Meeting of the

Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee



Date:                 Monday 2 May 2016

Time:                10.00 am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item       Subject                                                                                                                  Page


1.         Welcome / Apologies 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations  

3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 10 March 2016

4.         Matters Arising from Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 10 March 2016

5.         Confirmation of Stage One of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 3

6.         Adoption of Cell Extent for Stage Two and Stage Three                                            33

7.         Project Manager Update                                                                                             53

8.         Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue                                                     55

9.         Update on Proposed Revetment Works at Clifton                                                      57

10.       Update on the Port of Napier                                                                                      59

11.       Other Matters for discussion   



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Monday 02 May 2016

Subject: Confirmation of Stage One of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120        


Reason for Report

1.      This report seeks a resolution from the Joint Committee to adopt as final the two reports prepared by Tonkin & Taylor, and in doing so confirm the outcome of Stage One of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120.


2.      Stage One of the strategy is to ‘define the problem’ of coastal hazards between Clifton and Tangoio. This has been done through the work of Tonkin & Taylor and is presented in two reports:

2.1.      Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120: Coastal Hazard Assessment. Tonkin & Taylor, May 2016

2.2.      Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120: Coastal Risk Assessment. Tonkin & Taylor, May 2016

3.      The findings of these reports have previously been workshopped with the Joint Committee.

4.      At the last meeting of the Joint Committee on 10 March, 2016 both reports were adopted as drafts for consultation with stakeholders.

5.      On 31 March a session was held with the Westshore Residents and Development Association (“WRDA”) and Walk on Water Limited (“WOW”). Separate meetings have also been held with the Port of Napier and Lifelines, and are ongoing with marae within the strategy area.

6.      As a result of these sessions, formal feedback has been received from:

6.1.      Westshore Residents and Development Association – Chairman Richard Karn

6.2.      Westshore Residents and Development Association – Treasurer Dorothy Pilkington

6.3.      Larry Dallimore

7.      These submissions, and responses to them prepared by TAG, are provided as attachments to this report. Richard Karn and Larry Dallimore will also speak to the Joint Committee in support of their submissions.

8.      A number of changes to the reports have been made in response to these submissions, principally to assist with readability. These are highlighted in the responses.

9.      It is also noted that TAG have requested an amendment to remove a ‘max’ line from the coastal erosion assessment. This line represents a probability of less than 1% likelihood of occurrence and has been included to show the full range of modelled outcomes including those at the extremely unlikely end of the spectrum. Given that it is extremely unlikely for this land to actually be affected, it is not useful for any realistic planning response. TAG have requested the consultant utilise the 1% probability as the maximum extent used for hazards mapping and LIM notification.

10.    It is also noted for completeness that TAG have accepted a recommendation from Tonkin & Taylor that we should not assume the sea exclusion wall at East Clive is maintained beyond the point at which coastal erosion is modelled to overcome it. This means that at 2120, coastal inundation is modelled to affect a large area of Clive which is previously (i.e. at present day and 2065) unaffected. While it is likely that a sea exclusion bank will continue to protect this area beyond 2120, it may be in a new location (i.e. inland) and TAG felt it prudent not to prejudge an outcome from Stage 3 and assume this decision (and its financial implications) as a given.

11.    Should the Joint Committee accept the recommendation and adopt the two Tonkin & Taylor reports as final, this information will be formalised and ported to the Hawke's Bay Hazard Information Portal. It will also mean that any Land Information Memorandum (“LIM”) requested for a property within an area identified in the reports will include notation confirming the reports and their findings as information held by Council. 

12.    Given the size of the two reports, a link will be circulated to Joint Committee members ahead of the meeting to enable them to download electronic versions.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee confirm the following Tonkin & Taylor reports forming Stage One of the Strategy as final:

1.1.    Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120: Coastal Hazard Assessment. Tonkin & Taylor, May 2016

1.2.    Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120: Coastal Risk Assessment. Tonkin & Taylor, May 2016.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager





Feedback received from Westshore Residents and Development Association Chairman Richard Karn




Response to Westshore Residents and Development Association Chairman Richard Karn




Feedback received from Westshore Residents and Development Association Treasurer Dorothy Pilkington




Response to Westshore Residents and Development Association Treasurer Dorothy Pilkington




Feedback received from Larry Dallimore




Response to Larry Dallimore




Feedback received from Westshore Residents and Development Association Chairman Richard Karn

Attachment 1


Response to Westshore Residents and Development Association Chairman Richard Karn

Attachment 2


Feedback received from Westshore Residents and Development Association Treasurer Dorothy Pilkington

Attachment 3


Response to Westshore Residents and Development Association Treasurer Dorothy Pilkington

Attachment 4


Feedback received from Larry Dallimore

Attachment 5


Feedback received from Larry Dallimore

Attachment 5


Feedback received from Larry Dallimore

Attachment 5


Feedback received from Larry Dallimore

Attachment 5


Feedback received from Larry Dallimore

Attachment 5


Response to Larry Dallimore

Attachment 6


Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Monday 02 May 2016

Subject: Adoption of Cell Extent for Stage Two and Stage Three        


Reason for Report

1.      This report seeks a resolution from the Joint Committee to adopt cell extents for Stage Three of the Strategy. 


2.      Joint Committee members will recall that TAG were instructed to report back on recommended cell extents for cell planning purposes in Stage Three of the Strategy.

3.      In developing a response, it became clear that the Joint Committee should make an early determination on this issue, given its implications for the design of the decision making process (and funding model) being developed in Stage Two.

4.      To that end, TAG sought advice from Stephen Daysh from EMS, as the developer of the Stage Two decision making process, on options for dividing the strategy area into logical cells, and a recommendation on a preferred number and location of cells.

5.      His recommendations have been workshopped with TAG, and are provided in the attached letter dated 26 April, 2016.

6.      Mr Daysh will be present at the meeting to talk to his recommendations and answer any questions from Committee members.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee adopt the recommended Option V (North / South) as detailed in the letter from Mr Stephen Daysh dated 26 April 2016.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager





Letter from Stephen Daysh, Hawke's Bay Coastal Strategy Stage 2 Assessment Cell Consideration and Evaluation




Letter from Stephen Daysh, Hawke's Bay Coastal Strategy Stage 2 Assessment Cell Consideration and Evaluation

Attachment 1


Letter from Stephen Daysh, Hawke's Bay Coastal Strategy Stage 2 Assessment Cell Consideration and Evaluation

Attachment 1


Letter from Stephen Daysh, Hawke's Bay Coastal Strategy Stage 2 Assessment Cell Consideration and Evaluation

Attachment 1



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Monday 02 May 2016

Subject: Project Manager Update         


Reason for Report

1.      In accordance with instructions from the Joint Committee, this report is provided in place of the written report required from the Project Manager in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee.

2.      It provides an opportunity for the Project Manager to present a verbal update to the Committee and answer any questions on general project matters including tracking against timeframes, milestone achievements and project risks. The Project Manager will provide a verbal update at the meeting.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Project Manager Update report.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager




There are no attachments for this report.  

Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Monday 02 May 2016

Subject: Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue         


1.      This report provides an opportunity for Napier City Council staff to update the Joint Committee on progress with the protection works at Whakarire Avenue.

2.      Napier City Council staff will provide a verbal update at the meeting.   



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the verbal Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue report.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager




There are no attachments for this report.  

Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Monday 02 May 2016

Subject: Update on Proposed Revetment Works at Clifton         


1.      This report provides an opportunity for Hastings District Council staff to update the Joint Committee on proposed revetment works at Clifton.

2.      Hastings District Council staff will provide a verbal update at the meeting. 



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the verbal Update on Proposed Revetment Works at Clifton report.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager




There are no attachments for this report.

Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Monday 02 May 2016

Subject: Update on the Port of Napier         


1.      This report provides an opportunity to update the Joint Committee on the proposed development plans at the Port of Napier.

2.      Technical Advisory Group members will provide a verbal update at the meeting.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the verbal Update on the Port of Napier report.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager




There are no attachments for this report.