MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                          Friday 11 March 2016


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     A J Dick - Chairman

C Bain

R Bleakley

S Fleming (for M Broderick)

I Emmerson  (for J Emmerson)

B Gregory

M Herbert

T Kerr

T Kingston

J Cox ( for C Little)

D Murray


In Attendance:          C Dowdell – NZTA

R I’Anson - NZTA

M Clews – HDC

J Pannu – HDC

G O’Connor - HDC

S McKinley – CHBDC)

J Schwass – NCC W Jack – NCC

J Mear – NZTA

C Goble NZTA

K Crispin – Citizens’ Environmental Advocacy Centre

A Redgrave – HBRC Transport Manager

J Adams – HBRC  Transport Coordinator

N Van Pelt – Executive Assistant


1.    Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


RTC1/16       That the apologies from Cr R Barker, Mr K Santer, Mr J Emmerson, Mr M Broderick, and Mayor C Little for absence be accepted.



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee



1.     That Mr J Cox, Sergeant S Fleming and Mr I Emmerson be appointed as members of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday 11 March 2016, as short term replacements on the Committee for Mayor C Little, Inspector M Broderick and Mr J Emmerson.




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Held on 6 November 2015



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 6 November 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.




5.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Held on 6 November 2015

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


·         Business case for route between Wairoa District and Bay of Plenty via SH38.       Post settlement entity Te Uru Taumatua is now fully on board with the project.       Leave as a standing item.

·         Napier Gisborne Rail Line. HBRC still in negotiation with KiwiRail. Aim to have a completed proposition by the end of  March. Leave as a standing item

·         Implications on the transport network of water bottling plants at Awatoto and Tomoana. No further progress at Awatoto. The Elwood Rd plant is in production. Mr Pannu will be reporting to Hastings District Council within the next three months on the outcomes of a transport study in the area and will update the RTC at the next meeting. At present there are forty containers of water a month being exported through Napier Port. Leave as a standing item



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings” report.





Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda


The following are accepted for discussion at today’s meeting, for discussion as Agenda Item 17.

a)        REDS Governance Group letter to MBIE (Cr Dick)

b)        Logging Truck Debris (Mr Cox)

c)        Vehicle Diversion (Cr Kingston)



Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-18


Mr Dowdell outlined the rationale for seeking the variation to include the construction phases of this project in the 2015-18 RLTP, noting that there are a range of safety treatments which can be used on the route in question. It was queried how the fatal and serious crash statistics for this route compare with other routes in the country, and Mr Dowdell advised that he will undertake to provide this information.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25” report.

2.      The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council:

2.1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.2.      Approves the variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 as follows.




On page 20 of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25:

Organisation: NZ Transport Agency

Activity Name


Expected start year

Duration (months)

Cost ($m) 2015-16

Cost ($m) 2016-17

Funding Source(s)

SH2 Wairoa to Bay View Safety

Indicative/Detailed Business Case


3 months




Pre-implementation (Design)


3 months






1 year








Update on Major Capital Projects


Mr O’Connor, project manager for  the Whakatu Arterial Link, provided an overview of the programme. The main physical works contract is proposed to be tendered March. The bridge contract will be tendered in tandem (subject to funding and land acquisition).

Mr Mear (NZTA) gave an update on SH2 Watchman Rd. Funding has been approved to complete the Detailed Business Case. Partners in the project are being closely involved with its design and it is hoped that the consenting process will be run smoothly. Physical works should start in September 2016,with funding from NZTA’s regional improvements activity class

Pakowhai/Links Intersection: The property purchase is now complete. Enabling works and the main construction contract will be tendered by mid-2016, to allow construction to start in September 2016.

Waitangi Washout Bridge: Construction of the cycle way project has started.  A joint site blessing was held at the Waitangi Regional Park on 10 February 2016. Construction is programmed to finish in early June 2016.

The Chairman acknowledged Napier City Council’s completion of the four-laning of Prebensen Drive.

Mr Clews asked whether NZTA still intended to designate Prebensen Drive a state highway. Mr Dowdell responded that this would be finalised during the 2016-17 financial year.

Members discussed the need for a public announcement on these projects and will re-evaluate this at the next meeting.



1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report on major capital roading projects in the region.




Late Minor Item      Regional Economic Development Strategy Governance Group Infrastructure Priorities

The Chairman introduced Mr Wayne Jack, Napier City Council Chief Executive, and outlined the contents of draft letter (tabled) to the Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) from the Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) Governance Group (the Group), on whose behalf Mr Jack is speaking today.

Mr Jack apologised that the Committee had not been informed of the proposal or the letter earlier, and went on to explain that MBIE approached the REDS governance group in December 2015 seeking 3 or 4 key infrastructure items that, if funded, could help to advance economic development in Hawke’s Bay. Transport infrastructure, an incubator hub and rural broadband have been put forward by the Group.

Mr Jack sought endorsement from the Committee for the draft letter, which elaborates the specific transport infrastructure projects that the Governance Group feels could be brought forward to benefit the region’s economy. The highest priority (by the Group) has been given to improvements to State Highway 2 but other priorities include works resulting from the Napier Port Access project, the sealing of State Highway 38 and the need for improvements to a number of bridges in the region.

The Chairman noted his concern that the Regional Transport Committee had not been consulted prior to the development of the document putting forward the Group’s suggestions, which the letter accompanies. Several committee members expressed concerns around other groups in the region effectively duplicating the role of the Committee in this regard.

It was further queried why the region’s highest priority projects were not included in the letter, and stated that they should be. Mr Jack explained the Group’s view that as these projects are effectively already funded, the governance group was seeking to identify other items which could be advanced if further funding were available.

Committee members also noted that while the process may not have been entirely correct, it was important to focus on the significant potential benefit to the region if extra funding were to be forthcoming as a result.

After further discussion the Committee agreed their support for the REDS letter to Steven Joyce.



Deputation from the Citizens' Environmental Advocacy Centre


Mr Ken Crispin spoke on behalf of The Citizens’ Environmental Advocacy Centre about his concerns regarding the expressway, the  volume and size of heavy vehicles and resulting pollution.

Mr Dowdell will meet with the group again and give an update at the next RTC meeting.



1.      That the Deputation from the Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre be received.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report for March 2016


Ms Bleakley presented her report.

It was queried whether any research had been done into alternative options for the Mohaka Bridge, to which Ms Bleakley advised that NZTA’s network manager is looking at resilience issues for lifelines, and the results of this will be reported back to the committee when available.

Mr I’Anson gave a presentation on the One Network Road Classification and using the business case approach to develop the next Regional Land Transport Plan. A copy of the presentation will be sent out to the committee.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the NZTA Central Region – Regional Director’s Report for March 2016’.




S McKinley left the meeting at 12.20pm

R Bleakley and R I’Anson left the meeting at 12.27pm



Transport System Monitoring


Ms Redgrave updated the committee and gave a brief overview of what is happening in the region including state highway traffic, cargo volumes, passenger transport, cycling and commuting.

The committee would like to add travel times on key routes to the reporting list. Ms Redgrave to liaise with Mr Dowdell regarding available information.

The report to be updated annually.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Transport System Monitoring report.





March 2016 Public Transport Update


Mrs Redgrave updated the committee on public transport for March 2016 and introduced Mr John Adams, Ms Welsby’s replacement, as the HBRC Transport Coordinator for the next 24 months



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “March 2016 Public Transport Update” report.





March 2016 Transport Manager's Report


Mrs Redgrave presented her report, including review of the Regional Land Transport Plan which must be completed by April 2018, the Regional Economic Development Strategy which is under development at present, driver licensing and an update on the Regional Cycling Governance Group activities. It was noted that meetings will be held with neighbouring regions to commence the review of the RLTP.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “March 2016 Transport Manager's report”.





March 2016 Roadsafe Update


Ms Redgrave gave an update on RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay activities and road safety statistics.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the March 2016 RoadSafe HB Update Report‘.





Advisory Representative Verbal Reports


David Murray - Grateful to be involved in the stakeholders group for Watchman Road.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Advisory Representative Reports”.





Minor Items Not on the Agenda





Councillor / Staff


REDS Governance Group letter to MBIE

Considered immediately following item 10 – refer also to tabled document following

Cr Dick


Logging Truck Debris – concerns for WDC over trucks dropping debris on the road. NZTA to talk to Access & Use and remind them to talk to operators about this issue. Mr Dowdell to take concerns to an upcoming heavy transport forum.

Mr Dowdell to report back at next RTC meeting.

Mr Cox


Vehicle Diversion – Concern expressed over confusion when detours are in place after motor vehicle accidents. Would like to see more inter-council cooperation around this as well as better signage and methodology. Mr Dowdell noted that there have been some issues with recent diversions. The NZTA journey manager will investigate this.

Cr Kingston






There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1:05pm on Friday 11 March 2016.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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