Meeting of the Tenders Committee



Date:                 Wednesday 21 September 2016

Time:                9.00am


CE's Office

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item       Subject                                                                                                                  Page


1.         Welcome/Notices/Apologies 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations  

3.         Confirmation of Minutes a d Public Excluded Minutes of the Tenders Committee meeting held on 16 March 2016

4.         Matters Arising from Minutes of the Tenders Committee held on 16 March 2016

Decision Items

5.         Waitangi Estuary Enhancement Civil Work Contract                                                   3

6.         Heretaunga Plains Transient Groundwater Modelling Support and Heretaunga Plains Groundwater Transport Model Development                                                               9  




Tenders Committee  

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Subject: Waitangi Estuary Enhancement Civil Work Contract        


Reason for Report

1.      Tenders have been sought for Waitangi Reserve Enhancement Contract No. AM-16-027.  The tender documents require tenderers to include a range of information regarding their methodology, experience and expertise.  Tenders with the lowest price conforming to those requirements will be the preferred tenderer.

2.      The contract is for the civil works part of the enhancement plan, and includes

2.1.1.      Entrance road formation

2.1.2.      Carpark construction

2.1.3.      Celestial compass construction

3.      The lowest conforming tender price is in excess of staff financial delegations and therefore approval is being sought from the Tenders Committee to award the contract.


4.      Tenders were advertised in the Hawke’s Bay Today on 20 and 24 August 2016. Eleven contractors collected tender documents and four tenders were received by the closing date 12pm Friday 9 September.

5.      Tenders conforming to the requirements of the tender documents with a range of $453,652.07 to $533,111.72 were received from:

5.1.      Higgins HB Ltd

5.2.      Downers NZ Ltd

5.3.      Fulton Hogan Ltd

5.4.      One additional tender received was deemed to be noncomplying by the assessment panel.

6.      The engineer’s estimate was $420,123.00.

7.      The tender evaluation was completed by the Group Manager Asset Management, Manager Open Spaces, Asset Engineer, and the consulting engineer who assisted in the preparation of the tender documents.

8.      The following information required by the tender document was not provided with the non complying tender.

8.1.      Relevant Experience

8.1.1.      Relevant environmental management experience.

8.1.2.      Sediment control or earthworks experience.

8.1.3.      The process the company uses to deal with risk.

8.2.      Relevant Skills

8.2.1.      Names of key personnel.

8.2.2.      The percentage of time and over what duration key personnel will be involved in the contract work.

8.2.3.      CV’s for key positions.

8.3.      Methodology

8.3.1.      Organisational structure

8.3.2.      Construction programme.

8.3.3.      Environmental management necessary to comply with resource consent conditions.

8.3.4.      Identification of potential significant risks.

9.      Fulton Hogan Ltd submitted the lowest price conforming tender. Their tender price of $453,652.07 is the lowest received where all required information was included with the submitted tender.


10.    At their meeting on 16 December 2015 Council agreed in principal to commit $311,000 in the 2016-17 financial year toward the Waitangi Estuary Enhancement project from the Regional Open Spaces Reserves Borrowing facility, subject to funding being sourced from other donors in accordance with the project funding strategy, and deferral of other open space enhancement projects including $220,000 for the northern walkway and associated works at Pekapeka from 2017-18.

11.    The table below outlines the project funding strategy presented at the December 2015 Environment and Services Committee meeting.


Waitangi Estuary Enhancement Construction Estimate


Suggested Funding Sources




Funding confirmed

Funding required






Preliminary and General









Entrance road formation


















Celestial Compass platform









Celestial Compass Pou Carvings









Wetland Construction




































Colenso Memorial "Pou Whare"









Fundraising, additional site plans, Opening


















12.    Following the December meeting and through the preparation of grant applications the cost estimate above was refined primarily through removing the Colenso memorial Pou element as well as revising the estimate with increases to planting and signage elements.

13.    In February the 2016 the project cost estimate was revised to $950,610.00, with this figure being used for fund raising purposes.

14.    As at 1 July 2016, $913,760.43 of the $950,610.00 had been secured, with the remaining $36,849.57 being raised via the Te Matau a Maui Voyaging Trust to meet the cost of carving of the Celestial Compass Pou.

Financial Considerations

15.    With detailed design and tenders now to hand the estimated cost of the project is now $1,110,614.

16.    The estimate increase relates directly to the project elements that form the contract (not the broader project) and is made up of:

16.1.    Additional consultancy costs for detailed design and geotechnical investigations being required to prepare contract specifications. Initial consultancy requirement estimate was $20,000. Consultancy actual $59,150 ($39,150 increase).

16.2.    Increase in engineer’s estimate resulting from additional design / specifications. The initial estimate based on original contract specifications was $372,798. The revised estimate including new contract specifications was $420,123 ($47,325 increase)

16.3.    Difference between the lowest conforming tendered price and revised engineer’s estimate ($33,529)

16.4.    Additional design and contract work required to connect small pou when they are ready for installation ($40,000) 

17.    This has resulted in an overall project cost estimate increase from $950,610 to $1,110,614 ($160,004).

18.    The work includes significant improvements to the current access road into the Waitangi Estuary area, and fencing.  The current access road is in poor condition and will require improvement in the near future if the enhancement project were not to proceed.  A fence to allow the area to be better managed from a public access point of view is also required.  The cost of these two items is approximately $120,000.

19.    Staff propose that the additional cost is met as follows

19.1.    The work associated with the access road and fencing is met from the Heretaunga Plains Scheme – Rivers budget.  This budget (project 287), includes provision for capital works of $450,000 in the 2016/17 financial year.  The budget provision is for purchase of land associated with the proposed Hawea Park ($300,000), associated site works for the proposed park, and contractor input for the development of detailed design for the level of service review of the Heretaunga Plains Rivers stopbanks ($150,000). At this stage approx. $80,000 of costs are committed associated with the relocation of power and communication services for Hawea Park.  Timing for the land purchase, and further physical works is currently uncertain, and therefore the likely total expenditure against this budget by 30 June 2017 is uncertain.  Staff will review this project at the time of reforecasting 2016/17 project budgets.  However the Heretaunga Plains Scheme – Rivers operational account held a credit balance of $685,652 as at 1 July which adequately covers the potential over expenditure in this project in the 2016/17 financial year.

19.2.    The additional design and contract work outlined under 16.4 above, will only be required as pou are completed by the Voyager Trust.  Staff propose that this expenditure be accounted for as and when required, utilising open space operational budgets.

Decision Making Process

20.    Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:

20.1.   The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.

20.2.   The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.

20.3.   The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.

20.4.   There are no persons directly affected by this decision

20.5.   Options that have been considered include identifying additional external funding sources, and/or postponing the commencement of the work.

20.6.   The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

20.7.    Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.



That the Tenders Committee

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.      Awards the Waitangi Reserve Enhancement Contract No. AM-16-027 to the lowest price conforming tenderer, Fulton Hogan Ltd, for the price of $453,652.07, noting that the cost of the project will be above the budget provision, but the additional funding for the project will be sourced from the Heretaunga Plain flood control Scheme – Rivers budget under project 287, and the additional design and contract work required to connect small pou when they are ready for installation will be met from ongoing operational budgets as and when required.


Authored by:

Steve Cave

Asset Manager Open Spaces


Approved by:

Mike Adye

Group Manager
Asset Management





Waitangi Reserve Enhancement - Fencing Plan




Waitangi Reserve Enhancement - Fencing Plan

Attachment 1



Tenders Committee

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Subject: Heretaunga Plains Transient Groundwater Modelling Support and Heretaunga Plains Groundwater Transport Model Development


Reason for Report

1.         A MODFLOW groundwater model to inform the TANK planning process is being developed in-house by HBRC Senior Resource Modeller Pawel Rakowski, with support from Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS Science). To date, this support has involved:

1.1.      Provision of advice on technical matters and guidance to direct the model development

1.2.      Completion of specific tasks undertaken in parallel with Pawel’s activities

1.3.      Progression of model development while Pawel is on vacation during July 2016.

2.         Timeframes for the planning process dictate that model development must be completed by December 2016. The completed model will then provide a tool for planners, stakeholders and decision makers to evaluate, throughout 2017, the effects of water allocation scenarios on groundwater and surface water resources.

3.         Calibration of a transient MODFLOW model, integrated with a SOURCE surface water model, is scheduled for completion in October 2016. Another two major components of the project will then require completion before the model development is concluded:

3.1.      Groundwater flow predictions - set up, calibrate and run initial scenarios

3.2.      Contaminant transport predictions - set up, calibrate and run initial scenarios

4.         To achieve model completion by December 2016 it is essential to outsource the latter of these two major components. The project schedule requires a service provider to:

4.1.      Assist with development of a transient, integrated groundwater model; and

4.2.      Independently undertake the contaminant transport modelling, while the HBRC modeller is engaged exclusively on groundwater flow predictions. Both of these parallel work streams are scheduled for completion by December 2016.

5.         HBRC has been in discussions with GNS Science about options for delivery of work described in paragraphs 3 and 4 above.

6.         It is proposed that GNS Science proceed with provision of services to ensure the modelling is completed on time.

7.         Two contracts have now been negotiated with GNS Science and staff are requesting that the committee approves delegation for the Chief Executive Officer to sign the contracts.

Proposal for provision of services - parallelised completion of the groundwater modelling

8.         Staff involved with the TANK modelling consider that GNS Science is the optimum NZ organisation currently holding the expertise and experience to undertake this work and provide robust and defendable outcomes within the project timeframes. This assertion is based on:

8.1.      GNS Science having highly skilled personnel with outstanding experience in MODFLOW and PEST calibration techniques

8.2.      GNS science have proven capability and experience migrating MODFLOW files and utilities to the Linux environment, which is essential for utilising the NeSI supercomputer that is intended to be used for developing the model within required timeframes

8.3.      GNS Science have significant hydrogeological knowledge of the Heretaunga Plains as a result of their previous work in the area

8.4.      As a consequence of the support already provided to the TANK modelling, GNS Science personnel are intimately familiar with the current version and requirements of the model

8.5.      GNS Science has confirmed they have capacity, resources and commitment to deliver the modelling outcomes in collaboration with the HBRC modeler, within the prescribed timeframes.

9.         Approval is requested to not pursue a competitive tender process for this work given the matters listed above.

Financial and Resource Implications

10.       Along with confirming available resources to undertake this work, GNS Science have agreed to prices of $160,994 and $70,669 for provision of these services. These amounts are within existing budgets for services to support the Heretaunga groundwater modelling. No budget increases are sought.

11.       Anticipated adverse consequences of undertaking a competitive tendering process and/or appointing another service provider include:

11.1.    Delays to the project schedule while the tendering process is undertaken. There is no slack in the schedule for this.  Furthermore, it is unlikely that other service providers have all of the skills, resources and capability that GNS Science offer to deliver the unique requirements of the Heretaunga modelling project

11.2.    Delays to the project schedule while an alternative service provider liaises with HBRC and GNS Science to obtain and assemble the existing model and supporting files

11.3.    Delays to the project schedule while an alternative service provider familiarises with the current model

12.       The anticipated delays listed above are certain to result in failure to deliver a model within the timeframe required to inform the TANK Group on the effects of water allocation scenarios

Decision Making Process

13.       Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:

13.1.    The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.

13.2.    The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.

13.3.    The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.

13.4.    There are no persons directly affected by this decision

13.5.    Options that have been considered include Tendering the work

13.6.    The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

13.7.    Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.



That the Tenders Committee:

1.         Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.         Notwithstanding the current policy of Council as set out in section of Council’s Policy Handbook, the Tenders Committee delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to enter into a contract with GNS Science for services as follows;

2.1.      Support for transient model development and flow predictions - $160,994 (Ex GST)

2.2.      Contaminant transport model development and predictions - $70,669 (Ex GST)


Authored by:

Dr Jeff Smith

Team Leader/Principal Scientist – Hydrology/Hydrogeology


Dr Stephen Swabey

Manager, Science

Approved by:

Iain Maxwell

Group Manager
Resource Management




There are no attachments for this report.