MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Tuesday 13 October 2015
Time: 10.15 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
R Barker
R Graham
B Gregory
H Hilton
A Manuel
F McRoberts
M Paku
D Pipe
F Wilson (ex officio)
B Blake
R Puna
R Maaka
C Scott
In Attendance: E Lambert – Chief Executive
V Moule – HR Manager
S Cave – Open Spaces Development Manager
P Smith
N van Pelt – Minutes Secretary
Chairman Mike Mohi welcomed everyone to the meeting.
KARAKIA – Haami Hilton
MC33/15 That the apologies for absence from Mr Piri Prentice, Mr Marei Apatu, Mrs Joinella Maihi-Carroll be accepted.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
Short Term Replacements for 13 October 2015 |
The Maori Committee agrees that Ms Joella Brown & Cr Christine Scott be appointed as member/s of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday 13 October 2015 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for Mr Marei Apatu and Mr Piri Prentice. CARRIED |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee Held on 18 August 2015
Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 18 August 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee Held on 18 August 2015
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Follow-ups from Previous Maori Committee Meetings |
1. That the Maori Committee notes there are no “Follow-up Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings” for consideration at today’s meeting. CARRIED |
Call for Any Minor Items not on the Agenda |
That the following items committee are accepted by the Chairman, for discussion as Agenda Item 16: Wairoa River - F McRoberts Workplaces affected by staff suicide - M Paku Mangaroa/Bridge Pa – Cr Graham Maori names - Cr Barker CARRIED |
Maori Committee Proposal |
It has been proposed that the Maori Committee adopt a pilot programme next year to move the Maori Committee meetings out to the communities. The proposal is that at least one meeting would be held in the Wairoa and Tamatea rohe (Central Hawkes Bay) and then perhaps two meetings leading up to the October Local Government election, in the Heretaunga/Ahuriri rohe to be held at suitable venues which might include the council chambers. This would mean the Councilors for these regions would be able to attend as well as the wider community. The chairs of Tamatea and Wairoa had been contacted as to their views and supported the concept. All felt there was merit in doing this as it could be a better way to engage with the communities. There were concerns expressed of the necessary preparation to make sure the business part of the agenda meets the requirements of the Local Government Act and LGOIMA. |
1. That the Maori Committee adopts the proposed ‘trial’ alternative meeting arrangements as outlined in the report for 2016. 2. The Maori Committee recommends that Council: 2.1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2.2. Endorses and supports the proposed ‘trial’ alternative meeting arrangements for 2016, in the period leading up to the 8 October Local Elections; being to hold: 1.1.1. one meeting in Wairoa rohe 1.1.2. one meeting in Tamatea rohe (Central Hawke’s Bay) 1.1.3. two meetings in Heretaunga/Ahuriri rohe (at HBRC in Napier). CARRIED |
Update on Current Issues by the Regional Council Chairman and Interim Chief Executive |
Interim Chief Executive Mrs. Liz Lambert presented her update on current issues. Shake out on Thursday This is a National Civil Defence Exercise. Following this there is an Exercise/Workshop coming up in November around response planning in at earthquake event. A & P Show - Cape to City will have an exhibit at this event. East Coast Hill Country Conference 29 & 30 October, in conjunction with Horizons, looking at sustainable use of Hill Country land. Plan Change 6 (Tukituki Catchment) came into effect 1 October 2015. A TANK meeting was held in September and another meeting is scheduled in November. There has been some discussion around the role of a Maori representative on the HB Tourism Board. Mr Mike Mohi is the interim representative for this. RWSS – from a council perspective there are four key hurdles to release investment funding. One has been met around workable resource consent. The other 3 around having a design and construction contract, which HBRIC is likely to put to Council in November Institutional investors are required, and this is also close to completion. There needs to be a minimum uptake of water before financial close, and HBRIC Ltd has more than what is required in the pipeline still needs to have it all finalised in contracts. DOC land swap has been approved, of 170 ha bought from Smedley Station exchanged for 22 ha of DoC land which will be inundated. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the ‘Update on Current Issues by the Regional Council Chairman and Interim Chief Executive’. CARRIED |
Waitangi / Tutaekuri Development |
Mr Stephen cave and Mr Phillip Smith provided the Maori committee with an update on the Waitangi/Tutaekuri Development. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives and takes note of the “Waitangi/ Tutaekuri Development” report. CARRIED |
He Toa Takitini Treaty Settlement Update by M Paku and R Maaka |
Mr Mike Paku and Mr Roger Maaka updated the Committee on the He Toa Takitini Treaty Settlement. This represented the end of a twelve year journey and is the 5th largest settlement since claims have begun. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the “He Toa Takatini Treaty Settlement Update“ report. CARRIED |
Hawea Park and Gravel Management Review Updates |
Mr Mike Adye gave an update on Hawea Park and Gravel Management. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives and notes the “Hawea Park and Gravel Management Review” update reports. |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Development Update |
Mr Mike Adye update the Committee on the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Development. A joint committee has been formed and they working collectively to progress a coastal strategy. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives and takes note of the “Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Development Update” report. CARRIED |
Pakipaki Vision |
The owners of a piece of private land have a conservation and education type vision for the land and have approached Cr Graham, who met with them to hear their story. The land in question has historical significance as well as natural springs, and there may be a requirement for a bit of seeding funding so the family can employ professionals to further develop their project. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives and takes note of the “Pakipaki Vision” report. CARRIED |
August-September 2015 Statutory Advocacy Update |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the August-September 2015 Statutory Advocacy Update report. CARRIED |
Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
Karakia Bill Blake
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.37pm on Tuesday, 13 October 2015.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................