Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 18 November 2016
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
Decision Items
3. Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 3
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 November 2016
Subject: Variation to the regional land transport plan 2015-25
Reason for Report
1. This report:
1.1. introduces submissions received on the proposed variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 (RLTP) to include improvements to the Hawke’s Bay Expressway.
1.2. outlines the process for the hearing of submissions
1.3. makes recommendations on the submissions and the inclusion of the proposed variation in the RLTP.
2. The Land Transport Management Act 2003 requires regional councils to establish a regional transport committee, whose main responsibility is to prepare a regional land transport plan which sets out the region’s transport objectives, priorities and proposed activities to be funded from the National Land Transport Fund.
3. In July 2016 the Minister of Transport, the Hon. Simon Bridges, announced the availability of funding for a range of substantial improvements on the Hawke’s Bay Expressway between Pakipaki and the Watchman Road intersection.
4. The proposed improvements make up a $10-$12 million package of work on the Hawke’s Bay Expressway between Pakipaki and the intersection with Watchman Road/State Highway 2 near the Hawke’s Bay Airport. The improvements will consist of targeted seal widening, roadside and median barriers and slip lanes or extensions to merge lanes at the Evenden Rd, Omahu Rd and Prebensen Drive roundabouts. The aim of the package is to improve the safety and efficiency of the HB Expressway and improve access to Napier Port.
5. As these proposals were not included in the RLTP and constituted a significant variation to it, a public consultation process has been undertaken. The Regional Council has delegated responsibility for hearing, deliberation and decision on submissions to a subcommittee of the Regional Transport Committee, composed of the chairperson of the Regional Transport Committee, and representatives of Napier City Council, Hastings District Council and the NZ Transport Agency.
6. An information pack, detailing the proposed improvements and seeking feedback on how these would contribute to the objectives of the RLTP, was sent to all known transport stakeholders. Public notices and press releases about the consultation process were distributed during the week of 3-7 October. All information was available on the HBRC website and the NZ Transport Agency Highways Manager was available for public enquiries. Submissions closed on Friday 28 October 2016.
7. Ten submissions were received, with two submitters wishing to be heard. All submissions have been acknowledged.
8. A copy of all submissions is at Attachment 1 and a summary of submissions and officers’ responses is at Attachment 2.
Hearing of Submissions
9. The timetable for the hearing of submissions is:
Submitter Number |
Name |
Time |
9 |
Steve Currie |
1.15 |
8 |
Rex McIntyre |
1.30 |
10. Each submitter will have ten minutes speaking time, followed by five minutes to answer any questions the Committee may have.
11. Deliberations on all submissions will take place after the hearing of verbal submissions.
12. The submissions received have been generally supportive of the proposed variation.
13. The NZ Transport Agency has indicated that location-specific safety issues that were raised by submitters will be investigated during the development and design of the package of works.
14. Key stakeholders such as NZ Police will be consulted during the detailed design of the proposed works.
15. Major capacity improvements on the HB Expressway and improvements in Ahuriri will be considered as part of the longer-term strategy for the route.
16. Major proposals, such as for the revocation of a section of State Highway 50A, have been noted but are outside the scope of this consultation process.
17. Several submissions requested an investigation to upgrade State Highway 2 north of Bay View; an opportunity to commence a strategic programme business case is being investigated for the corridor between Napier to Gisborne.
Financial and Resource Implications
18. There are no financial and resource implications for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council arising from consideration of the submissions.
Decision Making Process
19. Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:
19.1. The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
19.2. The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.
19.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.
19.4. The persons affected by this decision are all users of the roading network in Hawke’s Bay.
19.5. Options considered include not including the proposed variation in the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25.
19.6. The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.
19.7. Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision
That 1. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers the verbal and written submissions made in response to the proposed variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan (2015-25). 2. The Regional Transport Committee: 2.1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2.2. Approves the variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 as proposed. 2.3. Recommends that the NZ Transport Agency 2.3.1. investigates the location-specific safety issues raised by submitters, during the design of the improvements 2.3.2. considers the proposal for the re-routing of State Highway 2 on the Napier –Gisborne corridor during the development of a strategic programme business case 2.3.3. considers suggested capacity improvements (including cycling facilities) and improvements in Ahuriri as part of the longer-term strategy for the HB Expressway 2.3.4. consults key stakeholders, including NZ Police, as part of the detailed design of the improvements.
Authored by:
Anne Redgrave Transport Manager |
Approved by:
Liz Lambert Group Manager External Relations |
Submissions on Proposed Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan |
RLTP Variation HB Express summary of submissions and staff responses |