MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 24 August 2016

Time:                          9.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                R Graham (Chair)

R Barker

P Beaven

T Belford

A Dick

B Gregory

D Hewitt

D Pipe

C Scott

F Wilson

R Spooner


In Attendance:     M Adye - Group Manager, Asset Management

                               I Maxwell – Group Manager, Resource Management

                               J Palmer – Group Manager, Strategic Development

C Leckie – Manager, Land Services

M Mitchell – Principal Biosecurity Advisor, Land Services

N Heath – Acting Manager, Land Management

D Carruth – Senior Design Engineer, Regional Assets

W Wright – Manager, Resource Use

M Moore – Harbourmaster, Resource Use

C Drury – Principal Consents Planner, Consents

M Heaney – Manager, Client Services

S Swabey – Manager, Science

M Thomsen – Executive Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting including members of the public.

Councillor Wilson gave notice that he would need to exit the meeting at 12:00 pm, and Councillor Dick gave notice that he would need to exit the meeting at 12:30 pm.

The Chairman advised the Committee a presentation from Mr Iain Maxwell and Dr Stephen Swabey on the recent health event in Havelock North would be given before the formal meeting agenda items commenced.

Committee members discussed the recent electronic invasion of emails to their private email addresses received from Greenpeace supporters to Councillors and sought a further discussion on legal action.




That apologies from Ms Joinella Maihi-Caroll for absence be accepted.



Secretarial Note:  Mr Brian Gregory’s absence was noted.

2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Meeting Held on 11 May 2016



Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee meeting held on Wednesday 11 May 2016, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee meeting Held on 11 May 2016

In relation to item 8 on page 4 - The Te Mata Park 10 Year Management Plan; Resolution 2.2 number 3 of the table; Councillor Wilson questioned the drinking water provided at the Tauroa Road entrance and sought clarification on which Council was responsible. Mr Mike Adye confirmed the Hastings District Council were taking responsibility for the drinking water at Tauroa Road.



Follow-ups From Previous Environment and Services Committee Meetings


Mr Mike Adye noted follow-ups 1,3,5 & 6 would be discussed in items 13,14,10 &11 of the agenda.

Councillor Wilson provided an update on his meeting with the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Dr Jan Wright on Wednesday 13 July 2016 to discuss Oil and Gas Exploration regulation. Councillor Wilson noted that due to Dr Wright finishing at the end of the calendar year she was not available to attend the region before then.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the report Follow-up Items from Previous Environment and Services Committee meetings.

Received by the Chairman


Call for Any Minor Items not on the Agenda


1.         Attendance Record – Councillor Hewitt


2.         Pourerere Planting Day – Councillor Hewitt

 9:11 am Mr Brian Gregory joined the meeting

The Chairman advised the Committee presentations would be limited to 10 minutes followed by questions.


Science Investigation – Havelock North Campylobacter


The Chairman welcomed Mr Iain Maxwell and Dr Stephen Swabey to the Committee.

Secretarial note - this presentation was recorded by the media.

Mr Maxwell provided an introduction to the presentation, Dr Swabey provided a powerpoint presentation on the Science Investigation – Havelock North Campylobacter.

Mr Maxwell noted that Council were not formally notified to join the response but got involved when it became a media issue and were continuing to support the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and the Hastings District Council.

Dr Swabey’s presentation outlined the issue of the contamination being campylobacter in the Havelock North water supply, and provided an overview on the investigative approach Council were taking to identify the potential source of the contamination. The science field staff and technicians had been sampling water for E. coli in both groundwater and surface water in the vicinity of the Brookvale bores, and collecting animal poo samples (from sheep and cow herds) to check as a potential contamination source. Dr Swabey highlighted the contamination was not likely to originate from the Tukituki River.

The Committee suggested more communication between the Councils, Mr Maxwell assured the Committee that communication was ongoing with Council being involved in meetings with the District Health Board and the Hastings District Council regularly.



Regional Pest Management Plan Process, Timelines and Key Issues


Mr Mike Adye welcomed Mr Campbell Leckie and introduced Mr Mark Mitchell to the Committee. 

Mr Leckie provided an update and a powerpoint presentation on the Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan and sought guidance on whether or not the issues raised in the briefing paper should be discussed with the community and whether they wished to add any additional issues, adoption of the proposed Regional Pest Management Plan timeline, and the formation of a Biosecurity Working Party.

Maori representation on the Biosecurity Working Party was discussed. The Committee agreed to change the wording in recommendation 2.2.4 from ‘Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Groups’ to ‘tangata whenua’.  Mr James Palmer advised work was underway on a Maori Strategy paper that along with the RPCs Terms of Reference would be provided to the new Council post the Election, and this would include proposals for Maori reps on this Working Party.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Regional Pest Management Plan Process, Timeline and Key Issues” report.

2.      The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

2.1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.2.      Endorses HBRC staff taking a proactive role in exploring how HBRC and the Hawke’s Bay region can assist central government in achieving their Predator Free NZ 2050 vision, and specifically consider how HBRC is able to determine the feasibility of wide scale control of predators through inclusion of the concept and appropriate incentives and regulations into the proposed Regional Pest Management Plan for consultation with the community.

2.3.      Endorses the further consideration of the inclusion of changes to Chilean Needle grass, privet and feral goats; and the potential inclusion of bees and apiary management, wasps, marine biosecurity and regional coordination for the horticulture sector into the proposed Regional Pest Management Plan through informal stakeholder engagement.

2.4.      Endorses the proposed approach and timeline for the Regional Pest Management Plan review, including the establishment of a Biosecurity Working Party, made up of 2 or 3 elected members and an equal number of representatives from tangata whenua, as a subcommittee of the Environment and Services Committee.




The meeting adjourned at 10.35 am and reconvened at 10.51 am - with Councillors Alan Dick, Debbie Hewitt and Fenton Wilson absent



Land Management 2016-17 Operational Plan


Mr Mike Adye provided an overview of the Land Management Operational Plan and welcomed Mr Nathan Heath to the Committee who outlined the range of activities and key work programmes the Land Management Team would be undertaking in the 2016-17 year.

10:53 am Councillor Dick re-joined the meeting

10:54 am Councillor Hewitt re-joined the meeting

11:00 am Councillor Wilson re-joined the meeting

Councillor Hewitt commended Council staff member Mr Warwick Hesketh for his efforts and input into planting days and most recently the Pourerere planting day which she attended. The Committee also commended the dedicated Land Management team for their efforts in other events attended during work and in their personal time.



1.     That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Land Management 2016-17 Operational Plan” report.

The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

2.     Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.


3.     Endorses the Land Management Team Operational Plan for the 2016-17 financial year.





Flood and Drainage Schemes 2015-16 Annual Report, including River Asset Audits


Mr Mike Adye welcomed and introduced Mr David Carruth to the Committee.

Mr Adye provided an update on the land drainage and river control activities associated with flood control and drainage schemes undertaken during 2015-16.

In response to a query on the seriousness of the Giant Willow Aphid in the mature willow trees on the river berms, Mr Adye advised that research was being carried out by the Willow and Poplar Research Trust to identify species that are more resistant to the damage from the aphid but there had not been any obvious species identified to date. Mr Carruth noted he attended the NZ Willow and Poplar AGM earlier in the year to discuss the issue with scientists who advised Council to keep planting willows.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Flood & Drainage Schemes 2015-16 Annual Report including River Asset Audits” report.





Upper Tukituki Scheme Review


Mr Mike Adye provided an update on the Upper Tukituki Scheme Review which, at its meeting on 11 May 2016 had been left to lie on the table.   

Mr Adye outlined the progress undertaken since the last Committee meeting which included liaising with a group of Upper Tukituki ratepayers regarding issues associated with the Scheme, commissioning the preparation of a draft Riverbed Gravel Management Plan, receiving legal advice on rating issues and the completion of the Riverbed Gravel review.

Mr Adye advised the Committee that concept design work had been done for a stopbank option on the Makaretu and work to reduce the risk of flooding to Ongaonga, funding for both these areas of work is proposed to be included in the draft Annual Plan 2017-18.

Mr Adye noted that staff over the coming months would continue to progress the work necessary to recommence discussions with the community group later this year.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Upper Tukituki Scheme Review” report.



The Chairman advised that some agenda items may be discussed out of order


Regional Biodiversity Strategy Implementation


Ms Keiko Hashiba updated the Committee and provided a powerpoint presentation on the implementation of the Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Strategy.

Ms Hashiba outlined the three key milestones for the Implementation Planning Group for the coming year; development of an implementation plan, establishing a Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Forum, and establishing a Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Trust. 

Ms Hashiba noted a series of workshops would be held to develop the Implementation Plan, and the outcomes of the workshops would become part of the overall implementation plan.

Councillor Wilson was excused at 11:50 am

In response to a query on the Implementation Planning Group, Ms Hashiba confirmed Mr Charles Doherty was the independent Chair of the Group and resided in the region.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Regional Biodiversity Strategy Implementationreport.





Presentation by the Maraetotara Tree Trust


The Chairman welcomed the representatives of the Maraetotara Tree Trust and invited Mr Pat Turley, Chair of the Maraetotara Tree Trust to present to the Committee.

Mr Turley thanked the Committee for hosting the Trust and introduced the representatives in attendance to the Committee. Mr Turley spoke of the Trust’s history and provided a powerpoint presentation which outlined the success of projects the Trust had been involved in.

Mr Turley encouraged the Committee to view the Trust’s website which provides further information on the Trust and projects www.maraetotaratreetrust.co.nz.

Committee members commended the Trust for their efforts over the past 14 years.

Councillor Scott invited all representatives of the Trust to come to the front of the room where on behalf of Council, she acknowledged their efforts and the work they had done around the Maraetotara River and presented the Chair with a Certificate of Appreciation.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives the verbal “Presentation by the Maraetotara Tree Trust” report.

Received by the Chairman

The meeting adjourned at 12.14 pm and reconvened at 1.00 pm – Councillors Alan Dick and Dave Pipe absent


Verbal Update on Panpac


Mr Wayne Wright provided a verbal update on the Pan Pac thermally modified treatment kiln which had recently had failures of its emission control system which resulted in workers on site being affected by the kiln emissions.  

1:02 pm Councillor Pipe re-joined the meeting

Mr Wright noted that Pan Pac had a resource consent for its activities in and around the mill site and this has not been reviewed. Work Safe are investigating this incident and Council are waiting on the outcomes of that investigation.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the verbal “Update on Panpac” report.




CHBDC Otane Wastewater Resource Consent Application Update


Mr Iain Maxwell welcomed Ms Charlotte Drury to the Committee who provided an update on the investigations associated with the current consent replacement application for the Otane wastewater treatment plant discharge. 

Ms Drury advised the Committee, staff had been collecting groundwater samples from bores in the vicinity of the discharge and receiving water body and the data was forwarded to GNS for analysis and reporting. Ms Drury noted that this week Council had received the final detailed report from GNS and staff would evaluate the findings to aid decisions required to process the consent.

In response to a query on the timeframes with the consent expiring in September 2015 and the wastewater plant being upgraded in 2020. Ms Drury explained the CHBDC applied for a resource consent within the appropriate timeframes, and as such they are able to continue operating under the old consent while the consent replacement process continues.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “CHBDC Otane Wastewater Resource Consent Application Update” report.





The Role of HBRC's Harbourmaster


Mr Iain Maxwell welcomed Mr Martin Moore to the Committee who then outlined the role and functions of the region’s Harbourmaster.

Mr Wayne Wright invited Committee members to contact himself or the Harbourmaster if they were interested in Mr Moore providing a guided tour of the Napier Port.

The Committee raised concern that since Mr Moore had been appointed to the Harbourmaster position, there was a vacancy for one Deputy Harbourmaster. Mr Maxwell noted the Gisborne Port requires a Harbourmaster and he was exploring shared service options with them.  

It was suggested that an annual report from the Harbourmaster be brought to future Committee meetings.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “The Role of HBRC's Harbourmaster” report.





Client Services 2015-16 Annual Report and 2016-17 Operational Plan


Mr Mark Heaney outlined the achievements of the Client Services Team over the 2015-16 year, and provided a powerpoint presentation which gave an overview of the planned work programme for 2016-17.

1:50 pm Mr Rangi Spooner exited the meeting

Mr Heaney expressed his thanks to Councillor Scott for her efforts in the Client Services area.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Client Services 2015-16 Annual Report and 2016-17 Operational Plan” report.





Science 2015-16 Annual Report and 2016-17 Operational Plan


Dr Stephen Swabey outlined the achievements of the Environmental Science Team over the 2015-16 year, and provided a powerpoint presentation which gave an overview of the proposed operational work programme for 2016-17.

The Committee noted the Land Science Strategy and the Land Management Strategy, discussed earlier in the agenda, would be completed later this financial year, Dr Swabey confirmed the staff were communicating within the departments and were involved in inputting to both Strategies.



That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “2016-17 Science Operational Report and Plan”.





Resource Use / Consents 2015-16 Annual Report and 2016-17 Operational Plan


Mr Wayne Wright outlined the achievements of the Resource Use Team over the 2015-16 year, and provided a powerpoint presentation which gave an overview of the proposed operational work programme for 2016-17.

The Committee requested that quarterly updates on Resource Use be provided to the Committee.

Ms Charlotte Drury outlined the achievements of the Consents Team over the 2015-16 year, and provided a powerpoint presentation which gave an overview of the proposed operational work programme for 2016-17.

The Committee noted out of 506 consents being processed four applications were consented via limited or public notification processes. In response to a query on the low figure and how this compared to other years, Ms Drury advised this low number was similar to previous years and common across Regional Councils in New Zealand. The Committee requested a follow up report on the figures over the past five years be provided at a future meeting.



That the Environment and Services Committee:

1.      Receives and notes the “Resource Use/ Consents 2015-16 Annual Report and 2016-17 Operational Plan” report.

2.      Requests that quarterly update reports on Resource Use be provided to the Environment and Services Committee.





Minor Items not on the Agenda





Councillor / Staff


Committee Actions

Councillor Hewitt sought clarification from Council staff on whether the Committee’s action points were carried forward into the next Council term.  

Councillor Hewitt


Attendance Record

Councillor Hewitt raised the issue of Councillor attendance records.

Councillors sought clarification on whether they were expected to respond with comments on the original report received, or whether another report would be circulated for their input/comment and requested a copy was provided to them before being publically notified.

Councillor Hewitt


Pourerere Planting Day

Councillor Hewitt noted this item had been covered in item 8 of the agenda.

Councillor Hewitt


Karakia – Mr Gregory



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 24 August 2016.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................