 (North) (Backup) · Sep 14: ACEP Workshop 10 (South) (Backup) · Sep 19: ACEP Workshop 10 (North) (Backup) · Public meetings to report back on ACEP work · Evaluation of workshop processes/learnings2c
Oct |
Meetings (Internal): · Oct 12: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · Oct 3: Joint Committee Meeting · · End Oct: HDC, NCC, HBRC Council meetings · Newsletter / media release Tasks: · Joint Committee endorsement for ACEP recommendations · Joint Committee recommends ACEP reports back to each partner Council
Meetings (Internal): · Edge online meeting TBC
Tasks: · Plan follow-up values survey3b · Contributing to developing implementation plan3c · Evaluate Edge processes1i
Nov |
Meetings (Internal): · Nov 15: TAG Meeting External Engagement: · TBC Tasks: ·
Meetings (Internal): · Edge online meeting TBC Tasks: · Carry out follow-up values survey3b · Contributing to developing implementation plan3c
Dec |
Meetings (Internal): · None External Engagement: · Dec 5: Joint Committee Meeting · Newsletter / media release Tasks: · Commence Stage 4 activity – First step: develop implementation plan |
Meetings (Internal): · Edge online meeting TBC Tasks: · Complete follow-up values survey3b · Contributing to developing implementation plan3c · Begin developing guidance manual3f
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Stage 2: Decision Making Framework - progress update
Reason for Report
1. This report provides an update to the Joint Committee on the ongoing development of the decision-making framework that will be employed to identify how the Hawke’s Bay community should respond to coastal hazards risks.
2. At the last meeting of the Joint Committee on 19 August 2016, the Committee was presented with a draft report prepared as part of the Stage Two work undertaken by Stephen Daysh from EMS (now Mitchell Daysh Limited). The report outlined a draft decision making framework that was proposed to be used in a community-led process to turn what we now know about coastal hazards risks (as identified in Stage 1) into well considered and effective responses.
3. The proposed decision-making framework is based on Multi Criterial Decision Assessment (“MCDA”) methodology. MCDA methodology has been successfully used to unlock complex decision making processes in a range of projects, and was recommended by Mitchell Daysh as consultants experienced in its practical and successful application locally and nationally.
4. Since that meeting, the decision-making framework has undergone some refinement, principally in response to input from the Living at the Edge (“Edge”) team.
5. One of the challenges faced by the Strategy is that we are at the leading edge of this type of work nationally. There is no rule book to follow, and little precedent to rely on. Members of the Edge team are contributing to the soon to be released Ministry for Environment (“MfE”) national guidance document on coastal hazards and climate change responses to help fill this void.
6. While the guidance document is not publicly available at the time of writing this report, the Technical Advisory Group (“TAG”) have been advised by MfE and Edge that there is a high degree of consistency between our approach in Hawke’s Bay and what is now shaping up as national-level guidance.
7. However, of particular note with regards to the proposed decision-making framework, the guidance document is proposing utlilisation of Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptive Pathways Planning methodologies. These methodologies are based on recently evolving International Best Practice techniques and it makes good sense to utilise them (with appropriate refinement to make them fit for purpose for our Hawke’s Bay context) in an updated decision-making framework. These additions will compliment, rather than replace, the MCDA approach.
8. In terms of timing, the national guidance content is embargoed until it is formally released by the Minister. At this stage, it can’t therefore inform any formal update to our decision-making framework. Our understanding is that the guidance is due for release in December 2016. Once it is publicly available, the draft decision-making framework will be formally updated in the early part of 2017 and will be presented to the Joint Committee. It will then form the basis of the process to be followed by the Northern and Southern Cell Assessment Panels currently being established
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Stage 2: Decision Making Framework – Progress Update report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Stage 2: Funding Model - progress update
Reason for Report
1. This report provides an update to the Joint Committee on the ongoing development of a funding model to determine how the costs of responding to coastal hazards risks should be met.
2. At the last meeting of the Joint Committee on 19 August 2016, the Committee was presented with a report prepared as part of the Stage 2 work undertaken by Maven Consulting (Mr Wayne Mills) that outlined a proposed funding model, and a series of recommendations for further work.
3. The funding model is required to guide funding processes for responses to coastal hazards risks, once these responses are identified as part of Stage 3.
4. The funding model was developed in a consultative manner, including through direct input by the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), the Joint Committee, senior council executives (principally financial controllers and asset managers), and other external parties including other regional councils, insurance companies, and government agencies.
5. At the 19 August meeting, the Joint Committee endorsed the recommendations presented, with the addition that a working paper be developed to put further detail around the development of a Coastal Response Contributory Fund (CRCF). The working paper would cover matters including (but not limited to) governance, objectives, ring-fencing of funding, and future scope of operation.
6. TAG have formed a sub-working group involving key Council staff to focus on this task, with the assistance of Mr Wayne Mills.
7. To date, meetings have been held with Treasury, Ministry for the Environment and EQC, while the legal aspects relating to establishing a Council Owned Corporation to govern the CRCF are being investigated.
8. This work is progressing, and TAG expect to be in a position to present a working paper to the Joint Committee at the next meeting on 28 February 2017.
9. Ultimately, a consultative process under the Local Government Act 2002 will be required to establish the CRCF and its governing entity. TAG wish to see this process commence later in 2017. TAG also consider it important to provide the Cell Assessment Panels and the community with confidence that the funding mechanisms required to implement responses to coastal hazards risks will be in put in place.
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Stage 2: Funding Model – Progress Update report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Stage 3 Briefing
Reason for Report
1. This report provides an update to the Joint Committee on the commencement of Stage 3 of the Strategy and planned activity over the coming months.
2. Joint Committee members will recall the four stages of Strategy development as presented in the following diagram:
3. As each stage of the Strategy is completed, the overarching strategy document (available for download from www.hbcoast.co.nz) is updated. This process will result in a final strategy document which will be presented in its entirety to the Joint Committee and, ultimately, to each of the Partner Councils for adoption. The final Strategy document will also confirm the approach taken to the timing and nature of future Strategy review processes.
4. In earlier agenda items in this meeting, the Joint Committee has received updates on some ongoing Stage 2 work around developing the funding model, and refining the decision-making framework. This ongoing work to refine Stage 2 outputs does not prevent the commencement of activity under Stage 3 of the Strategy.
5. In Stage 3, the decision-making framework developed in Stage 2 will be applied to identify responses to coastal hazards risks. Stage 3 can be summarised into the following key steps:
5.1. Form Cell Assessment Panels (Northern and Southern) in December 2016;
5.2. Complete technical pre-work for priority areas (social impact assessments and initial option development) December 2016 – February 2017;
5.3. Run Cell Assessment Panel process through a series of workshops between February and September 2017;
5.4. Complete Cell Assessment Panel process with recommendations back to the Joint Committee in October 2017;
5.5. Joint Committee makes final recommendations back to each Partner Council in September / October 2017.
6. The first step in the above process is to confirm the following voting members, observer participants and support roles for each Cell Assessment Panel:
Northern Assessment Cell Evaluation Panel
Full Members able to participate in Scoring and Recommendations |
Observer Participants |
Support Roles |
Tangata Whenua (3) |
HBRC Councillor (1) |
Independent Chair (1) |
Whirinaki Community (1) |
NCC Councillor (1) |
Kaumatua (1) |
Bayview Community (2) |
HDC Councillor (1) |
Facilitator (1) |
Westshore Community (2) |
Assistant Facilitator (1) |
Ahuriri / Pandora Community (2) |
Technical Advisory Group (6) |
Recreational Interests (1) |
Port of Napier (1) |
Ahuriri / Pandora Businesses (1) |
NZTA / Lifelines (1) |
Department of Conservation (1) |
Total Voting (15) |
Southern Assessment Cell Evaluation Panel
Full Members able to participate in Scoring and Recommendations |
Observer Participants |
Support Roles |
Tangata Whenua (3) |
HBRC Councillor (1) |
Independent Chair (1) |
Clifton/Te Awanga Community (2) |
NCC Councillor (1) |
Kaumatua (1) |
Haumoana Community (2) |
HDC Councillor (1) |
Facilitator (1) |
East Clive Community (2) |
Assistant Facilitator (1) |
Marine Parade Community (1) |
Technical Advisory Group (6) |
Recreational Interests (1) |
Awatoto Businesses (1) |
Napier CBD Businesses (1) |
NZTA / Lifelines (1) |
Department of Conservation (1) |
Total Voting (15) |
7. The image below shows the areas each Cell Assessment Panel will consider as part of their process.
8. Also, attached to this report for reference is a preliminary Terms of Reference for the Cell Assessment Panels. This has been previously shared with the Joint Committee, and has been slightly updated following further consideration by TAG. It is noted that these Terms of Reference will need to be developed, refined and ultimately confirmed by the Cell Assessment Panels themselves, and that this process is important to ensure full buy-in and commitment to their task.
9. Progress towards forming both panels is now well advanced.
10. At the time of writing this report, Tangata Whenua representatives for the Southern Assessment Cell Evaluation Panel have been confirmed, with Northern representatives still being identified.
11. For the community representative positions, between 14 and 22 November TAG held a series of meetings along the coast to inform each community of the process ahead and to seek nominations for panel members:
Date |
Time |
Community |
Venue |
14 November |
5.30 pm to 7.00 pm |
Whirinaki and Bay View |
Bay View Hotel |
15 November |
5.30 pm to 7.00 pm |
Westshore, Ahuriri and Marine Parade |
Westshore Surf Life Saving Club |
16 November |
5.30 pm to 7.00 pm |
Clive / East Clive |
Clive School Hall |
21 November |
5.30 pm to 7.00 pm |
Clifton and Te Awanga |
Te Awanga Hall |
22 November |
5.30 pm to 7.00 pm |
Haumoana |
Haumoana Hall |
12. These meetings were very well attended, with positive feedback and good levels of engagement at each. For some community representative positions, TAG received more nominations than positions available. A process was required to resolve the oversubscription, and this is set to occur through a meeting with all nominees for oversubscribed positions on 1 December 2016. A verbal update on the outcome of this process will be provided at this Joint Committee meeting.
13. All other positions are substantially resolved, with TAG continuing to work through remaining issues over the coming week.
14. Confirmed panel membership will be tabled by TAG at this Joint Committee meeting.
15. The technical pre-work for priority areas is also progressing. The purpose of this work is to get a head start on some of the information the Cell Assessment Panels will need to undertake their work. However, it is important to stress that this work does not pre-judge any decision of the Panels; rather, it is aimed at building up an information resource for those Panels to access and interrogate.
16. To that end, Maven (Mr Wayne Mills) has been tasked with undertaking Social Return on Investment (i.e. social impact assessment) work in the priority areas of Westshore (Unit D), East Clive (Unit J), Haumoana / Te Awanga (Unit K) and Clifton (Unit L). Similarly, Tonkin & Taylor are working on developing some preliminary defend and managed retreat options for these same units. This work will be presented to the Joint Committee early in 2017.
17. In terms of initiating and running the Cell Assessment Panel workshop process, TAG are working on an official launch event shortly following the confirmation of Panel membership. The launch event will bring both Cell Assessment Panels together with the Joint Committee, other Councillors and invited attendees. A verbal update on this will be provided at this Joint Committee meeting.
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Stage 3 Briefing report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Assessment Cell Evaluation Panel Draft Terms of Reference |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Communications and Stakeholder Update
Reason for Report
1. This report provides an update on communications and consultation undertaken since the last Joint Committee meeting in August 2016.
Communicating Stage Three
2. As noted in an earlier paper in this agenda, public meetings were held in coastal communities between 14 and 22 November. These were held primarily as part of the process to form the Cell Assessment Panels, but were also a useful opportunity to connect with those communities most affected by coastal hazards risks.
3. In support of these meetings, a mail out to all landowners within the new hazard extents for coastal erosion and inundation was undertaken. Just over 2,000 letters were sent, advising them of the next steps in the process and inviting them to attend the public meetings.
4. A newsletter was also released through Hawke’s Bay Today – this is attached to this report for information. Other communications channels (including social media) were also used to ensure people were advised of the public meetings and given an opportunity to attend.
Tangata Whenua
5. Efforts have been made to connect with Tangata Whenua through the 7 marae within the Strategy area. Letters and follow up phone calls were made to all marae, and in some instances direct contact was able to be made. However, given high workloads and other priority work for these marae, TAG have had limited success at this level.
6. It remains an ongoing work stream for TAG to ensure that:
6.1. The ‘elements at risk’ being considered as part of the overall risk assessment for coastal hazards appropriately considers cultural sites of significance;
6.2. Tangata Whenua are kept up to date on Strategy development and are given a full opportunity to engage at any point; and
6.3. The Cell Assessment Panels include strong Tangata Whenua representation, and are supported in their work to integrate and respect tikanga.
7. To further the above, TAG have recently begun to engage at a Taiwhenua level, and have sought input and advice from the Tangata Whenua member appointees to the Regional Planning Committee.
8. This approach has resulted in the identification of Tangata Whenua representatives for the Southern Cell Assessment Panel. Northern Cell Assessment Panel representatives, and a kaumatua or cultural advisor for both Panels are yet to be confirmed.
9. The updated hbcoast website continues to be an excellent tool for communicating Strategy development. 527 individual users have visited the project website (www.hbcoast.co.nz) since the last Joint Committee meeting in August 2016.
10. A revised / simplified mapping tool for hazards extents is also now available through the Hazards Portal at http://www.hbemergency.govt.nz/hazards/portal.
11. Principally as a result of the public meetings held in November, a further 68 people signed up for the Strategy email list, bringing total members to 222. This email list receives notifications of all key Strategy activity including Joint Committee meetings and agendas, website updates and public meetings.
Future communications
12. TAG are working to a communications plan, with the support of the HBRC Communications team. The plan identifies regular (4 – 6 weekly) newsletters and other public engagement activity through to the commencement of the Cell Assessment Panel process in February 2017. The plan is currently being updated to manage communications through to the end of the panel process in September / October 2017.
13. Usefully, TAG have also received input and feedback from the Living at the Edge team on our approach to communications generally, and this continues to be an area of collaboration between the two teams.
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Communications and Stakeholder Update report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Hawke's Bay Today newsletter - November 2016 |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Project Manager Update
Reason for Report
1. In accordance with instructions from the Joint Committee, this report is provided in place of the written report required from the Project Manager in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee.
2. It provides an opportunity for the Project Manager to present a verbal update to the Committee and answer any questions on general project matters including tracking against timeframes, milestone achievements and project risks. The Project Manager will provide a verbal update at the meeting.
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Project Manager Update report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Monday 05 December 2016
Subject: Current Coastal Projects Update
Reason for the Report
1. This report provides an opportunity for the Technical Advisory Group (“TAG”) to provide an update on various coastal projects the Joint Committee have expressed an interest in keeping abreast of, namely:
1.1. Whakarire Ave Revetment Works
1.2. Port of Napier Capital Works Programme.
1.3. Proposed Revetment Works at Clifton
2. TAG members will provide a verbal update on each of these projects at the meeting.
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the verbal Current Coastal Projects Update report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |