MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 16 August 2016

Time:                          10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi - Chairman

R Graham

B Gregory

H Hilton

J Maihi-Carroll

A Manuel

M Paku

D Pipe

P Prentice

B Blake

R Maaka

D Culshaw

K Kawana (proxy for Marei Apatu)

P Kelly (proxy for B Kemp-Harmer)

C Scott (proxy for F Wilson)



In Attendance:          V Moule – HR Manager

S Swabey – Manager Science

A Hicks – Principal Scientist WQ & E

A Madarasz-Smith - Senior Scientist

O Wade - Scientist

S Haidekker – Scientist

N Heath – Acting Manager Land Management

E Powell - Planner

N Van Pelt – Committee Advisor



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

Chairman Mike Mohi welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Cr Christine Scott who has had a 15 year close association with the Committee, Cr Dave Pipe, who is not standing for election again and HR Manager Viv Moule who is relinquishing his role with the Maori Committee after 26 years, and wished them well for the future.

KARAKIA – Haami Hilton



MC19/16    That the apologies for absence from Cr Rick Barker, Beverley Kemp-Harmer and Mr Marei Apatu, and for lateness from Cr Fenton Wilson be accepted.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Short Term Replacements for 16 August 2016



The Maori Committee agrees that Ms Katarina Kawana, Mr Paul Kelly & Cr Scott be appointed as members of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday 16 August 2016 as short term replacements on the Committee for Mr Marei Apatu, Ms Beverly Kemp-Harmer & Chairman Fenton Wilson.




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee Meeting Held on 14 June 2016



Minutes of the Maori Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 14 June 2016, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.




5.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee Meeting Held on 14 June 2016

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Follow-ups from Previous Maori Committee Meetings


Lake Whatuma – It is hoped that a paper will be provided at the December meeting..



That the Maori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings” report.





Call for Any Minor Items not on the Agenda



That Maori Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion as item 14.

1.     Havelock North water

2.     Hapu Management Plan

3.     Wairoa River Bar



Representation Nominations and Committee Membership


Mr Moule presented this item to the Committee.  Mr Moule explained that this paper addresses some procedural issues for the Maori Committee. There was discussion around a range of matters that the report raised, some of which were the need to review the Charter and methodology for electing representatives.

Moved with revisions to 2.3. and an addition of 2.4.



1.      That the Maori Committee:

1.1.      Receives and notes the “Representation Nominations and Committee Membership” report

1.2.      Acknowledges the need to provide the names of the representatives of their contributing taiwhenua and Maori Executive in Wairoa, formally in correspondence to Council by the end of September 2016

1.3.      Notes that, subject to reestablishment of the Maori Committee by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, appointments will be confirmed by resolution at the 9 November 2016 Regional Council meeting and the date of the first Maori Committee meeting for the 2016-19 triennium will be scheduled.

2.      The Maori Committee recommends that Council:

2.1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.2.      Supports the Maori Committee decision for one of the HBRC Maori Committee representatives to attend the meetings of the Wairoa District Council Maori Committee.

2.3.      Supports the Maori Committee decision that each rohe will decide the composition of its representation on the next HBRC Maori Committee.

2.4.    Supports the Maori Committee decision to have the next HBRC Maori Committee consider an appropriate protocol for any other Councils’ Maori Committee or Marae group to become actively involved in meetings of HBRC Maori Committee.





Working Toward Tukituki Plan Change 6 Implementation


Mr Nathan Heath (HBRC Staff) presented the above report on behalf of Mr Iain Maxwell & Mr Cameron Drury (Consultant). Mr Heath stressed that the report and proposed approach was not the final implementation plan but was the direction and intent that staff are proposing. Mr Heath also noted that specific engagement with tangata whenua was required by policy and this was the subject of an ongoing work stream.



That the Maori Committee receives and takes note of the report titled ‘Working Towards Tukituki Plan Change Implementation’.




Chairman Mike Mohi left the meeting at 11.41am and Mr Michael Paku assumed the Chair



Greater Heretaunga, Tukituki and Coastal SoE Water Quality and Ecology Reports


Dr Stephen Swabey, Dr Andy Hicks,  Mrs Anna Madaraz-Smith, Mr Oliver Wade and Dr Sandy Haidekker presented summary information from 3 SoE Monitoring programmes, Coastal, TANK and Tukituki and highlighted key findings from each.

There was discussion around a range of matters that the reports raised



That the Maori Committee receives and notes the:

1.      State of the Hawke’s Bay Coastal Environment: 2008 – 2013”,

2.      Ngaruroro, Tutaekuri, Karamu and Ahuriri Estuary Catchments – State and Trends of River Water Quality and Ecology 2004-2013”, and

3.      “Tukituki River Catchment – State and Trends of River Water Quality and Ecology 2004-2013” reports.





Verbal Update on Current Issues by the Regional Council Chairman and Chief Executive


Cr Scott and Cr Wilson gave the Maori Committee an update on current issues.  Cr Scott thanked the Committee for their support over the last 15 years.



That the Maori Committee receives the ‘Verbal Update on Current Issues by the Regional Council Chief Executive and Chairman’.





Hawke’s Bay Marine Information: Review and Research Strategy


Mr Oliver Wade presented the above report. There was discussion around a range of matters that the report raised.



That the Maori Committee receives and notes the “Hawke’s Bay Marine Information: Review and Research Strategy” report.





May - July 2016 Statutory Advocacy Update


Mrs Esther-Amy Powell presented the Statutory Advocacy Update.



That the Maori Committee receives the May – July 2016 Statutory Advocacy Update report.





Minor Items Not on the Agenda





Councillor/ Committee member


Havelock North water - Cr Graham gave an update from his perspective as a Havelock North resident and highlighted how important the protection of our aquifers is.

Cr Graham


Hapu management plan – Mr Culshaw asked if there is funding available for the development of iwi/hapu management plans. Cr Wilson advised that Council doesn’t provide any funding for this.

Duane Culshaw


Wairoa River Bar - Some Wairoa residents have raised a number of issues related to the opening of the Wairoa Bar in adverse weather events. One issue raised was whether the District Council could be responsible for the clearing work. Cr Wilson advised that there are a number of critical issues associated with this work but also indicated it is a good time to review the issues raised and the need to commence discussions about the sewage discharge consent for the District Council in a couple of years.

Duane Culshaw




KARAKIA: Piri Prentice



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.10pm on Tuesday 16 August 2016.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................