MINUTES OF A meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Date:                          Friday 27 November 2015


Time:                          10.30am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Peter Beaven – Chairman and HBRC

Christine Scott – HBRC

Tony Jeffery – NCC       

Faye White - NCC

                                    Bill Dalton – NCC Alternate Member

Tania Hopmans - Maungaharuru-Tangitu Trust

Peter Paku – He Toa Takitini

Cynthia Bowers – HDC Alternate Member


In Attendance:          Simon Bendall – Environmental Management Services

                                             Mike Adye – HBRC

Gary Clode – HBRC

Monique Thomsen – HBRC

Dean Moriarity - NCC

James Minehan – NCC

Mark Clews – HDC

Richard Reinen-Hamill – Tonkin and Taylor





1.       Welcome/Apologies

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the last Coastal Hazards Committee meeting of 2015. The Chairman quoted from the recently released Preparing New Zealand for rising seas: Certainty and Uncertainty report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Dr Jan Wright.

Apologies for absence were received from

Liz Munroe - He Toa Takitini

Tania Kerr - HDC

George Lyons – HDC

Lawrence Yule – HDC

Wayne Jack - NCC

Richard Munneke – NCC

Gavin Ide – HBRC




That apologies for absence be accepted.




The Chairman noted that items 5 and 6 would be discussed out of order.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 21 September 2015



Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee held on Monday 21 September 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and changes identified, after changes made the minutes are confirmed as a true and accurate record.

Item 5 – additional word “some” added to read;

Mr Bendall noted that since the last meeting, members of the Joint Committee and TAG have held stakeholder meetings with Whakarire Avenue Residents and some Iwi.

Item 7 – additional wording “queried as to whether being”, “may” and removal of “declared an interest as”, “is”, “ing” and “and was concerned the information of the update” to read;

Councillor Scott queried as to whether being a member of the Hearings Committee which may consider the Whakarire Avenue consent application would result in a conflict of interest. It was discussed that the update would be a simple progress update and would not affect or impact on the role of HBRC as a consenting authority.




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 21 September 2015

Napier City Council completed an action to confirm their alternate member to the Committee, Mayor Bill Dalton; this was completed and confirmed by an email included with the minutes.



Hazards and Risk Assessment Reports


Mr Bendall provided the Committee with an update on the Hazard and Risk Assessment Reports. The coastal erosion and tsunami sections have been completed subject to some minor technical clarifications, however a delay in receiving the inundation information has resulted in the risk assessment not yet being completed. Mr Reinen-Hamill provided a detailed overview of the current status of Tonkin & Taylor report.

In response to a question on the submissions received from stakeholders, Mr Bendall advised the submissions had been acknowledged but had not received a formal response pending a meeting of the Technical Advisory Group which would meet on 10 December 2015. A formal response would be submitted to stakeholders by 14 December 2015.

In response to a query on how cultural values were incorporated in the risk assessment, Mr Reinen-Hamill advised that Tonkin & Taylor could only rely on information held by Councils, and as such acknowledged that this would mean that not everything was mapped. There are opportunities for additional elements to be advised / included in the assessment. 

The Technical Advisory Group are looking into the values of assets that have no dollar value and how best to capture these.

As it was not yet final, the report was not endorsed and would go to the 10 February 2016 Joint Committee meeting when the full report is completed.  



Draft Coastal Hazards Strategy


Mr Bendall provided an update on the preliminary draft of the Coastal Hazards Strategy that had been circulated with the agenda.

The Strategy document had been fleshed out since the last meeting. Members of the Committee commended the writer of the report for a well written, thought out, and clear document.

Mr Bendall noted this document is a working document and once each stage was completed it would be added to Strategy document.

Feedback was received on the document and Mr Bendall welcomed any further comments by email following the meeting.

Mr Bendall queried whether a workshop would be helpful to work through the document in more detail, including a discussion on the preliminary identification of cell extents and justifications for how these were defined, and there was general support for this to occur.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120 for review and comment.  





Stakeholder Engagement Update


Mr Bendall updated the Committee on stakeholder engagement.

A meeting took place at the HBRC on 27 October with the ‘collaborate’ and ‘consult’ parties in preparation of the completion of the Tonkin & Taylor technical report. The low attendance levels of iwi and Councillors was noted by Committee members.

There were three formal written submissions received from the session on 27 October, they were from; WOW Inc., Westshore Residents and Development Association and Larry Dallimore. The Technical Advisory Group will meet on 10 December 2015 and a formal response will be submitted to stakeholders by 14 December 2015.

The website continues to be updated with Committee minutes and other information. There is a link to the hazard mapping tool which displays the outputs of the Tonkin & Taylor work, this information will transition into the Hawke’s Bay Hazard Portal once finalised.

Mr Bendall advised the Committee a letter would be penned to land owners notifying them of the new hazard information and that councils were required to acknowledge this information on LIMs. There will be an open day early in 2016 where interested persons can come along and discuss the hazards information in more detail with members of the Technical Advisory Group.

In response to a query on the approach to communication, Mr Bendall advised that a memo had been circulated to the Customer Services Manager of each Council to inform their front of house staff on how to deal with any enquires. A FAQ document had also been created. A copy of the FAQ document and a Hawke’s Bay Today talking point were tabled. An article on “Sea Level Rise – A Community Issue for Hawke’s Bay” would be published next week. Joint Committee members had until COB Monday 7 December 2015 to provide feedback on the FAQ document and the talking point.

In response to a query on the shingle extraction and the consent at Awatoto raised in the submission from WOW Inc., Mr Adye confirmed Winstone Aggregates does hold a consent to extract shingle until it expires in 2017, which they are entitled to renew should they so choose. There had been a lot of work done in this area, coastal knowledge gained and reports by Paul Komar and Tonkin & Taylor which would need to be taken into account if they wish to seek renewal.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the report Stakeholder Engagement Update.





Project Manager Update


Mr Bendall updated the Committee on where the project is currently sitting.

Mr Bendall proposed new meeting dates for 2016. The Committee agreed to meeting dates of 10 February, 2 May, 8 August and 5 December for 2016 and diary invites are to be circulated. It was noted a workshop will be scheduled in between the February and May meetings.

TAG members were recently briefed on the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s report “Preparing New Zealand for rising seas: Certainty and Uncertainty” released on 19 November 2015. Mr Reinen-Hamill provided an overview the highlights from the report.

12.10 pm Mayor Dalton exited the meeting

In response to a question on how far along other Councils are in their strategies and a query on funding, Mr Reinen-Hamill confirmed that Hawke’s Bay is ahead of other areas in the strategy but was unable to comment on funding.

A Land Information Memorandum memo was circulated to the Planning Managers at HDC and NCC to ensure that from the adoption of the hazards information from Tonkin & Taylor, all new wording would be consistently applied to properties within identified hazard extents. Even though there is no legal obligation to advise, a letter would be penned to land owners advising them of the new hazard information. A copy of the FAQs would be included with the letter.

Sea Level Rise Allowance Comparison table was circulated with the agenda. It was recently prepared by Northland Regional Council and compares the sea level rise allowance being adopted by Regional Councils across NZ and lines up with our approach. Mr Reinen-Hamill responded to a query from the Committee on the meaning of “Relocatable” and “Not Relocatable” in the Bay of Plenty Regional Council 100 year time frame.

The Updated Project Timeline reflects the process and timing updates developed since the last Committee meeting. Further dates for 2016 to be included in the timeline.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Project Manager Update report.





Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue


Mr Minehan and Mr Moriarity provided an update on the protection works at Whakarire Avenue.

Councillor Scott raised the issue of perception of conflict of interest. Mr Moriarity advised that an update on the process would be given and that this would not compromise Councillor Scott’s position as a member of the Hearings Committee which may consider the Whakarire Avenue consent application.

Mr Minehan updated the Committee on the progress to date.  A copy of the current proposal was circulated for the Committee to view.

Mr Minehan met two separate Whakarire Avenue residents in late November who were interested in the landscaping and structure, and showed them the updated conceptual preliminary Whakarire coastal protection works and profiles. Further feedback is being sought from residents and the landscape architect. Tonkin & Taylor and Beca have discussed the model and assumptions.

A meeting is scheduled in a fortnight’s time, submitters would be invited to be involved and moving forward a prehearing is to be scheduled. It was noted there is no impact on the surf break.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the verbal Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue report.





Other Matters for discussion


There were no other matters for discussion.



The Chairman expressed his thanks to the Committee and Technical Advisory Group members for their work in 2015.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.30 pm on Friday 27 November 2015.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................





Meeting / Agenda Item





27 November 2015, item 6/7      

Provide formal response to submissions by 14 December 2015.   


-         Completed.  


27 November 2015, item 5

Further comments/feedback to Simon Bendall on the draft Coastal Hazards Strategy document.


-         Completed.


27 November 2015, item 7

The Committee Secretary to provide information to Ms Hopmans on iwi invited to the meeting.


-         Completed.


27 November 2015, item 7

Provide comments on FAQ and talking point to Simon Bendall by COB Monday 7 December 2015.


-         Completed.


27 November 2015, item 7

Circulate copy of the FAQ document to Joint Committee members and Councillors.


-         Completed.


27 November 2015, item 8

Schedule meetings for 2016.


-         Completed.