

MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 9 March 2016

Time:                          9.00 am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       R Graham (Chair)

R Barker

P Beaven

T Belford

A Dick

D Hewitt

D Pipe

C Scott

F Wilson


In Attendance:            M Mohi - Maori Committee member

                                      L Lambert – Interim Chief Executive

                                      M Adye - Group Manager, Asset Management

I Maxwell – Group Manager, Resource Management

J Palmer – Group Manager, Strategic Development

S Cave – Manager, Open Space Development

W Wright – Manager, Resource Use

C Leckie – Manager, Land Services

M Miller – Manager, Consents

S Swabey – Manager, Science

A Hicks – Team Leader, Water Quality and Ecology

A Rewcastle – Open Space Development Officer

M Thomsen – Executive Assistant




1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting and invited Mr Mike Mohi to join the meeting. There were no notices.

Karakia - Mr Mohi.



That apologies from Councillor Wilson for lateness be accepted.




Secretarial Note: Mr Brian Gregory and Ms Joinella Maihi-Caroll’s absence was noted.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of The Environment and Services Committee Held on 9 December 2015



Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 9 December 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on 9 December 2015

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Follow-ups from Previous Environment and Services Committee Meetings


Councillor Wilson joined the meeting at 9:10 am.

Mr Iain Maxwell noted follow ups 1 & 2 would be discussed in items 11 & 12  today’s agenda. A Land Science Update report covering soil monitoring and molybdenum would be provided at the next E&S meeting.

Mr Mike Adye updated the follow up action items gravel management review timetable and Tukituki gravel issues. Mr Adye also explained why a legal opinion relating to the two items had been sought.  

Mr Mohi left the meeting at 9.14 am



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report Follow-up Items from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings.







Call for any Minor Items not on the Agenda


  1. Local Government Excellence Workshop – Councillor Wilson
  2. McFarlane Report – Councillor Belford
  3. Biodiversity Announcement – Councillor Belford
  4. RMA Submission – Councillor Belford



Active Hawke's Bay - Presentation by Sport HB


The Chairman introduced Mr Mark Aspen, Chief Executive and Mr Ryan Hambleton, Commercial Manager of Sports Hawke’s Bay who gave a presentation on improving the wellbeing of Hawke’s Bay communities through promoting active lifestyles.

Mr Mohi re-joined the meeting at 9.28 am

Mr Aspen advised that Sport Hawke’s Bay wanted to inspire people in Hawke’s Bay to be more active and were looking forward to a collaborative approach between a number of organisations from the community which included Councils, health providers, schools and sports organisations. The aim was to promote an active lifestyle by using the natural and man-made facilities in the region, many which were built by Councils.

Mr Aspen outlined the possible ways HBRC could assist in the development of this programme. These included financial support, communication and promotion support and assistance to identify amenities where activities could be undertaken.

The Committee discussed the proposed concept, noted the current difficulties society can experience in actively participating in lifestyle activities.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Active Hawke's Bay - presentation by Sport HB verbal report.




The Chairman advised that some agenda items may be discussed out of order



Otane Wastewater Resource Consent Application


Mr Malcolm Miller provided a powerpoint presentation and updated the Committee on the resource consent application for the Otane wastewater that is currently on hold under s92 awaiting further information. This involves the sampling and analysis of surface and groundwater in the vicinity of the discharge.

In response to a query on septic tanks, Mr Miller confirmed that if an application for the use of a septic tank was received by Council within the area serviced by CHBDC reticulation the preferred option would be for the wastewater to go through the Otane treatment plant.

The Committee continued to discuss the on-going issues related to the Otane wastewater resource consent application and requested a further update on the ground water quality at the next meeting.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Otane Wastewater Resource Consent Application report.




Te Mata Park


The Chairman introduced Ms Kathryn Halliday and Ms Alice Heather, representatives of the Te Mata Park Trust Board. They provided a powerpoint presentation outlining the draft 10 Year Management Plan for Te Mata Peak, the proposed timeline, the results of community consultation, priorities for improvement, capital priorities and operational priorities. 

The Committee noted the Trust Board had requested the allocation of $500,000 be retained pending finalisation of the 10 Year Plan.

The Committee then discussed the future proposals for the park which included the mountain bike trial and look forward to the Trust Board’s next report to Council 11 May 2016 which would include alternative proposals for the $500,000 allocated for the visitor information centre as set out in Council’s Long Term Plan.



1.     That the Environment and Services Committee:

1.1.   receives the Te Mata Park report.

1.2.   agrees to receive the final 10 Year Management Plan for Te Mata Park at the next meeting of the Environment and Services Committee meeting programmed for 11 May 2016.

2.      The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

2.1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on these issues without conferring directly with the community.

2.2     Retains the allocation of $500,000 in the Long Term Plan for the Te Mata Park Visitor & Education Centre for the period to 30 June 2016 pending consideration of a final 10 year Management Plan for Te Mata Park to be prepared and presented to Council prior to that date.




The meeting adjourned at 10.29 am and reconvened at 10.47 am



Wide Scale Predator Control and Feral Cat Management 


Mr Campbell Leckie provided an overview of the agenda item and introduced Mr Geoff Simmons of the Morgan Foundation who provided a powerpoint presentation on the draft New Zealand Cat Management Strategy. Mr Simmons also discussed the Morgan Foundation’s perspective on what Regional Councils could do in the short to medium term in sensitive wildlife areas.

Mr Simmons outlined the Foundation’s objectives which are to support communities managing other predators and looking to a long term national solution.

The Committee discussed the challenges associated with feral cat management, the balancing of individual and community rights as cats are also domestic pets and companion animals and noted that under the Cape to City project feral cats would be controlled in a rural environment alongside other predator pests.

The Committee noted that the Regional Pest Management Plan is programmed for a review over the next two years which would give Council an opportunity to consider whether to involve the Hawke’s Bay community in a discussion over the management of cats particularly in light of the economic and environmental adverse impacts of cats on rural and public land.



1.     That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Wide Scale Predator Control and Feral Cat Management report.





Te Karamu Enhancement Strategy and Operational Plan


Mr Stephen Cave introduced Mr Antony Rewcastle, HBRC Open Spaces Development Officer. Mr Cave gave a powerpoint presentation which updated the progress on the Te Karamu Enhancement Review and Management Strategy 2016-2025. A video outlining the Waitangi Regional Park development was also played.

Mr Cave outlined the general enhancement objectives, the number of plantings, capital expenditure, proposed outcomes, areas of focus and drew the Committees attention to the draft recommendations.

Councillor Dick left the meeting at 11.58 am

Councillor Wilson left the meeting at 11.58 am

The Committee discussed the Te Karamu Enhancement Strategy and Operational Plan, the enhancement work undertaken to date, and the expenditure for the 9 financial years from 2006-2015.

The Committee noted that the revised Strategy is primarily intended as a guide for the open space development and management of public land within the Karamu Catchment which is owned or managed by HBRC.



1.     That the Environment and Services Committee:

1.1.   Endorses the report “Te Karamu Enhancement: Review and Management Strategy 2016-2025” and notes that adequate provision is included within the LTP 2015-25 to continue enhancement work over the next 10 years such that approx. 30.5 hectares of planting will be completed by 2025.

2.     The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

2.1.   Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on these issues without conferring directly with the community.

2.2.   Requests staff update Council during the 2017-18 financial year on progress toward achieving the outcomes of the “Te Karamu Enhancement: Review and Management Strategy 2016-2025”

2.3.   Requests that the 2017-18 Council reconsiders the implementation timeframe for the Te Karamu Enhancement Strategy as part of the development of the 2018-28 Long Term Plan.





Lake Tutira Science Update


Mr Maxwell introduced Dr Andy Hicks who was recently appointed to the position of Team Leader, Water Quality and Ecology following the resignation of Dr Adam Uytendaal.

In response to Mr Williams’ presentation at the 9 December 2015 meeting, Dr Hicks gave a powerpoint presentation which highlighted the key outcomes of monitoring and analyses to date at Lake Tutira.

Councillor Wilson re-joined the meeting at 12.19 pm

Dr Hicks outlined the management options based on modelling to date that would likely improve the health of the Lake.

Councillor Dick re-joined the meeting at 12.38 pm

The Committee then discussed the possible causes of the two distinct fish kill events in 2016 and the possible solutions to the on-going issues of Lake Tutira which included peak runoff control, the prevention of high flows at Papakiri and artificial destratification.

The meeting adjourned at 1.05 pm and reconvened at 1.35 pm

The Chairman advised that Councillor Wilson had left the meeting for a prior commitment

Councillor Barker re-joined the meeting at 1.41 pm

The Committee also noted the cost and feasibility of solutions and that partner and stakeholder feedback would be sought.

The Committee were advised that staff were developing a programme of work to build an integrated approach to addressing the problems of Tutira.

The Committee requested a copy of Dr Hick’s presentation be distributed with the draft minutes.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Lake Tutira Science Update report.





Resource Use Update


Mr Wayne Wright provided an update on the activities performed by the Resource Use section of the Resource Management Group. An annual report will be presented to the Committee later this year.

In response to a query on the stockpile of end of life tyres at Whakatu, Mr Wright advised end of life tyres are a national problem and HBRC had served an abatement notice on the owner of the pile to remove them. Conversations traversed the challenges for the community and Council’s responses to the disposal of tyres. HBRC staff had joined a national special interest group to engage with central government and other Councils and findings would be reported back to a future Committee meeting.

In response to a query on the enforcement of water users, Mr Wright outlined the Council’s enforcement policies and noted that all boat users should be fully aware of the rules and regulations in regard to safety in the water.

Mr Wright also advised that the present harbourmaster is retiring. The Committee requested to meet the new Harbourmaster once appointed.



1.     That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the Resource Use Update report.





Ebbetts Stopbank - Tutaekuri River


Mr Mike Adye introduced Mr Gary Clode who provided an update and powerpoint presentation on the Ebbetts Stopbank on the Tutaekuri River.

The 2.5km long stopbank is privately funded by Mr Matt Ebbett, work includes drainage works, culvert and haul roads, the volume of earthworks is 85,000 cubic metres. The stopbank and land associated with it would be handed over to HBRC under the Heretaunga Plains Flood Protection Scheme on completion.

Tenders for the contract close on 11 March 2016 and work is scheduled to start on 21 March 2016 and completed by 19 May 2016.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Ebbetts Stopbank – Tutaekuri River verbal report.



Councillor Pipe left the meeting at 2.29 pm


Minor Items Not on the Agenda





Councillor / Staff


Local Government Excellence Workshop

Councillor Wilson had exited the meeting before this item. It would be deferred to the next meeting.

Councillor Wilson


McFarlane Report

Councillor Belford expressed concern about the HBRIC Ltd information pack which was recently circulated.

Councillor Belford requested that this item be deferred to the next meeting where Councillor Wilson and Ms Lambert would be in attendance.

Councillor Belford


Biodiversity Announcement

Councillor Belford expressed his frustration about the lack of information received ahead of the Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Strategy 2015-2050 launch on 17 March 2016.  The Group Manager Recourse Management explained that there were no new initiatives in the Strategy launch and that the Accord was always an integral part of the Strategy development.

Councillor Belford


RMA Submission

Councillor Belford questioned the status of the Council’s submission on the Resource Legislation Bill, currently before Parliament, in light of a submission he had received from the Environmental Defence Society. The Group Manager Strategic Direction advised the committee that a draft Council submission had been circulated to members of the Regional Planning Committee for their input, which was now being finalised, and he undertook to circulate the latest draft at the conclusion of the meeting.

Councillor Belford



Karakia - Mr Mohi.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.36 pm on Wednesday, 9 March 2016.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................