Civil Defence Email 2







MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group



Date:                          Monday 14 December 2015


Time:                          1.00 pm



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     F Wilson, Chairman, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council – Chairman

P Butler, Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

B Dalton, Mayor, Napier City Council

T Kerr, Councillor, Hastings District Council (on behalf of Mayor Yule)


In Attendance:          E Lambert, Chief Executive, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

                                      W Jack, Chief Executive, Napier City Council

                                      F Power, Chief Executive, Wairoa District Council

                                      J Freeman, Chief Executive, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

M Maguire, Group Manager, Corporate & Customer Services, Hastings District Council (on behalf of Ross McLeod)

I Macdonald, Group Controller, HB CDEM and Group Manager

I Wilson, DMPC (on behalf of Andrew Hickey, MCDEM)

A Prins, Group Welfare Manager, HB CDEM Group

J Sutherland, Emergency Management Advisor Community Resilience, HB CDEM Group

M Thomsen, Executive Assistant, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council





Chairman Wilson welcomed everyone present to the meeting and advised that with the absence of Mayor Little the meeting has failed to achieve a quorum and will not proceed, although items will be discussed only as no decisions can be made.


Apologies were received from: C Little, Mayor, Wairoa District Council, L Yule, Mayor, Hastings District Council and Andrew Hickey, MCDEM.


There were no notices.

The meeting closed at 1.05pm.


Notes from discussions

Mr Ian Macdonald provided an update on the Capability and Assessment Report completed by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management.

The key projects highlighted from the work programme, proceeding in the New Year are:

With significant progress made since the last assessment in July 2015, CEG has requested the Ministry look to conduct another monitoring and evaluation assessment of the Group in early 2017 to measure how the current work being undertaken has been imbedded in the Group.  The Committee discussed the report, Mr Ian Wilson of MCDEM was in attendance and answered questions raised by the Committee.

In answer to a question from Cr Kerr, Mr Macdonald advised there were no new areas of concern raised in the report and all the significant matters identified are identified in the group work programme over the next few years.  The main reason a number of matters were not progressed was a lack of resources which was being addressed with new staff commencing in the next couple of months.


Ms Alison Prins provided an update on the new welfare arrangements which came into effect on 1 December 2015 and gave a PowerPoint presentation which outlined the key changes, responsibilities, and outlined the welfare priorities to enable the Group to deliver an effective welfare response.


 Mr Macdonald provided a verbal update on the Te Matau-a-Maui Exercise that took place on 11-12 November 2015. The Committee provided positive feedback on the exercise and acknowledged the commitment that council staff across the five councils made to make a successful exercise. Further staff training was required and there was support from Councils. 


Mr Macdonald and Ms Jae Sutherland spoke of the publication Ruaumoko’s Walk which teaches children about the natural warning signs of tsunami and is available in both English and Te Reo.  The publication won the 2015 National Maori Language award for Local government.


In bringing the discussions to a close, the Chairman wished the Committee a Merry Christmas.




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.05pm on Monday 14 December 2015.

Signed as a true and correct record.



DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................