Meeting of the

Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee



Date:                 Friday 27 November 2015

Time:                10.30am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item       Subject                                                                                                                  Page


1.         Welcome / Apologies 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations  

3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 21 September 2015

4.         Matters Arising from Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 21 September 2015

5.         Draft Coastal Hazards Strategy                                                                                    3

6.         Hazards and Risk Assessment Reports

7.         Stakeholder Engagement Update                                                                               29

8.         Project Manager Update                                                                                             51

9.         Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue                                                     59

10.       Other Matters for discussion   




Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 27 November 2015

Subject: Draft Coastal Hazards Strategy         


Reason for Report

1.      This report provides a preliminary draft of the Coastal Hazards Strategy for Joint Committee review and feedback.


2.      The Joint Committee has previously been presented with a draft table of contents for the strategy document being developed to drive the response to the coastal hazards risks identified in the technical workstream undertaken by Tonkin & Taylor.

3.      Since this table of contents was provided the strategy has been fleshed out into a preliminary draft for committee review and feedback.

4.      A completed document will be presented to the February 10 Joint Committee meeting for adoption.

5.      The strategy is divided in four stages. This presents an additional stage to what has previously been discussed with the committee. The new stage (Stage 2) seeks to develop a decision making framework and funding guidelines and this is programmed to be completed by June 2016. This stage has been introduced to explicitly ensure that cell planning is undertaken in a coordinated way, and that there is in principle agreement on how responses to coastal hazards will be funded within and across Councils.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120 for review and comment.  



Simon Bendall

Project Manager





Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120




Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120

Attachment 1








Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy 2120


Preliminary Draft for Joint Committee Discussion


















Executive Summary


[To be completed

























Glossary of Terms



Our community’s ability to with cope adversity or change.

The essential characteristics of resilience are being able to:

·      resist, absorb or adapt to hazards and

·      maintain or restore social (and ecological) structure and functions in a timely and efficient manner.



The process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects.





















Executive Summary                                                                                                                                                          2

Glossary of Terms                                                                                                                                                            3

Preamble – Vision, Principles and Scope                                                                                                             6

1.               Introduction                                                                                                                                                    7

2.               Vision                                                                                                                                                                     7

3.               Principles                                                                                                                                                             7

4.               Scope                                                                                                                                                                      8

5.               Process of Development                                                                                                                           8

6.               Strategy Oversight                                                                                                                                     12

a.            Joint Committee                                                                                                                                                    12

b.            Technical Advisory Group (TAG)                                                                                                                      12

7.               Consultation Strategy                                                                                                                            12

8.               The Review Process                                                                                                                                     13

9.               Interim Hazard Management Solutions                                                                                      13

Stage 1 – Define the Problem                                                                                                                                   14

10.             Coastal Hazard Assessment                                                                                                                  15

a.            Purpose and Process                                                                                                                                            15

(i)           Coastal erosion                                                                                                                                                      15

(ii)          Storm surge inundation                                                                                                                                     15

(iii)         Tsunami                                                                                                                                                                    16

b.            Summary of key findings of technical assessment                                                                                    16

11.             Risk Assessment                                                                                                                                             16

Stage 2 – Framework for Decisions                                                                                                                    17

12.             Decision Making Framework and Funding Guidelines                                                        18

Stage 3 – Develop Responses                                                                                                                                    19

13.             Hazard Risk Response                                                                                                                                 20

a.            Cell Plans                                                                                                                                                                  20

Stage 4 – Respond                                                                                                                                                            21

14.             Implementation                                                                                                                                            22

15.             Appendices                                                                                                                                                        23

Appendix 1 - Joint Committee Terms of Reference                                                                                                 23

Appendix 2 - Stakeholder Engagement Plan                                                                                                              23

Appendix 3 - Tonkin and Taylor Coastal Hazard and Risk Assessment                                                             23



1.            Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy – Process of Development  10

2.            Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy – Project Timeline   11



1.            Likelihood of scenario occurring within the selected planning horizon   16







Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120

Attachment 1









Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy 2120

Preamble – Vision, Principles and Scope



















1.        Introduction

The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement requires Local Authorities to consider and plan for coastal hazards risks. Under Policy 24 (1), Local Authorities are required to:

“Identify areas in the coastal environment that are potentially affected by coastal hazards (including tsunami), giving priority to the identification of areas at high risk of being affected. Hazard risks, over at least 100 years, are to be assessed…”

Storms, wave direction and energy, beach and cliff profiles and geomorphology, and the presence of manmade structures all contribute to a changing coastline which can present a variety of hazards for those that live, work and play in the coastal environment.


Overriding these processes, climate change is driving the pace of change and presenting new challenges to coastal communities through sea level rise and the increased frequency and severity of storm events.


In her 2014 report, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) stated that over the past century, the average global sea level has risen by about 20 cm.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) expects sea level to rise up to a metre by the end of the century, whilst identifying that about 70% of the coastlines worldwide are projected to experience sea level change within ±20% of the global mean; and it is very likely that there will be a significant increase in the occurrence of future sea level extremes in some regions by 2100.


(When available, findings from the PCE 2015 report to be summarised here)


The Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120 (Strategy) represents a cross-council approach to identifying and responding to these hazards. It provides a platform from which decisions to determine the most appropriate coastal hazard responses along the more populated reaches of the Hawkes Bay coastline will be made.


Text Box: That coastal communities, businesses and critical infrastructure from Tangoio to Clifton are resilient to the effects of coastal hazards


3.        Principles

The Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy is founded on the following principles:

·       to take a long term approach to coastal hazards impact management in order to develop resilient communities out to 2120;

·       that the best long term Strategy will be the choice or series of choices that provide the most cost effective outcome for the Hawkes Bay community, taking into account economic, environmental, social and cultural issues;

·       to take a consistent, coordinated and shared approach between Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council;

·       to take an informed, consultative and coordinated approach with stakeholders and interest groups;

·       to make decisions that align with national-level directions and policies, including the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement;

·       to ensure that coastal hazards responses are developed in an integrated way that considers risk, cost, impacts and indirect effects;

·       to ensure that coastal hazard responses are assessed on the basis of adaptability and the site-specific nature of the particular coastal hazard; and not preclude or unnecessarily constrain choices to adopt different options into the medium and longer term horizons;

·       an understanding that any activities undertaken that impact on the natural coastal processes will result in impacts on other parts of the coast;

·       make evidence-based decisions founded on best practice coastal science and good data;

·       to make decisions on a level of community resilience to coastal hazards that is consistent with the likelihood of the risk, the magnitude of the consequences, and the community’s appetite for risk acceptance.

4.        Scope

1.    Assesses coastal hazards risks between Clifton and Tangoio associated with the following processes occurring over the period 2016 to 2120:

·    Coastal erosion (storm cut, trends, effects of sea level rise);

·    Storm surge inundation(wave set-up, run-up, overtopping and sea level rise);

·    Tsunami;

2.    Provide a decision making framework to identify, evaluate, consult on and select practicable adaptation options that respond to the identified coastal hazards risks;

3.    Implement the selected adaptation option(s) in a coordinated and planned manner that will provide the best overall outcome for the Hawkes Bay community.

5.        Process of Development

The Strategy was initiated in 2014 with the establishment of a Technical Advisory Group (“TAG”) formed by senior Council staff and advisors, and the Joint Committee formed by elected representatives from the participating councils, along with representatives from Maungaharuru-Tangitu Trust, Mana Ahuriri Incorporated and He Toa Takitini.


The Strategy was designed to be developed in four key stages:










Stage 1 commenced in 2014 with strategy initiation and extends through to mid-2016.  Fundamental to Stage 1 is the identification of hazards and the risks these present.  This was undertaken as a technical study by Tonkin & Taylor with oversight by TAG and the Joint Committee.  The processes and outcomes of Stage 1 are described in Part 1 of this Strategy.


Stage 2 seeks to establish principles and procedures for making decisions on how to respond to the identified hazards and risks by mid 2016.


Stage 3 (2016 – 2017) will develop hazard plans for individual coastal areas (cells) using existing technical data and risk assessment along with possibilities of further site specific investigations.  An asset risk assessment will be completed which will include less tangible, yet highly treasured community areas such as beaches and parks that will be valued and ranked using a weighted system.  Socio-economic aspects will also be taken into consideration.  At this point, potential options and action plans will be formulated enabling a funding model to be generated from comprehensive economic analysis of options and timing.  This information will be shared amongst stakeholders, interest groups and the community who will be invited to provide constructive feedback on options through the existing consultative process.


Stage 4 will commence in 2017 with the implementation of the identified actions and responses to achieve the vision of Strategy; that coastal communities, businesses and critical infrastructure from Tangoio to Clifton are resilient to the effects of coastal hazards


It is expected that Stages 3 and 4 will run concurrently; as some cell plans are completed and implemented, others may take longer to complete where issues are more complex.


This Strategy acts as an overarching document, following the key principles and sitting alongside the next three stages as a Project Plan, to be reviewed and updated following the completion of the previous stage.


On the following pages a detailed process flow chart is presented (Figure 1), together with the overarching project timeline (Figure 2).




Figure 1:  Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy – Process of Development



Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120

Attachment 1


Text Box: Figure 2: Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy – Project Timeline























Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120

Attachment 1


6.        Strategy Oversight

a.           Joint Committee

The Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee (Joint Committee) was formed with Terms of Reference approved in March 2015 (refer Appendix 1).


Under the delegated authority within the Terms of Reference, the role of the JC is described as:

·      Considering and recommending a draft Strategy to each of the Partner Councils for public notification;

·      Considering comments and submissions on scenarios and the draft Strategy and making appropriate recommendations to the Partner Councils;

·      Considering and recommending a final Strategy to each of the Partner Councils for approval.

The Joint Committee will continue to provide an oversight and governance role for the Strategy as it progresses through each stage of development. This may necessitate updates or changes to the Terms of Reference in later stages of the Strategy.

b.           Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

The Joint Committee is supported by a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) which is comprised of senior staff representatives from each of the participating councils.  The TAG provides project management and advisory support to the Joint Committee, and management of external expertise where this is engaged to assist at various stages of the Strategy. The TAG is supported by a Project Manager.

The Project Manager and appropriate members of the TAG work with stakeholders, who are also able to present or discuss issues directly with the Joint Committee.  Functions of the TAG include:

·    Providing technical oversight for the study;

·    Coordinating agency inputs particularly in the context of the forward work programmes of the respective councils;

·    Ensuring council inputs are integrated.

7.        Consultation Strategy

Throughout all stages, a comprehensive and consistent stakeholder engagement process is undertaken.  It is vital to the foundation of the Strategy that a fully transparent, consultative approach is undertaken that conveys a consistent message to coastal groups and the wider community.

A “live” stakeholder engagement plan is in place, which will be reviewed and updated as the intensity and approach to consultation shifts through the various stages of Strategy development.

The current version of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan is included as Appendix 2.

8.        The Review Process


As each stage of the Strategy is completed, this document will be updated to reflect key outcomes.  As part of this process, the Strategy will be regularly reviewed by TAG to ensure that expected outcomes are being achieved.

9.        Interim Hazard Management Solutions

The coast is a dynamic environment and there are a number of current and proposed responses to coastal hazards with the Strategy area, including beach nourishment and protection works at Westshore, and cessation of gravel extraction on Marine Parade.

It is not the intention of the partner councils engaged in this Strategy that a moratorium on coastal works be imposed while the outcomes of the Strategy are being developed.  However, the councils wish to note that a coordinated effort to respond to coastal hazards is preferred, and as such any proposed activities are encouraged to be advanced within the framework of this Strategy.























Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy 2120

Stage 1 – Define the Problem

Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120

Attachment 1


10.      Coastal Hazard Assessment

a.           Purpose and Process

In 1999 the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council implemented the Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP).  The proposed RCEP’s rules were initially based on three hazard risk zones defined in the 2004 Hawke’s Bay Regional Coastal Hazard Assessment and subsequent reports by Tonkin & Taylor.  The coastal hazard zones (CHZ) are divided into two groups with tighter controls applied to areas adjacent to beaches, and less strict controls further landward.  Regional rules within the RCEP, which became operative in 2014, also control coastal protection structures.

Since the RCEP was developed, additional reports, information and data has become available to support a refinement of hazard information.  This includes additional data from shoreline monitoring, updated climate change projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which includes greater levels of sea level rise, tsunami modelling and other information.  In addition, the methodology for assessment of coastal hazards has improved.

Through TAG, Tonkin & Taylor were engaged to conduct the coastal hazard and risk assessment phase of the Strategy.  The coastal hazard assessment work was independently peer reviewed by the coastal expert, Professor Paul Kench of Auckland University.


The following hazards are considered in the Tonkin and Taylor 2015 coastal hazard assessment:

(i)        Coastal erosion

Much of the Hawkes Bay coastline has recorded an erosional trend apart from a few discrete parts where measured shoreline movement is relatively stable (e.g. Marine Parade beach).  In the next century, sea level rise, in combination with increased wave heights and storm intensities, is expected to significantly impact on the gravel barrier ridge protecting the Tangoio to Clifton coastline.  A report by Komar and Harris (2014) predicts that as a result of rising sea levels:

·    there will be a 10 – 15 m retreat of the gravel barrier ridge by 2100;

·    the shoreline between Westshore and Tangoio could retreat 15 to 20 m;

·    the northern end of the Haumoana ‘cell’ potentially retreating 30 m.

The following points will also need to be taken into account when making future decisions:

1.    Erosion rates will continue to accelerate past 2100 if sea level rise occurs at the predicted rate.  It will not stop.

2.    The local extent of erosion (or accretion) also depends on the budget of beach sediments: the net gains or losses in the total volumes of sand and gravel contained within that beach.

(ii)       Storm surge inundation

The Hawke’s Bay coastline between Clifton and Tangoio is defined by a gravel barrier ridge which provides a vital defence from the sea.  Without the barrier, large areas of Napier City and some of Hastings District would be regularly inundated and potentially be uninhabitable.  There is an increased likelihood of ‘over wash’ events during major storms that could occur along the southern shores of the Haumoana cell as a result of climate change.  Total water levels could potentially exceed the low elevations of the gravel barrier ridge, which may result in flooding of low lying inland properties and nearby infrastructure.


The Strategy will consider the changing nature of the barrier ridge over time.  As climate change drives sea level rise, the extent to which the barrier ridge will continue to protect inland areas from inundation may reduce.  Extreme inundation extents will be determined, taking into account storm surge, wave set-up and wave run-up.  If wave run-up levels exceed the barrier ridge crest (which will be likely for future climate change), a ‘zone of influence’ of significant run-up effects will be established.


(iii)      Tsunami

HBRC has completed two-dimensional tsunami hazard mapping for the coastline between Tangoio and Clifton, which shows two tsunami scenarios:

1.    a distant tsunami – starting across the Pacific Ocean with time for official warning and evacuation.  Mapping applied a 5 m wave, being the highest credible wave height generated from a distant source (statistical probability of occurring approximately once every 500 years);

2.    a near-source tsunami – starting near the coast with no time for official warning.  Mapping applied a 10 m wave (statistical probability of occurring approximately once in 2,500 years).

b.           Summary of key findings of technical assessment

[Insert Executive Summary from Tonkin and Taylor technical report when available (refer to companion technical assessment presented as Appendix 3 for more detail)].

11.        Risk Assessment

A risk based approach is recommended by the NZCPS (2010), taking into consideration the likelihood and consequence of hazard occurrence.  Tonkin and Taylor’s utilisation of a probabilistic approach in their assessment provides the ability to generate a range of likelihood scenarios using a Risk Assessment approach.  The NZCPS suggests consideration of areas “likely” (i.e. probability greater than 66%, as per MfE 2008 guidelines as presented in Table 1) to be affected by coastal hazards, along with those areas “potentially” affected by hazards.

Table 1. Likelihood of scenario occurring within the selected planning horizon

[Insert Executive Summary from Tonkin and Taylor Risk Assessment report when available (refer to companion risk assessment presented as Appendix 3 for more detail)].


Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy 2120

Stage 2 – Framework for Decisions



















12.      Decision Making Framework and Funding Guidelines


Having defined the risk of coastal hazards between Clifton and Tangoio, a process for deciding on how to respond to those risks is required.

This overarching process must provide for coordinated and consistent decision making that appropriately provides for community and stakeholder participation, whist ensuring that decisions are robust, reached efficiently, and ultimately implemented.

In support of this process, funding guidelines are required to provide in principle, agreement between the participating Councils on how the responses to coastal hazards, once confirmed, will be funded.

The decision making framework and funding guidelines will be developed in early 2016 once the Part 1 of the Strategy is complete and the scope of coastal hazards risks is understood. The process to develop each outcome is outlined in the following diagram.

Text Box: Developing a Decision Making FrameworkText Box: Developing Funding Guidelines




Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy 2120

Stage 3 – Develop Responses



















13.      Hazard Risk Response

a.           Cell Plans

Applying the decision making framework developed in Stage 2, coastal hazard plans will be developed for individual coastal areas (cells) to respond to the identified risks.

Adaptation options (or a combination of options) will be considered to address coastal hazards and mitigate against damaging effects using defend, retreat or maintain approaches.  Social tolerance for the proposed options and levels of risk will be explored, which will assist in directing resources and funding toward preferred options.


Options will be explored covering:

·    community willingness to buy-in should there be options to continue coastal hazard mitigation efforts through hard engineering solutions;

·    residents willingness to adapt to change or pay to reduce risk;

·    community support for hard engineering solutions;

·    central govt. assistance – Issue of National Importance (EPA).

While the extent of cell plans will be refined through community consultation, the following cell extents have been identified as a starting point for further discussion.  The suggested cells are defined by physical boundaries (study area boundaries, river mouths and harbours) which generally aligns with communities of common interest:


1.    Northern cliffs to Te Ngarue River

2.    Te Ngarue River to Esk River

3.    Esk River to Ahuriri

4.    Ahuhuri to Ngarururo

5.    Ngaruroro to Tukituki

6.    Tukituki to Maraetotara

7.    Maraetotara to Cape Kidnappers


It is important to note that each cell has differences in both exposure to hazards and community preferences in terms of risk tolerance and options to respond to those risks.  As such, it is expected that the timeline to complete cell plans could vary significantly between cells.  Where some cell plans may be able to progress fairly quickly from development to implementation (Stage 3 to Stage 4), others are likely to take longer.




Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy 2120

Stage 4 – Respond



















14.      Implementation

Once completed and adopted, cell plan implementation will commence.  This is expected to occur from 2017.


Depending on the types of actions that have been identified, the following activities may be required:

·    Council Long Term Plan amendments or updates to allocate resources;

·    Securing resource consents and the associated assessments of environmental effects;

·    District Plan changes / reviews;

·    Regional Coastal Environment Plan changes / reviews.



Preliminary Draft Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy 2120

Attachment 1


15.      Appendices

Appendix 1 - Joint Committee Terms of Reference

Appendix 2 - Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Appendix 3 - Tonkin and Taylor Coastal Hazard and Risk Assessment   


Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 27 November 2015

Subject: Stakeholder Engagement Update         


Reason for Report

1.      A Stakeholder Engagement Plan has been adopted by the Joint Committee.

2.      This report provides an update on the implementation of that plan.


Consultation Update

3.      In preparation for the public release of the Tonkin & Taylor technical report, ‘Collaborate’ and ‘Consult’ parties were invited to attend stakeholder feedback sessions on 27 October 2015. The below summarises the outcomes of those meetings.

4.      Meeting One – Port of Napier and Department of Conservation

4.1.      Attended by representatives of both organisations. The Port of Napier noted that their development plans were not sufficiently advanced to provide specific feedback or to understand any impacts of the technical findings on their future activities. A follow up meeting was requested.

4.2.      The Department of Conservation were generally supportive, but asked whether tourism values were being considered, such as access to the gannet colony.

5.      Meeting Two – Utility Operators

5.1.      Attended by representatives from Hastings District Council, Chorus, Napier City Council and Opus. General discussion.

6.      Meeting Three – Iwi

6.1.      No attendees.

7.      Meeting Four - Councillors and Civil Defence

7.1.      Attended by representatives from Napier City Council, Hastings District Council, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Civil Defence. General discussion, with a focus on effective communication of findings and strategy process.

8.      Meeting Five  - WOW and Westshore Residents Association

8.1.      Attended by representatives of both organisations. General discussion and questions. One of the key questions raised was how Councils can adequately consider social and environmental considerations against aspects which can be assigned a dollar value.


9.      The website ( continues to be updated with Committee minutes and other information.

10.    Also now provided through the website is a link to the hazard mapping tool which displays the outputs of the Tonkin & Taylor work. A draft of the Tonkin & Taylor technical report can also be downloaded. This information will transition to the Hawke’s Bay Hazard Portal once formally adopted by the Joint Committee.

11.    43 people have now registered their interest through the site in being informed by email of project updates, 2 of these since the last Committee meeting in September.

12.    The site has received 1059 total visits, with an average of 211.8 per month.



13.    Feedback from stakeholders following the 27 October sessions was sought by 20 November 2015.

14.    At the time of writing WOW, Westshore Residents and Development Association and Larry Dallimore have provided a formal written response and this is attached to this report. A summary of this correspondence, any other feedback, and how TAG propose to respond will be tabled at the meeting.

15.    Receipt of each of these submissions has been acknowledged.  As the submissions raise a number of technical questions, responses will be coordinated with technical advisers and the TAG.  Submitters have been advised that a full response to their submission will be provided by Monday 14th December.


16.    Since the last Joint Committee meeting in September, the following meetings have been held with stakeholders by members of the Joint Committee and TAG:

Stakeholder Group


TAG/JC Members

Key Issues Raised

Port of Napier and Department of Conservation; Utility Operators; Councillors and Civil Defence; WOW and Westshore Residents Association.

27 October 2015

Mike Adye, Mark Clews, Dean Moriarity,  Richard Munneke, Simon Bendall, Peter Bevan, George Lyons, Christine Scott.

Access to gannet colony; effective communications of strategy outputs; fair and equitable decision making, general Q&A


Future Engagement

17.    Following the adoption of the Tonkin & Taylor technical report, all those landowners affected by the hazards areas will be contacted. The following key messages will be conveyed:

o   The new information is an update to the current coastal hazard overlays to account for new information including higher levels of projected sea level rise, additional shoreline monitoring, and refined methodology for assessing coastal hazards.

o   All new hazards information can be accessed through the Hawke’s Bay Hazards Portal.

o   The new hazards information does not come with any additional rules or regulations. Any review of the current coastal hazards rules will be undertaken in later stages of the strategy.

o   The responses to this new hazards information will be developed as part of the next stages of the strategy and will involve additional consultation and engagement opportunities. 



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the report Stakeholder Engagement Update.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager






Submission received from WOW Inc




Submission received from Larry Dallimore




Submission received from Westshore Residents and Development Association Inc




Submission received from WOW Inc

Attachment 1


Submission received from Larry Dallimore

Attachment 2


Submission received from Westshore Residents and Development Association Inc

Attachment 3



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 27 November 2015

Subject: Project Manager Update         


Reason for Report

1.      In accordance with instructions from the Joint Committee, this report is provided in place of the written report required from the Project Manager in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee.

2.      It provides an opportunity for the Project Manager to present a verbal update to the Committee and answer any questions on general project matters including tracking against timeframes, milestone achievements and project risks. The Project Manager will provide a verbal update at the meeting.

3.      It is noted that members of TAG were recently briefed on the November 2015 Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment report “Preparing New Zealand for rising seas: Certainty and Uncertainty”. TAG members will provide a verbal update on this briefing as part of this paper.

4.      This paper also includes the following attachments for the Joint Committee’s information:

4.1.      Land Information Memorandum Memo – a memo that has been sent to the Planning Managers of Napier City Council and Hastings District Council to ensure that from the adoption of the hazards information from Tonkin & Taylor, all new wording will be consistently applied to properties within the identified hazards areas

4.2.      Sea Level Rise Allowance Comparison – a table recently prepared by Northland Regional Council which compares the sea level rise allowance being adopted by Regional Councils across New Zealand.

4.3.      Updated Project Timeline - an updated project timeline to reflect process and timing updates developed by TAG since the last Joint Committee meeting.



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Project Manager Update report.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager





Land Information Memorandum Memo




Sea Level Rise Allowance Comparison




Updated Project Timeline




Land Information Memorandum Memo

Attachment 1


Sea Level Rise Allowance Comparison

Attachment 2


Comparison Table prepared by Northland Regional Council                   


This table shows the different sea level rise allocations adopted by Regional Councils around the country. It shows a good level of consistency.



50 year time frame (2065)

100 year time frame (2115)

Northland RC



Auckland CC


1.0m (Unitary Plan)

Wellington RC


1.0m (100yrs), 1.5m (100+ yrs)

Christchurch CC /




Waikato RC



Bay of Plenty RC

0.6m (Relocatable)

0.9m (Not relocatable)

Hawkes Bay RC

Adopting probabalistic approach with mode 0.5m

0.5m (Regional Plan)

Adjusting upwards to mode 1.0m

Horizons RC

0.31m (to 2064)

0.95m (to 2114)







Otago RC



Source: Email from Toby Kay, Natural Hazards Advisor, Northland Regional Council dated 4 November 2015

Updated Project Timeline

Attachment 3



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 27 November 2015

Subject: Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue         


1.      This report provides an opportunity for Napier City Council staff to update the Joint Committee on progress with the protection works at Whakarire Avenue.

2.      Napier City Council staff will provide a verbal update at the meeting. 



1.    That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the verbal Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue report.



Simon Bendall

Project Manager




There are no attachments for this report.